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Yup, I'm from the UK originally. London is as expensive as the expensive parts of California; the south-east, where all my family live, is also pretty pricey. I lived for 7 years in Sheffield (north-east England) and it was cheaper there; about $250,000-300,000 for a family home. None of my siblings are homeowners yet.

Sorry to hear about your scare! Pregnancy's so stressful.

Cool, my little sister actually beat me to the punch with home ownership. She got one with her husband I want to say about 5 years ago or so. She also got married before me... and had a kid before me... Stupid little sister always one-upping me! I kid, well half-kid.

I've lived in the Midwest my whole life, and I like it for the most part. When I was in Chicago, the cost of living was ridiculous, but it's a bit better in St Louis. Rural is even cheaper. I could see cows from my bedroom, growing up, and my address was a town no one's ever heard of.

No news is good news on the pregnancy front. We're about to enter the third trimester. It was scary a couple weeks ago, because they were talking about having to transfer us to a different hospital that specialized in premature babies, if it turned out Est was coming early, but thankfully, it didn't turn out to be that.

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See, stuff like that is also why I'm so afraid to ever get pregnant. Because even though that didn't threaten you or the baby, I'd have been scared shitless as soon as the pain happened! >_<

But glad everything's okay.

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See, stuff like that is also why I'm so afraid to ever get pregnant. Because even though that didn't threaten you or the baby, I'd have been scared shitless as soon as the pain happened! >_<

But glad everything's okay.

Thanks for your concern. It was definitely scary at the time, but unfortunately it's unavoidable as a parent. In retrospect, I may have been overreacting a bit, but the terrible thoughts of losing the baby still run through your mind.

In other news, I successfully turned 30 last Saturday. It wasn't too bad, because we were having a double birthday party, and most of the attention was on my son, who just turned 2. Being this side of 30, makes me think of how I want to have more children, still, and I want to try to have them before 35, if possible. 2 years apart seems like good spacing, and nursing provides a natural means of birth control to a degree.

Edited by Rezzy
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Thanks for your concern. It was definitely scary at the time, but unfortunately it's unavoidable as a parent. In retrospect, I may have been overreacting a bit, but the terrible thoughts of losing the baby still run through your mind.

In other news, I successfully turned 30 last Saturday. It wasn't too bad, because we were having a double birthday party, and most of the attention was on my son, who just turned 2. Being this side of 30, makes me think of how I want to have more children, still, and I want to try to have them before 35, if possible. 2 years apart seems like good spacing, and nursing provides a natural means of birth control to a degree.

Yeah, those terrible thoughts and also thoughts of it being extremely painful for awhile or possibly dying myself. Pregnancy can kill women, particularly at childbirth. I'd probably be overreacting a bit here myself, but that's how bad my phobia of pregnancy is. ._.

And that sounded fun! We're going to have a double birthday party this month as well, for my mom and my stepdad's mom. My mom's birthday is August 20th and my grandma's is the 21st. XD

Also, yeah, if you want more children, better get a move on, as you say. The older you get after 30, the higher the risk of the kid getting Down Syndrome, which isn't fun.

Edited by Anacybele
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Happy belated birthday! Last Saturday as in the 23rd or 30th July? Because my husband turned 30 on the 23rd July. :)

My mother had 4 of us spaced 2 years apart - it's a pretty good gap. She had us aged 27, 29, 31 and 33, so around the same age as you're planning yours, too! (She had bonus #5 & 6 at 41, though).

It is so hard not to overreact in pregnancy. I had spotting with my son - started out dark, turned to red on a Saturday, so I couldn't see my doctor, and my midwife didn't respond immediately. I panicked, went to the ER - my blood pressure rose to 150/98 I was so stressed - turned out everything was fine, of course, but I ended up being slapped with a $5,200 ER bill that took me 8 months to pay off. >.<

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Happy belated birthday! Last Saturday as in the 23rd or 30th July? Because my husband turned 30 on the 23rd July. :)

My mother had 4 of us spaced 2 years apart - it's a pretty good gap. She had us aged 27, 29, 31 and 33, so around the same age as you're planning yours, too! (She had bonus #5 & 6 at 41, though).

It is so hard not to overreact in pregnancy. I had spotting with my son - started out dark, turned to red on a Saturday, so I couldn't see my doctor, and my midwife didn't respond immediately. I panicked, went to the ER - my blood pressure rose to 150/98 I was so stressed - turned out everything was fine, of course, but I ended up being slapped with a $5,200 ER bill that took me 8 months to pay off. >.<

30 on the 30th. It was my Golden Birthday.

I still haven't gotten the ER bill, yet. We just got new insurance, too, so I'm not sure how much it will be. We've already spent a ton of money on the new house, too.

