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TheMoniker plays: Fire Emblem Requiem



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  1. 1. Should I play the one and only chapter of Alicia/Hector mode?

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Time to level up that Ash and Alicia support. Yes she's the 4th and final Game Over unit. But their support is pretty good so might as well. Only bad thing about it, is that its possible to hit A with it a bit too fast. Dialogue in the later supports doesn't fit as nicely with some of the earlier Ash mode dialogue.

Never found her tome useful though. Its super effective... against units that already have bad res. It also slows her down by 5 speed due to its weight so she's not doubling and in fact may be getting doubled herself. Because of that lack of doubling, I often find its actually landing a few points short against Cavaliers, while against Knights I might as well just doubled with Fire.

That's actually why I find Ash's personal tome to be better. Its really light, so he's doubling no problem with it. One of the few times where he's doubling easily, the bonus damage against mages and extra crit is nice as well

Skye is amazing as he looks. Pretty sure he got nerfed at one point, can't remember. He has one key weakness however: lack of support options. A grand total of two of them. Both on this map. If you want to use Skye to his fullest you almost have to use one of those two as well.

Hawke is hit or miss. Try him out, if he's turning out well keep him. If he's not, bench him. Pretty simple.

The last game over unit? Well, that's good to know, if surprising. Duly noted with Skye, and I'm reconsidering using Marcus if I need him for Skye's support... though, I guess it doesn't matter THAT much. I'll give him a few levels and see how it goes.

I started to play this hack today... and after watching the prolog I can say to myself that I wasn't the only one who had MUCH trouble with this prolog

Actually I didn't have a death, but I replayed it because the NPCs killed the archer and cleric and I thought they were recruitable.

Anyways I'm going to play it for myself and will watch each chapter after beating it to compare the playstyle and learn from this LP.

Yeah, the prologue is definitely a nightmare. Happy to have a new viewer playing along, though!

Time to start a long episode in...

Requiem: Episode 11: Chapter 10: Part 1: New people EVERYWHERE


Okay, first order of business: Get the wall down! The chapter can't REALLY start until we do.


My units pour in, and a few enemies come our way in no time at all.


Ready for backstory time?


Hawke: I need to fight something!


Skye: cell to begin with, Brother. And being the only one in here, I’m not going to fight you just for the sake of it.

Haha! Looks like we have a hot-headed level-headed dynamic going on. All the more reason to take the level-headed guy.

Hawke: Rrgh… What is this anyway!? What kind of cell is this?

Yeah, come to think of it... the floor has made of grass! They're only a spoon-shovel tunnel away from freedom!

Skye: I assume that being in a cell like this means that we aren’t to be kept here for long. I suggest you be glad that they didn’t send us to the execution blocks.

Hawke: Hmph… I’d like to see them try.


Hawke: You’re worried about your


Are slave-wives a Megelar thing? Now I want to know more about this Nala character.

Hawke: She probably took off as soon as she realized we were gone, if she has any sense in her.

Skye: You may be right about that.


Suddenly, cut to Nala, who happens to be right nearby!


Purple-hair: … Take too long. Must see husband and brother.

Purple-helm: Well, uhh…

Purple-hair: Hurry.


Purple-helm: Sir, what are we going to do about this?

Sir: We can’t afford to compromise our security by letting people walk in and out of the castle.


Well, right now, some are IN the capital RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

...I was expecting a main character to pop in there.

Sir: We just have to keep her here.

Purple-helm: Alright…


Soldier: The Egardians are coming in!


Purple-hair: Trouble?

Sir: It’s nothing! You just stay here, and we’ll handle this.

Purple-hair: … …


She dashed by both of them in record time.

Purple helm: She moves so fast!

Sir: Well, don’t just stand there! Don’t let her get away!


And with that, we see Nala immediately enter the field! Let's take a look:


She's a full-on Lyn Lord! Interesting! For that reason alone, we pretty much have to use her, even though it's really just a glorified myrmidon. Plus, I like her portrait design.


Alicia's fast enough to double these fighters and strong enough to hurt them bad. She's definitely proving her worth.


Oh n-


-Ah! Nala starts with a parrier edge, and that combined with her high speed helps her survive any enemies until you get there.


ANOTHER newcomer?

Thief: That was a little too easy. Now, let’s use the confusion and see what we can get out of it.


And so, our fifth and hopefully final new person enters the stage!


Edward has very thief-like stats, albeit surprisingly low luck. And even lower everything else than normal. I'll look at his growths, but note that he has a droppable lockpick(and later, droppable treasure) despite the fact that no intelligent player would ever kill him. His recruitment isn't even that much more complicated than normal!

Well, he's a ways away from us, so we won't be interacting with him for a while.


Speaking of reinforcements, a number of enemies have entered to pursue Nala, apparently also subscribing to the "knock them out by stabbing them" method of subduing her. Well, unlike us, those soldiers will subdue NO ONE!


Oh, and some of them have new loot for us.


Ash kills an enemy, and gets the cell key for our other greenies!


Nala continues to prevail under fire, and then does the most helpful thing a greenie can do:


Be smart enough to INITIATE the conversation that gets her recruited! Great job, Nala! You're already showing yourself to be useful!


Ash: Excuse me-

Nala: You fight me too? I cut you down.

Ash: J-Just hold on a second! I’m not here to fight with you.

Nala: ……


Well, obviously it's your pretty face.

Ash: You’re… not from Megelar, are you?

Nala: No.

Ash: You look like you’re in a bit of trouble here, and I think it’s because of us. Can I help?

Nala: Please… I look for Husband and Brother.

Ash: Alright, I understand. I’m Ash. You?


Nala: …My thanks.

Ash: It’s not a problem. Just be careful.


And so we recruit Nala Blaze Fancytitle. I assume she'll be recruiting Skye and Marcus as well.


For now, I need her back in combat to handle the wave of soldiers. The parrier edge gives her excellent versatility!


Drake gets an okay level.


Also, bad news: Our first group of reinforcements arrive! Thankfully, they're far away.


Also bad-ish news: We're powerless to stop Edward from looting everything. I'm not sure if he actually has an escape point, but here's to hoping we can catch him before he finds one!


Once we have the immediate area clear, I get ready to hold off the reinforcement waves. But it'll be much easier with more units...


Nala: “I am here to free you.”

For some reason, the people in this conversation talk in quotation marks.


Skye: “Are you alright, Nala? It sounds like there’s fighting going on out there.”

Hawke: I know the sound of fighting when I hear it. Who wants some!?

Nala: “I am fine. Someone called Ash helped me find my way here. I must repay his kindness.”

Skye: “Of course. I shall help, too.”


Two things: 1, they did get recruited, though I didn't show it. 2, Edward stole a Crystal Ring(Energy Ring) from a chest, and now seems to be advancing towards... somewhere. We need to intercept him!


Suddenly in too much of a hurry to move downwards, I try to utilize all my units to get out of this bottleneck, but overextend myself, resulting in...


Erk! I put her too much in front!

Gemma: Get the payment and live…

Clara: Gemma, no! I won’t let you die like this. We’re in this together.

Clara doesn't disappear, so they aren't like Pent/Louise. I think Gemma was rescued for cutscene purposes.


Skye: You are… bound no longer.

And I die AGAIN on my second try!

You know what, I think I need a break. That's all for now. Next time, we will finish the chapter and find out what Edward's deal is!



