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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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Owen made some effort to not raise an eyebrow at the invitation from the queen. "I see..." While he'd clasped his hands to reflect on the invitation, both Cassandra and Duke Herman agreed on adding Sidney to the meeting. Uh, I hope she won't take it poorly... In fact, Sidney was brought in rather quickly, whilst Owen still thought upon the invitation. Quickly, she'd been informed of the matter by Cassandra and quickly questioned by Sir Alain. Hmm, maybe I should give her some time to make her story sound less... questionable.

"Sir Alain. The queen's invitation is directly to me, you say?" Owen's gaze fixated on the young messenger. It was curious that the Queen extended a personal invitation to him and not his father, the King, though perhaps that was a hint to how foreign powers saw the current health issues of Wyke's ruler... "Wyke takes its amicable relations with the foreign countries as a point of pride and diplomatic success, I'm sure you understand." Owen brought a hand to his chin, "If I were to act so quickly over only so many words, I could well jeopardize that. However, if you say you can send a messenger as soon as we're done, then I would like to not waste time as well. I accept Queen Ethel's invitation, and hope our meeting can lead to a fruitful conclusion."

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"Well met, all of you." Sidney listened to the princess and Alain outline the meeting so far. "So Deira is looming as a threat? How troublesome... King Olaf always was stubborn. But yes, there was something of a problem with bandits here." She carefully thought over her phrasing- it wouldn't do to say too much. Dammit, Cass... if I hadn't guessed that I might be called upon, it'd be very difficult to think all this through! I'll have to talk with her after. "It was only by chance that I had encountered Prince Owen. He and his vassals were dealing with a bandit attack in a small town I was passing through, and I offered my assistance- I'm an able enough fighter, and I've enough outdoor experience to help with traps and the like, as bandits are known to utilize. After, we encountered Lady Adeltrudis in a battle near a bridge and worked together. Two battles after that, and we had dealt with the issue for the time being, and further discovered a connection to Magonseate."

Feeling she had explained herself well enough and that this Alain was unlikely to have any idea what she had been up to, it was the prince's words that caught her attention more. "The Queen wants to speak with you? So she is still handling much herself... I must admit that I am not currently very up to date with my political knowledge, though I've met the Queen a few times. My father and her late husband got along rather well... it was in Edwin's time that my father became a Marquess and royal court member, after all." She mentioned it in a rather offhanded way, but Sidney knew that her words had heavy implications to the other Raewaldens- they gave her some level of legitimacy. "It's been a long time since I've been home. I do wonder how they are all doing, though I doubt anything has changed- my father always has been too stubborn for that."

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Alain had hoped to write to the Queen detailing a more successful venture, but the Prince's caution showed his intellect. Presumably, he would have a talk with his father discussing the matter at length. At the very least, the Prince had agreed to the meeting, and that was, in Alain's mind, a telling sign. Furthermore, Princess Cassandra, was already behind the motion of an alliance between the two kingdoms--whatever that was worth. He smiled, and nodded to Prince Owen. "So shall it be done," he said, waving his hand. "I thank you all for your time and attention, and I hope when next we are all gathered, it will be as allies behind a common cause."

He now turned his attention to what Charlotte had to say. She's met the Queen has she? And her father a Marquess? She comes from high places then... He'd noted the fact that she hadn't been home in "a long time" but he didn't dwell on it too much. He was interested in knowing the purpose Charlotte might have had for venturing through Wyke, but it was not his place to pry--certainly not in this setting. If it was relevant knowledge, he would have been informed prior. Still, whatever her reasons, Charlotte's assistance to the Gaffney's would surely prove a valuable tool for tipping negotiations in their favor. "I see. That clears up much for me, thank you, Lady Charlotte. I will be sure to include your account in my report to the Queen. I'm sure she will be quite pleased with your actions thus far," he said. "With that, I believe my part here has concluded. By your leave, Lord Gaffney, I've matters to attend to concerning our meeting here today," he bowed, expecting his dismissal.

