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Conquest Advice?


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I am beginning my play through of Conquest after completing Birthright, and just have a couple questions regarding the game.

1. What characters are considered "better"? I used Rinkah in Birthright and felt like she was far inferior to my other units. I know this can get vastly different answers, but The team I'm looking for is one that features at least one of every unit type.

2. I'm playing on Classic Normal mode, what can I do to prevent myself from having to use the Boo Camp DLC? I wanna be able to beat this without having to grind.

3. Without spoilers, which version do you prefer more?

Overall, I think these might be the best fire emblem games, or definitely top 3. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying them.

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I suggest using Effie and Kaze because they counter a lot of enemies!

Don't use Odin because his growths as a mage is pretty low and his growth in general is low anyway. It also took 4000 gold to reclass + advance him. I used him as an Adventurer, but you could have a potentially better Adventurer/Bow Knight with Niles.

I don't know too much about Felicia or Jakob. I reclassed Jakob to a Malig Knight/Wyvern Lord for extra coverage, but it felt like a worse Wyvern Knight compared to Camilla. I definitely recommend Elise, however. Advancing her at Level 10 or 20 is your choice, but she is extremely useful as a healer and as coverage for enemies that have low Resistance (if you're using her a Strategist) at a higher level.

You're going to find yourself using Xander, Leo, and Camilla immediately because they have a lot of bulk.

I think knowing who to use comes very naturally.

For me, I used units that aren't used very much (according to people who post their uploads onto YouTube), such as Odin or Keaton and they prove themselves to be useful.

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1) Except for the royal brothers, all of them can be useful depending on how you play. The royal brothers are op. So is Kana. Effie is pretty good too. I don't know about other characters being particularly better than others. My more average characters were still decent enough that if I had given more effort to them they could have been good.


getting children helps, not to use them as units, but you can do that too, but because thier maps provide extra exp for you to get.

Yes. I didn't use most of the children (except Kana and Shigure, and Shigure mostly for pair up with Kana), but the EXP is invaluable. I don't know if normal chapters in Conquest scale off of your own or they are naturally at whatever level I saw them at. If its the first, then the EXP might actually be harmful; if it is the second, you need every bit (it has the highest level enemies I've ever seen on any FE normal mode).

I know you're trying to avoid grinding, but if there is a specific child you want, then you can still use My Castle battles and DLC for supports.

3) Personally, I enjoyed Conquest more than what I've played of Birthright (it might be that I'm only on Birthright Ch 9). I loved that I had genuine "Oh crap" moments even on Normal and while trying to be careful (Birthright thus far on Hard has only been "Oh, that was stupid of me. Oh well, they'll probably be fine.") And I liked Conquest's story (but again, Birthright Ch 9).

That was long.

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The royals are amazing

Niles is too good not to use. (He's an archer with the locktouch skill!)

I like using Benny alot when he joins. All he needs is the Wary Fighter Skill since his only weakness is speed. He and Keaton pretty much saved me in Hard Mode as they were my tanks.

Charlotte crits alot but you need to fix her accuracy if you want to use her reliably.

Nyx is a glass cannon. Talk shit but don't get hit.

Effie is surprisingly super fast for a knight. Get her out of that Knight class pronto and you're golden!

I love using Arthur. For a fighter, he has alot of skill!! This combined with his personal skill makes crits super easy for him. I suggest promoting to Berserker!

I used Odin in Conquest and he was a god for me. I guess I'm just lucky.

Edited by ChocolaChao
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Niles is really good

Effie and Silas is amazing

Arthur is solid if you actually work towards using him

Camilla is love, Camilla is life

Avatar is obviously strong

Odin with 4000 Gold is the strongest cheese unit in the game

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Niles is really good

Effie and Silas is amazing

Arthur is solid if you actually work towards using him

Camilla is love, Camilla is life

Avatar is obviously strong

Odin with 4000 Gold is the 2nd strongest cheese unit in the game


(OP is playing on normal so the nos button is complete overkill lol)

Edited by joshcja
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1. As others have said, all of your siblings are amazing. I like to promote Elise early to make chapter 10 go smoothly, and even with E rank tomes she can hit like a truck thanks to her insane magic score. Effie is also amazing, especially with an Arthur pair up. Most of the characters are usable, and even some of the bad ones have some redeeming qualities (Odin is terrible but my Ophelia has been amazing), though there's a few characters I haven't used much (Laslow, Peri, Felicia, and Shura).

