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Birthright PMU


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Hello, everyone!

This is exactly what the title says, I've been wanting to try a PMU run for a while now.

The endgame allows for the avatar + 15 other units so that's how many I need. You can pick the avatar's asset/flaw, secondary class, and ending class. Any ending class works for everyone else too as long as they don't have to marry anyone for it. I also have all of the DLC to date so have fun with that!

I'll be liveblogging my progress here once I know who my team's going to be.


1. +Magic/-Luck Sorcerer!Avatar

2. Kinshi Knight!Reina

3. Master of Arms!Hana

4. Spear Master!Hinoka

5. Priestess!Sakura

6. Merchant!Oboro

7. Blacksmith!Rinkah

8. Onmyoji!Kaden

9. Sniper!Kagero

10. Mechanist!Setsuna

11. Merchant!Orochi

12. Basara!Takumi

13. Vanguard!Hinata

14. Kinshi Knight! Ryoma

15. Hero!Silas

16. Onmyoji!Azama

I'm going to need a lot of heart seals. This should be interesting!

Edited by AnimusMage
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Vote for +Mag/-Lck Sorcerer Avatar(Dark Mage Talent)

Also for the individual character, I choose Hana. Either as a Master of Arms, or as a Priestess, with Life and Death. I'll let you choose between the two.

EDIT: Life and Death was just for Priestess, not both. Obvs you can use it on Master of Arms if you want, lol. I just like the idea of a bow unit with LaD.

Edited by Satin. Dark Lord of Fabric
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Kinshi Knight!Reina

I've never really used Reina before, guess this is my chance to try!

Vote for +Mag/-Lck Sorcerer Avatar(Dark Mage Talent)

Also for the individual character, I choose Hana. Either as a Master of Arms, or as a Priestess, with Life and Death. I'll let you choose between the two.

EDIT: Life and Death was just for Priestess, not both. Obvs you can use it on Master of Arms if you want, lol. I just like the idea of a bow unit with LaD.

Magic avatar? Sure!

I think I'll go with Master of Arms so she can keep her sword rank. I might end up regretting that.

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(Use her as a ninja until you get the A+ with Setsuna)

Nobody's chosen Setsuna yet, so if nobody does I'd either have to use Setsuna as Kagero's pair up buddy, taking up a deployment spot, until they're at A suport or let Setsuna run through the exp dlc with Kagero at the back of a pair up.

What do you guys think would be best?

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Nobody's chosen Setsuna yet, so if nobody does I'd either have to use Setsuna as Kagero's pair up buddy, taking up a deployment spot, until they're at A suport or let Setsuna run through the exp dlc with Kagero at the back of a pair up.

What do you guys think would be best?

I can suggest using Mechanist!Setsuna so you can easily use her and get A+ with Kagero

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Sounds....interesting. I have no idea what his magic growth would be.

I checked and it appears to be 30% and 35% on Skill. He also starts with 1 Mag. Good luck!

Edited by Lanko
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