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Angus Kearney settled into an comfortable routine over the days following his return to Hull. Wake up with the bear's cries, fetch them both breakfast from one of the few hiding spots he hadn't found. Clean the inevitable mess, change the diapers, fetch Agro, run the animals, help clean the stables on return. Hammer home his growth by terrorizing recruits, eventually get the crap beaten out of him (literally, when he tried rushing Hogan). Drag himself to the showers with Geoffrey, scrub the worst of the filth off, practice obedience with a pile of food for both of them, slap another futile diaper on the little bastard, sleep. The man practically hobbled out of bed each morning, hardly spoke to a soul, and found the cub's only tricks remained "come" and sometimes "heel", but in his odd Angus way, he honestly enjoyed himself.

Angus didn't happen across any of his comrades from that faithful journey for some time, until he found himself face-to-face with a striking figure the fifth morning after their faithful return. "L-Lady Adeltrudis! Hello!" He wasn't familiar with how he felt about this young lord. Intimidated? Maybe. She really was incredible. It took a moment to remember the invitation he'd been extending to his fellows.

"So, ah... some of us are hittin' the Lucky Goose tonight. You could come! An' if you're up for it, maybe sometime drop by the drill grounds. Th'state of our axemen today--you'd be sore welcome!" Angus chuckles with some discomfort, internally livid at himself. [How's such a thick tongue spill something I'm not even thinking so damn fast?] On further thought, though, it wasn't such a bad idea. Adele really was strong; not quite so much as Hogan, but enough to really learn a thing or two from. Besides, maybe he'd work up the gall to ask about the whole affair with Cass.

[Y'mean try to chase 'er away from the princess you're a bit too fond of?] The squire silences that irksome voice in his head, paying great attention to scratching behind the bear's ear.

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"If you wouldn't mind, I would like to speak with her privately too," Sidney added. "I'd like to ask her about some of the going ons in Raewald now, and what is of my family right now." She'll know... I can't lie forever. But it's better of me to be the one to talk about it than someone else... "Raewald and Wyke strengthening ties further would be delightful for both nations, ideally. I look forward to meeting you all again."

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"How wonderful!" I'd always thought these meetings to be dry, boring and full of quiet, murmuring old men, but this was exciting! I'm sure I helped, as well~ It was a smart call to bring Sidney into this. Cassandra would let Owen dismiss the meeting, as much as she wished to run off. She'd had a good time, but these meetings were still definitely not her deal, preferring action to words. Even Sidney wants to talk to the queen now? Goodness, I must have done better than I'd thought... Cass folded her arms with a confident smile.

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"Very well," Owen nodded as Alain spoke his final piece and waved an arm, "This meeting is concluded. You can write our response to the Queen, Sir Alain. I do hope to continue this discussion too." He passed a general glance to the diplomats, "If you are in no hurry to return, there should be accommodations ready at the Nobles' Wards. Take the time you need." With negotiations done, Owen quickly wondered what would be Duke Herman and the general's inputs on his piece. I'll have to speak with father about that future meeting, too...

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[spoiler=Reliants Reunion?]

Niko paused outside the chamber where they had arranged to meet Adele. Giving Serge a final inspection, he nodded. He'd sent Larissa on a few tasks that meant she was missing this meeting which had been entirely intentional. He wasn't quite sure about her yet and figured there was no need for Adele to meet her just yet.

"Right then. As I told you, we were in the employ of Lady Adele of House Herman. She has expressed intent to hire us again if a reason arises which means we are still essentially her employees to the point where I believe that you should meet her, especially since I told her that I was intending to hire more men. I expect you to be on your best behavior and represent the Reliants well, ok?"

"I understand. Don't worry, I'm not gonna fail ya this time." Serge said with a smile. Still, royalty. He could still hardly believe that he was taking a job from royalty. He had always thought that they had servants or knights to do these kinds of jobs, but here he was, waiting outside some rich ladies chamber, waiting to be addressed. He wondered how snobbish this 'Adele' might be. He heard stories about nobles, and not all of them good.

"Right then. Lets go." Niko stepped up to the door and knocked sharply. "Lady Adele, it's the Reliants, here to introduce our newest member."

Ah, there was the knock she had been waiting for. Adeltrudis currently say waiting at a small table, with several chairs set around it, a pot of tea in the center, with a cup laid in front of each seat. The young Lady Herman sat at the farthest end from the door, and took a sip of the foreign tea she had purchased just the other day.

