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Which Gameplay Elements do You Want to See return in FE15?


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Honestly, I like the Personal Skills I hope they keep it. It gave each character their own kind-of usage. For example, in previous FEs, there was almost no debate over which characters were better, if the character in later game had the same class as an earlier one, the later one was usually better in every way. But the Personal Skills give some reason as to why you would choose them over others.

I also hope that if they continue to use the Pair Up element, that they keep it how Fates did it, and enemies can still pair up as well. In my opinion, it works well.

Also, they should include more mission types in chapters, such as how Conquest is doing it (I have not beaten that game yet, but I like the Kill X amount of Units, Defend Spaces, etc so far). Maybe they could even add more than Fates.

I don't know if this counts as a Gameplay Element, but I want them to keep some of the new classes they added. I like the Ninja class, but seeing as how Mages and Diviners are basically the same thing, just stylized with a Light/Dark tone, I don't know if they'll keep the Diviners, but I like the scroll idea.

One last thing (that I don't think counts as Gameplay), is that I love the children idea, but. . . they were definitely tacked on in Fates. I do like a lot of them as characters and units, it's just... why only have one adult Kitsune and then have their child be another? Why not just be another Kitsune recruited? The explaination for children doesn't really work in Fates, either (They somehow know about this realm where their child grows up absurdly fast, and they aren't in denial as to how it could even make sense?). In Birthright, you get 3 Ninjas, and there's probably one/two more children. That's kind of a lot. Why not just keep with the few you get?

[also it's kinda weird to name two different things Skill. Why not keep the Skill STAT Skill, and call the Skills that units have "Abilities"? Even this sentence could sound confusing because of the two different terms. I kinda hope they rename the Skills, but eh]

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I personally hope they keep the weapon triangle from Fates, and the weapon buff/debuff system, with the exception of the reviled "every time you swing this weapon you get lamer," effect that most B rank weapons have. Hidden weapons are a nice addition (though after getting negative chained into oblivion I feel like their debuff powers could stand to be reexamined, but maybe that's just me being salty) and magic and bows are much more interesting to use. Intelligent Systems did some good work tweaking the tried-and-true formula of the past few games.

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1. Bring back the magic triangle from the GBA series, because while admittedly the magic types aren't too different from each other, it's fun to pick your favorite and making mages more relevant is always a good thing. (I'm kinda of a fan of magic classes if you can't tell)

2. Add more RNG back into the dual strikes. I know that sounds stupid, but through my play through of Birthright, I felt guaranteeing an additional strike made the game way too easy at times. Besides, RNG might be frustrating at times but it also makes the game more exciting.

3. Keep the Fates class system. It's downright awesome.

[spoiler=Fates spoiler]4. Make the character ending reel like it was in past iterations. I get what they were going for with basing the character order on battle activity, but it's super awkward when the main character isn't the last to go, and this style doesn't do healers justice at all.

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To be honest, gameplay wise I hope they build off of Fates. I feel that from a gameplay perspective Fates is something that can be built off of because it has perfected a lot of things that needed it in the series. The new weapon system is 10x more strategic than the original ever was. the new reclass system allows for the change in classes, without the grinding of Awakening. The new Pair-Up system is great and feels a lot more strategic than Awakening, and the new Weapon Triangle allows for a lot more weapon types and the class system allows for a lot more new classes to be introduced.

Adding onto this, I would want dismounting to return. I always had a problem with mounts indoors, especially wyverns and pegasus and would like to see them unmounted when indoors, and given the capability of dismounting outdoors. I would also like to see a lot more new classes. They showed they were capable of it with Hoshido's classes, so lets take that and make some really cool classes. Lets bring back Barons, Light Magic, and some new magic and weapon types as well.

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I actually think some things Fates added look kinda superfluous and do not need to return, such as the Hoshido duplicates of every weapon type (works for the theme of the game, doesn't need to return), most of the new classes (Malig Knight is totally allowed to stay though) and the entire Dagger/Shuriken weapon type (seriously, magic is begging for more variety, you guys create an entire debuffing system that could really breathe new life in the old magic triangles and... you slap it on a fifth, entirely superfluous physical weapon type? nuh, bruh, nuh). And of course I could do just swell without avatars, marriages and children but at least the former isn't going anywhere, so. Also I want Skills to be entirely personal and unrelated to classes again. It's entirely doable and compatible with grinding if you do it right.

And: I need to play the game to be sure but unbreakable weapons don't sound like they actually improve anything strategy-wise.

Things from Fates that need to stay forever include: reclassing without a level reset, weapons increasing/decreasing avoid and attack speed (now weapon weight doesn't need to return and this can of worms can be closed forever!!) and status staves (yes Fates didn't invent them but their return is gloooorious).

