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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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Sorry for the double post, but this just occurred to me: we are talking about WWII, Hemingway, and Japanese militarist philosophers in this FE thread. #Only in a blah the Prussian thread.

Hah, if only Conquest had some Bismarck in it...

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Sorry for the double post, but this just occurred to me: we are talking about WWII, Hemingway, and Japanese militarist philosophers in this FE thread. #Only in a blah the Prussian thread.

Improving the class of this fanbase one step at a time.


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I honestly don't know why you guys were hyping up Chapter 19 as the hardest thing ever. If I do say so myself, I kicked it's ass. Once it becomes clear that you can destroy the Kitsune piecemeal, the Chapter is pathetically easy. Anyway...

-Starting off, the whole reason the Kitsune need to be fought in the first place makes no sense. Corrin doesn't want to fight thousands of Hoshidan soldiers, but, I mean, doesn't Nohr have thousands of soldiers too? Obviously it can't just be the 16 or so units that you take with you to each battle, so what gives?

-Edit: I bet that multitude of Hoshidans makes you wish you'd killed some when you had the chance, huh, Corrin? Dumbass.

-To add to that, if Corrin and co go around the Hoshidans by way of the mountain, said Hoshidans will still be there. They will have to be fought at some point, so it is best to do it here, when, firstly, the Nohrians aren't in too deep to retreat, and secondly, when the flat plain gives the Nohrian cavalry the best advantage possible against the Hoshidans. Does Corrin really want to be fighting thousands of Hoshidan soldiers while laying siege to the Hoshidan Capitol?

-So Corrin is able to convince the Rainbow Sage that he's good, despite clearly working for Nohrzi Germany (what I'm calling Nohr from now on) but not the Kitsune? Their logic for attacking him also makes no sense. "Yep, you're clearly poachers. That's why you have a whole army with you, look Nohrian, and generally look to be putting in way too much effort to just be Nohrian." The annoying thing is that this could have Ben avoided by simply making the Kitsune loyal to Hoshido.

-What kind of idiot poaches from the Kitsune, anyway? They are clearly well equipped enough to pose a major threat to any potential poachers, so why not just rip off some rhino horns? What, does al-Shabab want Kitsune now?

-Why do the Kitsune attack in the first place? They could have just stayed hidden. Do they attack all poachers head on like this? Add the Kitsune tribe to the long list of idiots this game has so benevolently provided us with.

-I have already commented on the idiotic strategy the Kitsune employ, but it bears repeating. Who deliberately allows their army to be destroyed piecemeal? Well, besides AI programmed to give the player an easy win, of course.

-Corrin is torn up about killing the Kitsune, but why? Why didn't he spare the Kitsune like he did with every other enemy ever? Okay, so that plot point was monumentally stupid to begin with, but some comsistency in your stupidity would be nice, game!

-This chapter really irritates me because the conversation between Corrin and Azura at the end very much feels like a much better story scratching desperately, trying with all its heart to get out. This conversation should have been the culmination of character development of both routes, as the reason that Nohr attacks Hoshido becomes clear: a desire for farmland. Thus, with this conversation, Corrin moves on, resolving to either defend his birth home, and thereby leave Nohr to starve, or to save his adopted home, and thereby destroy Hoshido. It would have been a somber message to a kickass story about growing up, about accepting your role in life, about realizing that you cannot save everyone. It would have been... I'm sorry, I need to drown my sorrow in delicious Butterscotch Pudding. Did you not know that was a thing? You need that in your life right now.

Edit: Continuing Camilla and Niles's Excellent Adventure, I do quite like this support. One problem, though: Niles is Keo's retainer! He should know exactly what kind of shit Camilla had to go through! I am warming up to Camilla as a character, though, and wish she had more character development instead of certain... Hoshidan... princes.

So that was one third of the unholy trinity done! Hopefully, the other two prove to be as easy as this one was! See you then!

Edited by blah the Prussian
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Yeah, I'm not really sure why these ones were played up. Well, actually, I feel like one of them might qualify for that kind of hype, but I think there's a different set of three later on that deserves the title more.