"Come in." Adele replied after a moment, watching the door with some interest. She wondered who Niko had hired on to his merry band, at any rate.

Niko entered in, expecting Serge and Doug to follow behind him. As he entered the room, he bowed to the lady. "Lady Adele, may I introduce one of our two new members? Sadly Larissa, who is a healer, needed to complete a few tasks so she is not here today but I'm sure that you will meet her soon enough if she does decide to stay with our group. However, we also hired Serge here. He is a swordsman of some talent and will hopefully be a strong addition to the Reliants."

Serge wasn't exactly sure how to greet royalty, so he did what he thought was right and bowed. "Name's Serge, Madam. I, uh, hope to be of assistance to...whatever it is you're doing." Real smooth, he thought to himself. Might as well go all out and say 'yo what's up' to her, you idiot.

Looking over the new recruit as he stepped in after Niko, Adele was able to make a... rudimentary assessment of the man. Reasonably well built, lightly armoured, rather standard blade worn at his back. Almost the archetypal 'mercenary' type figure, if she was being honest. Still, there was something to be said for the effectiveness of such a simple ensemble, and he seemed to have a capable enough gait.

"I see, Serge, was it? Well met. My name is Adeltrudis, eldest daughter and heir apparent of the Herman family. As you have just heard from Niko, you may also address me as Adele... however, make sure to refrain from doing so in the presence of my father." Adele replied, standing from her seat and extending her hand towards the group.

"Ah, feel free to partake in a cup of tea, any of you. It's a blend from Wihtwar that I recently purchased."

"I, uh, appreciate the offer, but I'm...not that thirsty, to be quite honest. Uh, begging your pardon, of course." Was it rude to refuse tea? Serge wasn't completely sure. He was never good at formalities. Still he kept up his smile, as quivering as it was. One wrong step and he'd be having his head cut off by some big burly man wearing a sack over his head.

"Just take a sip," Doug whispered to Serge. Unlike Serge, Doug was pretty sure it was rude to refuse a gift, even if it was tea. He himself tried it out, though it was a rather...unique flavor.

"Uh...ok." Serge was pretty sure Doug had his best interests in mind. Hopefully. He took up a cup of tea and drank. The taste was...different to say the least. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Granted, this was his first time ever drinking Tea. He probably wasn't even doing it right. "Uhm, that was pretty good. Great even. Pretty great." Serge was the pure image of nervousness right now, and it was obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain.

"Well, it's entirely obvious you've never worked with nobility before. Honestly, it appears as though if I gave you a light tap you'd splinter to pieces." Adele teased, taking a sip from her own cup.

"Do try to relax a little, would you?"

"Yeah...Hahaha..." He couldn't help but be nervous, but at least this lady could have a laugh. A lot less uptight than he thought. He had a sigh of relief, before sitting down in one of the available chairs. "So...If I may ask, what's this whole job about. I assume it's just standard guard duty but...well you know what they say about assumptions."

Niko quietly sighed at the chaos that the introduction seemed to be devolving into and quietly sat down. As Serge asked about the job Niko quietly added on, "I wasn't sure how much of the situation was to be told to the new recruits so I figured that I would let you explain the job and any additional details that you believed to be important."

"At present, yes. Recently, I hired on the Reliants for assistance in a rescue mission. We were successful, returned to the Capital, and at present, peaceful. However, my father wished for you to remain for the time being, were you interested in further work... but until further notice... yes, standard guard duty does seem about right." Adele replied, leaning back a bit in her chair as she spoke.

"Sounds simple enough." Serge said as he leaned forward. "I've done guard jobs before, so it shouldn't be too different." Serge gave a wink and a thumbs up. "You don't gotta worry about thing. Good ol' Serge can take down any baddie assassin no problem." He put his hand down before looking at Niko and Doug, then back to Adele. "Of course, I would have thought you'd have wanted at least more than 2 guards. Or that the Reliants had more members that they could spare. Is there any reason for that?"

