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Kaze and Saizo = "Christmas Cavs" of Fates?


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I honestly think they're supposed to be this game's version of the Christmas cavs, just not actual cavaliers. At least for Birthright/Revelation. Saizo wears red, Kaze wears green. Kaze is the speedier one while his bro is the stronger and tankier one. And they're both available fairly early (in Birthright, at least). This is the case for the red/green or "Christmas" cavaliers too.

But then who are the equivalents in Conquest since Saizo isn't playable there, I wonder? Or maybe Kaze still counts since he's available in all routes, but who's his red counterpart in Conquest in that case? :P

Still, I actually like this, because I noticed it felt refreshing to see this archtype pair in a different class. And this is coming from someone who loves the cavalier/horse knight line!

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just them being the red and green guys

they're the typical pair of characters with the same class who have some kind of bond together

not only do they have the typical stats but they also have the typical personalities of one (usually the green, aside from fe4 and 7) being super loyal and nice while the other is usually... different

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In terms of reclassing and the code, cav and ninja are the route equivalences of each other, fwiw.

man if that means peri and silas are supposed to be conquest's christmas cavs that's super lame

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I feel like Saizo and Kagero are more like the Christmas Cavs from a gameplay perspective since their join times are a lot closer. Kaze feels like a Franz to their Forde and Kyle.

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just them being the red and green guys

they're the typical pair of characters with the same class who have some kind of bond together

not only do they have the typical stats but they also have the typical personalities of one (usually the green, aside from fe4 and 7) being super loyal and nice while the other is usually... different

Oh. And yeah, you're right, they seem to have the right personalities too.

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I would think maybe Laslow and Selena possibly for conquest maybe? I think Selena is faster while Laslow has more Strength. I'm just spitballing but I don't see Silas and Peri being the "Christmas Cavs" for Conquest since Silas joins regardless of your side and Peri is well Peri and kinda her own character.

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I would think maybe Laslow and Selena possibly for conquest maybe? I think Selena is faster while Laslow has more Strength. I'm just spitballing but I don't see Silas and Peri being the "Christmas Cavs" for Conquest since Silas joins regardless of your side and Peri is well Peri and kinda her own character.

But same goes for Saizo.

He only joins in Birthright, while you obtain Kaze for both routes.

The only difference really is personality.

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Actually, I think Silas and Kaze are the "Christmas Cavs".

Kaze is the speedy one; Silas is the bulky offensive one. Both are loyal to the Avatar. Both are on both routes. They support each other too.

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I mean they gave the two characters the appropriate hair color and personality, gave them the same class, AND made them brothers... It just seems like a clear design choice.

One of them isn't playable on Nohr, which is a shame, but I don't think that precludes them of being designed to follow the pattern.

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Not really. What is this fanbase's obsession with assigning a trope to everything.

Because there is a literal running trend with all fire emblem games. you can even check the wikia to find an entire page, which is quite long actually, about the many archetypes across fire emblem. Gunter is a Jagan for example.

Kaze and Saizo are of the Cain/Able archetype. Two members of the same class, typically Cavaliers. One wears red, the other green. One is calmer than their hotheaded counterpart. One specializes in speed, the other power. They usually possess some level of loyalty to their liege, but it doesn't seem to be a requirement to be of the archetype. They're ninjas in this case, but they otherwise fit right into the archetype.

Lazwald and Selena definitely fit into the archetype in a way, since Lazwald is both calmer and more power based than Selena, the more hotheaded and speedier of the two. One dons Blue (or is it silver?), the other red, and both are Mercenaries. They have a history with each other to, you know coming from another world.

Kaden and Keaton I don't think fit into the archetype very well. Yeah one is speedier, the other more powerful, and they're both separate beast units that further capitalize on those stat differences, but they don't have the personalities to fit. They're BOTH carefree and calm. Plus, they don't really seem to have much of a history with each other before Revelations aside from running into each other when things went to hell. They also don't really have a specific color associated with them.

Also of note, the colors have not always been red and green, but I am too tired to bother finding those select few.

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While Siazo and Kaze definitely allude to the red and green cavaliers of previous games, Fates doesn't really satisfy most Fire Emblem archetypes. For example:

- There's no real Jagen. Gunter has the class, growths and personality for it, but he leaves in Chapter 3, so he never satisfies his role. In Conquest, he rejoins at a point where his stats aren't high enough to make him a crutch character, and in Revelation his Chapter 7 base stats are so poor that he can't fill the role of a Jagen at all.

Jakob and Felicia are prepromotes, but their base stats make them essentially unpremoted, so they aren't Jagens at all.

Fuga has the stats, but he joins too late to be considered any kind of Jagen.

Camilla in Conquest has the crutch aspect, but her growths are too high and her role as a crutch lasts for five chapters at most.

- Everyone joins really early. There are 27 chapters in every route, but aside from some bonus prepromotes in My Castle, every character joins before Chapter 13 (Birthright), 16 (Conquest) or 17 (Revelation). So the Est and Gotoh archetypes can't really happen.

- Everyone has a reason to fight for you. Nyx and Mozu are the only people who aren't already somehow connected to leadership or the army. So you're not going to get wandering Myrmidons, Theives and Mercenaries like Navarre, Julian or Ogma.

Applying archetypes to Fates is almost always a stretch as the game isn't designed on the typical FE formula.

Edited by gayserbeam
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While Siazo and Kaze definitely allude to the red and green cavaliers of previous games, Fates doesn't really satisfy most Fire Emblem archetypes. For example:

- There's no real Jagen. Gunter has the class, growths and personality for it, but he leaves in Chapter 3, so he never satisfies his role. In Conquest, he rejoins at a point where his stats aren't high enough to make him a crutch character, and in Revelation his Chapter 7 base stats are so poor that he can't fill the role of a Jagen at all.

Jakob and Felicia are prepromotes, but their base stats make them essentially unpremoted, so they aren't Jagens at all.

Fuga has the stats, but he joins too late to be considered any kind of Jagen.

Camilla in Conquest has the crutch aspect, but her growths are too high and her role as a crutch lasts for five chapters at most.

- Everyone joins really early. There are 27 chapters in every route, but aside from some bonus prepromotes in My Castle, every character joins before Chapter 13 (Birthright), 16 (Conquest) or 17 (Revelation). So the Est and Gotoh archetypes can't really happen.

- Everyone has a reason to fight for you. Nyx and Mozu are the only people who aren't already somehow connected to leadership or the army. So you're not going to get wandering Myrmidons, Theives and Mercenaries like Navarre, Julian or Ogma.

Applying archetypes to Fates is almost always a stretch as the game isn't designed on the typical FE formula.

This game literally vomits Jagen all over you

Guther is as Jagen as Jagen gets.

-Mediocre bases

-Low growths

-Will see heavy use early and fall off the map

Jakob is a semi-Jagen or Seth.

-Low bases for a prepromo

-Good growths

-"Fast" exp gain for a pre promote

Cammila is Harr/Sirius/Palla archetpe

-Your god is here


-You can't run

-Clever girl...

The only missed archetype's I can think of off the top of my head is like, no edgy killing edge myrm (Navarre archetype), no Mathias, (there's actually a pure est in rev, but it's hard to spot)

Edited by joshcja
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