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Ugliest Fire Emblem Boys And Girls

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Saw the two other topics and decided I should come full circle. Only rules are no "generic bosses" (Bosses that appear for the chapter they are in and are never heard from again) as they are supposed to be gross and ugly.

Matthis (Though FE11/12 did improve it)

Trewd (FE5)




Gheb (I know I said no generic bosses, but this is a fair exception)

And I'll throw in the "Gross dark caster" which consists of Gharnef, Manfroy, and Izuka

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every character other than meg
noish from fe4
a lot of characters in fe4 have really silly looking portraits, but noish's just looks dumb
i want to say sigurd too, but he actually looks pretty damn good in his card artwork. But his in game artwork is god damn that's a big chin

sothe because of his stupid shirt. get a better shirt, sothe. please. i don't want to look at that.

it kinda looks like he just never got a new shirt since path of radiance

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Outside of the obvious choices like most of the villians from PoR and Radiant Dawn, I thought Sully from Awakening was pretty ugly. Other than that and quite a bit of the villians I really cant think of any. I also thought Charlotte looks weird if that counts?

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This is a bad topic

It's not an okay thing to judge people based on looks or to call fictional characters ugly unless that's the intent like Gharnef

I take offense to anyone saying Meg especially

So my answer is probably Gharnef because he barely looks human

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Guys: Excellus, Oliver, Valtome, just ew. (I know Valtome is a boss and the thread said no bosses, but really, he deserves to be here. Same with Excellus) Makalov isn't too good looking either. And Gonzales, of course. He still seems like an interesting character to me though, being a playable brigand and all.

Girls: Camilla, Mia, Niime (hey, she's an old hag lol), Hannah (she's an old hag too!)

That's really all I can think of. FE doesn't have many ugly people. I wouldn't even actually consider Mia and Camilla to be ugly by normal standards, just really by FE standards. And the standards of the games they appear in as well, sort of.

Edited by Anacybele
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This is a bad topic

It's not an okay thing to judge people based on looks or to call fictional characters ugly unless that's the intent like Gharnef

I take offense to anyone saying Meg especially

So my answer is probably Gharnef because he barely looks human

Says the most judgmental person on all of Serenes Forest. Lol.
















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Says the most judgmental person on all of Serenes Forest. Lol.
















Thank you for proving my point lol

Putting more masculine women, Forrest, Niles, and Soleil only serves to make you look bad.

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Dude, stop getting offended just because someone finds a bunch of pixels ugly.

Edited by Gradivus.
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tbh Dorothy's full art is actually pretty good but her sprite is just like what

Funny story: one time one of my younger brothers and I were talking about how funny Dorothy's face sprite looked, one of my other brothers overheard and was curious of what she looked like, I loaded up Serene Forest to show what Dorothy's face looked like, and then my computer literally froze as her face was going to load up.

Anyways, to contribute to the topic: Excellus, definitely.

I already mentioned Dorothy.

And I actually find Tharja very unattractive. Even if she had a relatively normal personality and more normal clothes, I still would find her unattractive due to the creepy face and finding the Egyptian style hair unattractive and rather stiff and gross looking.

a lot of characters in fe4 have really silly looking portraits

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this. Even without my FE4 and Jugdral hate, I still find a good chunk of the portraits really weird looking. Quite a few of the female portraits looks really masculine (Adean, Briggid, and Lachesis comes to mind). Even some of the females that do look female enough, have their portraits look quite off and weird (like how Lana and Julia have really squinty and small eyes).

Though keep in mind, I find all of the TCG and official artworks of the Jugdral females to be okay and normal looking. Just... the in-game face sprites look really weird and off.

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i think dorothy is adorable

i even added that to my post at first because i knew people would mention her eventually if the thread went on but then i removed it because i thought and hoped this thread would not go on

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  • 3 weeks later...

All of the FE 1 sprites were kinda ugly except for Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est, Midia, and Astram's.

Other than that, Gonzalez (I'm probably misspelling this) Gheb (don't shoot me), and Gordin.

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All of the FE 1 sprites were kinda ugly except for Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est, Midia, and Astram's.

Other than that, Gonzalez (I'm probably misspelling this) Gheb (don't shoot me), and Gordin.

Idk, I thought Linde's was pretty good

Anyways, Matthis

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Specifically Endgame Nergal

Gonzalez is pretty bad in all seriousness though. At least with some of the older characters I can imagine they were decent looking a t some point in their lives. But poor Gonzalez looks bad now, was probably an ugly baby, and will die an old ugly man. His proportions are all weird and his lack of teeth is off-putting to me as well.

As others have mentioned, Oliver is not so great looking either. Especially for someone who isn't possessed or deformed by dark magic.

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Putting aside the old women (like Niime or Hannah), I'd say Aversa for the girls. While I find many girls unattractive (like Farina, Sully or Tharja), Aversa is the only one that makes me want to puke just by looking at her.

For men... hard choice between Excellus, Gharnef (seriously the remake's design looks more like a WC3 acolyte than a human), and Gonzales.

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