Niko internally winced at the question but managed to keep a mostly calm face. "Ah, that's a simple enough answer. As you know, our group is based in Deira. Doug and I came to Wyke to explore new sources of employment. The last job we took in Deira had unpleasant consequences for our group there, so it was a tactical move to attempt to see if other countries would also be a good location for our group."

He'd planned this answer for a while, since he wasn't quite ready to tell everyone that the Reliants had been wiped out. There was too much going on with that situation that he didn't understand to really try and start explaining it to everyone.

Doug nodded along with Niko's explanation. Those "unpleasant consequences" would lose their gig here with Adele. It was a good thing Niko had a prepared statement. Doug would have been too...creative with his reasoning.

Anywho, time for a subject change before Serge starts digging at the most inopportune time.

"So the castle seems pretty busy. What's happening? Important guests or something?"

"I see..." Serge leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms. "Well, I suppose that's it then. I hope I haven't disgraced you too much, Miss Adele. I figure we'll be seeing each other more often than not, so if you got any questions for me, I suppose now's the time. I'll try to answer as truthfully as I can. ...Uh, I mean, if you're even at all interested." Assuming she had any questions for him. What was he thinking? He was just a commoner. Why would she give a rats ass about him? Serge you fucking idiot.

"Regardless of their internal politics, Doug and Niko were there when I was in need of them, and they've proven their worth to me. As for the goings-on about the castle, it would appear we are to be visited by an envoy from Raewald." Adele replied, placing her cup down.

"As for you, I don't have any particular questions, though I suppose if you have anything you feel important to share, I shall hear it."

Serge thought of anything that might be important and came up with only one thing. "I'm actually Myrcian. Does that count for anything?"

"I don't see why it would be particularly relevant, no." Adele replied, wondering why Serge would bring up his nationality of all things...

"Uh...Well, I've been judged a bit...harshly in the past for bringing that up by some...richer folk. So I guess I thought there was some...stigma against Myrcians so I thought to bring it up instead of trying to hide the fact?" Serge had expected to be laughed at, like most times he had encountered those with wealthy lives, but to be questioned about it caught him off guard. He wasn't sure how to respond. He blushed. He was continuing to embarrass himself spectacularly. Niko was sure to lecture him about his performance later. And he was dreading it.

"If there is, it's unknown to me." Adele replied, leaning back into her seat with a sigh.

"At any rate, if that's all that comes to mind, then that will do. If there's nothing else, then you're dismissed for the moment."

"Thank you, Lady Adele. I'll be out and about if you don't mind. Just hollar if you need some menial task done." Serge said, once again smiling. With that he got up and went outside the chamber to wait for Niko and Doug. He made a gigantic sigh of relief, hoping no one heard him.

With everything in order, Doug got up from his chair as well.

"But let's keep the castle sieges to a minimum, mmkay?" Doug added to Adele, recalling their previous mission.

"Now, where to guard first," he talked to himself aloud. The rider wondered if there was a ladies bathhouse that needed sentry...

Niko stood and bowed before exiting the room. He patted Serge on the shoulder and smiled slightly. "Don't worry, it gets easier with practice."

"Ah, Sir Angus. How may I assist you?" Adeltrudis asked, turning towards the squire as he called out to her, before the young knight brought up his proposal. It seemed oddly close to what Cassandra had brought up earlier, actually...

"The Goose, you say? Well, it seems a decent enough time, to go out and have some fun... who might you have invited. Actually, thinking of it, did you invite Cassandra? A group of us seems safe enough, especially at the Goose of all places, and I would think it better to give her a taste of the city air than have her break out on her own in pursuit of it, no? She has seemed restless as of late." Adele replied, deciding that trying to be logical about it would be the best way to air the inquiry. Now for his other question...

"The drill grounds, huh? I... would not be overtly opposed, but... I do fear that were I to go there I would find my progress tested by Captain Hogan... by the heavens if I dwell on the thought too long I can still feel the sting on my backside from the flat of his blade. What am embarrassing walloping that was..." Adele continued, both blushing and shivering at the recollection. She certainly hoped their recruits weren't in such dire straits as he was implying, though...

