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Bombing Brussel March 22th 2016


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I don't know if many people have heard of this, but yesterday, there was a Bombing in the belgium capital by IS. I've heard on different dutch and belgium forums how scared they were, because family, friends, ETC were there when it happened.

What are your thoughts on this incident?

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First of all my condolences to those who lost their loved ones in this incident.

It does makes me wonder however.

The terrorists surely won't stop there, and it makes me wonder what their next target will be...

They want to call attention and hurt the big powers of the world, so if they keep their attacks to Europe, they will want to chose a powerful country.

By that logic, I would assume that countries like Portugal and Finland are somewhat "safe".

Of course, I wouldn't say they are 100% safe from terrorist attacks, they aren't.

But it seems unlikely that these countries will be attacked.

What do you guys think?

Edited by Water Mage
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I didn't follow the news yesterday, but I saw heavy police presence on various train stations in the Netherlands and they all carried big guns and bulletproof vests. One station was also evacuated because of a bomb alarm.

I heard about the bombings in Brussels fairly late in the evening, and then also that there were bombings in Antwerp and other places (false) I got kinda worried because my mother works in Ghent, near one of the train stations. I was kinda relieved to find out it that wasn't the case.

On a whole different note, if you follow Belgian politics (I sorta do), Bart de Wever said two months ago that if there would be attacks in Belgium, it would be in Antwerp. Guess he was full of shit.

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I send my condolences to the families of those who suffered from this tragic event.

The bombing was by no means a random act of terrorism, it was a calculated move. Some analysts speculate whether or not announcing to the public that the captured Paris attacker was cooperating was a dangerous move. It could be possible that the Brussels attackers were sending a warning to the authorities. Then there is attacking a major transit connection near EU headquarters, politically speaking an ideal move. They were able to strike at the heart of Europe so to speak, and that's a major blow.

Edited by DragonLord
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That's sad to hear ; these peoples who did this are monsters..I'm from Belgium and everything we hear are very...I've no words, really. That's a lot strange too, because I was near Maalbeek a couple of days ago, and you're like: "Wow, did I think one moment that this would be possible?"

But now, I give all my condolences to all victims from this horrible act, I hope it won't happen anywhere, but it will take a long time before everyone feel safe again, the only thing we can do is not changing the way we lives, giving hope to all humans in the world, and never forget.

That's hard to hear when it's far from you, but a lot harder to hear when that's near you ; killing humans..Fuck them.

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My condoleances as well for everyone who has acquatainces or even themselves involved inthis... French people reacted quicklyto the newssince we are neighbours, and Paris stuff and all...

First of all my condolences to those who lost their loved ones in this incident.

It does makes me wonder however.
The terrorists surely won't stop there, and it makes me wonder what their next target will be...
They want to call attention and hurt the big powers of the world, so if they keep their attacks to Europe, they will want to chose a powerful country.
By that logic, I would assume that countries like Portugal and Finland are somewhat "safe".
Of course, I wouldn't say they are 100% safe from terrorist attacks, they aren't.
But it seems unlikely that these countries will be attacked.
What do you guys think?

If they go hitting a country which made those guys mad, (as France wanted to send troops in Syria, Belgium founding some missing terrorists involved with Paris bombing), then I think UK might be next considering David Cameron wanted to send troops too,if I recall correctly. (I'm don't follow the news that much, so I'm not the most fiable source...

If they want to make a "chain" and attck the nearest country, then Netrherlands, Luxembourg, Germany are in danger.

If they hitthe most powerful, it's going to be UK or Germany.

Else if they change their pattern, Spain, Italy Portugal, and Scandinavian countries are likely targeted next.

Though I somehow despise myself doing statistics on who is going to die next. And terrorists piss me off rather than scare me at this point. What I fear the most is that in a soon future, terrorist attack will become so common that people, myself included will grow use to it and don't feel sorry for the victims anymore. I might sound pessimistic or cold-hearted when I say I am prepared to see more bombings in the future, but it bugs me....

Anyway, back to the real topic, I heard they identified the kamikazes, I'll link the source later, or if anyone else can do it...

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I think this more than anything shows that our current ideas regarding privacy are outdated in the face of new means of communication. Privacy is a nice idea, but, well, so is human life. There is a tendency in humans to be self centered; "I don't want the government to see my BDSM porn!" Newsflash: the government doesn't give a shit about your BDSM porn, unless of course it involves children, in which case off to jail with you you sick fuck. This debate is often misrepresented as being between freedom and security. In truth, the government being able to, say, unlock a terrorist's iPhone is not a threat to freedom. Freedom of speech will still be a constitutional right, whether the government can see what you're saying or not.

