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The tragedy of my team in Chapter 20 Conquest


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So I was attempting chapter 20 of conquest today after the countless restarts I had to do and I actually felt confident about my performance at the time. The wind didn't screw me over that much, my flying units were doing alright, and my boys Xander, Keaton, Kaze, and Shura were at the front lines obliterating the enemies. At one point, there were only five enemies left, and I thought that I won for sure. After Fuga was the only one left, however, the reinforcements arrived...

I remember at that point thinking "how could they bring in reinforcements after I killed everyone? That's so cruel!" But I shrugged it off though because the only enemies that showed up were three Pegasus knights on the other side of the map and two lance wielders and one Mage where my team was. So I figured I could have some of my team damage the nearby units while Xander would come in and tank the hits by Fuga and everyone else could finish him off. I learned at that moment though that plans don't always go the way you want them to go.

It was too late to fix anything when I found out that Fuga is a TOUGH opponent. Xander got hit by him and he had 10 HP left. I was relieved that he didn't die at first until the lancer went in the offensive. That weak little lancer, the little lancer that could, the lancer that could only deal out 7 double hits on Xander, took him out, causing me to restart the game yet again. And you know what the worst part is? I failed after 29 turns... TWENTY-NINE. FUCKING. TURNS. At first, I wasn't angry, but now I realize that I was in shock for half an hour. Now the rage is slowly building like a fire that is being fed with tiny amounts of gasoline. From now on, due to the tragedy that occurred, I will hunt down the man who thought chapter 20 was a good idea and throw him into a tornado! (or something, you know, because he loves the wind and everything)

Sorry for that huge rant everyone. I had to get it all out one way or another. While I'm here though, I might as well say that if anyone wants to share advice as to how I can get beat Fuga (cause he's tough as hell), that would be great. I'd also like to tip my hat to anyone who got past chapter 20 because you guys are awesome. Now if you excuse me, I need some alone time...

TL;DR: I had to restart chapter 20 of conquest because Xander died after 29 turns and now I'm mad.

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I had a lot of trouble with that chapter, but not really with Fuga. I just parked my best unit in front of him (was Camilla for me, use whoever works for you) with a good pairup and smashed him down. Just make sure they have at least 27 speed so they don't get doubled after Seal Speed, and use an accurate weapon since he'll have WTA. You can go for attacks on your own turn, too, but do this only if you can safely heal the unit or they can actually tank 2 hits... the advantage of doing this is that on your own turn, at least, you'll get WTA. He can buy time if he gets lucky with Sol, but he shouldn't really kill you by himself. Watch out for the club's +5 crit rate if you use a lance, though.

You'll want to have all the other nearby enemies under control before doing that, though; if more do show up, stay out of his range unless/until you can kill them all.

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I took way more turns than that, simply because i was trying to keep my team together and not get blown about by the wind. And the longer it took the more careful I was because restarting would be worse and worse. In the end, i only had to restart a few times early in the level, before i got used to the wind shenanigans.

And uh... I just one shot the boss with Corinn and his shiny new Dragonstone+ you get from one of the chests. You know.. since he had magic boon and married Sorcerer Nyx... His accuracy was around 50%, but i got lucky and hit my first try. But you probably don't have that luxury. I'd just suggest making sure all reinforcements are out of the way, especially since Fuga doesnt move, then tackling him with your whole team. I've learned the hard way to play safe.

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Thanks for the advice, guys. I realize 29 turns is not a huge amount, but dying after that many turns was a little devastating for me. Also, I suck at fire emblem. I don't know if that was obvious or not, but yeah... I'm not great.

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Use the wind to your advantage!

On my Conquest file is a Nyx who dies to twigs flying at her kneecaps. However, she's got Heartseeker, which is great for pinning down enemies. . .so, I let the wind carry her next to an enemy, along with someone who's competent and flies. The competent flier attacks first, and Nyx cleans up as needed. Lather, rinse, repeat.

For Fuga, have the wind blow Nyx next to him. Combine it with a Freeze staff, and go to town.

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