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Does Fire emblem hate old people?


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Shura's old?

I mean, I never thought he was in his twenties or anything, but I didn't think he looked old... Is it because he has white hair? Then I guess default Corrin is an old man/woman too.

Reina looks like she's in her thirties to me as well.

Shura's around my age, gotta be. Reina looks like shes a little older than me, but still below 40. In anime years, this is hella ancient. :P

Duessel, i found to be pretty damn good on no-grind runs of FE8. Dude is killing junk for days.

Wallace sucks because getting him is even shittier than he is.

Almost as powerful. Elise promoted at level 20 will be very slightly ahead at everything that matters for a strategist by no more than 3 points usually. Elise would have to work up from E rank tomes, but still very damaging with a forged fire tome and tomefaire.

Thing is, you can have strategist felicia as early as ch6, double most enemies, and enemies tend to not have much resistance that early.

Agreed. I did Strat-Felicia and she may not have the same amount of mag as Elise, but she was fast enough to ORKO everything all game. In BR, Strat-Felicia is amaze. (Cuz Elise doesnt exist there)

Yawn, if you guys think a unit that joins near Endgame is better than the unit you start with because of grinding, then sorry, I can't fix bad players.

Oh wow, 2006 called, it wants this ancient opinion back.

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Yawn, if you guys think a unit that joins near Endgame is better than the unit you start with because of grinding, then sorry, I can't fix bad players.

ITT: We give a shit about skill in a single-player game. Oh wait, that's just you.

Shura's good enough, and he can staffbot in an emergency (Rescue doesn't give a crap about stats, and he should be able to Mend at base, which helps to alleviate his not-amazing Magic). He also makes a decent pair-up bot, and he doesn't have to be stuck to Corrin - hell, shove him behind someone like Xander for extra Speed and movement. His personal skill's also amusing, as he should be able to hit from 1-3 range, depending on his class/your inventory. Debuffing's really good in this game. I should make a Lancer Corrin and have her marry him, so he can pile Seal Defense on top of his personal.

Reina's join time is decent in Birthright and amazing in Revelations, so your argument doesn't even apply.

Scarlet can function just fine in Birthright thanks to the fact that the level right after she joins is her playground (IIRC she can use Beast Killers, so between the Cavaliers and the armors, she's got plenty of targets), and that Wyvern Lord gives Def/movement (which a lot of people appreciate, supports be damned). I don't count her in Revelations.

Gunter's got a lot of utility, albeit indirectly.

Izana works as a staffbot, and if you're careful about how you position him, you should be able to leverage his personal skill to its fullest. Have Sakura around for giggles. Stack his personal skill with Shura's, and physical enemies become a lot less threatening. He'll generally be better stat-wise on average than a 20/5 Orochi (unless I'm grossly misreading bases and growths).

Can't say anything about Flora, since I've never tried to use her.

Man, now I want to do a full pre-promote run of Conquest (and maybe gimp the royal siblings for being OP). Someone talk me out of this.

EDIT: Right, Yukimura. After a run of Conquest, I have a new appreciation for the Apothecary skills. He gets +3 off of most tonics, and +7 from the HP tonic. Combine this with cooking, and I fail to see what the problem is.

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Wallace - He can actually function as a half-decent wall in stuff that's not HHM. Yes, I used him in my first-ever run of this game, and yes he wound up bailing my sorry ass. He's not ideal, but he'll do his job.

But wallace isn't technically a prepromote if you play on lyn hard you could give the knight's crest to sain or kent

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But wallace isn't technically a prepromote if you play on lyn hard you could give the knight's crest to sain or kent

First-ever run = forced tutorial. In other words, he had to be promoted at level 12 in Chapter 9.

First-ever run = Eliwood Normal Mode, so it sort-of evens out. I think Wallace is nowhere near as life-saving in either of Hector's modes, though. Still, for someone who had no idea WTF to do, Wallace did what he needed to. . .and that's more than what the likes of Sophia can say! As long as a unit is able to function on the battlefield without me having to throw too many resources their way, I'm fine with 'em.

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The only one who thinks this is about "skill" is you. If someone is convinced that Flora is better than Felicia because of grinding even though every unit is better with grinding and they're still not convinced after I stated my points then I'm not going to waste my breath.

Did you read what I posted? Because everything I said has to do with characters at base. Except for Flora, because I haven't had a chance to play with her.

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