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Online name: Mint
Real name: Bridget
DoB: 1983
Favourite FE Game: Blazing Sword. Tossup between this and Sacred Stones. I don't care much about the "zomg difficulty" or low turncount runs or anything like that, even though I *do* enjoy self-imposed challenges, such as my megaman 3 speed run, Lunatic+ In awakening, Hardcore Terraria, or Nightmare difficulty in Doom II. My favorite anything depends almost wholly on how much I like the cast. In this case, it was Florina vs L'Arachel.
Favourite Game (other than FE): Phantom Brave. Marona is HNNNNGGGG! Or perhaps Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure? Cornet is adorable. La Pucelle: Tactics is great, too. (Noticing a trend?)
Favourite FE Character: Florina
Least Favourite game: DOTA, anything by Compile Heart, Hyperdimension Neptunia
Sports: Well, I *teach* gymnastics and ballet, but I never did either, myself.
Online friends: Good one.
Favourite music: Peppy J-Pop, Classical, Baroque, Video game remixes
Favourite artist/band: Hatsune Miku, IOSYS, Antonio Vivaldi
Favourite song: Viva Happy!
Country: Murica
MSN/Yahoo/AIM: Can't even remember.
Hobbies: Video games, number porn, making excel spreadsheets for games as I play them
Good Point: I will never lie to you. I will know something is true before telling you it's true.
Bad Point: Exceedingly weak to cute things. I will give games/movies/etc. more of a chance to redeem itself if the characters are cute. I will ignore/mute/block people without telling them if they do/say something that shows they have no intention of being my friend.
Anything else? Played FETO (Fire Emblem Tactics Online) in FEPlanet.net, and wasn't too shabby at it.

Edited by Minternets
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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for the Virus, ELMA-DS. It might be accompanied by ELMAs. Do NOT try to engage it, even if it's alone. Also, I've gotten a report from my scouts about the Death Rogumer...

Favourite Game (other than FE): Phantom Brave. Marona is HNNNNGGGG! Or perhaps Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure? Cornet is adorable. La Pucelle: Tactics is great, too. (Noticing a trend?)

Bad Point: Exceedingly weak to cute things. I will give games/movies/etc. more of a chance to redeem itself if the characters are cute.

As for your favorite game: That's because the characters are cute, right? (I've always wanted to play Rhapsody ever since I found out about it.)

Second part: That's something you and I have in common - I, too, am especially weak to cute things..

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for the Virus, ELMA-DS. It might be accompanied by ELMAs. Do NOT try to engage it, even if it's alone. Also, I've gotten a report from my scouts about the Death Rogumer...

As for your favorite game: That's because the characters are cute, right? (I've always wanted to play Rhapsody ever since I found out about it.)

Second part: That's something you and I have in common - I, too, am especially weak to cute things..

Of course. Rhapsody is to Fire Emblem as Go-Fish is to Chess. I did not enjoy Rhapsody because it challenged my intellect and forced me to think "How am I going to beat this boss?"; I enjoyed it because Cornet was a fourteen year old girl enlisting an army of puppets in order to save a prince she had the hots for. A hilarious reversal of the typical knight-princess-knave archetype. Undertale had this going on, too. Sans is awesome. Megalovania is SUPER awesome. I enjoy very few games that are difficult for the sake of being difficult. I beat "I Wanna Be the Guy", and broke the SDA record for Mega Man 3 speed run, but I enjoy the cute factor much more than anything else.

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heyyy welcome

i actually don't know why i replied to this since i rarely reply to introduction threads if i don't have some stupid comment to make

but welcome anyway! i should probably do this more often

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Yo and welcome. I played a little bit of FETO ages ago on FEPlanet, shame that it isn't really active anymore.

I was helping the root admin with balancing and the like, but he accepted a few too many helpers' input. He eventually became overwhelmed. This, in addition to GPX+ generating significant income, and outside games like Left 4 Dead 2, brought on a period of the site being ignored, which eventually led to him just ditching the site. He left it in the hands of people I personally disliked. So, the root admin I liked left, some of my favorite people left, and the people in charge are people I personally dislike. This was a recipe for disaster. Sad thing, too. This was the closest thing to a balanced Fire Emblem online experience I've seen.

Hello and Welcome to the forums, weak to cute things eh?

Yeah. As mentioned above, I don't have a negative opinion of Sacred Stones. Cute is power, and L'Arachel has the power.

heyyy welcome

i actually don't know why i replied to this since i rarely reply to introduction threads if i don't have some stupid comment to make

but welcome anyway! i should probably do this more often

Welcome to the forums.

<3 <3

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Welcome, I quite like your name, one of my best friends is named Bridgette haha.

Hope you enjoy yourself here.

I managed to snag Mint on FEPlanet, and people referred to me by that name no matter how many name changes I went through.

..Or are you referring to my real-life, boring, un-special name that doesn't even have an alternative spelling, like all the Rylies, Coltons, Gennyfirs, Taryns, and Raycheals of the world?

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I managed to snag Mint on FEPlanet, and people referred to me by that name no matter how many name changes I went through.

..Or are you referring to my real-life, boring, un-special name that doesn't even have an alternative spelling, like all the Rylies, Coltons, Gennyfirs, Taryns, and Raycheals of the world?

I'm going by both :P:

I don't think its that boring!

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Welcome to the Forest, Minternets!

Bookmark this thread. In six years, it's gonna be a collector's item.

We shall see about this in 6 years.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the forums, Minternets.

Is "number porn" exactly what I'm thinking it is?

Finding patterns in things, optimizing things, referential functions, and statistics.


This one was my brainchild. All ten pages in that workbook are loaded down with numbers and formulas like the one in view. I was developing an intensely customizable game where you could develop a mech unit from scratch (Armored Core meets Front Mission), and build a pilot from scratch as well, using an allotment of points. We had some steam going for this one for a bit, but the person I had in charge of programming may have fudged on his resume a little bit, and he seemed more interested in "helping" me "fix" the game mechanics than actually coming up with a working alpha.

Last modified: Sat, September 26, 2009. I don't think I'll ever finish this, but I don't have the heart to delete it, either.

But I digress. I do excel sheets like this for damn near everything that could possibly call for one.

-A hit/miss page for Fire Emblem Fates, which I posted the results of in the regression project.

-A success/fail/results ratio page for intensifying elixirs used in Silkroad Online (A game I strongly recommend against)

-A results sheet for the ship battling minigame in Mugen Souls, which turned out to be much more helpful than I thought it would.

-Statistics for Kingdom of Loathing, which helped me get some relatively speedy runs.

-A fifteen page workbook for Fire Emblem Tactics Online I updated religiously while I played.

...And those are only the ones I remember off the top of my head.

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