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We all have them now. Moments of 99% attacks missing. Moments of 1% crits hitting and killing our units. Share yours.

Mine is with this one Venge Naginata enemy in Chapter 24 of Revelations. I've failed this chapter twice in the third turn because this guy runs up to my defender with 2% and 7% crit each time, and then proceeds to crit my defender to death. I'm actually wondering if he'll do it a third time.

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Chapter 13 of Revelations. I've split my party into two squads sending them down the two sides of the map, systematically taking down each one and barricading choke points to prevent reinforcements from interrupting my painstakingly slow advance. We make to the boss, who I've softened up with Kagero and Selena, because I was wary of his critical hit chance. I send Camilla up to do the final blow, deliberating long and hard (pause) before finally deciding to take the risk; she would K.O. him in two hits.

"He only has a 7% chance. He won't do it." I said, hands sweaty and arm twitching. "There's no way."

"He's going to get a crit." An insidious voice whispered.

Camilla attacks, a look of complacency on her face as the Berserker sagged with exhaustion. Her smug triumph turned into horror as he crouched, body tense and unearthly glow giving him a burst of power.

Time slowed.

He leaped.

The Nohr Princess stared in shock.

I reset before the hit even landed.

Stupid ass f*ck RNG. Piss me off so bad.

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I was tired from a long day of listening to my professors speaking - in my third language - as fast as machine guns. Wanting to relax with a little Fare Embull, I play through one of Revelation's many long-ass maps. As I reach the end, I have Sakura fly over and take out a Berserker - but I was so tired that I didn't notice that he'd live with three HP. All of my units were far away, the Rescue staffs were used in that godforsaken Wind Tribe map, so I did what any normal person would do - I abuse the AI. I run over to the Berserker's range with Tsukuyomi and let him be killed so that Sakura could live - I'm not playing through that map again, but I would restart if I couldn't save Sakura.

That moment of realization was awful, but at least it worked out in the end.

I mean, not for Tsukuyomi, but I never liked him anyway.

Edited by Thane
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I was doing the gold dlc for some extra spending money as one does, when Charlotte gets killed by a single digit critical hit chance. I restart, mildly annoyed and try again. And she gets critted. Again. By a single digit crit rate. So I start over one more time AND SHE DIES FROM A 1% CRIT RATE.

Naturally I slaughtered all of the faceless on the next attempt, but still.

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This was way back when I had by Jap version.

I was trying to capture Funke while also trying to keep Asugi alive from those two enemies at the end of his path that he would normally suicide on. Note that this was Birthright/Lunatic/Classic.

So basically, just trying to do the chapter, I had to reset 3 times since I consistently lost units (Sakura, Kaden and Orochi), then another 2 times since Asugi died since AI. Then he escaped once. Finally, I had to reset 4 times just to capture Funke. All my attempts failed:

1)Kaze got lethality

2)I critted

3)Funke suicided

4)I clicked Attack instead of Capture when had him at 1 HP and ready for capture. To rub salt on the wound, Orochi got a crit too.

Edited by Azz
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Just started Revelations, and Subaki missed with a 98% chance -.- he ended up critting with only 2% the turn after, but I was like WTF.

The worst was totally on my Conquest playthrough on the Kitsune chapter, and Laslow with full health got crit with a 1% chance by Kaden. He was the last enemy I needed to beat, too. I had to just walk away from the game at that point.

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Hana missed a 90 and died to a 20 and 30 (dual attack)

I was kinda miffed because they wouldn't have killed individually lol.

(Also ngl when I saw the thread title I was reminded of Sakura & Azura's support line, which is kinda cute)

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I dont know why, but fates (conquest) is the most unlucky ive been in terms of getting hit with single digit crits. I swear, at least 5 times in my first playthrough I was hit with them, including one REALLY ANNOYING 3% crit on corrin by Kaden. I played his damn map anbout 7 timess, and the crit was my last failed attempt.

Also, in my most recent playthrough, Arthur not only missed 4 72% hit chanses in a row, but aafter his 3rd miss, he was critted by a faceless. ON THE FIRST MAP YOU GET HIM. BY A FACELESS. Seriously, Arthur's bad luck amazes me >.>

Also for some reason the arena makes all ofy units completely incompetent. Guys please, youve fought entire armies you can handle one fight that I bet stuff on.