2. I've played through on the same mode and haven't had any issues with experience, though playing the child paralogues helps. You can also just watch where your experience is going, ie not letting someone you plan to bench get a lot of experience.

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1. The Royals, Nyx (give her some good skills and she'll be amazing), Odin (he's awesome if you use him), Charlotte (get her some good skills though), Keaton, Effie, Felicia (let her take on the magic users ;D ), Niles, and Mozu (if you level her).

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Whenever a thread like this pops up, I recommend Niles. There aren't that many bow users (before promotions anyway) in Conquest, and with his high Resistance he fills a very nice niche.

As others have said, the royals are almost mandatory, and I'd almost say Effie is as well, at least in the early to mid game.

Don't forget to pair people up even if you don't plan on using the kids - that paralogue EXP is invaluable.

Oh, and as a general tip, make sure to check what kind of skills enemies have, especially named ones. A lot of them have skills outside of their class or even ones specifically made for them/that chapter.

As for the version I liked the most without spoilers? Story-wise Birthright, but gameplay-wise Conquest by far.

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Oh, and as a general tip, make sure to check what kind of skills enemies have, especially named ones.

This. The archers in chapter 11 come to mind. Don't forget about the personal skills of the Hoshidan cast because some can make your life difficult.

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Outside of the Royals and Effie, I like Kaze. While he has durability issues near the end against physical, especially the dread version of Kaze (I use DF to patch up his str/def mostly), he was really invaluable in some strats against hard-hitting mages (see the sorc room in chapter 26) because of WTA 1-2 range and Dread Fighter -4 damage taken from magic on enemy phase putting Sorc damage on him after a rally Res to < 5 each at low hitrates. And while he's not the type to tank entire squadrons like Xander, his fast shuriken use is still pretty invaluable on enemies you want to debuff. After getting Aggressor he also orkos most things. Pairing him with Beruka (who's a good rallybot) gives him the stats he's lacking in.

I made the mistake of promoting Elise too late so she wasn't as good for me as she could've been, but should your Elise fall off due to paper-thin defense can't even take 1 hit, Leo's kid is a good replacement. He's not as fast if they're the same level, but he joined for me at lv 10 when she's lv3 with so much more bulk and comparable offense if he really needs to nuke a thing and he's been really helpful.

I'm not sure what Nohrmal looks like since I went straight on Lunatic, but having Shurikenbreaker is really nice. I have it on both Niles and Nina, and Nina's hugely clutch on chapter 25 for that reason.

Also I think both Birthright and Conquest have merit for different reasons--Conquest has more strategic depth, but sometimes it can get a bit stressful on Lunatic (I mean I suppose I could play hard, but). Birthright is more chill and more flexible about units you can use--even the "worst" units on Birthright can be turned into something solid so it's better if you want to favor some characters and just play something relatively de-stressing.

I mean, I easily turned Rinkah into my second best unit on Birthright Lunatic on the first run(hard to beat Ryoma, Raijinto is too good), but I didn't feel the same flexibility to do the same for Charlotte at least on the first run, who I'm also very fond of. If I do CQ Lunatic again I might be able to pull it off, but it does speak for the level of flexibility it allows when I can pull a first run favoritism off on one and not the other.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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So I finished Chapter 9 and Paralogue 1. All my units are at least level 10 (except Azura). I'm leaning towards using Effie, Odin, Elise, Felicia, and maybe Arthur.

I reclassed Odin into a samurai to get his speed up. I ideally want to turn him into a Dark Knight. Thoughts? He's got a decent strength stat, is there something better to class him into?

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Your experience might vary, but... let's see...

1. The entire royal family is good, pretty much by default. You might get bad luck with their growths, but Elise has great support utility and Magic growth (though she's practically made of glass), and the others have great bases. Effie is amazing, though mine did get Defense blessed (she had something like 6 over her average by the end). Niles, even beyond his utility as a thief, is great at killing mages and fliers. I found Keaton (and Velouria, if you get her) to be great, too, thanks to their high stats all around; Beastbane was especially helpful against a lot of troublesome units. I reclassed Odin to Dark Flier, and while he might have been my worst (non-filler) unit, he wasn't bad... I've heard that he makes a good Samurai, but I didn't try that myself.

2. I played on Hard/Classic without grinding, and I've heard that Normal is much more manageable, so you should be all right. Just don't spread your experience too thin by using many more characters than you're allowed to bring in a typical chapter, and as others said, unlocking paralogues will help if you need a boost.