-So Corrin is able to convince the Rainbow Sage that he's good, despite clearly working for Nohrzi Germany (what I'm calling Nohr from now on) but not the Kitsune? Their logic for attacking him also makes no sense. "Yep, you're clearly poachers. That's why you have a whole army with you, look Nohrian, and generally look to be putting in way too much effort to just be Nohrian." The annoying thing is that this could have Ben avoided by simply making the Kitsune loyal to Hoshido.

I got the impression from the fact that Azura was already able to cite rumours of the Kitsune eating people and Hoshido staying away from the mountain that Hoshido has this whole problem with being murdered by them too. So these supposed elders go around telling all the younger Kitsune that all non-Kitsune are poachers who should be murdered. Racist assholes much?

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Yeah, I'm not really sure why these ones were played up. Well, actually, I feel like one of them might qualify for that kind of hype, but I think there's a different set of three later on that deserves the title more.

I got the impression from the fact that Azura was already able to cite rumours of the Kitsune eating people and Hoshido staying away from the mountain that Hoshido has this whole problem with being murdered by them too. So these supposed elders go around telling all the younger Kitsune that all non-Kitsune are poachers who should be murdered. Racist assholes much?

Holy crap, that is pretty bad. Sadly the game didn't actually go into it. Sigh.
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The Kitsune and the Wolfskin are both cruelly wasted in these games. You have these amazing ideas for shapeshifters and yet they have nothing to do with the main conflict and we learn nothing about their culture, their relationship to their human neighbours, Kaden and Keaton are apparently their tribes' leaders yet are shown to be completely stupid and also abandon their people to join your group literally for no reason.

Such a shame because I was really hyped when we learned about these characters that we would see some laguz-tier characters.

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Kaden and Keaton are apparently their tribes' leaders yet are shown to be completely stupid and also abandon their people to join your group literally for no reason.

So much this. We should establish an alliance or something, like in PoR or RD. Or at least know why they are allies. From their dialogue, it appears that the wolfskin have no problems wandering about in Nohr. How that happened? Why? Why Garon doesn't have one serving him, like he does with the Ice Tribe sisters? Why aren't they conquered if Garon was supposed to be this tyrant, bloody warmonger? Why Cheve doesn't have a hostage as well?

Man, do those writers have a website or something?

And I also found chapter 19 one of the easiest on Hard.

Edited by Lanko
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So much this. We should establish an alliance or something, like in PoR or RD. Or at least know why they are allies. From their dialogue, it appears that the wolfskin have no problems wandering about in Nohr. How that happened? Why? Why Garon doesn't have one serving him, like he does with the Ice Tribe sisters? Why aren't they conquered if Garon was supposed to be this tyrant, bloody warmonger? Why Cheve doesn't have a hostage as well?

Man, do those writers have a website or something?

And I also found chapter 19 one of the easiest on Hard.

Perhaps conquering them meant killing them, and Garon has a Space Wolf's wolf fetish wanting wolves to ride wolves while they wolf
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Mind explaining your strats for CH 19? Kinda curious actually since before i realized how blatant the game tried to warn you that the stage is made to be a joke, and is indeed a joke, i actually had some difficulty with it lol

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Mind explaining your strats for CH 19? Kinda curious actually since before i realized how blatant the game tried to warn you that the stage is made to be a joke, and is indeed a joke, i actually had some difficulty with it lol

The Kitsune will not actually attack you unless you get in range. This allows you to destroy them piecemeal quite easily. Deal with the northern group first, Sending one unit into the edge of their range. This means that the majority will be aggroed, but will be unable to actually reach your forces. When the player phase comes, you have the initiative over them and should be able to take out the majority of them on Player Phase. Unless some luck related bullshit happens they will not have significant numbers to take out any of your guys, if you play your cards right. Once the remnants are mopped up, heal up, and take on the next group. Rinse and repeat until they're all dead.

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The invisible enemies seem to alternate between turns. I think they have that Odd or Even turn theme, so if you wait you can actually control who becomes invisible or not. It happened here, that in a turn there were 3 invisible and 4 not, then a turn or two later it reversed.