HP: 60%

Strength: 30%

Skill: 70%

Speed: 75%

Luck: 45%

Defense: 15%

Resistance: 30%

Total: 325%

Nala is one of the most specialized characters yet! She's very myrm-y, having great skill and speed in exchange for garbage defenses, and even a crippling strength weakness! Her usefulness will depend on how lucky she gets with those low growths, and if I'm willing to feed her statboosters to make up for it. I'm beginning to reconsider using her, but I'm not ready to give up the Lyn Lord unit just yet.


HP: 70%

Strength: 40%

Skill: 60%

Speed: 80%

Luck: 30%

Defense: 35%

Resistance: 10%

Total: 325%

For a thief, these are actually very good growths! I think he might turn out better than Nala, putting some skill % into strength, and trading resistance for defense. I have much more confidence in him turning out well, but we'll see... either way, we need to train him, being our only thief and all. Can assassins steal in this hack, I wonder?

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1) Talk to Edward with Ash before you recruit him.

2) Quotes indicate its in a native tongue instead of English

3) Sacred Blaze. Take a look at who made the hack again.

Edward got buffed a tad in the last patch. He gained +1 strength... don't remember if there was anything else or not. But he was cripplingly weak before. Assassins can't steal, and he was basically Nala without the crit upon promotion or access to bows.

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Ok yeah sorry I should have been more specific, Hawke is my favorite unit, he turned out absolutely incredible for me. I would post his stats but I don't want to spoil, but his str and spd are through the roof,and his hp gives him survivability. Give him a brave axe and there's nothing he can't do.

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Assassins can't steal, and he was basically Nala without the crit upon promotion or access to bows.

At least in version 1.3, Edward as a Rogue could steal

and with 20-up speed could steal items from some speedy units.


Primarily, Edward acted as a Torch

(I haven't seen, in this hack, this item; there were only two chapters with fog of war).

In the FoW, Edward had a visual range of 8 squares, while others had only 3.

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1) Talk to Edward with Ash before you recruit him.

2) Quotes indicate its in a native tongue instead of English

3) Sacred Blaze. Take a look at who made the hack again.

Edward got buffed a tad in the last patch. He gained +1 strength... don't remember if there was anything else or not. But he was cripplingly weak before. Assassins can't steal, and he was basically Nala without the crit upon promotion or access to bows.

Thank you. Hmm, Sacred Blaze... yeah, wonder who that's alluding to.

Ok yeah sorry I should have been more specific, Hawke is my favorite unit, he turned out absolutely incredible for me. I would post his stats but I don't want to spoil, but his str and spd are through the roof,and his hp gives him survivability. Give him a brave axe and there's nothing he can't do.

Thanks for the tip. I think the Marco vs Marcus debate in my head is finally settled.

At least in version 1.3, Edward as a Rogue could steal

and with 20-up speed could steal items from some speedy units.

attachicon.gifFire Emblem - Requiem (Ch.21).png

Primarily, Edward acted as a Torch

(I haven't seen, in this hack, this item; there were only two chapters with fog of war).

In the FoW, Edward had a visual range of 8 squares, while others had only 3.

Edward can promote into Rogue? Good to know...

Requiem: Episode 11: Chapter 10: Part 2: Alicia the Thief Catcher


To start, I do manage to survive that bottleneck I was trapped in last time. It was more about utilizing my units effectively than anything. Now, I lure out the archers to make my advance through that corridor in the future easier!


However, we don't want to go too slow. Edward's moved again. His movement is actually really odd. He'll start/stop every few turns. Either way, we need to catch up to him soon.


WHOA! That's a great level, Alicia! In the earlygame like this, where small numbers of stats matter... keep it up and you'll be amazing!


See this guy? He has a nasty surprise prepared. Good catch, me!


Clare's been healing enough to get some good levels. However, I'm worried about staff uses.


Just as we're about to reach the bottom area, seven new enemies show up! We'll need some extra help to take them all on...


Speaking of which...

Edward: Let’s get out of here before things get messy.


Ash: If that’s what you want, then you should know that


Edward: Huh? …Who the hell are you? You’re not from Megelar.

Ash: No, I’m not. And you’re not one of their soldiers. Which means that I don’t have to hurt you.

Edward: You can tell? Not bad.

Ash: If you plan to escape, you should be careful. Change your disguise and don’t flash around those things that you’ve stolen.

Well, with that giant sack of loot his sprite is carrying, that might be a problem.

Edward: Ha, well, thanks for the heads up, buddy.


I like this guy already, he's the most generous thief ever! Yes, this IS the Nosferatu tome equivalent. By the end of the chapter, Ash will have enough tomes rank to use it.


Sadly, this doesn't recruit him, but I'm not sure if you can still get this conversation after he's on your team.


Thankfully, he doesn't dash for the exit after Ash talks, giving me time to move my other game-over unit over...


Edward: W-Who are these guys!?


Edward: M-Me? No, I’m just-

Alicia: You were mistaken to think you could surprise me! Take this!

Edward: G-Gah!

Alicia: Huh? What’s all this?

Edward: Hey, that’s mine!


Alicia: This is-


Alicia: Just some low-grade thief!

Edward: I-If you want it, just take it, alright? I’m outta here.


Edward: Huh?

Alicia: Our forces will have this place surrounded, pretty soon. You won’t make it out alive. Not even if you took off that armor, I’m guessing.

Edward: S-Seriously?


Edward: S-Sure… got it.

Alicia: Now take this stuff back.

Edward: T-Thanks.

Alicia: If I were anyone else, you might be dead… You should be really grateful that I’m doing this for you.


I feel like I'm starting to "get" Alicia a bit more. Secretly very cunning, smart, and calculating, hidden behind a veneer of being nice and doing things to help others to get what she wants. She "helped" Edward, while also recruiting a thief for her personal unit. Let's hope this continues working in our favor!

Anyways, this does recruit Edward, bringing us up to a grand total of 9 units. Our team has expanded fast!


Edward immediately commences failing. I left that kill SPECIALLY for you, buddy!


If we can clear this very-aggressive wave, we'll be nearly through!


Only natural that they'd level at the same time. And very good levels, too!


I see what you mean about Alicia's personal tome now. That's a "23" under the x2, and she could stand to lose a lot of that damage. This just feels like cruel overkill.


Nala gets her first level. It SUCKS. Not even speed! You'd better have strength next time!


I say again, Hawke getting the Edgebreaker gives him a LOT of versatility.


We do have one "normal" conversation with Gemma and Clare. Let's see it...


Gemma: This hasn’t been too bad so far, has it? We’ve been relatively safe, well fed, and we don’t even have to do all the work for ourselves!

Clare: Mm, yeah. It’s a shame that we haven’t been able to see much of Lord Ash, though…

Gemma: Hmm, why’s that now?

Clare: W-What? I-It’s just because he looked pretty sad on the way here. He doesn’t have any friends here.

Gemma: Well, like he said, the Egardians own him now… I don’t like it either, though. Nor do I like that Alicia, always bossing us around.

Sounds about right...

Clare: Hey, hey, not so loud. If it weren’t for her, we would never even be near Lord Ash. Besides, she’s a lot better than some of the other leaders around here might have been, right?


Don't worry, we'll probably be killing them later!

Gemma: Mm… I guess you’re right. I wonder why she agreed to that though?

