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The worst feeling to ever have in a Zelda game.


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When you get very far into a dungeon and find a lock door, but you have no key. So now you have to backtrack all the way just to find that one key. It really ruins the momentum.

I ran into this problem so many times in OoT's Water Temple...

When you play a 3D Zelda but can't skip cutscenes/dialogue

Thanks for reminding me of the worst parts of my life as a gamer guys, I really appreciate it. xD

The many reasons why OoT isn't one of my favorite Zeldas.

I remember that I even hesitated to play OoT3D in the first place, because of the Water Temple, and the veeeery long introduction. Pedo-Tree, just please shut you trap and send the annoying fairy already...

Water Temple, so slow, so easy to get lost in the dungeon and to get lost in the gimmick of said dungeon, if that make any sense... Water levels are always a nightmare in videogame, but in Zelda ? Wooptee-feaking do, we have some crap in there.

I'm not sure which is worse, the Water Temple from OoT, or Jabu-Jabu from OoA, which come with basically the same gimmick, only in 2D, and with a finger-destroying swimming system.

But the thing that is the most 'memorable-worst' to me since the ... dat moment when you realize that you need arrows/bombs/X... and you don't have them. And as such, you need to go search them. And it's even worse if you don't find them...

At least with the keys, you know they are here, somewhere.

Edited by B.Leu
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When you get very far into a dungeon and find a lock door, but you have no key. So now you have to backtrack all the way just to find that one key. It really ruins the momentum.

Crown Dungeon in Oracle of Ages and Eagle's Tower in Link's Awakening. Those dungeons were notoriously bad because of this. It's far too easy to accidentally sequence break in those dungeons and fuck up your entire progress, making backtracking a nightmare.

Edited by Karasz
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OoT's water temple and OoT overall is built up too much. Honestly, where that would happen to me would be Link's Awakening. Also, I think I had that problem in Majora's Mask a lot. And Link to the Past. Zelda 1 is where I had the least trouble with that.

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The Great Bay Temple is also way more fun and not actually stupid.


(I'm biased though, Great Bay Temple is my second favorite dungeon in the series after Stone Tower Temple)

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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People find OoT's Water Temple hard? The Great Bay Temple in Majora's Mask is far harder.

I got stuck in the water temple the second time I played it, though not the first. The second time, I forgot about putting the water to level 2 and then going in the central tower to get to the lowest part of the dungeon to get a key. I don't think I ever got stuck in the Great Bay Temple.

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Water temple is not exactly what we could call 'hard', it's the gimmick the problem. It ensure that you'll have to go back and forth multiple time (read: a lot of time) in very annoying areas to get the things you need. And god forbid if you forgot things...

And god forbid intensifies if you have a short memory.

The Great Bay Temple is also way more fun and not actually stupid.


(I'm biased though, Great Bay Temple is my second favorite dungeon in the series after Stone Tower Temple)

I'm agree, I find the Great Bay Temple actually fun to play, and the gimmick is surprisingly not a pain in the ass to deal with.

Still don't want to go in there again because too much water at Hoen, but still.

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I think the other reason for why water temples are so feared, is also due to underwater mechanics usually being a wee bit awkward. I mean OoT litterally has a very limited water mechanic. Majora's Mask actually works pretty well when you are used to the zora controls, but not being used to it could cause some issues. Yea otherwise I agree we just hate backtracking in these temples especially if we forget that one small key placed in that one chest that we just happened to have missed.

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"Master, the batteries in your Wii Remote are nearly depleted." - Fi

Not as bad as

"Master, you are low on hearts" - Fi

Please Nintendo never ever do this again even as a small child I knew when I was low on hearts.

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Worst feeling is losing all your items and progress on quests in Majora's mask when you have to reset time. Worse is if you get so far in a sidequest mess up and have to start over from day 1...oh and fuck stealth and avoiding guards. You can fight the most skilled gerudos but can't take out the lowly guards without getting thrown in jail? 0/10 worst franchise ever...

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