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Bring back magic triangle. Make the RNG a single simple roll instead of the dual roll thing they've got going on. I'm liking the new pair up mechanic how enemies can use it against you so that should stay. If they bring back kids have a legitimate time skip or don't include them at all.

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Bring back some of the awesome mechanics RD had. Like ledges. I LOVED that. Unique chapter objectives too. I realize Fates Conquest has the latter, but I couldn't get interested in trying it. And I haven't done Revelation yet.

My Castle or something akin to it should stick around too. It's really neat!

Oh yeah, Falcon Knights that use lances and swords, please... I really don't like them using staves instead of swords at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Bring back from Fates

  • New weapon triangle
  • New reclass/skill system
  • Infinite weapon durability
  • Weapons with special effects
  • The new Dual system. Nerf it again though because Pairup still seems too strong

Bring back from earlier games

  • Stealing, and other ways to obtain enemy weapons/staves
  • Dismounting
  • Lower caps/growths, namely the all 20 caps. FE7-9 or FE11-12 caps work as well
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Bring back from Fates

  • New weapon triangle
  • New reclass/skill system
  • Infinite weapon durability
  • Weapons with special effects
  • The new Dual system. Nerf it again though because Pairup still seems too strong

Bring back from earlier games

  • Stealing, and other ways to obtain enemy weapons/staves
  • Dismounting
  • Lower caps/growths, namely the all 20 caps. FE7-9 or FE11-12 caps work as well

If the status staves come back, I want a Restore staff to mitigate some of the more inconvenient ones. Like the Hexing Rod.

To be honest, gameplay wise I hope they build off of Fates. I feel that from a gameplay perspective Fates is something that can be built off of because it has perfected a lot of things that needed it in the series. The new weapon system is 10x more strategic than the original ever was. the new reclass system allows for the change in classes, without the grinding of Awakening. The new Pair-Up system is great and feels a lot more strategic than Awakening, and the new Weapon Triangle allows for a lot more weapon types and the class system allows for a lot more new classes to be introduced.

Adding onto this, I would want dismounting to return. I always had a problem with mounts indoors, especially wyverns and pegasus and would like to see them unmounted when indoors, and given the capability of dismounting outdoors. I would also like to see a lot more new classes. They showed they were capable of it with Hoshido's classes, so lets take that and make some really cool classes. Lets bring back Barons, Light Magic, and some new magic and weapon types as well.

I'm hoping the dragon vein system will return in some form. I always thought it was an interesting idea to be able to tweak the battlefield to your advantage.

All of these, literally all of them

To add to this, I want FE4 style legendary weapons back.

Keep the Amiibo support, because that is awesome

I want a way to recruit past characters in mass like in FE13

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I really like the changes to the mechanics and hope they keep most of them

I really love the high risk high reward that comes with using high level weapons

the only thing I want them is to change are some of the map gimmicks, like the wind and ch17 Nohr

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I think the series needs to tone back the stat inflation that the series has been experiencing recently. Fates has done a nice job of toning down the EXP gain formula so that promoted units get very little EXP early on, but growths and caps are still too high IMO.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, I'd like to see things like dismount, capture (the FE5 variety), and height from Radiant Dawn. All three of those mechanics were really fun and interesting both when used for and against your team. Dismount, especially when forced indoors, was a solid nerf to mounted units as they had to resort to using a weapon that they had usually a worse rank in and had their movement reduced severely.

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I think the series needs to tone back the stat inflation that the series has been experiencing recently. Fates has done a nice job of toning down the EXP gain formula so that promoted units get very little EXP early on, but growths and caps are still too high IMO.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, I'd like to see things like dismount, capture (the FE5 variety), and height from Radiant Dawn. All three of those mechanics were really fun and interesting both when used for and against your team. Dismount, especially when forced indoors, was a solid nerf to mounted units as they had to resort to using a weapon that they had usually a worse rank in and had their movement reduced severely.

I honestly wouldn't want Dismount back so much if it wasn't for the fact several chapters in Fates can be completely trivilized by fliers. One in perticular can be cleared without fighting a single enemy so long as you have one flyer.

I may not give the Kaga era games much credit, but I do prefer their fixed 20 caps over other systems, and I would like to see those caps back

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I actually see some merit in the stat inflation because if your units are mote likely to have higher stats then enemies can be proporionally tougher but still manageable. I don't know if this logic actually stands if you get some numbers though so correct me if I'm wrong. Awakening seemed to allow you to far outgrow your enemies but that's a problem even with lower stats (hi, FE8).

Also, a way to nerf fliers a bit: make them have one less Move then ground mounts (so, currently, 6 Mov unpromoted and 7 Mov promoted). At least this way they aren't just superior mounted units I guess. Maybe they could even stand to have the same move as foot units because ignoring terrain is what makes them so useful.

