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Corrin's retainers!


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Gunter, Felicia, and Jakob are explicitly listed as Corrin's retainers. Silas can also be considered one. Flora may be one as well.

This, tho it's worth noting the Royal's retainers share crit lines with the royal they serve, and only Kaze and Silas share crit lines from this group.

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This, tho it's worth noting the Royal's retainers share crit lines with the royal they serve, and only Kaze and Silas share crit lines from this group.

They both have "I'll make this quick", but Corrin doesn't.

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Felicia, Flora, Jakob, and Gunter are all Corrin's retainers (Proven in Felicia and Hana's A support). Kaze becomes a retainer in his A support, and Silas is basically as close to a retainer as he could possibly be.

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If I were to choose two, it would be Silas and Kaze. Canonically, it is Gunter, Kaze, Felicia, Flora, Jakob and Silas.

Gunter is supposed to just be Corrinmui's battle instructor, while the other three are just servants that oh-so-coincidentally know how to wield daggers. I don't know how the hell they ended over-stepping their original positions to become retainers (No, I don't care what the game tells me).

I blame Garon.

EDIT: Why are Felicia and Flora servants? Aren't they hostages, too?

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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If I were to choose two, it would be Silas and Kaze. Canonically, it is Gunter, Kaze, Felicia, Flora, Jakob and Silas.

Gunter is supposed to just be Corrinmui's battle instructor, while the other three are just servants that oh-so-coincidentally know how to wield daggers. I don't know how the hell they ended over-stepping their original positions to become retainers (No, I don't care what the game tells me).

I blame Garon.

EDIT: Why are Felicia and Flora servants? Aren't they hostages, too?

Don't blame Takumi, blame Garon!

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If I were to choose two, it would be Silas and Kaze. Canonically, it is Gunter, Kaze, Felicia, Flora, Jakob and Silas.

Gunter is supposed to just be Corrinmui's battle instructor, while the other three are just servants that oh-so-coincidentally know how to wield daggers. I don't know how the hell they ended over-stepping their original positions to become retainers (No, I don't care what the game tells me).

I blame Garon.

EDIT: Why are Felicia and Flora servants? Aren't they hostages, too?

It's mentioned that Gunter specifically trained them in CQC and such, to defend themselves and their liege.

Second part: political hostages are political hostages. They wouldn't be useful dead, so why not stick them in sem-productive, basic positions?

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Gunter is supposed to just be Corrinmui's battle instructor

I thought that was Xander. I mean, you are doing a practice match with him at the very start of the game.

But I figured that Jakob and Felicia (and by extent, Flora) were Corrin's retainers from the beginning, then Kaze and Silas become additional ones later.

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According to the wikia (which, admittedly may not be the best accurate source of information), Gunter became a teacher in the art of warfare combat and that the Avatar was his latest student.

From that, I can assume Gunter is the one that actually taught the Avatar the in-and-outs of using a sword, while Xander was merely a sparring partner every now and again.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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I think it's easier to say that both Gunter and Xander were Corrin's battle instructors, but Xander, being the Crown Prince, probably didn't have enough time to fully train Corrin.

Also, it's not really strange thay Flora and Felicia are at the Fortress.

The Northen Fortress is essentially a prison for Corrin, so why not use that place for other war prisioners?

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Corrin has way too many freaking retainers. Six in total. Thats...damn ridiculous. Gunter, Felicia, Flora, Kaze, Silas, Jacob, and its 7 if you count Lilith.

Fun fact: Azura has none. W T F, IS.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I would consider Kaze and Silas to be Corrin's primary retainers. Flora, Felicia, Jakob are all technically maids/butlers. Gunter is technically a retainer but given that he's not available for Birthright and most of Conquest he's kinda iffy.

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If you don't count the serving staff's combat abilities, it's Gunter. His in-game description lists him as one of the Avatar's retainers.

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I'm pretty sure Felicia,Jakob, Flora and Gunther are corrin's retainers. Kaze is a bonus from A rank support and is canonically his retainer in Birthright. Silas is just a close friend who is loyal to Corrin not a retainer, it's even mentioned in his support with Effie how he isn't.

