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Jim Sterling is being sued by Digital Homicide


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so this is happening

for those that don't know Digital Homicide is an indie developer that makes really shitty games on Steam faster than you can "shit" (they pop out garbage about every two months or so), Jim Sterling is a youtuber who covered one specific title, DigiHom got angry, DMCA takedowns and whatnot happened soon after and the developer has been on a huge tirade ever since. Jim has two videos about the affair up on his youtube channel

Kotaku source for those who can actually stand Kotaku/Have AdBlock on: http://kotaku.com/angered-game-developer-sues-game-critic-jim-sterling-fo-1765484317

this is going to be comedy gold, and the best part is that DigiHom are representing themselves in the lawsuit and don't have an attorney, so I cannot see this ending well for them

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Didn't Angry Joe call these guys out for just being assholes in his review of this game? Or am I thinking of another company? I feel that I've heard of these guys and their dick moves, acting like they're the Fine Bros of Steam, and probably are getting similar backlash, but without the apologies.

Edit: I checked Angry Joe's YT page and Yes, he called them out too.

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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if you read their post on their website about the lawsuit

because they are not hiring a legal help they are asking for donations to help fund the campaign to sue this guy and are asking 75K to help fund it

but the thing is... they prolly wont get this money... and this lawsuit will go nowhere

Edited by animeapple
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I don't care much for Jim Sterling at all but Digital Homicide needs to grow up and learn to take criticism. This is basically the Garry's Incident incident with TotalBiscuit except more extreme.

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They can't possible expect to have a prayer of a chance with this lawsuit, can they? I guess Jim Sterling's praise for Dungeons of Kragmor didn't start a new era for their relationship after all.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ha, this is going to go nowhere considering Digital Homicide's track record of dealings with Jim and other YouTubers.

sterling has no sense of integrity what so ever, but these hacks are even worse.

No sense of integrity is not how I would describe Jim Sterling. He runs an ad-free website and YouTube channel and is very upfront about how he reviews things and where his money comes from. He blasts shitty developers on Steam Greenlight for their Unity asset repackaging garbage (hence why he's in this situation in the first place) but also AAA bullshit from Ubisoft, Konami, Activision, EA etc. He also has a tendency to issue corrections/apologies whenever he's factually wrong and someone has let him know on his website. Now, what would you actually call Jim? Giant gaping asshole? Raging sexually deviant SJW? More accurate descriptors. I can see people being annoyed/disgusted by his holier-than-thou internet persona. I didn't like him much either in his Destructoid and The Escapist days, although I find he's more entertaining and freewheeling as an independent journalist.

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He's a good entertainer, but his opinions can often be presented in a way so forward, patronizing, obnoxious and definitely holier-than-thou which is why I dislike him. And not just his persona, but I believe it to be his actual character as well.

Edited by Tryhard
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He's a good entertainer, but his opinions can often be presented in a way so forward, patronizing, obnoxious and definitely holier-than-thou which is why I dislike him. And not just his persona, but I believe it to be his actual character as well.

I met him at PAX by sheer coincidence while standing around and while it was brief, he never came across like he does on the internet. In fact he was pretty friendly, maybe even a little shy. He is gigantic in width though and dwarfs me in size. The holier-than-thou part of his videos is definitely for humour's sake. Patronizing and obnoxious? Who knows, it was too brief of a meeting to tell and those are his honest opinions he's presenting in his videos. That said his podcast personality is usually more humble than what he presents in his articles or Jimquisition videos.

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I doubt this will go all that far. Digital Homicide is likely just trying to grab attention.

On the whole matter of Sterling himself. I don't really watch his Jimquisition anymore, since I'm not a huge fan on the persona, and a lot of the subjects are preaching to the choir. I do watch his other videos for entertainment, where it feels less acted. Overall, I think he's decent enough.

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