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"Sorry, you can't work at this job. You need X amount of years of experience first".


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Ok, seriously what the fuck?! How am I suppose to get a job as a cashier if I need EXPERIENCE as a cashier?!

Well they sadly don't ask for you but someone who already got the experience from previous work in that field. Any newbie can fuck off according to them. I'm in a similar situation myself.

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Seeing "Entry Level" and "10 years of technical experience" together makes my head hurt for CS positions.

Like they expect people that come out of the Army/Navy/Air Force with experience for said positions.

How many often do you come across those people out in the country?

Just apply anyway.

Sometimes they put that in there to try to get people who fit that criteria as a higher priority, even if they're rare, but don't actually require it for the position.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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That's been my issue searching for jobs as well. That and especially that I'm not available for evening/night shifts, not now that I live in a family who is actually awake during the day time.

But I still have tried to apply for some of them anyway, as long as I feel confident enough in my ability to do the position

Well anyway, maybe you should try work your way up to cashiering? I remember when my brother got a job as a bagger, he eventually became a cashier. So perhaps it's the type of job you need to work up toward, with the company (until you end up getting enough experience, at least).

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Here's the thing...they are going to ask for Tom Brady in the hopes that they will get Tom Brady knowing they probably won't get Tom Brady.

Apply anyway you got nothing to lose. I got a job in Web Development (Entry level). They paid for my IT certifications and train me on the job. That same posting said they preferred 2-5 years of Web Development experience...for the most junior position there. Keep in mind this was a straight outta college thing too. Don't let them kid you they don't honestly expect that for most positions but if they can ask for it they will because they want the best candidate they can get. If an HR person calls you showing interest they are pretty good about helping you word your resume and put key things in it they are looking for (at least mine was). Its in their best interest to submit candidates and hopefully hire someone.

At the end of the day keep trying even if you get rejected 30 times you only need 1 to say yes.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I would say go for it anyway. As I understand, a lot of companies will put a lot of outlandish requirements but even if you only fulfill like, 60% of them and prove you're competent enough they'll take you, at least that's how it is in tech (granted I live in a pretty tech-heavy area, but)

I had an easier time getting a job than most others I guess since my friend literally took me to his boss and was like "hi, this is my friend an they good at UI" and my now-boss is like "okay we'll just interview you ON THE SPOT" and I'm like HOLY SHIT and fumbled on some questions but I got hired probably because I just fucking did an interview on the shortest notice ever and didn't fuck up the JS/CSS portion terribly--and now I think they might be considering to keep me full time (I wrote a lot of the JS libraries used internally, haha) so wish me luck.

So just, go for it. There's nothing to lose.

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Getting a job isn't about having the relevant experience to actually do the job, it's about making yourself look competent enough to be worth hiring. If you can show you're not entirely incompetent, and impress them at interview, you're in with a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep applying at places where I'd fit it well, get an interview, then not hear from them. A while later, hiring again.

Do they not want employees?

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I keep applying at places where I'd fit it well, get an interview, then not hear from them. A while later, hiring again.

Do they not want employees?

What kind of work are you applying for?

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I keep applying at places where I'd fit it well, get an interview, then not hear from them. A while later, hiring again.

Do they not want employees?

A few possibilities come to mind. I'm sure there are more.

-You think you'd fit well, but they don't think so, so they overlooked you. (I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm not going into details when I say you might not fit well, it could even be that they're looking for a specific individual to hire but put out the ad to make it look like it's not nepotism).

-Some places will put out ads for hiring in part just to collect resumes for their pile. Well, that's what I've heard. It's hard to believe that the kinds of places I'm talking about need to aggregate more resumes (I'm talking large retail employers like dept stores etc), but this is what I've been told.

-Maybe they hired someone and they didn't fit. I only lasted 1-2 months at the job I had before my current one. Even though it wasn't a really huge office, they hired several people at one time, and they let a fair number of us go.

Edited by Togami Byakuga
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cash handling is taken very seriously. it's not that it's difficult to be a cashier, but a matter of the company being able to trust new hires. if an applicant has cash handling experience and the background / reference check from their previous experience turns out well, they can start the position ASAP with little to no training and spend significantly less time under close supervision for their first few months

like others mentioned above, if you really want to work for this company, you can

1. apply anyway, hope for an interview and come off as trustworthy with needing a bit of training. mention any cash handling experience that isn't readily apparent on your resume that you can think of, like "i've done various fundraising sales for my school body / volunteer causes: bake sales, yard sales, etc. and was trusted with the cash for those events"

and / or

2. apply for another entry-level position with the company that requires less sexperience, but has a career path which will lead to cashier and above. if you happen to interview / receive an offer for this second position, make sure you ask the recruiter or HRep specifically about the career path associated with that position so you can work your way "up" to getting the experience you need for future positions


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I feel your pain TC. I too am in the process of job searching, and it made me realize just how shitty our education system is, because they don't teach you how to get a job. They don't teach you how to job search, how to fill out an application, how to make your resume look good, none of that shit.

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2. apply for another entry-level position with the company that requires less sexperience

heh there are a lotta people on this site that need that kind of job

I feel your pain TC. I too am in the process of job searching, and it made me realize just how shitty our education system is, because they don't teach you how to get a job. They don't teach you how to job search, how to fill out an application, how to make your resume look good, none of that shit.

I had a class that was specifically for teaching just that

So some schools/states must be learning

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I had a class that was specifically for teaching just that

So some schools/states must be learning

I did too, but they did a really terrible job of it.

If you are in college you probably have a career center at your school: you can try there. I don't know if any high schools have career centers, I imagine not or not for the most part.

I'm not in college.

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