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When I heared about this terror attack, I thought immediately it would be a revenge act for catching Saleh Abdeslam in Belgium a few days ago.

However the terror experts told it's practically impossible to prepare these attacks in this short time.

Anyways it's another wake-up-call for Europe to work better together against the terrorism.

The latest attacks like in Paris and Bruxelles showed that there's no safe place in the world anymore.

And I'm worried that these horrible happenings will repeat theirselves in other countries in the future.

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My condoleances as well for everyone who has acquatainces or even themselves involved inthis... French people reacted quicklyto the newssince we are neighbours, and Paris stuff and all...

If they go hitting a country which made those guys mad, (as France wanted to send troops in Syria, Belgium founding some missing terrorists involved with Paris bombing), then I think UK might be next considering David Cameron wanted to send troops too,if I recall correctly. (I'm don't follow the news that much, so I'm not the most fiable source...

If they want to make a "chain" and attck the nearest country, then Netrherlands, Luxembourg, Germany are in danger.

If they hitthe most powerful, it's going to be UK or Germany.

Else if they change their pattern, Spain, Italy Portugal, and Scandinavian countries are likely targeted next.

Though I somehow despise myself doing statistics on who is going to die next. And terrorists piss me off rather than scare me at this point. What I fear the most is that in a soon future, terrorist attack will become so common that people, myself included will grow use to it and don't feel sorry for the victims anymore. I might sound pessimistic or cold-hearted when I say I am prepared to see more bombings in the future, but it bugs me....

Anyway, back to the real topic, I heard they identified the kamikazes, I'll link the source later, or if anyone else can do it...

Pretty sure they want to hit the most powerful, which is why Brussels was attacked.

They pretty much want to say "Look at what we can do to your powerful countries!"

Like I said before, it's very unlikely for countries like Portugal, Scandinavian countries, Finland or the Netherlands to be the next target.

They are probably are going for somewhere powerful, and Germany's pretty close.

Also, it is quite possible that their next attack won't be in an Airport or Subway since security is going to be stronger in those places.

They probably won't attack a airplane either, since those places have tight security, and they want cause a lot of damage, a plane wouldn't kill a lot people, at least not compared to Paris's attack.

They will probably attack something like a famous landmark or a huge hotel.

What are you guys's opinions?

Edited by Water Mage
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Like I said before, it's very unlikely for countries like Portugal, Scandinavian countries, Finland or the Netherlands to be the next target.

They are probably are going for somewhere powerful, and Germany's pretty close.

What about Italy, how big is the chance in your opinion? I live in Milan, even though they prefer target capitals and Milan isn't one, but still it's an important city in in some sense is considered Italy's "economy" capital. I hate those scumbags, seriously, they are worse than the mafia.....After what happened, I am worried for my mother who uses the subway every day to go to work.....Haven't even gone to the cinema since the Paris attacks.

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What about Italy, how big is the chance in your opinion? I live in Milan, even though they prefer target capitals and Milan isn't one, but still it's an important city in in some sense is considered Italy's "economy" capital. I hate those scumbags, seriously, they are worse than the mafia.....After what happened, I am worried for my mother who uses the subway every day to go to work.....Haven't even gone to the cinema since the Paris attacks.

Like I said before, they want to grab attention, so it's likely the keep targeting capitals, besides if Italy is to be targeted, Milan is still unlikely, not only because it's not a capital, but because there's another much more attractive target, the Vatican.

If they want to attack Italy's area, the Vatican is a key location. A terrorist attack there would cause a lot of impact.

Also, they already attacked a subway, and they know security in those places will be stronger, so it's likely the they will change where they will attack.

Of course, this is all theory. I could be completely wrong.

And this doesn't stop people from trying to go cause solo terrorists attacks.

Edited by Water Mage
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The promised link : http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-35869266. Got lazy so I choose to pick the BBC summary,but it has most news around it.
Apparently in the UK, two other guys got caught up in London, recently. If there is any Londoners, be extra careful in the few next months, if they still follow the pattern of : I'll hit your country because you caught our men. (or something like that)

Pretty sure they want to hit the most powerful, which is why Brussels was attacked.
They pretty much want to say "Look at what we can do to your powerful countries!"
Like I said before, it's very unlikely for countries like Portugal, Scandinavian countries, Finland or the Netherlands to be the next target.
They are probably are going for somewhere powerful, and Germany's pretty close.
Also, it is quite possible that their next attack won't be in an Airport or Subway since security is going to be stronger in those places.
They probably won't attack a airplane either, since those places have tight security, and they want cause a lot of damage, a plane wouldn't kill a lot people, at least not compared to Paris's attack.
They will probably attack something like a famous landmark or a huge hotel.
What are you guys's opinions?

