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Revelation Chapter 24 (spoilers)


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Currently playing through Revelation and so far, I'm loving it. Out of the three paths, the map design and gameplay is definitely my favourite. I know a lot of people complain the maps are gimmicky, but I find them to be unique as no map is quite the same and each one presents new challenges to work through. But Chapter 24... oh damn what the hell is that.

This chapter ate me alive. I'm playing on hard, my main units are pretty beefed up and can deal with almost anything, and I was doing just fine until I fell into MIKOTO'S DAMN TRAP! I should have known she was fooling us, she was a puppet after all. But I just think it's so stupid, THIS is what a gimmick is. I understand presenting a new tactical challenge on the map, but lying to the player to lure them into a trap that practically makes it impossible to win is just absolute bullshit. There's no strategy involved when you're basically killed on the spot.

Ugh, this really frustrated me, and I'm actually surprised with how unfair and ruthless that map trick was. Has anyone else reached this level and wanted to pull their hair out?

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Ah... i remember seeing that map. I dont own Revelations yet (finishing conquest) but i know im going to HATE that map. I think you might just have to memorize or look up the pattern. Either that or only open doors at the beginning of payer phase, so you can heal those in danger. Also, make sure your unit who opens the door can take some punishment. Maybe Keaton or Effie? If you've trained them, that is.

That started as ideas then devolved into just being like: "DO THIS!"

Edited by TrueEm
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Ah... i remember seeing that map. I dont own Revelations yet (finishing conquest) but i know im going to HATE that map. I think you might just have to memorize or look up the pattern. Either that or only open doors at the beginning of payer phase, so you can heal those in danger. Also, make sure your unit who opens the door can take some punishment. Maybe Keaton or Effie? If you've trained them, that is.

That started as ideas then devolved into just being like: "DO THIS!"

Thank you! Also, don't go in the red door when Mikoto tells you to. I felt like a complete idiot for listening to her, especially after being stabbed in the back multiple times by other 'nice' characters. Ugh, why are you so guillable Corrin...

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Only ever go through the blue doors. If you remember this, the map is actually quite easy because the groups of enemies start quite far away from each other, so you don't get surronded by too many at once.

A good trick is to have all your units crowd around the door and then open the door at the start of the next player phase. This allows you to get your units through the door and positioned before all the enemies turn up.

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Thank you! Also, don't go in the red door when Mikoto tells you to. I felt like a complete idiot for listening to her, especially after being stabbed in the back multiple times by other 'nice' characters. Ugh, why are you so guillable Corrin...

Corn is just too nice for his/her own good sometimes.
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Only ever go through the blue doors. If you remember this, the map is actually quite easy because the groups of enemies start quite far away from each other, so you don't get surronded by too many at once.

A good trick is to have all your units crowd around the door and then open the door at the start of the next player phase. This allows you to get your units through the door and positioned before all the enemies turn up.

Its kinda like that late game chapter from Brithright on the volcano. What i mean is what you have to do the same side (Dragon veins in that ch, doors in this ch) no matter what the game hints at or flat out tells you.

So i just gotta remember, only go though the same color doors as your team, ok I'll hopefully remember that once I finally get the Revelations. Doubt it'll happen, but eh? I'll be fine.

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It seems they never learn no matter HOW many times 'allies' backstab them.

Granted, it worked out in some situations, like shura. Shura > single boot. I mean, you get a killer bow in conquest by recruiting him too. Who wouldnt want that?
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In that map, I skipped over her dialogue saying the red door was right this time, but I went in that door ANYWAY

But I killed myself so I was able to read her dialogue the next time I did the chapter, & when I went through the true right door, it felt nice


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I thought she was lying in the beginning, so I went through the wrong door...But I listened to her for the door after that. When she told me to go through the red door, I was really skeptical so I couldn't help but look it up online. Turns out I was right to be skeptical.

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I honestly found it rather interesting... also I agree with you taht Revelations is the best but thats another topic, I think the best way to deal with that mission is simply opening the blue doors and using flying units,yeah sure the final boss uses a bow but, its not like you cant deal with her... also quick hint, dont even bother with the chests, most of them are worthless junk that dont sell for much and are preety weak compared to what you have at that moment.... its way better to not get caught and just open all blue doors... even more when you finish the mission without the enemies noticing, you get a bunch of gold and some neat stuff

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I honestly found it rather interesting... also I agree with you taht Revelations is the best but thats another topic, I think the best way to deal with that mission is simply opening the blue doors and using flying units,yeah sure the final boss uses a bow but, its not like you cant deal with her... also quick hint, dont even bother with the chests, most of them are worthless junk that dont sell for much and are preety weak compared to what you have at that moment.... its way better to not get caught and just open all blue doors... even more when you finish the mission without the enemies noticing, you get a bunch of gold and some neat stuff

Exactly how do you not get caught in this mission? I've looked up playthroughs on YouTube but the players always get caught, whether they get caught by the unpromoted guards' attack range or the guards get killed.

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I ran through the whole map with Dread Fight Saizo. He opened all the doors, got all the chests, avoided all the guards, etc.

The trap goes off at the end leaving him at 1 HP (and no one else, because they were at the beginning - apparently it doesn't hit the whole map).

Saizo has vantage + lethality + rend heaven. Everyone that attacked him died in a spectacular way.

I then walked my units up, opened the other door, and killed Mikoto.

I can't recommend Saizo more if I tried. That guy is an unstoppable beast. >.>

Edited by Kakeyo
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I found it the hard way, need to restart few times because I got caught by the enemies and tricked in the last room rofls till I can finally memorize their movements and could grab all the chests including Spy's Shuriken on last room. I only used Guard Stance Corrin with 10 mov (2 Boots +1 Mov skill +1 pair up bonus) to complete the stealth mode.

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I just got to this Chapter, and naturally, I did exactly what Mikoto said. As we all know, that was an atrocious idea. It happened, I saw the 99, and I IMMEDIATELY closed my 3DS and raged a little bit. After I calmed down, I googled it to see if anyone else was in the same boat. I'm glad I'm not the only one. This has easily been one of the most aggravating Chapters I've had to deal with, and that's saying a lot considering Chapter 10 Conquest exists. My main problem is that it purposely points you right into a trap that will always leave you at 1 HP, right in front of the boss. Meaning it is literally trial and error, not something fitting for a Fire Emblem game.

Going to take some time to cool down. That really irritated me.

Also, w00t, first post.

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