Clare: No idea…

Gemma: …I still don’t like it. You should talk to her or, better yet, get Ash to talk to her.

Clare: M-Me? Why not you?


Clare: You really think so- I mean… he does?

Gemma: Hahahaha, well I think so. To tell you the truth, I’m kind of jealous! Anyway, you should try and talk to him about our situation.

Stop being stereotypical girls, fawning over Ash! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!


As I said, I'm healing with Clare a LOT. She's getting a lot of magic, but I'm running out of stave charges...


Okay, we killed every enemy that comes charging at us. Instead of showing you detailed steps of the mop-up, I'll just show you the levels I got.


Well, here we have a "great", a "good", a "disappointing after the last one but not bad", and finally a "ugh"!


And we are DONE.

NEXT TIME: Escape attempts and Legato!

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Can't get the convo after recruitment.

As for Soulsuck itself... its not bad, but I use it more to grind up dark tome levels then anything else. Problem is weight. Weighs Ash down too much for my liking. At most I'd use it to kill one unit, and survive one counter attack in the enemy phase. Unless Ash is speed blessed, he's getting doubled with that on most of the time.

Really with Ash, most of the time I just use Flux + his personal tome.

Also man, your Hawke is already turning out better than most of mine did.

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Can't get the convo after recruitment.

As for Soulsuck itself... its not bad, but I use it more to grind up dark tome levels then anything else. Problem is weight. Weighs Ash down too much for my liking. At most I'd use it to kill one unit, and survive one counter attack in the enemy phase. Unless Ash is speed blessed, he's getting doubled with that on most of the time.

Really with Ash, most of the time I just use Flux + his personal tome.

Also man, your Hawke is already turning out better than most of mine did.

Noted. Was the nosferatu equivalent nerfed from original FE7?

Sorry about the slow updates, guys. I recently got hackmud, and I've been playing it... probably too much.



Here we are, in the aftermath of our slaughter. Ash seems to be a ways away from the others...


Alicia: This should set a panic about in the castle… We should get ourselves out of here before more soldiers arrive. The Commander and the others should be to handle the rest of the assault.


If you'll notice, he's not underneath Alicia's sprite...


Drake: I’m not sure.

Alicia: Crap…



Ash really is attempting to escape? I'm surprised, but it makes sense. Go, Ash!

Ash: Alicia’s going to figure out that I’ve disappeared. But there has to be someone I can reach out to out here. Footsteps… Someone’s coming this way.


Commandman: I don’t want a single one of them making it out of here alive. If you spot any of the House members, send for me immediately. Understood?


Commandman: Their numbers don’t give them the advantage they think. Hmm…

Their stats suck, too.


Ash: I think he noticed that something was off. But how has someone other than us made it this far into the castle? Did he really defeat all the Megelar soldiers that quickly?


Well, we've been caught. It was expected, but still...

Alicia: …Mind telling me where you think you’re going?


Alicia: …Right. Why would you risk something like this now, Ash? We’re so close to the end…


This feels suitably awkward for someone getting caught escaping.

Alicia: …Wait a minute, Ash.

Ash: What?

Alicia: I thought you’d given up on escaping, but


Ash: You just don’t get it, do you?

Alicia: Get what?

Ash: Once Bran completes his conquest of the mainland, he’ll have no use for me.


Ash: With no one left to help her, she’ll be powerless against your armies.

Alicia: You’re being paranoid. My lord isn’t like that. As long as nobody finds out about this, and you stick with us, they’ll be fine.

This faith in Bran won't work out.

Ash: Hmph… There are two reasons why I’m still alive, Alicia. Firstly, Bran doesn’t want to risk me somehow killing him.

Alicia: You wouldn’t dar-

Ash: No, I wouldn’t. Not like that. But the second reason is that he’s hoping that I’ll let you into the secrets of this magic.

Alicia: Then…


Ash: And, even if I did, the moment you learned enough, I’d be dead.

Alicia: In that case…


Woah Alicia, back up a little.

Ash: Legato was right… You are pathetic.

Alicia: Let me in on this, Ash. If what you said is true, then you don’t have much of a choice, do you? I can convince Bran to leave your family alone.


Alicia: A-Ah!

Not a good time to be caught, Alicia.


Commanderman: escape route, did he not?

Alicia: Y-Yes, he did. But I took it upon myself to launch a surprise attack on the castle to make it easier for our soldiers to move forward.

Commanderman: Yes, and in doing so, you almost let him escape.


Alicia: I just lost sight of him for a moment-

Matthias: …Of course you did. …I heard that little conversation between you two. Don’t think that I won’t report that in to Father.


What's with all the stuttering!

Matthias: Just leave. Now!

Alicia: Y-Yes, my lord. Ash, come on.


Wow, Alicia. You leave him alone not once, but twice? What bad watching. Drag Ash off by the ear or something.

Matthias: You’re what my father is so concerned about? How pitiful.


Ash: This is the first time I’ve seen him since I got here. He looks like he could be trouble. To strike that sense of fear into Alicia like that… Not even Legato seems to do that to her. Hmm…

So, that's Bran's son? They do look similar. I bet this won't be the last time we see him.


Oh hey, our new characters! What's going to happen to them?

Ash: And you two as well. I’m glad that you’re all alright.

Skye: Yes, thanks to you. We were imprisoned after my brother got into a fight with the city guard.


Skye: That wasn’t a fight, Hawke. He was asking you to give up your weapons.

Hawke: Hah! They should have known better.

I like Hawke already.

Ash: Skye… and Hawke…


Skye: You are quite knowledgeable.

Skye: Right. We would like to offer you and your friends something in return… Nala.


Ash: Gold?


Skye: Don’t worry… it’s no issue for us. Our time in the western lands has come to an end, and we have no more need for gold.

Ash: I see.


I really like this line. Something about it is heartwarming.


Nala: … …


Good news: We have money! Bad news: Surprisingly, our new characters really DID leave the party, however temporarily. Here's to hoping they don't stay away for too long.


NEXT TIME: With Egardia's conquest completed, the stage is ripe for things to change...

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Keep up the good work. It's so nice to see you working on a hack that's top tier after certain past games.

Please, don't remind of those... certain past games... But, even without those to compare it to, this is still indeed a top-tier hack.



They're not who you may think they are.


Alicia's probably going to get chewed out.

Bran: I wanted to congratulate you on your performance in the Eastern Campaign. I heard that you made it a lot easier for our soldiers to push through to victory.

Matthias: …

Bran: However…

Alicia: Please, my lord, say what is on your mind.


That's a big leap. Not entirely implausible from what he saw, but still a big leap.

Alicia: It is not! It is absolutely not true! I only spoke of convincing you to show him mercy, in the future.

Bran: Why is that?

Alicia: He’s afraid, my lord. He thinks that you’re plotting to kill him, which means that he might try and escape. I-I feel that in time, he may become more accepting if we leave him be. There’s still a chance that I can convince him to teach me the secrets of that magic. Those are the only reasons I said such things.

Bran: Hmm… I guess that makes some sense-

Matthias: If I may, Father. The longer we keep him alive, the more time we give him to plot against us.

Matthias, come on. Bran was almost going to let Alicia off the hook!


Matthias: with new numbers.

Bran: The resistance? They may have fallen, and we know that.

Matthias: Or so she would have you believe. We have long since known how she covets the power of the boy.


Okay, this is getting weird. All Matthias needs is a tinfoil hat.