Edited by Satin. Dark Lord of Fabric
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"Thank you, Lord Gaffney, your hospitality is most appreciated," he said. "I shall make note of your request, Lady Charlotte. Now, if you'll excuse me," he said, turning and heading towards the door. He had a report to write, and it certainly wasn't going to write itself. As he made his way towards the Nobles' Ward, he made an effort to recap the events that had just transpired. King Oswald was notably missing from the meeting, but I think I preferred speaking to the Prince anyhow. Princess Cassandra seemed squarely in favor of an alliance, which bodes well. Prince Owen seemed more apprehensive, though I suspect that would be because he still needs to discuss things with his father. He seemed surprised that Queen Ethel had invited him to a meeting.

He frowned slightly, feeling a tinge of melancholy. Things weren't so complicated back in Wihtwar. They weren't the greatest, but they weren't complicated. He didn't have to deal with the looming possibility of a war for one thing. He sighed. Duke Herman, for his part, didn't seem to have much of an opinion one way or the other. General Grin...golet? Well, whatever it was, he may as well have not been there. Now, Lady Charlotte is a curious case but I'll consider her an asset for the time being. She seemed to be the primary cause for swaying the princess' opinion. She wants to meet with the Queen, but why tell me? She claims to be the daughter of a Marquess. She could arrange for it herself. Well, whatever...

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"Well, meeting adjourned~" It felt nice to say that. Without another word, Cass slipped herself out of the room and slowly began wandering the halls. She didn't want to stick around the meeting room for too long. Tobias and Gringolet would probably end up talking about a few things with each other, and Cass wanted to be around for none of it... Of course, now she had nothing to do, so her wandering around the halls was going to be aimless. Maybe I can find a maid to pester with a mindless task, or actually practice my healing... Oh! I should go and purchase some new staffs! I did get that gold from Father... But will I be let out alone to-- wait. Cass stopped, smiling. "Father said it was fine. Heeeeheeheehee~" Menacing giggling aside, Cass had a new spring in her step, as she headed straight for the exit of the castle, and out to the capital.

Cass heads to the Vendor o3o!

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"Cassandra, wait!" Sid started as the princess began to leave, but she quickly dropped her chase- there was no chance she'd be able to follow the princess, who certainly knew the castle halls far better than she did. "Her impatience still frustrates me. What was she thinking? Did she not pay any attention at all to what I said before?" She declined elaborating further than that, as Duke Herman and the General were not quite aware of the entirety of her situation, instead merely sighing. "Arguing with her during the meeting would be useless, but really, she needs to have more foresight... Well, I suppose there isn't anything I can do about it now, though I must discuss this with her later. What will you be up to next, Prince Owen? I was just going to stroll through town, but I think my mood for that is a bit ruined..."

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Angus studies his hand, opening it one finger at a time. "Well, there's Lionel, Gerrard, mentioned it with Cass around... not sure that's all of 'em, but I can't remember who else." He looks up at the mention of Cassandra's safety. "Aye, for sure. I'm used t'chuckin' a cloak at her and gettin' real nasty with any bloke too curious, but this'll do just as well."

Hogan--ah, the brilliant old bastard. [if I was just a bit stronger, I'd be learning from those thrashings...] "Trust me", the squire chuckles, "if a stingin' backside is all you remember, he was mighty polite. I came at 'im twice this week, an', well... let's jus' say I blamed the smell on the bear the second time!" He continues laughing, shaking his head before tilting it briefly down the hall. "Now's always best, eh? I wouldn' worry if I were you; the ass-whoopin's are optional for knights 'n' guests." A winding arm betrays Angus' eagerness to square off against what might well be the perfect opponent. The excitement of the impending fight dulls his hesitance to speak with Adele... perhaps too much. "Not t'impose if you have business, of course! But if you've ever been jealous of someone, you'll understand~" Not recognizing the implication that perhaps wasn't coincidental, Angus shoulders his trusted axe and starts for the training grounds.

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"It should be a burden off of your shoulders as well, then. I think it would be good to have her along." Adele replied, listening to Angus as he spoke. She couldn't help but grin as he went over his antics... he really was a bit of a mooncalf, wasn't he? Oh well, he seemed to make Cass happy, at any rate.