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To be honest, gameplay wise I hope they build off of Fates. I feel that from a gameplay perspective Fates is something that can be built off of because it has perfected a lot of things that needed it in the series. The new weapon system is 10x more strategic than the original ever was. the new reclass system allows for the change in classes, without the grinding of Awakening. The new Pair-Up system is great and feels a lot more strategic than Awakening, and the new Weapon Triangle allows for a lot more weapon types and the class system allows for a lot more new classes to be introduced.

This, Fates has a great system (special mentions to pair-up and hidden weapons) so I'd just tweak it and add a few missing features.

Features to add:

-Radiant Dawn ledges

-Shove for unmounted units, Canto for mounted.

-Light and Dark magic (lol) but with more diversity. I thinking low might plus causing hit and avoid debuffs for Light spells.


-A variety of status effects and the Restore Staff

Features to change:

-Support pool limited

-Avatar returns as minor character

-Promoted classes start with a minimum of D weapon rank

-Make Bronze Weapons be able to crit and activate skills

-No more generic paired endings

Features to remove:

-Pre-epilogue marriage unless it's plot related


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Bring back from Fates

  • New weapon triangle
  • New reclass/skill system
  • Infinite weapon durability
  • Weapons with special effects
  • The new Dual system. Nerf it again though because Pairup still seems too strong

Bring back from earlier games

  • Stealing, and other ways to obtain enemy weapons/staves
  • Dismounting
  • Lower caps/growths, namely the all 20 caps. FE7-9 or FE11-12 caps work as well

This is pretty much everything I'd like to see.

I'd say bring back the Magic triangle but it was really superfluous in every game it was in.

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Another thing I would like to see return are these map gimmicks if you will. One of my favorite parts about both Conquest and Revelation was that you have these map gimmicks that work along side the objective and make you have to strategize more. For example the pots in Conquest Chapter 12 (I think, may of been 13), or the wind in the Wind Tribe levels. They all made the level more challenging without just adding more stats to the enemy.

I would also like to see some map design of the Radiant Dawn and PoR games return. Bring back the ledges and the indoor map designs. One of my favorites in the series is in Radiant Dawn where you fight Oliver for the last time. the level had such a great design that was fun to fight through with the many different ways of going about the level. Fates really did a better job with level design especially with the outdoor levels no longer feeling so empty, but I think the indoor maps still need a bit of work to get back on track.

Like I said, I would love to see My Castle return. Instead of it being in an Outrealm though I would like for it to be actually on the map with us being able to make the choice as to what region we want it built in. I would also like to see things like a training yard introduced to work on Weapon Skills, or a stables where you can change mounts and their look much like the accessory shop. I would also like to see the Throne Room turned into something that can be expanded upon as well by being able to change the throne itself, add walls and doors, and make it look like an actual room instead of a few pillars and a carpet.

I also would like to see the battle animations change depending upon the actual area being fought in like Fates, but maybe expand onto it by adding the other units in the background. Doesnt even have to be detailed, just a few simple silhouettes here in their acknowledging the other units existing on the same battlefield.

I wouldn't mind My Room returning and being expanded upon, maybe even by increasing the interactions between all characters. For example being able to go to the Tavern with another character, having a short conversation with them, or interact with them in more ways than them just showing up in your room, saying a line, and leaving. Maybe even being able to take the character you S Supported on a "date" type situation where it allows you to ask a question about their background to be able to get to know the characters more. Mass Effect did this pretty well by having various characters themselves ask you to do things like Tali wanting to watch a movie with Shepard, or Garrus going to the bar with him/her. Something like that could be implemented that would be interesting.

I would like to see S-Supports and A+ Supports return, but with more variation to them. Instead of an S-Support meaning instant marriage, maybe having it mean the two characters just entering into a relationship. Add more variation to them and make them more interesting. Turn the A+ Supports into platonic supports, expand them to cross gender, and actually add a support conversation to them.

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Honestly bring back everything from Fates(except 2nd gen I guess EDIT: and avatar too I guess but that's def. not happening) and just refine some stuff.

Other things I'd like to see return:

-Base and more specifically Info Conversations, the base can be free roam like My Castle, I just want them info convos back.(guess this is more story-related than gameplay)

-Ledges, we're in 3D let's do something with that again.

-Bonus Exp.... just not as much as was given in PoR and RD.

-Weapon durability... but only if item management is actually important. I ended up not minding its removal in Fates because item management didn't mean anything in Awakening so it was just a minor annoyance as opposed to part of the strategizing.

-PoR support system, with certain supports changing depending on what point in the story you see them etc.

That's about it really, aside from minor things like changing weapon color when forging.

Edited by DavidSW
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