Matthias: back, answering to his call. She said that their uncle was fleeing to the Northern isles, remember? But he could easily muster up a force to fight against us from there, couldn’t he? Clearly, she’s just looking out for herself.

Bran: M-Madness… Yet-

Alicia: Please, don’t say it! I would swear on my own life that this isn’t true. I’ve done nothing!


That's odd word choice for a mostly-innocent person! But, why is Matthias so desperate to see Alicia executed?


Legato too? This is really sudden!

Alicia: Wha- Y-You wouldn’t!

Legato: We soldiers of Egardia all swore to see your conquest to fruition, lord. That much has already been done, so surely there is no harm?

Alicia: I…

Bran: Stay yourself, Legato.

Legato: Hm?

Bran: I do not believe she is a traitor to Egardia. She is my chosen and raised subordinate.

Alicia: M-my lord…

Bran: Unfortunately, if I let such deep concerns go unpunished, it will only set a bad example. So, Alicia…


Bran: specifically summoned. Your service to me ends here.

WOW. This is not what I was expecting.


Matthias: But that’s just what she wants.

You STILL aren't happy? These guys want Alicia dead, don't they?

Alicia: I… thank you for your mercy, my lord. I shall… take my leave.

I kind of feel bad for her now.


Bran: Enough, the both of you! Those are my words, and I will have no quarrel!

Matthias: But-

Bran: She has worked under me for years now. I saved her from a life of misery and despair. She would never betray me. I will not believe it!

I STILL don't know a lot about the plot. I guess that means there's more to be revealed!


The minute Bran leaves, Matthias gets all mad. This type of thing is consistent in the hack's dialogue. One of these days, someone's still going to be in earshot!


Ash: What are you doing here so late? And where’s Alicia?

Drake: That’s what I came to tell you. She has been released from service.

Ash: What?!


Good deduction, but it seems there's a bit more at play here.

Ash: But I didn’t think this would happen…

Drake: Is this bad?

Ash: …More than you might think.


Remember, Alicia was the main thing stopping the other commanders from tearing Ash apart. If Alicia's gone, then Ash knows he isn't far from worse things happening to him.

Ash: There’s somewhere I need to go.

Drake: Hm?


Drake: If you’re caught, you’ll-


Ash: I wasn’t doing nothing the whole time. I disabled the magic barrier, and I know how to get around the rather lax patrols about the castle grounds.

Phew, that lets us avoid a RD-style stealth chapter.

Drake: I see…

Ash: If what you’ve told me is true as well, then I really do need to act now. This could be my last chance. Now, quickly, this way!


Matthias: My father’s actions are starting to get in our way.

Legato: Yes…


Uh oh. I think I know where this is going...

Matthias: Alicia is quickly becoming more and more of a nuisance and she’s not exactly going to disappear overnight. She’s too loyal to him.

Legato: You’re right. Leaving her be will eventually drive her towards the ant. And if that happens, she’ll jeopardize everything.

Matthias: Then I suppose it’s decided. I will handle it.

Legato: Nobody can know that we were involved in this. Your father still holds control of this army, for the most part, and therefore cannot be made our enemy just yet.

Matthias: Do you really think you need to tell me that?



More than that, it seems like they're planning a coup!

Ash: And that’s not the only worrying part.

Drake: No?

Ash: …It doesn’t matter. Where is Alicia right now?


Drake: She can’t enter the castle grounds, after all.

Ash: Listen… Gather whatever people and resources you can and bring them there. We are leaving this place. Right now.

Drake: W-With Alicia?


Drake: Yes, my lord.


Ash: jeopardise everything.” Is this the link I’ve been looking for? If they would work so hard to stop her from helping me, then she must have some answer to my troubles. …But how could she?

Here's to hoping Alicia can tell us more about the weird voice that's in Ash's head.


Here we are in town, in what is likely to be our level this time. I don't think the dancer is anyone important, but the archer:


It's Linda! Are you ready for our first few returning characters?

Linda: If both he and that other lady are here…


And Marco, too! Pity we just decided we were dropping him for Hawke.


Ash: ..Where is she?


Alicia: Wait a minute, how did you even get out here?

Ash: That’s not important right now. You should come with me.

Alicia: What? Look, I don’t know or care what you’re up to, but you really shouldn’t be here. If they find out that you’re gone, they’re definitely going to suspect me, so I’m not involving myself. So just stay away from me.

Ash: I could do that… But I’m afraid you wouldn’t make it through the night.

Alicia: What do you mean?

Ash: Legato and Matthias are plotting to have you killed.


Ash: …You don’t seem that surprised.

Alicia: That’s because I’m not. Legato was ready to kill me just a few hours ago. I guess I’m a little bit surprised that he couldn’t even wait a day to try.

Hah, hah.


And it's official! If it wasn't obvious before, we're teaming up with Alicia for real!

Alicia: Why?


Ash: Legato and Matthias both know something more about my power than they let on. They’ve been trying to separate us, this whole time, I think. …As such, you’re the only thing that’s been keeping me safe. If they get you, I’ll be completely helpless.

Alicia: …I may have been released from service, but I am still an Egardian, you know? So, if I go with you… That’s treason.


At this point, Egardia betrayed you, and other explanations that would mitigate treason!

Alicia: I’ll never see Lord Bran again.

Ash: … … I’m sorry, Alicia. But it really isn’t safe to continue staying here. Those two are no common assassins. You know that.

Alicia: Ash.


Wow, Ash really ISN'T a "deceitful person".

Ash: Ultimately, my goal remains to return to my sister’s side, as always.

Alicia: So that you can defeat Lord Bran…

Ash: Yes.

Alicia: Well… at least you were


Alicia: Let’s go, Ash.

And with Alicia recruited, we're ready to leave the town before-




Drake: W-Where did you come from?

Assassin: I followed you. …Where are you going, knight?

Drake: …There’s more, too. …How did I not notice that we were being followed by such a large group?

Did you not hear them over the CLANK CLANK CLANK of armor FE games love to point out?

Assassin: So then… That’s where Alicia is?

Drake: … …

Assassin: Nobody else has to get hurt here. …Bring her to me.

Drake: …That’s not going to happen.

Assassin: Very well… You won’t be making it out of this town alive.


Drake: It’s not looking good.


Ash: How did they assemble this force so quickly?

Alicia: It’s like you said. They’re no common assassins.

Drake: They’re converging on us from all four corners of the town. They must’ve figured out that someone would make a move to help you out.

Alicia: Or they just knew I wouldn’t go quietly.

Ash: … …


...But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try, if that's the kind of chapter this is!


Alicia: I’ll give you enough time to warp out of here on your own.

Yeah, Alicia, we all know that's not going to happen.

Ash: …No, I won’t do that. When I was with my sister, we faced worse odds than several times in a row. We’re all going to get through this. We just need some space.


Alicia: Why are you working so hard to help me out now, Ash?





Well, this is a pretty big level, with a LOT of enemies. It's going to be the biggest fight yet, but there's a few things we need to keep in mind:


The escape point is down here. Depending on how many enemies decide to move, we hopefully won't need to kill ABSOLUTELY everything, but we'll probably end up doing it anyway.

Also, if you look, Skye, Nala, and Hawke actually DID leave the party. We'll get them back soon, though, don't worry! Still, we don't have very many units right now so there's not too much we can do.


