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Yes; I felt amazing after my son's birth. But I had an epidural with my daughter (my son was born at home) and felt pretty crappy after that.

And Leo's hair is a similar color to Niko's at the moment. :)


That was a couple of months ago, but shows his eye color/hair color well.

It's this length now:


That's cool, although the pictures aren't showing up for me.

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Ugh, I was afraid that might happen. I remember setting up security settings at one point so they couldn't be hot-linked except on specific sites.

You should be able to see them now. :)

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Ugh, I was afraid that might happen. I remember setting up security settings at one point so they couldn't be hot-linked except on specific sites.

You should be able to see them now. :)

Cute, lovely blue eyes.

Leo's eyes are blue, while mine are mostly green, but can appear blue sometimes, depending on the lighting or what I'm wearing.

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It's painful, but the body releases so many hormones that you can strangely be euphoric after the whole experience. Every woman's different, though. I had a friend who was born in a toilet, because the whole labor was so quick, her mom didn't even realize it was time.

...Oh dang, wow. xP That's crazy. I can't help but think that's actually kind of funny at the same time though.

But yeah, every woman is different, true. My mom apparently had epidurals with both me and my brother, but she's never said anything about feeling crappy after.

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Today, my son keeps poking me in the belly and giggling.

Funny story, Fire Emblem was the first bit of media my son was exposed to. When he was born, we had to stay at the hospital for three days. While he was lying in bed with me, I was playing Fire Emblem 12.

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Was supposed to have an ultrasound today, but apparently the sonagrapher went home before our appointment, and they never actually scheduled our visit. There was also a bomb threat at a nearby hospital, so I can say that today has been one of the crappier ones lately.

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Latest Ultrasound. Est is growing nicely. She was kicking her legs the whole time. In this pic, her head is to the right, and that's her arm pointing upwards.


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> Est

> growing nicely

. . .uh-huh. :P:

Good to see that she's thriving!

Yep, everything's going well. I'm also going to be moving into a bigger place this month. A two bedroom apartment just won't cut it anymore.

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Today, my son keeps poking me in the belly and giggling.

Funny story, Fire Emblem was the first bit of media my son was exposed to. When he was born, we had to stay at the hospital for three days. While he was lying in bed with me, I was playing Fire Emblem 12.

Gotta teach them kids early. He'll be playing with the best of them in PvP when FE 17 comes out at age 8, I swear it.

But in all seriousness, if your son ends up liking the game, you guys can bond over it especially before those awkward teenage years set in. So I think it's a boon. Also, maybe you said it previously and it's been a long time, but congratz on having a girl. I always like the idea of having children of different genders since maybe they can get perspectives on how the other lives and such. Est is a fine name, make sure you expose her to FE too, then you can have like mother-son-daughter strategy meetings on how to beat that dreaded chap 14 of the hypothetical FE 17.

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Gotta teach them kids early. He'll be playing with the best of them in PvP when FE 17 comes out at age 8, I swear it.

But in all seriousness, if your son ends up liking the game, you guys can bond over it especially before those awkward teenage years set in. So I think it's a boon. Also, maybe you said it previously and it's been a long time, but congratz on having a girl. I always like the idea of having children of different genders since maybe they can get perspectives on how the other lives and such. Est is a fine name, make sure you expose her to FE too, then you can have like mother-son-daughter strategy meetings on how to beat that dreaded chap 14 of the hypothetical FE 17.

Thanks, I always wanted to have at least one of each. I plan to have at least 4 total.

Leo's already watched me play quite a bit, hopefully, he'll try to play for himself once he's a bit older, though I'll probably try to start him with something simpler.

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I've finally moves into a house that will accommodate a family of four. We also got a cat that came with the house.

Now I just need to set up my computer, so I'm not just on mobile for Internet access.

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I have a cousin who's got a baby due around the same time as me. The thing is she's 16, and I've had mixed feelings about it for a while.

I found out she's going to give it up for adoption, which is probably the best decision, but I just feel like blaming myself for some reason.

Growing up, I was always the older cousin, and routinely babysat my younger cousins and was close friends with most of them. Most of my older younger cousins turned out pretty well, and began adulthood without any major issues. Not all of them had the best home lives, but I like to think I did my part to put them on the right track.