The main problem is the group in the central area. If you have too many mounted units, the priority becomes the guys with Beastbane ability, otherwise the ones with Pass.

I just paired up my "baiters" and kept the frail units quite a bit behind not paired up. You can make some use of dual attacks. Having some unpaired units also provide more guys to fill squares to not allow the Pass users to have any space to attack.

The bridge is the natural point to bait a group, then depending of who you have, you may stay there or even advance. However, you can also use the bridge to bait the first group, damage them on the counter attack, then retreat to those woods where you began, where your frail units should be waiting to heal/buff.

Then they will either proceed to kill themselves on the next counterattack (careful to not allow a not some beefy unit to take 2 attacks) or someone full will come and get bleeded half their HP as well.

You should have firepower to deal with the rest now or can proceed to move north. Calculate their move, move the tanks first, than the frail units last to heal/buff again.

Physic can make things much easier for your healers. Freeze can be useful as well, both to hit someone or keep them in check, I didn't had to use.

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Beastbane is significantly less scary when one realizes that it's only a 2*Mt multiplier. That central group will also happily let itself be divided, as a flier can easily lure them back over the Water tiles, which ruin their Move for at least a turn (more, if they jam up on each other). Another thing worth noting is that a trained General Effie with a Beast Killer (whose triple multiplier thumbs its nose at Beastbane) is just really unfair.

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The problem I have with 19 is accuracy-related. For whatever reason just 3 Kitsune at once is more of a challenge than anything in Conquest. My accuracy against them is always complete trash. I can have a heartseeker skill next to them, and then set up like 14 ranged dual strikes, but that won't be enough because every unit I have will barely scratch 5% hit rate or something. I have no idea why my units always suck in the accuracy department, but the mission doesn't look so bad when I watch other people play it. Also a beastkiller is extremely expensive.

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That sounds like either a serious streak of unlucky rolls or confirmation bias. Regardless, if Heartseeker isn't enough, there's always Benny's personal, as well as Skl and Luk Tonics. Oh, and this map is filled with Woods tiles that don't look like they should be Woods tiles, so be very mindful of where you let the Kitsune move.

As for the Beast Killer, 2500 is hardly expensive for a weapon that is useful throughout a good chunk of the game (I feel like even just having it for C18's Paladin spam, as well as trivializing C19, more than pays for its cost).

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In my first run i invest in Hunter Knife for Kaze too lol

Yeah on hindsight theres soooo many ways to cheese 19. Xander is probably the most blatant and obvious example since cheesing the chapter with Xander had a side effect of helping 20, and trivializing 21

And at the end of that, you get a Xander with STR+2 and Lunge. #WorthIt

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I grabbed the knife too. It's a 1~2-range effective weapon that can double and has as many applications as Beast Killer, and, while a bit weaker, has the ability to strike most targets from total safety. What's not to love about that?

Never thought of Wyverning Xander there, but it only makes too much sense if you've got a Heart Seal to spare. I might have to give that a go next time.

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Accuracy isn't an issue on Hard and below, but on Lunatic, they throw in a few Ninetails that are paired up with each other, which gives them high avoid to begin with but they also like to run onto forest or mountain tiles, so hitting them can be a real coinflip.

They also give more of the foxes Life or Death too. Chapter 19 on Lunatic is a cornucopia of bad game design decisions.

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My posts apply to 19 on Lunatic, BTW. Heartseeker was generally enough to push units up to high 80s for hit. It definitely wasn't certain, but I didn't find anything especially tough about the chapter. And this was with me mistakenly assuming Beastbane was triple Mt, so I was playing super cautious with the likes of Xander. Proper positioning let Corrin and Effie tank and get in clean shots on the enemy (where Effie was one-shotting most of them). And after the initial rush wave, the enemies are still as Blah stated: they sit around in piecemeal groups that let themselves get pulled off on their lonesome. The only group that was a bit weird was the central group that had half the group rotating illusions while the other half had it off. Made it so I had to kite rather than lure and then explode them all with Attack Stance.