We have three items we want to grab, and a cool new weapon icon to admire! Most, but not all, of the enemies are still level 1, even though our own units are in the 6-8 range. Even though there's a lot of mooks, they won't be too hard to cut down.


Also, the boss. He looks strong, but he lacks 2-range options. He doesn't look like we should be fighting him QUITE yet(which is good, because we don't need to), but if we DID, it wouldn't be impossible. That's how I like my "don't fight these guys" guys-not "you instantly die", but instead "enough above you that you'd rather avoid them but could kill them if you need to".

Edited by TheMoniker
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This chapter. Thiiiiiis chapter. -shakes fist-

Gave me a lot of trouble the first time.

I agree. At first, I thought it was simple, but then... well, I'm sure you'll all see.

Requiem: Episode 12: Chapter 11: Part 1: Town of surprises


Time to start escaping this town!

We're in a bit of a hurry, but as we are, we can't afford to shove our people forward blindly. Drake will lure out the enemies right near us.


And he gets an absolutely EXCELLENT level. Great!


Lady: Goddess… I beg of you to bring Lady Valentine back to Olva soon.

We are still in Olva, if you forgot. This is kind of sad...


Two turns in, we get our other people back! Glad to see they didn't stay away too long!

Skye: Ash is in grave danger.”


Hawke: Maybe our minds are more alike than I thought, slave-girl. Now, who wants to die first?


Skye: “No, it’s fine. Ash is a friend, and we must not let him suffer.”


With our other troops back, we can crush the enemies between us, meet up in the center, and then push down and around. I have a clear strategy! The situation is already looking better!


Oh, SURE, Edward, forget abo-


Edward, never mind.



The enemies get themselves all split up trying to attack both of our groups, but it looks like more are coming from the middle to harass us.



The shop has a very basic inventory, but I've been needing more healing staves. I buy a bunch.


Hawke heads up and...


Odd lady: You need to get out of here. If the soldiers think we aided your escape, there’s no telling what they’ll do. But, well… I suppose I can’t leave you empty-handed. You are doing a good service to me, after all. Now go


Hawke: Hm?


I guess defeating these troops is a really good service?

Also, was the person we were just talking to Loren?

Whatever, we got a statbooster!


And it looks like we'll need it. Nala, you're supposed to be good!


Alicia combines a good CON for a female mage (7) with enough speed to double and enough power to make it count. Against slower enemy types, she cleans house!


Ouch! I overextended myself!


Okay Nala, I need you to hang back... I want to move fast, but it doesn't seem too feasible right now...


Once the way is clear enough for us to start moving down, I find a lot of units who have nothing to do but move. That means, it's conversation time!


Oh, yeah, why is Edward still with us?

Edward: I couldn’t stay in Megelar… It was too dangerous, so I blended in with your army and ended up here.

Alicia: Do you realize how dangerous that was!? And even with that, why are you now here?

Edward: This place is locked up too tight to make steals. I was ready to make my own way and then heard about a group on their way out of this place… I thought I’d blend in with them, although, if I had known


Well, too late now, you're stuck being my stealbot forever.

Alicia: …You’re really taking a big risk here.

Edward: Yeah, I see that now. But a thief’s got to go where the wind takes him.

Alicia: *sigh* Look, just… be careful, alright?


Do these guys have a support?


Not done talking quite yet.

Gemma: Clare!

Clare: Oh, Gemma! Did you need me?

Gemma: Are you alright there? You looked a little woozy.

Clare: Hmm, no, I’m fine.

Gemma: …You sure?

Clare: …Mm hmm.

Gemma: …Alright then. This job is pretty rough, ain’t it?

Clare: Yeah… I hope that we get our money’s worth.

Gemma: Well, then you need to start trying even harder. I’m doing all the tough fighting, so you need to pick up the slack!

Gemma, Clare's a bit more of the stay-in-the-back type.

Clare: G-Gemma, you know it isn’t that simple. I’m not a fighter like you.

Gemma: Yeah… whatever.

Clare: Gemma, why are you being so sullen all of a sudden?

Gemma: Because we became mercenaries to make money, and you’re slacking off back there!


Yeah, Clare's just biding her time healing, gaining more EXP than everyone else, and will eventually reach level 20, promote early, and then destroy the enemies many levels below her once she can fight back!


Surprise! That wasn't a conversation, that was a support! We have one now! Sadly, this chapter is a bit too rushed to stop and grind out more. I really should have done a better job last chapter...


Nala gets a significantly better level, thank goodness.


Lesson-learned: Look before sending Drake out to tank.


I wasn't joking earlier, Clare really is already a little ways above everybody else XP-wise.


And with that, we've reached the middle of the town. We have a little while before the reinforcements behind us arrive, but I don't think we're QUITE where we could have been were we faster... gotta keep going...


Gemma! You were supposed to dodge!


There, that helps.


Nala was actually hit with another axe before this, making me worried here. We haven't had quite enough bad luck for axe magnetism to really start troubling us... yet.


Linda! Marco! So glad you could make it!

Marco: Nice job, Lin. If it weren’t for you, Lord Ash and the others would’ve been in a lot of trouble, from the looks of it.

Linda: … But Marc, look how many of them there are! How are we going to save him?

Marco: Oh, come on! You doubt yourself before even trying. We just took out the guys that were coming this way, didn’t we?

Linda: But they didn’t know we were going to attack them… and you did all the work…

Marco: Well, fine then.


Marco: Don’t hesitate. We will save Lord Ash.

They haven't changed a bit!


The INSTANT the balance of power shifts a bit in our favor, we have a HORDE of horse troops to deal with! Thankfully, it isn't QUITE as bad as it looks, for reasons we'll see shortly.


For one thing, they don't all advance at once, they come in two waves.


Second off, Marco and Linda are actually a good few levels ahead of the curve, as compared to the average power of our team. They're having an easy time of beating these guys down. Marco can just run in and chop down entire crowds of these level 1-2 wimps.


They could go for us, or Marco/Linda... we have to be prepared for anything!




Alicia: I know who you are…

Boss: Good. Then you must know that this is the end of the road for you.

Alicia: And I hope you know that doesn’t mean I’ll go down without a fight!

Okay, Alicia! I'm counting on you! Put those stats to use, and beat down this high-stat loser!





So, if it wasn't clear, now that we know this guy moves, we don't have much chance against him. In fact, we can pretty much discount the entire middle path through the level.


Look at this. Nobody stands a chance against them! Go, Marco!

Of course, it's not good that he's getting all this EXP... but, we'll sort that out once we've beaten this tough chapter.


That nomad from earlier went after Nala. Well, she's okay.


Linda grows to level 13, and puts herself even further above our enemies.


Skye gets a good level! Things are looking up!


Annnnnd I misjudged movement distance again. The boss has a wide instant-death radius around, and I accidentally left poor Hawke inside it...




Well, at least he kept his dignity.


Okay, we've moved away from the boss, and things are looking good again. Marco and Linda will be fine, so all we have left to do is cut through the bottom area and reach the escape point before things go south.


Scared guy: Oh… phew… I thought you were one of those Egardians for a second there. …You fighting against them? In that case, you should take this spear with you.


Thank you!


Also, curse my bad inventory management!

Okay, I think this is a good enough positive note for us to end on. So far, this chapter has thrown some curveballs my way, but nothing TOO bad, thankfully. I think we'll be alright.

NEXT TIME: Things go south, things TOO bad happen, etc.

