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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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Honestly out of the Royals Leo is probably the one i'd say having Leader material in his resume

Xander would be too i guess, but he's kinda eh since we know so little about Xander

Dunno, Elise has that can do attitude and is a pretty good strategist.

And uuuh, who wouldn't follow Cammys backsprite into battle? That's one hell of a morale booster that is.

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Elise is like 16, and she isn't a high ranking commander anyway.

Their Generals must be French, that was the answer I got from someone who lives in the commonwealth

Well, they have a Maginot Line in the form of the Chasm, and they let the Nohrians go around it, so sure. That also makes Nohr Nazi Germany, which is perfectly in character. Nohrzi Germany?

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Honestly out of the Royals Leo is probably the one i'd say having Leader material in his resume

Xander would be too i guess, but he's kinda eh since we know so little about Xander

Leo is definitely the best leader out of the 4. At his current age during the game, he would be a great military leader, but has a lot to learn in terms of being a ruler. I think given time though he could be a great king, but definitely the best military leader. Xander wouldnt be a bad King at all, he actually would be a great kin. He has a very stern and serious attitude most of the time, with a bit of a caring personality that would make for a good leader. I can see him making the hard decisions in the long run.

Camilla I really dont see as a leader. Maybe in small groups like with her retainers and a few others, but I dont see her being capable of leading a full army, let alone a nation of people. She is too broken of a person to be able to be put in charge of the lives of countless others. Elise is too young, and we dont get much information on how she fairs in any kind of leadership role, but I can see her not being that bad given time and experience. She does have a confident attitude that you would want in a leader so that helps.

Edited by Tolvir
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-Also, I just realized what would make my life complete: a Fates/Sonic crossover, where Takumi Trump and Shadow the Hedgehog go around being edgy and cutting themselves. It would be perfect.

You what I'd like to see from Shadow being in Fates?


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For me Leo is the best leader since he's the only one who'd think of growing tomatoes and he had Brynhildr as his signature weapon

Also the most important factor for a leader is the ability to put people in his place. To some extent every Nohr Royal had this, but i always feel like Leo making his use of Niles and Odin effectively is a bigger showing of this skills than Xander's employment of Peri, Camilla's weird taste of a retainer and Elice's bodyguard retainer

Its actually kinda interesting to talk about how each Royals chose their retainer

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In all seriousness the role placement is pretty good in Conquest. The Nhorian siblings are as a whole... are pretty damn good at their jobs and make up a competent core of leadership for their army.

Leo is a pretty studious guy and seems like a legitimately good choice for strategic/logistic work. While Xander has the classic air of authority and a distanced charisma capable of actually leading an army while Camilia has the focus and flat out crazy needed to lead commando's and Elise is just a WW2 Italian ambulance driver with balls that drag the ground.

On the other hand... Hoshido probably chose Takuim for military leadership for his angsty teenage poetry or some shit.

Edited by joshcja
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Whatever happens, Corrin is absolutely the worst leader by far. "Your Majesty, the nobility are revolting!" "Oh, I'm sure they have a legitimate reason! Don't kill any of them, okay?" Seriously, he takes Machiavelli and reverses it completely to become a bleeding hearted fool who wouldn't be able to tell his people "no" if his life depended on it.

Edit: What is so Italian or ambulancy about Elise?

Edited by blah the Prussian
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Elise is like 16, and she isn't a high ranking commander anyway.

Well, they have a Maginot Line in the form of the Chasm, and they let the Nohrians go around it, so sure. That also makes Nohr Nazi Germany, which is perfectly in character. Nohrzi Germany?

Garon is Hitler

MU is Rommel but an idiot

And the others fit where needed (Hans and Iago being the SS) IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!

Edited by Lord Kommissar Petitt
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Not to mention in chapter 18, if they simply kept the royals imprisoned or forced them to surrender, the war would be over right there instead of dragging.

So much for "I want to finish this war fast, with the least amount of bloodshed as possible."

Ironically, Zola's plan would unintentionally accomplish everything Corn wanted (instead of threatening Zola they could just congratulate him and tell him they would deal with siblings themselves or bring them to Garon).