Well, they are still terrorists, so I guess they'd want to stay unpredictible. Unless they really focus on every powerful country, as you said, but you can't be certain of anything, both you and I are assuming, and no one is really exempt of danger.
I'd like to point flaws (What I'll speak from now could be considered as well as opinions, since I lack political/economic culture and evidential numbers. Sorry to enter the debate without actual knowledge) in that "Powerful countries are targetted" theory :

-US and Russia are bigger threat to terrorists, and rather powerful at the moment. Yet they focus on Europe. Indeed they are cautious enough not to attac US or Russia head on since US hve gone through 9/11 and are quite cautious, and Rusians may entirely bulldoze Iraq and/or Syria if they dare put a finger on them (manner of speaking). They are also asian countries like Japan (still under US protection), China, though China already had problems with them already and couldprobably scare them too. So they would attack Europe which is stronger but has less defense, Schengen area and all. But then it's only scaring the weakest part of the developed/strongest countries.
-Yet though France is quite a popular country, there are many problem at the moment, including migrants' arrival, the rising islamophobia, our president is hated by the whole country and our economy doesn't seem to go that well either. France isn't the country in the wors situation but I would not as powerful as some other countries at the moment.
Belgium isn't as a thing if not for EU headquarters. It isn't in the top 5 of UN (US, UK, France, Russia, China, unless I mistake), and you don't hear much of Begium politics or issues often. I wouldn't call it a very big country, and not only in terms of sizee. I mean, France, UK, Germany, and maybe Spain, Italy might have greater influence.
-Didn't they also attack a hotel in Mali about the same period of time as Paris attacks ? Sorry to say that but Mali is not even as powerful as France or Belgium.

The thing is that the biggest correlation between France and Belgium attacks are that :
-France wanted to send troops in Syria. Belgium caught some of the guys who attacked in Paris. Both countries might have pissed them off. In that logic UK could be next. And I said I didn't hear much of Germany's position with terrorism. THe fact they are not as loud as France or Belgium would "spare" them with that logic.
-France and Belgium are neighboours, so UK, Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg are potential targeted locations.
-France and Belgium had quite the numbers of young people and prisoners who are "recruited" while going on the Internet, or meeting actual pople that deliver "Coran teaching". In that case both countries might be targeted again, and any country with this criteria might too.
Overall, I'd say UK is quite in danger, but that doesn't stop them from striking in France and Belgium again or in other countries in Europe.

And we could just be misleaded trying to think that there is any correlation. I still think they want to keep a bit of unpredictability.
Though, I agree there is a possiblity they would hit a hotel, business building or if they feel daring, a monument or political location, since they want to hit hard where there is a lot of people.

What about Italy, how big is the chance in your opinion? I live in Milan, even though they prefer target capitals and Milan isn't one, but still it's an important city in in some sense is considered Italy's "economy" capital. I hate those scumbags, seriously, they are worse than the mafia.....After what happened, I am worried for my mother who uses the subway every day to go to work.....Haven't even gone to the cinema since the Paris attacks.

I understand how you feel but don't get that paranoid about it (says the man who just made a few theories with a few farfetched ones....)
Usually, their goal has not been to directlysink a country's economy or Wall Street wouldn't be a thing any more as well as and banks. They rather scare people by striking where it hurts, killing many people. But that doesn't mean Milan can't be a target. Anywhere could, as long as it makes quite the fuss and kills a lot, and where the information canbe relayed to medias fast enough.
I hope your mother will stay safe, but you know... try not living in fear since it's what they want. It's a good thing to be cautious in these times but try to live your live a normal life anyway. And that comes from a guy who used to live in Paris and often takes the train and the subway to and in Paris.

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The promised link : http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-35869266. Got lazy so I choose to pick the BBC summary,but it has most news around it.

Apparently in the UK, two other guys got caught up in London, recently. If there is any Londoners, be extra careful in the few next months, if they still follow the pattern of : I'll hit your country because you caught our men. (or something like that)

Well, they are still terrorists, so I guess they'd want to stay unpredictible. Unless they really focus on every powerful country, as you said, but you can't be certain of anything, both you and I are assuming, and no one is really exempt of danger.

I'd like to point flaws (What I'll speak from now could be considered as well as opinions, since I lack political/economic culture and evidential numbers. Sorry to enter the debate without actual knowledge) in that "Powerful countries are targetted" theory :

-US and Russia are bigger threat to terrorists, and rather powerful at the moment. Yet they focus on Europe. Indeed they are cautious enough not to attac US or Russia head on since US hve gone through 9/11 and are quite cautious, and Rusians may entirely bulldoze Iraq and/or Syria if they dare put a finger on them (manner of speaking). They are also asian countries like Japan (still under US protection), China, though China already had problems with them already and couldprobably scare them too. So they would attack Europe which is stronger but has less defense, Schengen area and all. But then it's only scaring the weakest part of the developed/strongest countries.

