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What Would Lucina Say to Roy/Corrin

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thought this might be fun because how she taunts all the other FE characters

sorry for this being so brief

to Corrin


to Roy

guess you really aren't their boy after all

ones that I find really funny

Edited by Captain Karnage
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That Roy one seems a little weak. I'd probably see it as: 'YOU were hailed as the Young Lion?' or something along those lines. With Marth and Ike, she attacks their titles, Roy's being 'Young Lion'. So, it seems logical to me that she'd attack Roy's title as opposed to utilizing a Meme.

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And of course, this is the reason JP Lucina is better than the one portrayed in English Smash. She actually respects them, unlike the sass she had in English.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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And of course, this is the reason JP Lucina is better than the one portrayed in English Smash. She actually respects them, unlike the sass she had in English.

what does she say?

I'm really intrested

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And of course, this is the reason JP Lucina is better than the one portrayed in English Smash. She actually respects them, unlike the sass she had in English.

Yeah, I actually agree with you there, and this is coming from someone that typically prefers the English dub. Lucina being rude only made me like her less than I already did. Insulting Marth is especially out of character for her given how much she praises and looks up to him in her own game.

And personally, every time I play Ike and a Lucina beats me and goes "And they call you the Radiant Hero?" I just want to shout "STFU YOU UGLY BORING BITCH, HE'S WAY BETTER THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" xP

Edited by Anacybele
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...while I agree with the point you were TRYING to make, Ana, you're coming off as a rabid Ike fangirl. You're literally piggybacking off my statement to make an opportunity to hate on her unnecessary and in an exaggerated fashion in order to praise the character you love and how so much better they are. That's what rabid fangirls do. Don't be a rabid fangirl.

As for what Lucina says in Japanese, it's the intonation having an air of respect for those same words. She also speaks formally.

Kirokan did an article about it here:


Edited by shadowofchaos
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And of course, this is the reason JP Lucina is better than the one portrayed in English Smash. She actually respects them, unlike the sass she had in English.

I dunno I kinda like the sassy quips

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I dunno I kinda like the sassy quips

Same. Lucina doesn't need to respect Ike anyway. I do think she should be nicer to Marth, but Ike deserves what he gets tbh.

It makes Lucina more interesting to be sassy anyway. All of the other FE characters in Smash have the exact same personalities in at least some ways, so it's nice to see Lucina show how great she is.

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I dunno I kinda like the sassy quips

Same. Lucina doesn't need to respect Ike anyway. I do think she should be nicer to Marth, but Ike deserves what he gets tbh.

It makes Lucina more interesting to be sassy anyway. All of the other FE characters in Smash have the exact same personalities in at least some ways, so it's nice to see Lucina show how great she is.

Well, I guess the localization team did it's job. If it appeals to you.

Sass isn't something Lucina has in the JP version of Awakening.

It's simply out of character, for me in particular anyway.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I dunno I kinda like the sassy quips

I like them too, but I do with SOC agree that, towards Marth anyway, they are out of character. They work when used against Ike imo, but Marth it doesn't for me.

Edited by MCProductions
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And of course, this is the reason JP Lucina is better than the one portrayed in English Smash. She actually respects them, unlike the sass she had in English.

I don't know I kinda liked the sass its fitting for a fighting game like Smash I think. A little smack talk is funny now and then.

I agree with the Corrin one saying "You made the wrong choice today" or something along those lines.

As for Roy maybe something like "This is the power of the Sealed Sword?"

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I'm not sure what went on in the voice direction, but I can only guess that they were trying to reference the fact that Laura Bailey voiced for other stuff like Saints Row, not to mention Outrealm shenanigans ("Sorry, but your Marth is in another Outrealm").

Either way, it's still rather OOC of Lucina to come up with such taunts when she's respectful and bad with jokes in Awakening.

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Smash isn't ever really accurate with portrayals, which is something I like. Fates also shows that the Smash versions of characters are basically otherworldly entities with exaggerations of their old personalities.

It's for the same reason that Peach can talk smack to other people or how Zero Suit Samus can be so different from regular Samus personality-wise.

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The only reference I can see with her sassy talk is in FE13 NA Champions Yore 3 DLC where Lucina and Ike confront each other.

Lucina: Your folly ends here, sir.

Ike: I'm not a "sir," and you're not in a position to make bold remarks.
Lucina: Then I'll be sure to try again once I stand over your broken body!
Edited by kingddd
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The only reference I can see with her sassy talk is in FE13 NA Champions Yore 3 DLC where Lucina and Ike confront each other.

JP doesn't have that.










Lucina: I will not let you go any farther.

Ike: If you plan on getting in my way, I won't hold back.

Lucina: I am prepared for that. For my father and everyone counting on me, I will defeat you!

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