EDIT: Uh, sorry about the weird spacing between dialogue lines... SF is acting up today.

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Edward and Alicia do have a support.

Dante is still killable even with his moving ability. Lure him with Drake (provided he got enough defence/HP in previous levels to survive), finish him off with Alicia/Ash/Skye at range. Can safely deliver the last hit with Gemma/Drake if needed.

I mean, not much point to it imo, and if you take too long doing that you can really screw yourself over. But its an option!

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Oh, just played this chapter yesterday.

The assassin boss wasn't hard for me.

Drake can attract him since he's the only one who can take two hits. (however the boss might have a low crit chance against him)

Alicia, Ash and the nomad can attack him from range and a lance user (if even necessary) finishes the job. (of course it's a bit risky to beat him since the hitrates are <70%)

Just a random question: Is it worth to use the myrmidon chick?

I mean her base strength and defense kinda daunt me to use her.

The bases of some units are pretty crappy actually.

I wished Edward had more base strength with his base level.

As for an axeuser I like Hawke more than Marco because of his speed.

However you'll get another locked axeuser very soon. I'd guess he's the most balanced one... but Idk if he's the best at the same time.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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So nala is defintely worth using because her speed and skill are insane. Once she promotes and gets bows she is a lot more useful. Also there are plenty of strong swords to balance out her low str. But you will get 2 myrms fairly soon, like 6 chapters, that can replace her if she doesn't work out

Edited by Xylon7373
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Edward and Alicia do have a support.

Dante is still killable even with his moving ability. Lure him with Drake (provided he got enough defence/HP in previous levels to survive), finish him off with Alicia/Ash/Skye at range. Can safely deliver the last hit with Gemma/Drake if needed.

I mean, not much point to it imo, and if you take too long doing that you can really screw yourself over. But its an option!

I mean, you'd get both an elixir and a much easier finish if you were able to do it fast. But, I didn't want to deal with those bad hitrates.

Oh, just played this chapter yesterday.

The assassin boss wasn't hard for me.

Drake can attract him since he's the only one who can take two hits. (however the boss might have a low crit chance against him)

Alicia, Ash and the nomad can attack him from range and a lance user (if even necessary) finishes the job. (of course it's a bit risky to beat him since the hitrates are <70%)

Just a random question: Is it worth to use the myrmidon chick?

I mean her base strength and defense kinda daunt me to use her.

The bases of some units are pretty crappy actually.

I wished Edward had more base strength with his base level.

As for an axeuser I like Hawke more than Marco because of his speed.

However you'll get another locked axeuser very soon. I'd guess he's the most balanced one... but Idk if he's the best at the same time.

I feel like whether you'd want to use Nala is more a question of whether you want her crazy overspecialization as opposed to a more balanced all-purpose unit. Most of the units I have are already very balanced at what they do, so I'll probably keep her.

Requiem: Episode 12: Chapter 11: Part 2: Enter the Elites


Remember, last time, we were about to catch up to Marco and Linda! Let's start things off with a talk while the action's slowed down a little.


Skye: We are here to help you.

Ash: But how… When did you-

Skye: Those questions are not important right now. All you need to know is that we will keep you safe. We shall not return to the desert until you are.

Ash: Y-Yes. Thank you very much.

I'm sure we'll get an explanation of how they ended up in this specific place as Ash was escaping.


This archer was annoying us with that 3-range bow. Now he's not anymore.


Excellent news! Edward got strength!


Oh, it's Turn 12... looks like we have another event.


Dude: What’s going on?

Kenrick: We need to step in.

Uh oh. Whose side is this guy on?


Is he talking about our assassin boss or Ash?

Dude: “Them”? Who are they after?

Kenrick: I’m not exactly sure, but


Dude: Why should we help them?


They're going to help us! Great! Are they the rebels?

Kenrick: Ready up.

Dude: Y-Yes, sir!


Oh, it's Emilia! She probably predicted what was going on with Ash during Chapter 9. He probably did seem really out of character to her...


Boss: Reinforcements?


Kenrick: Prepare yourself.

Yes, Lord Kenrick! Drive this fool away!


The assassin boss is a bit too much for most of my units, but he loses in grand fashion against Kenrick.


Boss: But I can’t win like this.


Okay, looks like we have two pieces of bad news and one piece of good news. To start, the good news is, the assassin boss is gone and we don't need to worry about him any more. We could advance through the knights down the middle of town and finish early, but that's the first piece of bad news: We're too far down the other path to really go back. Why can't we, you ask? Well, that's the second piece of bad news:



Now, those stats might not LOOK too bad. But remember, this is the earlygame, and their stats are actually about equal to my units. Marco and Linda could take some of them, but there's a LOT, too! All in all, they're probably the biggest problem we'll face in this chapter, and I actually want to escape instead of fighting them.


So, now that the situation is super intense, let's burn time visiting random useless lore houses. Maybe whoever's in here will have some secret useful trick to escaping in time!


Girl: What? You don’t know who that is? He’s one of the best soldiers in the Olvan militia… and he’s really cool! O-Oh, a-anyway, I wonder if that means the militia’s planning to do something tonight?

...You're a bit late, foreshadowing!


Clare continues to get good healing levels. She is doing AMAZING in magic! I can't wait to get Katarina back so I can compare them.


Linda and Marco are officially with the main group, which is good because we'll need them for our final push! Let's have them talk it out.


Ash: You’re…

Linda: It’s Linda.

Ash: Yes, I’m sorry. How did you get here?

Come to think of it, Ash stayed out of combat for most of Part 1, so he might not recognize her as a comrade immediately like Valentine would have.

Linda: Well… we joined up with the militia at first and were just doing what we could to help out around Olva. But after their run in with you, Marc and I decided to focus on trying to save you. It’s taken a while, but we finally did it!

Ash: You did that for me? That was brave of you. Thank you.

Linda: You’re welcome, my lord. T-This looks like a lot of trouble, though. Will we be alright?

Ash: I don’t know. But if we don’t, we’ll all die. …Just like old times, right?

Linda: Y-Yeah… F-Fun times…


That's the majority of the talking for this chapter. Let's push to the end!


Alicia gets MORE speed and MORE power. Her defenses are really lame, but she's going to be an incredible glass cannon if these keeps up any longer.


Surprisingly, these guys stagger themselves, rather than coming all at once. Maybe that will make them easier to deal with?

That's what you'd think initially... but them staggering themselves is VERY bad for me.


Before we go, I pop in the armory and grab a thing or two. Nothing of note, really.


Come on, Hawke! I just got Marco back, and he's outperforming everyone else on the team, and then you do this? Stop it!


Come on, team! We just need to get through these last few enemies and we'll be free to go!


Two fairly unremarkable levels, except for speed, something both of them need.


Oh, no... the elite unit's split themselves up, due to the staggered advance I mentioned earlier! Two will cut us off in front, while the others force us ahead by pushing from the back. I'll have to punch through the mage and fighter to advance, most likely.


And magic AGAIN. Cold comfort, though.


Nala gets strength again! Good, she'll need it.


I do all these advanced calculations to see how Skye can only be hit by one of the archers/mages, but then realize only one would be able to attack him at a time anyways. What I'm trying to do is separate them further and hopefully make them simpler to deal with.


However, the situation immediately gets REALLY bad. Take a look. We have an injured Skye from my attempt earlier, and these two elites are JUST out of killing range, preventing me from advancing my squishier units...


