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Chapter 23 nohr hard.

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i feel kinda embarrassed, but i can't get past the first enemy wave, archers with counter? come on not again.

but what really kills me is the reinforcements that spawn after you get into range of the first group of snipers and spear masters/basara's, i typically get overextended trying to kill all the enemies then one unit gets ganged up on, never mind if i try to fall back afterwards then the reinforcements use speed rally on the snipers so they can two shot people

i don't wanna go down to normal, more so cause i cleared chapter's 21 and 22 without too much difficulty, but there was difficulty.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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You can cheese the map to bits; have a flying unit or two ferry units over the chasm directly to the north of where you start, where the enemies are fewer and far easier to take down. That way you get rid of the first ballista as well.

Then when you get up to the wall itself you can just abuse the fact that the AI can't descend, so you'll always be able to back off, as long as you don't screw up too much.

It's a fairly difficult map though I agree. I just beat the following one on the first try without any casualties, so the difficulty curve isn't so much a curve as it is a rollercoaster.

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huh, i didn't think of the flier unit because of all the bows and ballista's, but i think i should give it a shot atleast, hoping that will work, any other advice is welcomed.

and yeah i did notice the AI thing in chapter 11 i believe, its kinda amusing.

You do have to survive against four units though; I handled it only thanks to my ridiculously powerful Corrin.

Chapter 11? Oh, You mean chapter place unit X here to bait and win the map - maybe it's different on Lunatic. It's such a huge difference from chapter 10.

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Go visit other people's castles. Do it a lot. Keep doing it even when you're sick of it.

Eventually, you'll get a Dual Shuriken as a visitation reward. I used that on Kaze to deal with the archers (they can't hit him, he counters for insanely high damage). This will work with anyone that can wield it decently. The other option is to use a magical unit with Bowbreaker. Or. . .be stubborn like me and chip from two-range, then have someone OHKO them at one-range.

You probably won't take them down immediately, but you should be able to slowly chip away at their numbers. I stalled that map out like crazy, though.

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I sent all of my fliers north across the gap paired up (Beruka+Selena, and Camilla+daughterKana ofc plus Azura+Kaze who was a FK at the time), switching to the nonfliers to deal with archery shenanigans. As long as you're cautious and patient about baiting each group of enemies, you should be able to handle everyone on the ramparts up to Takumi just fine. They rendezvoused with my main group who cleared everyone in the lower reaches up top and Takumi was simple enough.

TBH my strategy resulted in more restarts because of people in the group charging the main gate.

And for what it's worth, I also had the Dual Shuriken on Kaze. All of the Dual weapons are just good in general.

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I have one flier total, and I'm not digging Kana's scrubby rear out of retirement just for another one. Furthermore, the pairings I have are heavily reliant on the classes they're in, so I can't change a bunch of people to wyverns/pegasi just for this map (it would ruin a lot of offensive power I have).

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You don't need to fiddle with the flying/dual strat if you don't want to; I didn't. I crept along the bottom out of ballista range initially, the counter archers are easily softened up by Great Knights/Paladins with your choice of ranged weapon, and other units can finish them off. Be careful with the main gate though, Takumi's ballista hurts a lot and if you leave anyone standing they can easily KO weakened units. After that part it's smooth sailing, kill off the reinforcements, and as other said the stairs are highly abusable and also offer a lot of varied entrances on that particular map. Best of luck.

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