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Super Robot Wars RP Interest check

Nanami Touko

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Is there a minimum damage value to a successful attack?

Edit: Also, are we all still running off the default Will gains you mentioned earlier?

Edited by Balcerzak
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Alright, that helps me out with my move. I'll throw it out there for the others to weight the benefits of and toss their own comments on.

I was planning to have Thorvald advance to 8,6 (or 7,7). Putting him in a nice central position means the Command Aura will likely get to apply its maximum benefit. It's just out of range of the leading edge of fighters' missiles too, so if they want to engage him, they'll need to use their 1 range postmove, which should basically tickle him. Close range weapons with high hit are probably going to be our greatest ally here, as with enemy pilot stats included, if I did my math right, those buggers will be subtracting 38 off of our hit rates, meaning we'll have a lot of coin flips on our hands. I'd hold off on using much if any SP on the initial wave here, as judging by the enemy list there's probably reinforcements somewhere along the lines.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Look at you go Bal :3

You are correct! The Messer mobility adds up to 38, while the Schwerts are only 30, as they have no S rank. I would be tempted to make it 39 on the Messers, for rounding up, but I don't mind rounding down on adaptabilities.

It would probably be best to leave initiating or chipping to Ether since his character has max Accuracy (for the test) and Genius, for a big 30% hit boost (in total, just to clarify, 10 accuracy, 5% bonus, 15% from genius. 30% from genius alone would be obscene).

Edited by Melissa
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I would be tempted to make it 39 on the Messers, for rounding up, but I don't mind rounding down on adaptabilities.

I forgot if pilot stats were affected by adaptibility or not, if you want to keep a consistent system for rounding, feel free to do what makes the most sense. 38 or 39 is unlikely to break anything either way, as long as everyone knows in advance, there'll be nothing to complain about...
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Locking in (8,6) before I go to sleep so I don't hold anything up if everyone else shows up with their moves.

Unless I fucked up somewhere, that should leave us looking something like:


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Locking in (8,6) before I go to sleep so I don't hold anything up if everyone else shows up with their moves.

Unless I fucked up somewhere, that should leave us looking something like:


How did you move the sprites without messing up the map...?

Interesting o3o

I obviously don't mind you doing this if people are missing stuff, tho' I have everything on layers in a GIMP file, so I can do it instantly if it's ever needed x3

Need Mickey and Theron's moves, and I'll process the enemy phase.

Also will be adding a translucent command aura to Thervold's gespenst so people can tell his range.

edit: man you even greyed them out x3 gimme your secrets.

Edited by Melissa
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How did you move the sprites without messing up the map...?

Interesting o3o

I obviously don't mind you doing this if people are missing stuff, tho' I have everything on layers in a GIMP file, so I can do it instantly if it's ever needed x3

Need Mickey and Theron's moves, and I'll process the enemy phase.

Also will be adding a translucent command aura to Thervold's gespenst so people can tell his range.

edit: man you even greyed them out x3 gimme your secrets.

I used the sprites from the spritesheet you gave earlier, as it was way easier to isolate them on the uniform background. I put those on the new tile locations, then I covered up the old tile locations with grids that seemed to have a similar enough background to at least blend in convincingly. (e.g. I covered up 2,1 with 3,1; 3,2 with 4,2; 7,3 with 8,3; 2,5 with 3,5; the most tricky was replacing 1,3 with a vertically flipped 2,10.)

As for greying them out, I believe I just pulled the saturation slider for each of the gespensts' layers all the way to zero.

And yeah, I didn't mean to step all over your plans as far as updates go, but I just find that sometimes I need a little help visualizing everything when it gets to be half a dozen actions in or so. Figured other people might also prefer not accidentally moving on top of where somebody else has moved to, or remembering that a spot has been vacated and is actually open to move into.

The command aura thing is also a pretty great idea, should be easy to throw down too, just a new layer chained to and centered on Thorvald, with about 50% opacity or something. I like that a lot, actually.

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I used the sprites from the spritesheet you gave earlier, as it was way easier to isolate them on the uniform background. I put those on the new tile locations, then I covered up the old tile locations with grids that seemed to have a similar enough background to at least blend in convincingly. (e.g. I covered up 2,1 with 3,1; 3,2 with 4,2; 7,3 with 8,3; 2,5 with 3,5; the most tricky was replacing 1,3 with a vertically flipped 2,10.)

As for greying them out, I believe I just pulled the saturation slider for each of the gespensts' layers all the way to zero.

And yeah, I didn't mean to step all over your plans as far as updates go, but I just find that sometimes I need a little help visualizing everything when it gets to be half a dozen actions in or so. Figured other people might also prefer not accidentally moving on top of where somebody else has moved to, or remembering that a spot has been vacated and is actually open to move into.

The command aura thing is also a pretty great idea, should be easy to throw down too, just a new layer chained to and centered on Thorvald, with about 50% opacity or something. I like that a lot, actually.

Wao, that's pretty smart

Never think you're doing me wrong by doing that, by all means, if I'm not around to shuffle stuff and you can, do whatever you want with the map

I'll be remembering that saturation bar trick as well.

Command aura will get thrown in next turn.

Now we just need Phee and SB to edit.

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Mmmmmmkay, so I have just realized their may be a small hitch in this, in that I need to be able to contact you when you're being attacked by an enemy so you can choose your counter attack

So Bal, if you have skype or anything, hit me up. Same goes for the rest of you, though I think Phee is the only person I don't have quick, direct access to.

Edit: This time it's not gonna matter, since Thorvald has a good melee weapon and there are no enemies at range further than 1, but it'll matter for the future.

Edited by Melissa
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Click Enemy Phase and Player Phase for neat music while posting!

Enemy Phase

Messer 4 flies in!

Target: Thorvald
Weapon: Gatling Gun
Final Hit: 80 (as a note to Bal, Thorvald's command aura does not affect himself)
Final Crit: 8
Roll: 25,77
No crit
Damage: 1
Thorvald counters!
Target: F-28 Messer 4
Weapon: Divine Blade
Final Hit: 59 (as another note, I ended up rounding up for the plane's adaptability bonus)
Final Crit: 32
Roll: 7,27
Damage: 85
Crit damage: 128
F-28 Messer 4 Explodes!
Thorvald gains 100 EXP
Thorvald gains 1 PP

Schwert 2 flies in!

Target: Thorvald
Weapon: Gatling Gun
Final Hit: 80
Final Crit: 8
Roll: 96,14
Thorvald Counters!
Target: F-32 Schwert 2
Weapon: Divine Blade
Final Hit: 68
Final Crit: 32
Roll: 52,6
Damage: 80
Crit Damage: 120
F-32 Schwert 2 Explodes!
Thorvald gains 100 EXP
Thorvald gains 2 PP

Messer's 1 and 2 hold their place and fire!

Target: Thorvald
Weapon: Missile
Final Hit: 70
Final Crit: 3
Roll: 93,42
Second plane's attack!
Same stats!
Roll: 94,73

Schwert 1 holds its place and fires!

Target: Thorvald
Weapon: Split Missile
Final Hit: 70
Final Crit: 3
Roll: 86,7

Players Phase!



That should be everything, lemme know if I missed stuff!

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