...But I ALSO can't really just wait for them to come to us, because the unit circling behind us has caught up!

I can't believe this happened! It's terrible, just terrible... and it's the WORST kind of terrible situation, too!

It's not the "RNG needing" kind of terrible, because then I just use savestates and wait for things to go my way.

It's not "bad design" terrible, because then I can usually exploit the bad design to my advantage in some way.

No, it's actual, genuine "situation that requires tactics to get out of" terrible, and it's entirely my fault, and I actually need to use my own skill... something that strikes fear into the deepest of my bones!

Okay, let's try to think of a way out of this...


Hmmm... okay, here's the plan. Ash just needs to make it to the town exit, right? So, if he can survive a round with those high-level enemies, he'll just walk over and-



Who KNOWS what info and/or items it could contain??? Now I have to visit it, and everything is more complicated! How the heck am I going to get there in my current situation?


Also, "sneak Ash past" plan is a no-go, the enemies nearby have MORE than enough power to kill him. I mean, look at how much damage the mage is dealing!

Ash: Hmph…



Alright, new plan! We need to get closer to that house, and away from the elites! To start, we'll deal some counter-attack damage to the mage and fighter to make things easier on us!


The fighter's second attack misses here. Which is good, because Ash may have died otherwise. Still, he managed to mitigate all 18 damage from his first attack. I love Nosferatu.


Well, we're officially in a position of not being able to delay any more. We push forward, or we die!


Marco SMASH!


Hmmm... Maybe Hawke IS a good idea...


Together, they take down a second elite fighter coming in from the top! If we keep moving a bit more, we can do this!


Ouch! Thankfully, Ash can take as many hits as he needs as long as he has Soulsuck and doesn't get doubled.


We're so close... but... we NEED THAT HOUSE!




I start moving people down to the end, as it's the last place to hide from the elites, and am suddenly worried. If we have to get EVERYONE in this general area, I'll need to change strategy and kill the elites!


Thankfully, we only need to get Ash to the bottom, as Ash won't need to wait for the others while everyone else will.


We need one more turn to get the house and leave. Drake must buy it for us!


He does... BARELY. Sure, the damage amounts are small, but there were 4 of them and they ALL doubled him. Drake won't be able to do that again...


FINALLY! This had BETTER be worth it all!


*girl appears and immediately disappears*


Girl: …


Aww... it's actually pretty cute... what did we get?


I am SO GLAD I went for the house. I mean, it seems like a really odd spot for a Body ring, but we got it and that's what's important!


And my poor inventory management strikes again!


Well, whatever. I WIN, SUCKERS!

NEXT TIME: We leave Olva behind, again.

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First time I went through that chapter, I got completely pinned in by the elites. Not even down there like where you were, in the row of houses above that row. I had to kill aaaaaall of the elites.

There was much RNG abuse involved. It was not pretty.

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I hated those Elites too. They didn't split up for me, but I couldn't outrun them because of a certain knight and a slow start, and while you'd think them approaching in two groups makes them easier... it doesn't. You can gang up on the first group to approach you, but that just puts you in attack range of the second group and you then have no choice but to watch them get the first hit.

Them splitting up for you would actually make them easier if you decided to fight them, in that you could attack one group and at the same time move away from the second, thus letting you ultimately get first strike on both. But yes, RNG abuse is pretty much a necessity. The Elite Egardians certainly live up to their rank!

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First time I went through that chapter, I got completely pinned in by the elites. Not even down there like where you were, in the row of houses above that row. I had to kill aaaaaall of the elites.

There was much RNG abuse involved. It was not pretty.

Yikes. I can imagine having to fight them all at once...

I hated those Elites too. They didn't split up for me, but I couldn't outrun them because of a certain knight and a slow start, and while you'd think them approaching in two groups makes them easier... it doesn't. You can gang up on the first group to approach you, but that just puts you in attack range of the second group and you then have no choice but to watch them get the first hit.

Them splitting up for you would actually make them easier if you decided to fight them, in that you could attack one group and at the same time move away from the second, thus letting you ultimately get first strike on both. But yes, RNG abuse is pretty much a necessity. The Elite Egardians certainly live up to their rank!

Yeah, though, thankfully, RNG abuse only somewhat comes into play if you actually try to fight them. Most of my deaths this chapter were from my own mistakes, thankfully. I'm just happy I was able to get the Body Ring.



Let's leave! We want to get away from those elite losers!

Alicia: Where are we going to go?

Ash: I’m… not sure. We just need to get out of here for now. …Would you mind handling this one for me?

Alicia: …Sure thing.

*cue fadeout*


Alicia's teleported us to "generic forest background #3,410". We should be safe now.

Alicia: That should do it.


Ash: …But where is this?

Alicia: The Gratia Outlands. It’s a region in the north-east of Egardia.

We're all the way over in Egardia?

Ash: You took us to Egardia?

Is this a FE8 Ephraim style "THE ENEMY WOULD NEVER EXPECT IT"?

Alicia: We’re far away from any important places, so you shouldn’t need to worry about trouble.

Ash: Alright… that’s good.

Alicia: …Thank you for helping me get away, Ash.

Ash: You’re welcome.

Alicia: You guys enjoy yourselves here. …I’ll be taking my leave.

Ash: So soon?


I don't believe you, Alicia! I don't believe you!

Alicia: For that reason, it’s best that I leave you as soon as possible. …Unless there’s another reason you need me here right now.

Ash: Wait a minute.

Alicia: I thought so.

Ash: There’s something else that I need to tell you, before you go.

Alicia: …What is it?


Ash knows what Alicia wants.

Ash: It’s not what you think. I couldn’t tell you this before, as I had to be sure that you weren’t my enemy. But this magic… it’s dark… cursed, even.

Don't be so presumptuous, Ash. Don't you know that it's ANCIENT magic?

Well... maybe his special brand is dark, but most of it is ancient.

Alicia: How so?

Ash: During the eastern campaign, you said to Legato that the magic was calling out to you.

Alicia: Did I now? I don’t really remember.

Ash: Try to. Did that actually happen?


Ash: Is that so? Then it’s as I feared... Listen, the voice that’s


Well, it did help Ash out a lot. Come to think of it, this mysterious voice with its mysterious powers hasn't done much other than help us so far.


Ash: They are trying to steal control of yourself from you. Everytime you use this dark magic, you only push yourself closer to whoever – whatever it is.

Alicia: And… then?

Ash: That’s what I don’t know. I’m trying to figure it out. But that’s why I implore you, here and now…


Ash: It can only end badly.

Alicia: I see… But then, what about you? You’re using it all the time? I’m just using for warping and increasing my power.

Ash: I… have to. If I don’t, I find myself feeling… weak. It’s been this way since I attacked Bran, before.

Is the dark magic like Ash's caffeine? Feeling a bit down in the morning, just have to warp around a little, then you'll be feeling peppy again?

Alicia: Is that why you asked me to get us out of here?

Ash: Exactly… I fear that I’m already too far gone, but you… You don’t have to continue on. If you’re only at this stage, then I don’t want to involve you further, as much help as you might be.

Alicia: So, I’m to about my own business, whilst you sit around and wait for the worst to happen? Don’t give me that.

Ash: I have no other choice.

Alicia: Yes you do.


Alicia: such dark magic. Then you might be able to find some information on what you can do.