Edit: Shamegmeg beat me to the Kaden party

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I've had to restart a lot of times due to stupid mistakes, but generally, my luck has been pretty good. I've even won a few chapters thanks to lucky dodges. My friend, though...

He's currently struggling through chapter 17 of Conquest. In one recent attempt, he was doing well until a ninja attacked Arthur, which would have been fine if the ninja hadn't gotten a critical at 1%... twice.

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Lunatic Conquest 25, finished the right side, doing the left side. Send Arthur to hit a Ninja he can ORKO on good-ish odds in the first room sweep; he misses. Ninja crits him on 15%ish. Adjacent Swordmaster crits him on 15%ish. Ninja doubles and crits him a third time. He had enough bulk to survive if any one of those had failed to hit, but they didn't and I got to restart the chapter again.

'Course, I restarted it so many times due to combinations of bad RNG and me being bad at this game that it isn't much of a horror story, but it's pretty funny considering it was Arthur.

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Speaking of Lunatic Conquest 25, my first almost-successful run ended in me not realising the bottom door is a thing and left Percy there (who was supplying Rally Def to try to help Corn's survivability since I wasn't doing that map in 20 turns and get both chests)

I got both sides, opened the door to boss, and the boss just comes out on the south side and completely destroys poor percy and I'm like, FUCK.

Then I realised if I just equip my Corn with a bottle I don't have to worry about the crit rates on the boss anyway and don't also need to worry about Corn ending the chapter before I need her to, so the run after that was a success.

more recently: i tried to rush the snow chapter in Rev while getting all the items which led to me trying to get the biggest blocks of snow all the time

So Jakob chucked his knife and revealed 4 enemies when everyone else has already moved.


also i think my first run of that chapter, i don't know exactly what happened because I play animation off skip EP, but I almost got to the end and thought Jakob safe, only in range of the mage in front of the boss room

so I end turn, thinking "yeah, it's one mage, he's full health, I can take this" and then he dies and im like, ?????? probably got crit

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Chapter 15 of Birthright. There my units were, Keaton and the lackeys near him the final enemies on the map. Confidently, I let my Oboro with a Beast Killer in their range, ready for her to destroy them, and Saizo (her hubby cause Takumi was gonna be hers in Revelations) as an attack stance helper. On EP, both of those damn mooks hit her in the 30% zones, nearly killing her. I panicked slightly, but was like, "she's got this." THEN KEATON COMES AND CRITS THE CRAP OUT OF HER!

I was done, to say the least, and I was kind of considering marrying someone else in my Femui Revelations file.

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k so

Some Dark Mage was there, chapter 9 or whatever? Well, Setsuna was the only person close enough, so I was like "sure. Take out this guy." She would do a total of 26 damage, def. killing him, Dark Mage 13 damage with a 55% hit or something like that.

She has 85% hit and she missed. Both times.

Dark Mage hit her.


I can't remember if she died since it was casual though. I think she lived 'cause she dodged the 2nd time around.

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Basically anytime Charlotte gets 3% critted by a green faceless in Boo Camp.


because it happens so damn often, i have to pretty much keep an adult (or two) with her at all times because her Lck is ass awful

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Paralogue 5. Bottom left section on the lower bridge, all the while trying to save those idiot villagers. Kaden missed two consecutive attacks at 98%. Next turn, I switched Kaden to the back and put Hana up front. Hana got critted at 1%, putting her out of commission. Somehow, Kaden (and I) had enough luck to survive the rest of the map.

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I have a few that still haunt me because I made screwed up:


Chapter 12 Lunatic/Casual: Trying to get some experience by defeating every enemy on the map before anymore more enemies show up. Xander shows up and I realize that I need to avoid confronting him since Corrin won't survive in a direct encounter. Then with just one turn remaining before I can escape, Xander (who I promptly forgot about) rides up to Corrin who has 13/30 HP and KO's him forcing me to restart the chapter.


All the following is on Hard/Casual:
Chapter 19: Seeing a random Kitsune/Nine-Tails KO my Xander (who had just ended his turn) with a critical-hit after I had spent a long time dealing with lots of furry pests and their illusions while coming to terms with how to win. My failure was that I didn't have one of my healers heal him before I ended my turn.

