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Obama Clearly won the debate


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I don't think the leader of a country should be someone who is afraid to fight. Even if the alternate is a war hungry mongrel. If the latter is the case, then we can simply stop him. (Which is the congress's job. DUH.) Plus, with the Congress being mostly democratic, and then the president being a democrat, then most of the republican ideas will be completely shot down. There needs to be a sort of balance between the two. (Which leads back to the main theme of RD.)

Which is another reason I'm voting for McCain.

Obama isn't afraid to use military action, he said if we have too, we will invade Pakistan to get Osama, he also said if the Russians get out of control, then we would react, I completely disagree with that, McNancy said the same about Russia.

And bunny, we really don't know, maybe we aren't ready for a black guy yet, but the greatest political minds have stated that it is more likely for McCain to die if a disease than Obama dieing of an assassination

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Plus, with the Congress being mostly democratic, and then the president being a democrat, then most of the republican ideas will be completely shot down. There needs to be a sort of balance between the two. (Which leads back to the main theme of RD.

A balance? You mean like there was throughout the entirety of George's presidency?

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Of course I watched them. I can vote and care about the future of the country.

For the record, I think people that believe in Obama's politics will get what they want out of his presidency. I just don't think that's all in the best interest of the country.

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Of course I watched them. I can vote and care about the future of the country.

For the record, I think people that believe in Obama's politics will get what they want out of his presidency. I just don't think that's all in the best interest of the country.

How so?

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Well... this is hard to admit, but...

I do hate both McCain and Obama... but if I was forced to choose and vote while underage... I would have to side with Obama...

Reasons? I'd like to know your reasons. I just want to know how educated you are on what the vote really implies.

The single most important thing anyone can do when voting for ANYTHING is to know their own political beliefs. I believe in conservativism to an extent (not on all things, but on most things, especially financial ones.) I think trickle-down economics is the best economic policy; I believe that the noational government should be limited in their power and that Local/State governments should be the ones that influence your lives the most. (For the record, they really are, but most Americans don't understand that because national news seems like it should be more important.)

Obama believes in big government; McCain believes in limited government. I'm voting for McCain. His principles on politics are more in tune with my own so I believe he'll make decisions that better fit my philosophies. It's really that simple.

@ bunny: Not really, because then it'd revert to a 2 party system because the two sides that gang up to get the other side down will have to compromise enough of their individual self that they'd end up merging. 5 or 6 political parties with enough influence to be viable is more like it. I agree that the two party system is utterly broken, though.

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Eh. Not completely true. That's the raw end of the idea. It's like saying any even number of parties will form sides and ultimately lead to loss of personal ideals(and voter ideals) to lead to the party.

While I do agree 5 would be better, for a third party to push forth out of nowhere would alleviate these party fights that otherwise ruin decent bills simply because it wouldn't be a simple matter of voting with the party against a bill because it wasn't another parties' idea.

Not to mention that more (realistic) choices is always a good thing.

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