Ash: But where? I’ve already looked in various academies and libraries.


Alicia: I’m talking about Archenal.


Is this our next destination?

Alicia: The biggest and most famed?

Ash: Y-You’re right. I couldn’t risk coming here before, but now that the main army is stationed in Olva…

Alicia: There you go.

Ash: Thank you, Alicia. I’ll start making my way there, as soon as possible.


Ash: No. I can’t. If there’s some way to rid myself of this curse, then I have to find it. If I do that, then I can return to my siblings and forever be free of fear of hurting them.

Come to think of it, it's been a while since we've checked up on Valentine, hasn't it? With Ash gone, now she's in danger of Bran's wrath. With the land conquered, his army doesn't have much else to do, either.


Ash: But you said you were-

Alicia: Ridding yourself of this “curse” won’t help you beat Bran, so I can go along with it. After what you’ve just told me, it’s best that we stick together for now, Ash. I’m the only other one who knows, in a way, what you’re going through.


That's... a unique statement... but I'm happy to hear we aren't losing Alicia. She'd fall behind in levels.

Alicia: Furthermore, I know this land well, so I can help you get there quickly.

Ash: But are you sure? I don’t know what I might be up against.

Alicia: That’s exactly why I’m helping.

Ash: I see… Alicia…


Ash: I’m grateful for your help.

Alicia: Aww… Don’t get all mushy on me now. Besides, I can’t guarantee you that I’m not still deeply taken with this magic.


Alicia: That’s tempting.

Ash: …Well, alright. For now, we should all rest.


Alicia: I’m sorry, Lord Bran. I lived for you… But I just wasn’t ready or willing to die for you… At least, not like that.


Does Alicia have a crush on Bran? She seems to REALLY like him. We still don't know much about their relationship.


The camera pulls back over to the town. Hey! This is the person in the house, and the dancer we saw back when the level started!

House Dancer: Moving from one place to another at will? I guess I can’t really keep up with that. *sigh* What a night it’s been.


Hold up! what do you want with Alicia?


House Dancer: Tch… just my luck.


Soldier: What do you think you’re doing, wandering about?

House dancer: What’s it to you?

Soldier: Maybe you don’t know how things work around here…


Oh, no, is he-

EVIL Soldier: You must think you’re real brave talking back like tha- hurgh!


Oh, good, looks like Kenrick won against the assassin. Not that there was any doubt.

Kenrick: It’s dangerous out here.

House dancer: Ahhh… well, what do we have here?

Kenrick: Don’t waste time.

House dancer: Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m not a citizen of Olva.

Kenrick: You’re not? Then…

House dancer: Hm?


House dancer: …That seems rather low for someone such as yourself.

Now I'm wondering about Kenrick's character. Where does his allegiance lie?

Kenrick: I can’t afford to let my whereabouts be disclosed. …You’re coming with me.

House dancer: I won’t object. In fact, I think we might be of some use to each other. I know something you might be interested in…

Kenrick: Hmph… we’ll see about that.

And that's a wrap! It's nice to have a shorter end than usual. To the magic academy!


NEXT TIME: We get lost I guess??

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Ohhhhhh this next map is one of my favorites in the game, but I'll let you figure out why


Time for a nice short little update in...



So, are we The Lost? Is someone else lost? Is it a physically lost, metaphorically lost, or morally lost? Be more specific, title!


Ash: …Is that a good thing or a bad thing, I wonder?

Give it time, Ash! It's still the morning, isn't it? Black-speech man can attack at any time!


???: Ash, can I talk to you?

Ash: Sure, come on in.


Alicia: Especially the events of last night.

Ash: You shouldn’t dwell on it.

Alicia: No, it’s good that I did. Legato… and Matthias, too. You said they were going to assassinate me. But what you also said was that they might know something about this magic.

Ash: Yes… I’m sure of it. But I have nothing to go on, and I can’t exactly get any information out of them.

Alicia: Exactly. So I’m thinking… Maybe they left something behind in Egardia, like in the castle.

Ash: Perhaps so...


Considering they didn't even wait a day to assassinate Alicia, yeah, this relies on them being careless, though it might still be worth investigating if we get the chance.

Alicia: Well, it’s just something to consider. But that’s not all I thought about. I don’t mean anything bad by it, but do you know anything more about this than you’re letting on?

Ash: …Why are you asking?


Alicia: Not to mention how secretive you are about this… In the final battle with your sister, you deliberately waited until sure defeat before you sprung up, didn’t you? Why would you do that unless there was something that you greatly feared?

Ash isn't being totally honest about the evil voice that plagues him, and Alicia's caught on.


Alicia: You don’t miss a thing.

Alicia: Ash…

Ash: I can’t tell you that. But I promise you, if the time comes, I will.

Alicia: That you won’t even lie to me… I think that’s the most worrying part, you know?


Well, I guess we couldn't go too long without conflict! What's today's fight?

Ash: What do you mean?


Drake: It’s better that you see for yourself.


We walk in on what looks like a battlefield, with a bunch of red mooks having a village surrounded.


Egardia was very eager to trash Olva's villages even after they were conquering it, but their OWN villages? Something's wrong here.

Drake: I can’t be sure.

Alicia: There’s so many of them, too. The people of the main village won’t stand a chance if they’re swarmed by that.


Alicia seems eager to play the hero, despite the fact that there are Egardian soldiers with these guys. Still, as we'll see soon, she's making the right decision.



Oh, we have a prep screen! And Ash is talking in it! What does he have to say?

Ash: We need to press on to Egardia and get to the bottom of this, quickly.

...That's all? Here's to hoping that was just placeholder dialogue or whatever. If this chapter has some time limit, and that was my only warning, I'll be annoyed.



Well, now that we have a prep screen, we can check Tactics, and see how I've apparently been failing miserably in Turn Count and... survival?

Marcus, you don't even exist in this universe! Leave and take these bad star statistics with you!


Right away, the prep screen restricts us down to 8 slots. I know it might be a bad idea to leave Drake behind, but the others need levels. We aren't using Marco, and Linda's practically a crutch character, but other than that we have most of our planned-for-use team here.


There's actually a lot of empty space in this map, and the enemies seem to be concentrated in the middle, attacking two villages at once. I'll probably need to send Gemma on down to the bottom...



Today we're fighting the "Hollows", revealing that these are NOT normal Egardian mooks! What's going on with the magic around here? As far as stats go, they're STILL a wimpy level 2. They shouldn't be too much trouble on their own.


They do have a lot of goodies for us, though! Speaking of which... WHEN DO I GET MY CONVOY BACK??!


The only really puzzling thing is that the enemy has no boss to speak of. Is this going to be like Chapter 10 again?

NEXT TIME: Answers to some of our questions maybe?

Edited by TheMoniker
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Yeah that dialogue on the prep screen is what would have been the augury woman's (Hannah?) dialogue in vanilla FE7.

And the levels of the enemies should start to increase, albeit very steadily, from this point onwards, so no more level 1 enemies all the time. Because I had so many enemies on some of the early chapters, (And because I was bad at balancing) I had to severely hold the enemies levels back.

Ohhhhhh this next map is one of my favorites in the game, but I'll let you figure out why

Because of the return of one, or both of the two characters you get back?

Or it the new ones?

I never would have thought that this would be a favourite chapter of anyone's. I mean, I don't think it's awful or anything, but not a favourite either.

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