Chapter 21: If not for the lava that does DoT it's coming with units in their worst classes possible since I didn't look up information on the chapter itself. Had to reset after I lost Elise and Belka to some RNG blessed Stoneborn and Faceless who hit them with 20-50% Hit Rates (Elise somehow got hit by an unusual 20% Hit Rate and was defeated while I didn't heal Belka after sustained DoT from the terrain) since I had lost two of my best units.


Going from where I am right now:
Chapter 10: Too many debuffing Ninjas, I hate this. Oh, there are ELITE NINJAS!? Random Elite Ninja KO's my recently recruited Orochi who just survived the boss.

Chapter 13: Three armies is fun, yes? Ok I'll send Corrin (Hoshido Noble) and Camille (Malig Knight) along with Sakura, Saizou, Oboro and Belka to deal with Xander and his followers. I'll send Selena, Subaki, Azura, Takumi, Kaiden, Keatan, Felicia and Kaza after Ryoma and his followers. Camilla and Corrin survive against Xander and Sakura (War Priestess) manages to heal a very weakened Corrin, that's the good part. Bad news is that Ryoma was a pain to deal with...OHKO's Takumi with a critical-hit despite only having a 40% Hit Rate on his younger sibling and dodges Takumi's 70% Hit Rate attack. He then proceeds to defeat weaken a full HP Selena far enough that Scarlet KO's her on the follow-up. I reset afterwards after seeing how bad I planned everything.

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I was under the impression that you don't need to fight Ryoma in 13 and he doesn't move?

I mean I guess for the exp if you can pull it off, but sometimes the risk isn't worth it

You don't have to. LOL. I inched around Xander to get to the Dragon Vein; Ryoma/Crimson was too much of a tag team terror to risk. Even though I still ended up getting bodied by the boss, though.

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I was under the impression that you don't need to fight Ryoma in 13 and he doesn't move?

I mean I guess for the exp if you can pull it off, but sometimes the risk isn't worth it

You don't have to fight either Xander or Ryoma to complete the chapter. I did since I needed the exp. to level up some of my units who were just a few exp. from hitting lvl 20 on their base classes plus every enemy before the two elder brothers (bar Scarlet) and not taking the Invisible Soldiers into account were defeated. Was the trouble worth the thrill? Not really, had to reset after losing 4 units to Ryoma/Scarlet in the end and two of them were Selena and Takumi.

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I'm replaying birthright in classic rn and I had forgotten why i hadn't used Kaden in my previous playthrough, even when it was casual

Three 20-30%, 13 dmg hits from units in enemy phase that all connected reminded me why you were supposed to dodge damnit!

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I have to say my worst one was when I was playing revelations... I got to the chapter where you are supposed to recruit Some characters and didn't realize there was special requirements to get them and ended up killing them and saving over the file

So I had to restart the whole game


Other time include trying ~

to shoot down a kinshi knight in conquest and Niles missed with a 75% chance both times, then I had azura dance and he missed two more times after that too... 4 chances to kill in one hit and they all missed

All of them...

And then my Beruka got killed


Or when I was sing grinding azura on birthright on the ninja forest chapter and she had gained about 4 levels or so

And I had killed everyone on the map at this point too and was just softening up the boss so setsuna could get the kill

The boss has ~3% chance to Crit no worries he'd die with my 90% chance to hit twice

She misses and he Critssssss

OH and the snow chapter in revelations

Got to the last few enemies(after uncovering all the others and getting the rewards ) and then got critted

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I have to say my worst one was when I was playing revelations... I got to the chapter where you are supposed to recruit Some characters and didn't realize there was special requirements to get them and ended up killing them and saving over the file

So I had to restart the whole game

I'm so happy there was someone else who had this.

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It didn't effect much since I had a backup plan, but Arthur missed a literal 99% on some enemy.

I really needed to debuff the final boss in revelations so I sent Kagero out with a soldier knife and she managed to miss 3 89% hits in a row. At least she hit the last one.

There was also chapter 17 in revelations when i parked Corrin in front of a Berserker's range and got critted by a 3% chance with a 15% hit rate. I reset before the Berserker could have his satisfaction.

Edited by Pretty Cool Guy
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