3. I have only finished Conquest so far, so... I can't really answer this. I think it was one of the best games I've played in a while, though. (...Admittedly I don't play games as often as I used to. But still.)

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A couple of general tips to add on to the good advice everyone has already given. Bare in mind that I've completed Conquest on Nohrmal/Classic

1. Try and have a decent idea of your team before you get too far in.

Since there are no Grinding opportunities, it generally pays to decide on who you want to use and simply funnel EXP into them. Endgame allows for 16 Units (one of which is Corrin), so use that as a template to build your team from. Some of the units I had great success with include)

- Any of the Royals (All fantastic for different reasons. Xander is a super tank with a 1-2 Range Sword, Leo has crazy chip damage and Pair up can boost him to doubling some foes, Elise is a great mounted healer with a defensive Aura and Camilla is fantastic all around.)

- Effie (While she falls behind slightly in the Later Mid Game, until then she is an absolute monster. A good Strength Pair Up can push her to one shotting most anything that isn't a boss. Arthur, Keaton and Silas work wonders for her. )

- Niles (The easiest Bow Specialist to use, get's Move +1 soon after recruitment and can promote to Bow Knight for 9 Move shenanigans. He's a great anti mage unit and Nina is a great kid.)

- Keaton (He's one Speed Pair Up Partner away from being one of your most deadly physical attackers, while simultaneously being your best non Xander tank. Keaton's the best. Velouria is pretty cool too.)

- Azura (Dancer/10. Shigure being a Falco Knight is especially cool since Fliers are limited in Conquest)

- Kaze (A good substitute/compliment to Niles as your go to anti mage unit. He's also the only natural Ninja in Nohr, so that's a niche he will always have.)

- Selena/Laslow (They're pretty interchangeable as long as you can cover up their weaknesses. Selena wants a Strength Partner like Arthur or Keaton, while Las wants some Speed with people like Charlotte, Peri or even Selena herself. Hero is solid like it always is

2. Remember, funds are limited

You get a bit over 100,000 Gold to spend throughout all of Conquest, so make sure you aren't too spend happy. In general, the Iron, Steel and Killer weapons will be enough to get you through the majority of the game. Shout outs to Silver Knives and Bows, since their range makes their debuff a little more bearable.

3. Stuck? Do a Paralogue

Even if you don't want to use the kids, the extra EXP you can get from their Chapters can have a very profound impact on your team. Some of them like Dwyer and Ophelia even give some pretty great items.

4. Above all else, think!

The game gives you plenty to work with, but you need to put the effort in yourself. Abuse the new weapon triangle, lock in enemy ranges, check skills, Conquest was tailor made to challenge you and does an admirable job even on Normal.

Have fun, your in for a great time.

Edited by Avalanche
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1. All the Royals are pretty good. Xander is probably the best defensive wall and Elise is a good magic glass cannon.

Effie- She can easily one-shot most enemies. I recommend pairing her up with Niles or someone else with high speed (Niles gives her +6) so she doesn't get doubled.

Niles- Best bow user and has very high speed, which means he dodges often. He can also be a healer if you promote him to Adventurer, since you have limited healers in the game.

Kaze- Similar stats to Niles, but a ninja. Good for debuffing enemies and dealing with magic units with low defense.

Odin- There's a lot of mixed views on this, but dark knight Odin worked very well for me. He's a good defensive-magic unit, but very res-screwed. Pairing him up with a high res unit like Elise should work.

Mozu- Unless you don't feel like turtling, Mozu is a very good unit overall. She get's pretty good strength, speed, and defense, but she'll probably need a seraph robe. If you turn her into a merchant, you can get extra gold during the first 7 turns of battle.

Selena or Laslow- They're both good heros, with Selena being the faster one and Laslow being the harder-hitting one. They should be paired up with units that have high strength and speed, respectively.

2. Doing the paralogues helps gain more experience, even if you don't want to use the kids. Also, since you're playing on classic mode, BE CAREFUL. You cannot save in the middle of a battle in this mode. Check enemy skills (especially for Counter and Lunge), use the mess hall before going into battle, use the smithy to make stronger weapons, look for castles that let you seize other characters' skills (ie. a castle titled EasySkillsSeize etc). Also, do NOT rush. Even if there is a turn limit (which there usually isn't), take your time. Don't go running into enemies head-on.

3. I've only beaten Conquest and am currently in the middle of Birthright. Both are really good. I'm not sure which one is better yet, though.

Hope that helps. Good luck and have fun ^.^

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