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Whatever happens, Corrin is absolutely the worst leader by far. "Your Majesty, the nobility are revolting!" "Oh, I'm sure they have a legitimate reason! Don't kill any of them, okay?" Seriously, he takes Machiavelli and reverses it completely to become a bleeding hearted fool who wouldn't be able to tell his people "no" if his life depended on it.

Edit: What is so Italian or ambulancy about Elise?

She has no weapons, and repeatedly runs under enemy fire to save lives wearing a giant grin (In all 3 routes lol). She willingly runs into ch13 despite taking two to the chest immediately before the map, and preforms various other antics including ch26 conquest and the bullshit that was BR.

Hell her personal is her straight up front lining as a noncom, to save your ass. Underneath the diabetic cuteness lies a heart of steel and balls of brass.

She's a pretty cool kid and despite my inherent dislike of "cutesy" characters she's slowly but surely become my favorite on all three routes. (Fuck birthright fuck birthright fuck birthright)

Edited by joshcja
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Despite his obvious flaws,I'm pretty sure takumi has some strategic capability (granted I'm only basing this on him being the best shogi player in his family and ryoma calling him wise) maybe the hoshidans ignored his flaws in favour of his tactical mind.

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She has no weapons, and repeatedly runs under enemy fire to save lives wearing a giant grin (In all 3 routes lol). She willingly runs into ch13 despite taking two to the chest immediately before the map, and preforms various other antics including ch26 conquest and the bullshit that was BR.

Hell her personal is her straight up front lining as a noncom, to save your ass. Underneath the diabetic cuteness lies a heart of steel and balls of brass.

She's a pretty cool kid and despite my inherent dislike of "cutesy" characters she's slowly but surely become my favorite on all three routes. (Fuck birthright fuck birthright fuck birthright)

But what's so Italian about that? Is that a Hemingway reference? She reminds me the most of WWII! Elizabeth II (then Princess of Wales, Elizabeth II was part of the women's Royal Auxiliary Corps, responsible for getting supplies to the front. It was about as close as women could get to the fighting at the time, and she deserves a lot of credit for it).

Garon is Hitler

MU is Rommel but an idiot

And the others fit where needed (Hans and Iago being the SS) IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!

Official Cabinet!

Adolf Hitler= Garon, for obvious reasons.

Hans= Heinrich Himmler, because Himmler was the one who did "fieldwork" often (commanded the Einsatzgruppen, who were essentially the death squads of the Nazis)

Iago= Joseph Geobbels, because Geobbels was an asshole a coward, and would follow Hitler around everywhere playing the yes-man.

Xander= Erich von Manstein; a veteran commander who is honorable, but has sort of become numb to the fact that he works for assholes.

Leo= Erwin Rommel, because both are extremely logical but young at the same time (seriously Rommel was in his 40s, which was like diapers for a Field Marshal)

Corrin= Claus von Stauffenburg, of Operation Valkyrie fame, because he is the main one actively plotting against Garon.

Camilla= Hienz Guderian, because both are into fast offensives, are battle hungry, and slightly unhinged.

I guess Elise is the Volksturm?

Gunter is Gerd von Rundstedt, because both are old.

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But what's so Italian about that? Is that a Hemingway reference? She reminds me the most of WWII! Elizabeth II (then Princess of Wales, Elizabeth II was part of the women's Royal Auxiliary Corps, responsible for getting supplies to the front. It was about as close as women could get to the fighting at the time, and she deserves a lot of credit for it).


She just reminds me of the drivers in his shorts and letters.

Edited by joshcja
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Official Cabinet!

Adolf Hitler= Garon, for obvious reasons.

Hans= Heinrich Himmler, because Himmler was the one who did "fieldwork" often (commanded the Einsatzgruppen, who were essentially the death squads of the Nazis)

Iago= Joseph Geobbels, because Geobbels was an asshole a coward, and would follow Hitler around everywhere playing the yes-man.

Xander= Erich von Manstein; a veteran commander who is honorable, but has sort of become numb to the fact that he works for assholes.

Leo= Erwin Rommel, because both are extremely logical but young at the same time (seriously Rommel was in his 40s, which was like diapers for a Field Marshal)

Corrin= Claus von Stauffenburg, of Operation Valkyrie fame, because he is the main one actively plotting against Garon.

Camilla= Hienz Guderian, because both are into fast offensives, are battle hungry, and slightly unhinged.

