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But he is written pretty good imo, like with how he deals with not trusting Kamui/Corn so easily.

For his deals with not trusting Corrin, I think that if he was more passive-aggressive towards the MC then he would be more consistent as a character due to some of his supports like with camilla, he can be sort of seen as passive aggressive, i.e telling camilla off abit and avoiding her.

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Who says that I'm insulted? I just find it sad that you can't even properly argue against points like an educated person and you have to make insults about someone you don't even know. I certainly hope you don't act like this in real life. Someone with your temperament wouldn't have any friends.

if you don't feel insulted, why do you label them as insults? Where have I insulted you except implying you were biased? However your actually the first one to throw an actual insult. If you don't think my opinion on whether you are being biased about takumi is right, then say so "educated" person it's fine to disagree with opinions and give a valid reason why I am wrong. There is no need to get angry in a thread over about Takumi.

cool it, both of you. i don't care who started it, but it's done.

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I'd say Takumi lashing out against his sister he never got along with is considerably milder than Xander's version of acting like a dick, which involves, you know, slaughtering innocent people.

But he's so upset about it, you guys.

Oh I know this. I'm just saying I can understand why he'd probably feel unloved by his family if one of them was just like "imma go get back this baby" "wait what about your siblings" "WHO"

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Alright. I'll leave that alone.

Looking at the FE:fates opening and see that Camilla/Takumi and Leo/Hinoka could be parallels to each other. Of course that's just me seeing who appears first in each opening and cutscene.

Now, I'm just wondering how? Any ideas?

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I like Takumi because he's one of the few believable characters in the game, doesn't really indulge in player worshipping, and gets crits for days.

Anybody willing to argue with that?

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My answer would have to be "Way better than Takumi did at a far younger age in a far worse situation". (Read: Not rich as balls, and surrounded by a loving family)

Sorry Takumi would not be a sympathetic character to as many people as he is if he acted like a real trauma victim instead of #firstworldproblems.

Or was that rhetorical?

Well if this was supposed to be funny, it sure as heck isn't. Insecurity/low self-esteem can lead to depression, and then suicide. Want statistics and scientific evidence? I can hand you some academic journal links. It's way beyond "First World Problem", thank you very much. Being someone who has personally experienced both insecurity and depression, I'm not amused in the least.

To counter your argument, not all rich people are happy. You see them chasing after tangible materials, materialistic things (i.e: jets, more money.etc) but does this mean that they're truly happy? No. Some of the people who I know, despite being rich are not. At all. I have heard stories of my friends' friends, who, despite having money, are not happy. Heck, some of them come from broken families (i.e: abuse).

Again, I repeat: it is easy to SAY that you wouldn't have turned out the way Takumi did, because you have not experienced it, nor were you in his shoes. If you have suffered the trauma that he did or something similar, and/or endured depression and have immense insecurity issues, then go ahead and say whatever you like.

That voice in your head that says, "You aren't good enough?"

Multiply that by the dozens and imagine living with that daily. That being a constant presence in your mind. Belittling every single thing that you do.

And then, it becomes a cycle.

It's not fun at all.

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Well if this was supposed to be funny, it sure as heck isn't. Insecurity/low self-esteem can lead to depression, and then suicide. Want statistics and scientific evidence? I can hand you some academic journal links. It's way beyond "First World Problem", thank you very much. Being someone who has personally experienced both insecurity and depression, I'm not amused in the least.

To counter your argument, not all rich people are happy. You see them chasing after tangible materials, materialistic things (i.e: jets, more money.etc) but does this mean that they're truly happy? No. Some of the people who I know, despite being rich are not. At all. I have heard stories of my friends' friends, who, despite having money, are not happy. Heck, some of them come from broken families (i.e: abuse).

Again, I repeat: it is easy to SAY that you wouldn't have turned out the way Takumi did, because you have not experienced it, nor were you in his shoes. If you have suffered the trauma that he did or something similar, and/or endured depression and have immense insecurity issues, then go ahead and say whatever you like.

That voice in your head that says, "You aren't good enough?"

Multiply that by the dozens and imagine living with that daily. That being a constant presence in your mind. Belittling every single thing that you do.

And then, it becomes a cycle.

It's not fun at all.

Yeah, I agree with you. A lot of people are under the misconception that if you grow up in a loving family and never wanted for anything, then there should be nothing wrong with you and that you're a spoiled brat if there is.

Well, guess what? There's something wrong with all of us. Yes, many people who suffer from depression grew up with nothing. But there are just as many people who grew up comfortably with everything that they needed … and yet they still have issues. Depression. That voice in the back of their heads always telling them they're not good enough. Sometimes, you just can't control it and it doesn't matter whether you grew up with nothing at all or everything you could want.

I mean, take a look at the world around you. People who are relatively well-off and don't want for anything suffer from self-esteem and depression issues. There are so many factors that go into it. Forget about fictional characters, I think too many people just do not understand how real life humans work in general.

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