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That's pretty sweet!

I hope the ER bill isn't too high!

Thanks, I still haven't gotten the bill.

In an unrelated note, my computer keeps freezing as I try to back-up 1 GB worth of pictures off my phone.

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I finally got a new phone. I went with an Android, since the iphone can't upgrade its memory at all. It wasn't constantly filling up with pictures of Leo, and that's not going to change any time soon.

The only drawback is now it seems that my car doesn't recognize the phone by USB, and I like listening to music and audio books while driving.

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Ahhh, congrats! I hope the remainder of the pregnancy goes smoothly, and that both you and little Esther come away from it safe and healthy!

I've always wanted to have kids, myself, but I'm not really in a position to do so currently, for all sorts of reasons.

Be sure to be kind and encouraging, and embrace and support your children's interests and identities!

I mean, unless they wanna be a serial killer or something. Then maybe steer them away from that.

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Ahhh, congrats! I hope the remainder of the pregnancy goes smoothly, and that both you and little Esther come away from it safe and healthy!

I've always wanted to have kids, myself, but I'm not really in a position to do so currently, for all sorts of reasons.

Be sure to be kind and encouraging, and embrace and support your children's interests and identities!

I mean, unless they wanna be a serial killer or something. Then maybe steer them away from that.

Thank you!

I hope you can be a mommy or daddy yourself someday. I don't know your situation, so I'm afraid I can't really give you any more specific advice than that.

My son is definitely a lot more extroverted than either of his parents, so I'm not sure how that happened. It's a scary world out there, but I'll try to guide him to be the best he can be, while still being happy.

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Of course!

And, my situation is mainly just due to being single and, more to the point, currently lacking some of the necessary life skills and all of the necessary finances to live on my own. It's not really anything super complicated; sorry if my wording made it sound worse than it is, oops!

I'm sure you'll do a great job!

Edited by Topaz Light
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Thanks, I didn't get married until 25 and had my first kid at almost 28, so if you're a girl you've got time until about 35 or so. Men aren't really fighting the clock as much, but it's still best to do it before 50 or so, but the studies aren't as solid, there.

Of course, there is always adoption, but that can involve more hoops to jump through and is expensive.

I wish you luck! Finding someone you want to have babies with is a big decision as well.

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Of course!

Ahh, yeah, I definitely still have time, considering I'm only turning 22 just next month. I'm not really in a super big hurry, but I would like to have a kid or two before I get too old.

And, I mean, I obviously wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with somebody just to reproduce with them. I'd actually be okay with not having kids if it was something my lover wasn't down with; it's just something I want to do someday, personally.

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Of course!

Ahh, yeah, I definitely still have time, considering I'm only turning 22 just next month. I'm not really in a super big hurry, but I would like to have a kid or two before I get too old.

And, I mean, I obviously wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with somebody just to reproduce with them. I'd actually be okay with not having kids if it was something my lover wasn't down with; it's just something I want to do someday, personally.

Kids is something I'd talk about relatively early in the relationship, if it's something you want. I was in a relationship for about 6 months before it ended over a disagreement on wanting kids.

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I'm a little late but I love the name Est, and I really really hope all's well. Good luck to you, your husband, Leo, and Est!

Why thank you! We are doing well.

Unrelated, but I find it funny that your location, avatar, and favorite FE game all reference different games.

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Kids is something I'd talk about relatively early in the relationship, if it's something you want. I was in a relationship for about 6 months before it ended over a disagreement on wanting kids.

Thisssssss, for sure.

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Thisssssss, for sure.

Yeah, life is short, and you don't want to waste too much time, if it's not someone who's going to want to raise a family with you. You don't have to throw that out there on the first date, but as you get to know them, just find out their opinion on kids and sort of scope out the situation. Being too forward might scare them away, but after a few dates, you should have a decent idea of what they want.

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Oh no, I'm so sorry. :(

Well, I was hoping to get a new computer, but we'll have to wait for that, now.

Congratulations on your wonderful news. I look forward to the day when I can have a little dumpling of my own. ^^;

I know Leo will be a great big brother!!

Thanks, I think I was about your age when Leo was conceived! You've got plenty of time, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some good news!

My wife had to have some blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes, because they found some elevated blood sugar. We got the results today, and she's not diabetic!

She was nervous about it, and didn't want to say anything until now.

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Some good news!

My wife had to have some blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes, because they found some elevated blood sugar. We got the results today, and she's not diabetic!

She was nervous about it, and didn't want to say anything until now.

Yeah, that was some good news.

On a lighter note, Leo keeps lifting up my shirt and giggling again.

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