-Yet though France is quite a popular country, there are many problem at the moment, including migrants' arrival, the rising islamophobia, our president is hated by the whole country and our economy doesn't seem to go that well either. France isn't the country in the wors situation but I would not as powerful as some other countries at the moment.

Belgium isn't as a thing if not for EU headquarters. It isn't in the top 5 of UN (US, UK, France, Russia, China, unless I mistake), and you don't hear much of Begium politics or issues often. I wouldn't call it a very big country, and not only in terms of sizee. I mean, France, UK, Germany, and maybe Spain, Italy might have greater influence.

-Didn't they also attack a hotel in Mali about the same period of time as Paris attacks ? Sorry to say that but Mali is not even as powerful as France or Belgium.

The thing is that the biggest correlation between France and Belgium attacks are that :

-France wanted to send troops in Syria. Belgium caught some of the guys who attacked in Paris. Both countries might have pissed them off. In that logic UK could be next. And I said I didn't hear much of Germany's position with terrorism. THe fact they are not as loud as France or Belgium would "spare" them with that logic.

-France and Belgium are neighboours, so UK, Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg are potential targeted locations.

-France and Belgium had quite the numbers of young people and prisoners who are "recruited" while going on the Internet, or meeting actual pople that deliver "Coran teaching". In that case both countries might be targeted again, and any country with this criteria might too.

Overall, I'd say UK is quite in danger, but that doesn't stop them from striking in France and Belgium again or in other countries in Europe.

And we could just be misleaded trying to think that there is any correlation. I still think they want to keep a bit of unpredictability.

Though, I agree there is a possiblity they would hit a hotel, business building or if they feel daring, a monument or political location, since they want to hit hard where there is a lot of people.

I understand how you feel but don't get that paranoid about it (says the man who just made a few theories with a few farfetched ones....)

Usually, their goal has not been to directlysink a country's economy or Wall Street wouldn't be a thing any more as well as and banks. They rather scare people by striking where it hurts, killing many people. But that doesn't mean Milan can't be a target. Anywhere could, as long as it makes quite the fuss and kills a lot, and where the information canbe relayed to medias fast enough.

I hope your mother will stay safe, but you know... try not living in fear since it's what they want. It's a good thing to be cautious in these times but try to live your live a normal life anyway. And that comes from a guy who used to live in Paris and often takes the train and the subway to and in Paris.

The Mali attack, if I not mistaken was from a different group, Mali's Liberation Front, or something similar, and while Al-Qaeda was involved, details are sketchy. The Mali attacks are very likely unrelated to the Europe attacks.

While you are right in saying terrorists are unpredictable, these terrorists in Europe are not doing these attacks just to randomly kill people.

They are doing this to spread fear. It's calculated. They want to strike where it hurts the most.

Which is why, like you said, the next target will most likely be a tourist attraction, and hotel or a political building.

I'm almost sure that they won't attack airplanes. It wouldn't cause the impact that they want.

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Like I said before, they want to grab attention, so it's likely the keep targeting capitals, besides if Italy is to be targeted, Milan is still unlikely, not only because it's not a capital, but because there's another much more attractive target, the Vatican.

If they want to attack Italy's area, the Vatican is a key location. A terrorist attack there would cause a lot of impact.

Also, they already attacked a subway, and they know security in those places will be stronger, so it's likely the they will change where they will attack.

Of course, this is all theory. I could be completely wrong.

And this doesn't stop people from trying to go cause solo terrorists attacks.

Belgium has never been a powerful country.

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Belgium has never been a powerful country.

Belgium may not be powerful, but it's a key location.

It's the center of EU, like blah said, amd other important european organizations.

Just to have an idea of how important Belgium is, ever since the attacks in France during November, everyone knew Belgium was going to be the next target.

This attack is not in the least suprising. Ever since November, the goverment knew Belgium would be attacked.

It was quite obvious.

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Belgium may not be powerful, but it's a key location.

It's the center of EU, like blah said, amd other important european organizations.

Just to have an idea of how important Belgium is, ever since the attacks in France during November, everyone knew Belgium was going to be the next target.

This attack is not in the least suprising. Ever since November, the goverment knew Belgium would be attacked.

It was quite obvious.

Everyone knew Belgium was going to be the next target because the terrorists were caught there. Belgium has never been an important member of EU either.

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