I guess Elise is the Volksturm?

Gunter is Gerd von Rundstedt, because both are old.

This makes so much sense it's sad, but at least things are starting to make sense now XD
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Basically I'm playing as the Nazis. Except Hitler is a goo skull thing. Eh, I've done so before in Hearts of Iron.


But A Farewell To Arms is WWI. Its also a terrifically boring book. #The Sun Also Rises Master Race.

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Basically I'm playing as the Nazis. Except Hitler is a goo skull thing. Eh, I've done so before in Hearts of Iron.

But A Farewell To Arms is WWI. Its also a terrifically boring book. #The Sun Also Rises Master Race.

#TheSunAlsoRises that book is a masterpiece

I like a farewell to arms >.>, but no Elise reminds me of of the drivers in his shorts and letters from the second world war.

If any character in fates remind's me of farewell it's "staff... staff" I could see her as "deady the nurse"

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Ah yeah, she does now that I think of it. Who should Takumi be? How about Mike from TSAR? Then Corrin is Cohn, because both are wimps. And to be clear, A Farewell to Arms is fine in all the scenes without Catherine Barkely. I feel Hemingway took a Masashi Kishimoto pill whenever he wrote about Catherine, because I found her to be really boring as a character. The Capporetto scene, though, is great, and the Italian squad mates are very entertaining. I just can't get past the fact that they want to fuck after like 10 pages together, if that.

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Ah yeah, she does now that I think of it. Who should Takumi be? How about Mike from TSAR? Then Corrin is Cohn, because both are wimps.

Takumi is the Japanese admiral who thought midway was a good plan.

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Takumi is the Japanese admiral who thought midway was a good plan.

Oh no, don't insult Isoroku Yamamoto by comparing him to Takumi Trump. In any case, the US won that battle pretty much due to dumb luck. Takumi Trump is Tojo.

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Oh no, don't insult Isoroku Yamamoto by comparing him to Takumi Trump. In any case, the US won that battle pretty much due to dumb luck. Takumi Trump is Tojo.


I mostly liked the idea cause it let me cast Leo as Nimitz.

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If Takumi Trump is Tojo, who is Ryoma!?

Ryoma is Sadao Araki, the chief philosopher of Japan. He never had an official position but he was key in developing the militarist philosophy. Alternately, he is Tomoyuki Yamashita, the more honorable IJA commander. Hell, he could just be Yamamoto.

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Hoshido may or may not be incredibly bad at war.

Wouldn't be surprising considering they were toted as peace loving.

Xander wouldnt be a bad King at all, he actually would be a great kin.

You forgot to put a ' in wouldn't and some other contractions, and a g at the end.

And while I'm on the topic of spelling errors, josh, you been repeatedly spelling Nohr as Nhor. Is that on purpose, like it's some inside joke?

Well, they have a Maginot Line in the form of the Chasm, and they let the Nohrians go around it, so sure. That also makes Nohr Nazi Germany, which is perfectly in character. Nohrzi Germany?

I once got into a discussion on how the average Nohrian viewed Garon and the war, and I suggested that it might be something like Nazi Germany, with everyone following a crazy person because he's the only one trying to do something about how shitty the country is.

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Wouldn't be surprising considering they were toted as peace loving.

You forgot to put a ' in wouldn't and some other contractions, and a g at the end.

And while I'm on the topic of spelling errors, josh, you been repeatedly spelling Nohr as Nhor. Is that on purpose, like it's some inside joke?

I once got into a discussion on how the average Nohrian viewed Garon and the war, and I suggested that it might be something like Nazi Germany, with everyone following a crazy person because he's the only one trying to do something about how shitty the country is.

I don't see any reason for why the average Nohrian wouldn't follow Garon. Hitler had the advantage of coming to power democratically, but Garon doesn't appear to be doing anything bad to his own people except for the Ice Tribe, who are an autonomous part of the Kingdom. I'd say their view is that they don't care. That was how the average person viewed pretty much everything before, I'd say 1750 sounds right. Edited by blah the Prussian
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Sorry for the double post, but this just occurred to me: we are talking about WWII, Hemingway, and Japanese militarist philosophers in this FE thread. #Only in a blah the Prussian thread.

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