Due to school, I've been away for the better part of a decade, and largely absent from their lives, and maybe it's the height of arrogance, but I think if I had played a larger role in her adolescence, she might have made better decisions. At the same time, this child shares my blood, and my children will grow up without knowing him. If I had unlimited resources, I may have entertained the idea of adopting the child myself, but I already have soon-to-be two kids of my own, and it might be awkward for all parties involved.

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Don't think your presence/absence would've done it IMO. There's a lot more factors involved.

You're probably right, still can't shake the feeling, though.

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Congrats on getting a house! That's awesome. I'm kind of envious living here in California - we split a house with my inlaws, since the average 2 bedroom home here costs around $750k, and rent prices are through the roof. If we want our own place, we'll probably have to look into moving state, since elsewhere in this state is as expensive or aren't places I'd like to live.

I hope everything turns out for the best for your cousin.

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Congrats on getting a house! That's awesome. I'm kind of envious living here in California - we split a house with my inlaws, since the average 2 bedroom home here costs around $750k, and rent prices are through the roof. If we want our own place, we'll probably have to look into moving state, since elsewhere in this state is as expensive or aren't places I'd like to live.

I hope everything turns out for the best for your cousin.

Good grief. That's expensive. you should try living in the east if you can find a job in the east. For the most part, it's less expensive unless you move really far up north to areas like New York.

Due to school, I've been away for the better part of a decade, and largely absent from their lives, and maybe it's the height of arrogance, but I think if I had played a larger role in her adolescence, she might have made better decisions. At the same time, this child shares my blood, and my children will grow up without knowing him. If I had unlimited resources, I may have entertained the idea of adopting the child myself, but I already have soon-to-be two kids of my own, and it might be awkward for all parties involved.

Maybe, but you can never tell. I don't think you're being arrogant at all. If anything, you're too hard on yourself. This little tidbit alone is some of the most selfless thoughts I've seen in a long time.

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Congrats on getting a house! That's awesome. I'm kind of envious living here in California - we split a house with my inlaws, since the average 2 bedroom home here costs around $750k, and rent prices are through the roof. If we want our own place, we'll probably have to look into moving state, since elsewhere in this state is as expensive or aren't places I'd like to live.

I hope everything turns out for the best for your cousin.

Thanks, I've never actually been out to California, but I hear it's expensive. The Midwest is pretty cheap cost-of-living wise. Are you from the UK originally? I'm not sure how costs fair there, compared to the US. I'm just a shade under 30, and this is the first time I've been a home owner. I moved out on my own after high school due to personal issues, but it was always apartments until now.

Maybe, but you can never tell. I don't think you're being arrogant at all. If anything, you're too hard on yourself. This little tidbit alone is some of the most selfless thoughts I've seen in a long time.

Thank you for those words. I just hope I can raise my own children well, now.

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Congrats on the new child and new house! I didn't read the whole thread--are you expecting a boy or girl? ^^

It's a girl. She'll be named Esther, Est for short.

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Aw, that's a pretty name! Congratulations! :D

Thank you! I didn't mean to ignore you for so long.

I got back from the ER tonight, with a minor scare. It turns out the abdominal pain was caused by Est being malpositioned in the womb. Not a danger to the baby, but she was just putting pressure in weird places. Treating this involves assuming the dignified position of going down on all fours, then resting on one's elbows with the butt in the air for about an hour. Basically waiting for Est to slide into a more comfortable position. Pride aside, we're all doing well, now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, I've never actually been out to California, but I hear it's expensive. The Midwest is pretty cheap cost-of-living wise. Are you from the UK originally? I'm not sure how costs fair there, compared to the US. I'm just a shade under 30, and this is the first time I've been a home owner. I moved out on my own after high school due to personal issues, but it was always apartments until now.

Yup, I'm from the UK originally. London is as expensive as the expensive parts of California; the south-east, where all my family live, is also pretty pricey. I lived for 7 years in Sheffield (north-east England) and it was cheaper there; about $250,000-300,000 for a family home. None of my siblings are homeowners yet.

Sorry to hear about your scare! Pregnancy's so stressful.

I got back from the ER tonight, with a minor scare. It turns out the abdominal pain was caused by Est being malpositioned in the womb. Not a danger to the baby, but she was just putting pressure in weird places. Treating this involves assuming the dignified position of going down on all fours, then resting on one's elbows with the butt in the air for about an hour. Basically waiting for Est to slide into a more comfortable position. Pride aside, we're all doing well, now.

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