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Custom class chart- with a triple-threat twist!

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So I wanted to see if I could create my own class chart for a theoretical FE game, with a class system similar to Awakening and Fates'.

With a tweest!

Instead of each class having two promotion choices, they all have three; two shared with other base classes, and one exclusive to itself!

It was fun coming up with tons of new classes and finding places to link these together. I might have gone a bit overboard, though.

Link here, because it's way too big to embed.

Should be fairly easy to make sense of; blue is base classes, orange is promotions, red is special classes, and green is DLC/amiibo-locked shit. Green weapon icons indicate S-rank proficiency. Story-prominent classes like the main lord's are not present, mind you.

I was hoping for some feedback or suggestions!

Edited by Anomalocaris
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Well, you wanted to create it, and holy crap, you made a good job on it.
Seriously, some of the class give me so much dream, there's a lot of genius things on it.

My favorites:

-Pirate using swords.

-The Illusionist (Shuriken, Tomes), a promotion for NInja.

-Performer (Spear, Shuriken), the promotion of Dancer. Perfect idea !

-Witch being Warlock for male.

-The Manakete class and its promotions. Either Astral Dragon (Stones, Staves) or Divine Dragon (S-rank stones)

-Outlaw can become Assassin. Hell yeah !

-Griffon Rider (Horse, Flying, Swords) that can become Griffon Lord (Same, but Staves !) or Armored Griffin (Same, but insteads of staves, it's Tomes, and it's armored)

-Raider Falcon, (Spear, Axes), finally having Pegasus being bandits will make sense.

-Spell Knight, that can either becomre a Malig Knight, a Dark Knight, or a Petardier (Tomes, Shuriken.) Mercenary can become Dark Knight too !

-Drifter => Druid. Do I need to say more ? And it can become illusionist too.

-Mage can become Mage Fighter (Tome, Sword), the holy child is reborn.

-Village -> Soldier. Legend !

-Fighter, who can become Warrior (Axe, Bow), Reaver (Axe, Bow), or War Cleric Monk (Axe Staff). So many legends !

-Temple Master look badass ! (Sword, S-rank Staff)

-Ballistician and Baron, 'nuf said.

^That said, I have one nitpick apparently, once again, the Dark Mage lose his ability to use Dark Magic when become Dark Pegasus or Armored Griffth. :p

Edited by B.Leu
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Well, you wanted to create it, and holy crap, you made a good job on it.

Seriously, some of the class give me so much dream, there's a lot of genius things on it.

Thank you for the feedback!

My personal favorites of the new classes I created are Armored Griffin for being a unique combination of flight and armor (Not to mention armor + magic being rare), Chimera Rider for sounding like a total abomination, Bodyguard, and Illusionist.

I can imagine Illusionist having a skill that lets them create copies of themselves that can't attack but can trick the opponent into attacking them. Like a more diversionary version of Mechanist's Replicate.

Drifter promoting to Druid was actually a bit of good fortune on my part. I needed a tome-using class to bridge the gap between Ninja's Illusionist and Merchant's Wanderer, so I decided to create a second Dark Magic class. When trying to think of a middle promotion for it I decided Dark Magic with Staves would be an interesting combination, then realized that was in previous games as Druid, so it was fun to bring that back.

Dark Mages losing access to dark magic when promoting is, sadly, a necessary evil. Dark Magic is supposed to be quite scarce.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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Great job!

A suggestion: instead of two Shadowgift classes, maybe have one of them have some sort of "Lightgift" instead? With so many classes available, Light magic could reasonably be included.

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Great job!

A suggestion: instead of two Shadowgift classes, maybe have one of them have some sort of "Lightgift" instead? With so many classes available, Light magic could reasonably be included.

That is true, but I don't think either Dark Mage or Drifter would make sense to use Light Magic.

Though if I did add Light Magic, I would totally need a special class that uses both Dark and Light Magic.

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Hey. This looks like an appropriate time to plug my own branching class tree. Actually the thing I'm noting most here is that imgur is a pretty good image hosting website. I should probably put mine on there. The one I'm currently on automatically has full zoom, though you can zoom out by opening the image in a new tab, I just can't link that version for some reason. Anyway onto your actual tree. I actually think Dark Falcon should get Shadow Gift. Not only is Aversa the one that introduced the ability and dark being part of the name/aesthetic, but having it would actually make the Dark Mage feel more like a Dark Mage. It's weird that only one of it's three potential classes actually uses the class' main gimmick. Plus if Dark Pegasus has Shadow Gift you're essentially choosing between armor and dark magic.

Edited by Jotari
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Hey. This looks like an appropriate time to plug my own branching class tree. Actually the thing I'm noting most here is that imgur is a pretty good image hosting website. I should probably put mine on there. The one I'm currently on automatically has full zoom, though you can zoom out by opening the image in a new tab, I just can't link that version for some reason. Anyway onto your actual tree. I actually think Dark Falcon should get Shadow Gift. Not only is Aversa the one that introduced the ability and dark being part of the name/aesthetic, but having it would actually make the Dark Mage feel more like a Dark Mage. It's weird that only one of it's three potential classes actually uses the class' main gimmick. Plus if Dark Pegasus has Shadow Gift you're essentially choosing between armor and dark magic.

That's a valid point. I may need to add that.

Though it's not so much Shadowgift as it is I just used a Shadowgift icon to represent dark magic capabilities. :P

Edited by Anomalocaris
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This has inspired me to try and come up with my own class tree some time in the future haha. (Its an excell sheet not as pretty but work in progress)

To be honest I think it would be interesting to introduce more rare skills like that that grant classes access to weapons they normally don't have it then becomes an interesting trade off between the capability to use a particular weapon or a skill. With classes varying in their max weapon rank it would gain a more interesting role as you could have that skill also grant classes that normally cap at A weapon rank be able to reach S rank with the skill.

Archery- Allows use of Bows regardless of class

Blade arts- Allows use of Swords regardless of class

Channeler- Allows use of Staves regardless of class

Elementalist- Allows use of Anima magic regardless of class

Hack and Bash Allows use of Axes regardless of class

Knife Technique Allows use of Knives regardless of class

Lancer Allows use of Lances regardless of class

Lumina Allows use of Light magic regardless of class

Shadowgift Allows use of Dark magic regardless of class

Obviously the names aren't final there have only been 3 skills like this and they didn't exactly have the best names...

Edited by Dragrath
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