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Corrin has way too many freaking retainers. Six in total. Thats...damn ridiculous. Gunter, Felicia, Flora, Kaze, Silas, Jacob, and its 7 if you count Lilith.

Fun fact: Azura has none. W T F, IS.

The other royals probably have a lot more retainers as well, we only see most of Corrin's retainers because he is the main character.

Also, Azura doesn't have any retainers because no matter how much the Hoshidan Royals treat her as family, she still is a war prisioner.

It would be weird for a war prisioner to have retainers.

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EDIT: Why are Felicia and Flora servants? Aren't they hostages, too?

They are but they seem to like Corrin enough to be his retainers.

The story of Felicia and Flora and the Ice village doesn't really make a lot of sense, if you ask me.

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They are but they seem to like Corrin enough to be his retainers.

The story of Felicia and Flora and the Ice village doesn't really make a lot of sense, if you ask me.

It doesn't make sense to me, either. Taking the leader's two daughters captive makes sense but the way they handled it was...Eh.

It is a reason as to why I like Flora more and wish Felicia didn't exist. Flora acted in a rather logical manner, siding with her own family because she was a captive when reaching the base of the situation. Felicia, just... I can only sigh.

The same reasoning could be applied to Corrinmui joining Hoshido but I like Conquest, so sue me, okay?

I still didn't really feel much when the thing happened in the Ice Village but, at least, the foundations for character development had been there (even though they were totally squandered).

Also, you guys were right. Xander apparently trained Corrinmui, too. I just started over and, during the first chapter, he says something like, "I know I've trained you better than that!" or something to that effect.

I still blame everything on Garon and his inability to be a proper villain. All my confusion, doubts and insecurities is his fault.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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The other royals probably have a lot more retainers as well, we only see most of Corrin's retainers because he is the main character.

Also, Azura doesn't have any retainers because no matter how much the Hoshidan Royals treat her as family, she still is a war prisioner.

It would be weird for a war prisioner to have retainers.

Who in their fucking right mind wouldnt give Azura Hoshidan retainers that constantly reported back to Yukimura and Mikoto? Like, that is the most dimwitted thing in the world, that girl not having retainers appointed by the nation that holds her hostage, and are loyal to that nation. :| Shes a hostage, but shes also a goddamn princess. Shes basically unprotected, while people like Kagero tell Corrin that Ryoma told her to look in on Corrin every chance she got.

H o l y

S h i t

Azura not having a retainer or two makes ZERO sense and really hammers home what a damned Sue Corrin really is. Especially when other people's retainers are looking after Corrin. omg

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Maybe I'm just misremembering, but isn't it that the Hoshido kids PICKED their retainers (from families that traditionally serve)? I think I remember it most for Sakura, as it plays a part in her supports with Hana and Subaki?

So, if we go with that, then maybe Azura just chose not to have retainers for whatever reason, and Mikoto was too idealistic/pure/whatever-you-want-to-call-it to force any on her. (Though, I do recall something like Mikoto requesting Kagero leave her service and help Ryoma instead? Then again, Ryoma's crown prince, so maybe that was more 'defend the heir' mentality)

Idk, I could be completely misremembering.

As for the topic... I consider Jakob and Felicia Corrin's 'retainers', with Gunter just being the parental influence and Flora being the awkward 'Corrin thinks she is a friend, but Flora is really just pretending because she is a hostage and bad things would happen otherwise'. Corrin gains Kaze through an A support, but I consider Silas just a close friend, not a retainer.

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I think Sakura is the only one who did pick her retainers out of the Hoshidans. Azama and Setsuna were appointed i believe. (Because Hinoka would never pick those two omg) Not sure about Takumi. If Azura chose not to have retainers, it would make sense due to her secrecy, but you'd think the game would say so. Since the game doesnt freaking say so, its just speculation.

Honestly, it bugs the FUCK out of me how horribly people treat Azura in the game. Even the plot treats her like garbage a lot of the time.

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No, I'm sure Hinoka picked Azama and Setsuna. I know for certain they mention her seeking out Azama in their support together. Not sure about Setsuna, though, I think it was mentioned in either Saizou x Setsuna or Hinoka x Setsuna or something.

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