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You got it wrong here. Ryoma wins because Xander's horse broke its legs after jumping off that cliff.

Then Xander wins because Ryoma broke his back by spinning around too much on the battlefield, saw this old quote and I had to comment

Edited by Lord Kommissar Petitt
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Then Xander wins because Ryoma broke his back by spinning around too much on the battlefield, saw this old quote and I had to comment

Out of curiosity: are you Petrokovia on Nationstates? This may seem like a weird question, but you remind me vaguely of a guy on another forum.

Anyway, sorry about the wait, but a I was on an absolute binge of The World Ends With You recently. Interestingly enough, I find it is far easier to motivate myself to play a game with a story I love (like TWEWY) than a game with a story I hate, even if my enjoyment of the game itself remains unchanged. For the record, The World Ends With You is a kickass game on either the DS or IOS, and honestly I don't know why you're reading this right not. Go, get The World Ends With You, play it right now, and then come back.

What's that? You're still here? You want to hear my deliciously insightful reactions to this game? Oh very well. Chapter 20, here I come!

-Man, Corrin really is making a habit of going through as much neutral territory as humanly possible on his way to the Hoshidan Capitol, isn't he? Also, for those at home keeping score, this is the 5th chapter since the invasion of Hoshido began, and STILL the Nohrian army hasn't fought the Hoshidan army. It's almost as if the Nohrians are doing their own version of Flavian tactics, but then Corrin is far too stupid for Fabian Tactics.

-So Ryoma at no point sent an ambassador to this tribe demanding that they not give the Nohrians access? Really? Once again, Ryoma proves himself to be a terrible leader. I can just picture him now: "DIPLOMACY IS DISHONORABRU!"

-Oh my god. Is this fucking dumbass chief seriously saying that Corrin is a man of peace? Victor Emmanuel III (the Italian king who appointed Mussolini as the Prime Minister) is a better judge of character than this moron!

-This chief subscribes to the widely held misconception that might makes right. Newsflash, asshole: if someone is strong that doesn't make them right! Otherwise, we would have circus strongmen as our leaders, because, of course, they must be right!

-Okay, so I get that this is a test of how well Corrin has bonded with the Yato, sure. But the thing is, if you clear this map without Yato being used once you still get to pass. This is honestly probably the lamest excuse for a fight in the game, possibly the franchise. Well, actually Awakening's outright dishonest use of Chrom vs "Marth" was worse, but this is damn close!

-This wind is a fucking shitty mechanic that should die. All it does is mean that you can't use one of your royals each turn. There is no other purpose. It is annoying and I hate it. That is all.

-Speaking of the wind, you'd think that the Wind Tribe wouldn't be affected by it, right? I mean, if they were they'd have a lot of trouble actually building a civilization.

-You know, I half expected Aang to show up throughout this. Then I remembered that I'm not in Avatar, which should be obvious as the story of Avatar had actual thought and effort put into it, which I am reminded this game lacks pretty much every moment the story continues.

-So at the end Corrin is like "Oh we'll fight Hoshido now!" and I'm like finally. I swear to fucking god I WILL commit genocide against the Hoshidans WITHOUT REGRETS if they use Fabian Tactics much longer. Oh yeah, one more thing: Fkr whatever reason Camilla and Niles still aren't fucking despite them fighting fucking everyone this chapter. Sigh.

So that's it for Chapter 20. Will blah the Prussian fight the Hoshidans ever? Will the story get any better? Will he be able to put down The World Ends With You for one fucking second? (Hint: yes, no, no) Find out next time!

Edited by blah the Prussian
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Out of curiosity: are you Petrokovia on Nationstates? This may seem like a weird question, but you remind me vaguely of a guy on another forum.

I'm not on this nationstates you are referring to, nor would I use a user name like that. So in short no I am not

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Then Xander wins because Ryoma broke his back by spinning around too much on the battlefield, saw this old quote and I had to comment

Guess they both can't reach other to fight then, as Xander probably had his legs smashed too by his horse. I guess they are throwing their ranged attacks each other from wheelchairs.

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