"It might be optional to start with, but I wonder if it'll stay that way if I start sparring... I would hope so. Well, I've nothing better to do, so I may as well give it a shot, and hope that the Captain is in a good mood." Adele replied, taking pause for a moment as Angus mentioned jealousy. Who was he jealous of? Her? That... didn't make much sense in her head, but why bring it up otherwise?


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Angus gestures widely at Adele, as if that explained it. "I mean--lookit you! You're a damned hurricane!" The squire's ears begin to turn a bit red as he continues. "You'd think lookin' at the two of us I'd bounce you off th'walls, but I'd say it goes the other way, wouldn' you? You're so young! A woman! Yet here y'are, every bit my match an' then some." Angus pauses, staring at the wall. "We see the same in you, I think. Noble, strong, brave, ironclad. Jus' better." A caterpillar eyebrow raised towards Adele punctuates the statement. "'sides, I think I'm duty-bound t'keep you sharp, eh?"

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"Well, I should hope so. My father is the mightiest knight of the realm... woman or not, I must steel myself. Someday my father's duties will fall to me, after all." Adele replied, blushing a bit at Angus' quite high appraisal of her.

"But I've seen you fight, Angus Kearney. You might be reckless and wild, but there is talent there. You sell yourself short." The Herman heiress continued, a bit puzzled by Angus' actions. He was talking in odd ways, that was for certain. He seemed to be trying to imply... something, but she wasn't sure what. Who else constituted 'we', for one?

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Angus nods--he had never considered that Adele would be Herman's successor. He hadn't given it much thought, but he had always assumed Graham would fill those shoes. "Heh! Shows how li'l I know. But talent don' mean much if my guts'r on the wall in a month. There's always somethin', an' the next time it might not be a chump like Baleros, eh?"

The two arrive at the drill grounds. Angus scrounges up a brace of wooden axes, tossing Adele one while discarding the deadlier counterpart. His excitement bubbles forth once again. "Well, c'mon then~!"

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The Meeting

Tobias looked over at Gringolet briefly before returning to Alain. "Thank you, neither myself nor the General have any further questions." he replied, the guards at the entrance opening the doors. "His highness offers his invitation for you all to stay as his guests, if you so wish that is."

The other members of Alain's group rose to their feet, heading towards the door, nodding agreeably. "It would be our pleasure, it may also give us some time to learn about our possible allies. We do hope that it does not come to war, but if it does, we shall show no mercy to Deira."

Watching as they left curiously, Tobias twirled his mustache again, beckoning the Gringolet over. "Thank you, Prince Owen, you did remarkably well for your first international meeting. If there's anything that the House of Herman can do to support you, please let either myself or Adeltrudis know. Do pass on my regards to your sister, it's good to see her so well spirited."

Meeting over! Players are free to move!


Much as Adele had seen the day before, Cass was met by the rather bored woman at the counter, still scanning through a book at a leisurely pace. "Welcome, don't brea-... oh my!" she gasped, standing herself up quickly. "Your highness! Please, it is an honour, browse our wares as you see fit. If you wish to purchase anything, I will be more than happy to select the finest we have in stock! If it pleases you, of course!"


Hogan huffed as Angus and Adele walked into the training hall, he'd had enough of Angus for a month, let alone a week. "Good to see you don't smell of bear shit, Kearney. I was wondering if you actually ever bathed." he barked, kicking a soldier doing press ups in front of him. "If you didn't fall so quickly I might have ended up puking on you."

[spoiler=Angus will win one day]

31 HP
82 hit
7x2 Atk
35 HP
76 hit
7 Atk
Adele attacks!
(88 82)
Adele misses!
(32 15)
Angus counters for 7 damage! (24/31 HP remaining)
Adele strikes once more!
(53 70)
Angus takes 7 damage! (28/35 HP remaining)
Angus attacks!
(27 66)
Angus deals 7 damage! (17/31 HP remaining)
Adele retaliates with a pair of blows!
(67 45)
Angus takes 7 damage! (21/35 HP remaining)
(55 0)
Angus takes 7 damage! (14/35 HP remaining)
Angus gives perhaps his final attack!
(33 27)
Adele takes 7 damage! (10/31 HP remaining)
Adele strikes back!
(72 21)
Angus takes 7 damage! (7/35 HP remaining)
(44 93)
Angus gets a good knock on the noggin!
Angus and Adele gain 10 XP!
Adele gains 7 Axe WEXP!
Angus gains 3 Axe WEXP!

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Well... The vendor was certainly chipper. Especially in her tonal change. Cass didn't quite mind the switch, though it would get grating if she were to start receiving undue praise. She was just shopping. "Er, yes... Hello." Maybe she understood why Sidney was bothered by her own switch in tone when she revealed her heritage. Just a tad. "I'd like... Those two, please." She pointed halfheartedly at the barrier and the warp staffs, leaning gently onto the counter. "If you're willing to part with them. They seem rather rare and expensive."

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Angus groans, rising to his feet very slowly on bent knees. He lifts the axe again only to collapse, laughing with his cheek against the ground.

"Changin' the schedule today is all," the battered squire wheezes. "Think that'll help, once everythin' stops spinnin'." He forces himself up once again with somewhat more success, leaning on his axe while offering a shaky hand to Adele. "Thanks for that. I ah... I'm surprised, seems our skills are decently matched. Should prob'ly scrounge up one of them bronze axes soon, whaddya think?" The lack of difference in skill was quite surprising to Angus; sure, she was fast enough to open him up with relative ease, but he didn't struggle to hit her. [No reason to give up on myself, of course, but maybe it'd be wise to pack something more wieldy to compensate for... well, axe problems.]

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It had been a boring five days ever since he had met Lady Adele. Sure, her father was kind enough to let the Reliants stay at his own establishment, but after marveling at how neat and shiny the place was for a day, there just wasn't anything to do. It was only today that Serge had decided to wander around Hull, and even then he had no clear destination. "Hmmm....I think I've been that way before...right? Yeah, I recognize the door to that house...got a weird bit of paint on it...Gaaaaah. Doesn't anybody have signs for this god damn place? Maybe some maps put up saying 'you are here'?" He probably could have taken some kind of tour, but he had no money after that dumb bar he was at. He sighed. Maybe he could window shop at some random store or something. That'd at least be NEW.

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Cass has class

The woman nodded slowly, looking at Cass nervously. "These two? If you wish to purchase them, I have no objections, your highness." she replied, taking the items from the shelf and putting them on the counter. "If there's anything else you require, please let us know."

Cass uses her dad's money to buy Barrier and Warp!

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"No, that will be all. Was just looking into something more complicated to practice magic with. Father would never let me near the things in the treasury, far too precious. Not to say your wares aren't worth a pretty penny; I'm not even sure I can perform these spells properly. Alas; practice has to begin somewhere. I can't heal scratches for the rest of my life." Cass smiled at the vendor, handing her over the necessary gold. She had a bit left over, but she wasn't sure she'd be able to afford a proper axe with it... Well, no need to not check! Cass, new staffs in hand, carried herself out of the shop-- and laid eyes on...

Ew. A sellsword. Or at least he looked like a sellsword. "Er... Good day, sir," she addressed, hoping her tone wasn't too offensive. Well, he seemed about as well kept as their own mercenaries, so no need to be rude. At least not yet. I'm just saying hello, anyway. That's polite, right? No need for conversation.

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He had been minding his own business, finally finding a shop to look around in when someone had bothered to talk to him. "Eh? Oh, good day to you, too, Madam." He said nodding his head. The girl had was dressed oddly and carried two unique looking staves with her, most likely just purchased from the vendor here. Probably some rich guy's daughter or some such, though he couldn't help but think he had at least heard of someone fitting her description. He also couldn't help but notice a lack of desire for conversation between him and her. "Pardon me, but you're standing in the entry to the shop."

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Cass narrowed her eyes at him and took a step aside, scoffing. "My apologies for blocking your way~" her tone a bit less than pleasant. With a roll of her eyes, she turned away from the vagabond and pulled a small map out of her pocket. She'd never really been about the town, so she needed some form of making sure she was going the right way. "Right, so..." Weapons shop is which way...? That way... Alright. Perhaps they have something I can get with the rest of the gold I have.

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