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Favorite Names for Generic Prisoners


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Full list can be found here.

Is there a particular name you want your generic prisoner unit to have, wish that prisoner unit have, or just like, and why?

For those playing on Casual or Phoenix mode, you can attempt to save-scum in order to hopefully capture the prisoner with the desired name. If playing on Classic mode, just save before starting the battle. Before doing this, make sure that your Prison is fully loaded (no empty spaces).

1. Go into a battle in which you can capture the desired unit. Save before starting the battle if on Classic mode.

2. On the turn at which you can attempt a capture, make a battle save (only if on Phoenix or Casual mode) before attempting the capture (generally, you'd want to be able to reliably ORKO or OHKO the desired target). (Ignore this step if on Classic mode.)

3. Capture the unit. The name is randomly selected upon the prisoner's being captured and sent to prison. Since the prison is fully loaded, you can immediately see the name of the generic unit you just captured, in addition to the ones already occupying the prison cells when selecting which prisoner to release.

4. Reset if the new captive doesn't have the name you want and reload the battle save (or save file if on Classic mode) to try again.

For a few of my favorite names they're:

-Helmut (male Nohrian): I was surprised to see this name having never seen it before, but upon looking up on its origins, it's quite fitting on certain classes like the Lancer

-Konrad (male Nohrian): it sounds a lot like the word "comrade" which is fitting in the Fire Emblem setting

-Asuka (female Hoshidan): Easy favorite for me as I'm a Senran Kagura fan

I laughed when I saw that Nina is a possible name for a captured generic Nohrian female unit.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I like Gisela and Roderick, though I'm not really picky about the name so long as the unit has the skills I want. In a strange twist of irony, it seems my super Lancer I trained in my NA game has the localized equivalent name to the one I trained in my JP game. (Roland = Bremse)





He simply would not be left behind, and crossed the language barrier to join me once more lol

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You can have a prisoner named Nina? What about the regular Nina?

It looks like a few of the units share names with past FE characters.

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I like Gisela and Roderick, though I'm not really picky about the name so long as the unit has the skills I want. In a strange twist of irony, it seems my super Lancer I trained in my NA game has the localized equivalent name to the one I trained in my JP game. (Roland = Bremse)





He simply would not be left behind, and crossed the language barrier to join me once more lol

Save file porting shenanigans? Nice! Guess that's a lucky twist of fate. Wouldn't hurt to give him Ignis though that's up to you.

You can have a prisoner named Nina? What about the regular Nina?

It looks like a few of the units share names with past FE characters.

Well, it's possible to have multiple Candaces in prison via Museum Melee DLC map and naming your avatar after a story character. I guess Treehouse goofed and made Nina a possible name for a generic. Wouldn't have been as bad if it were Nino (another name from a past FE character) instead.

Yeah, I noticed, like Ursula and Astrid.

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Roland for male Nohrian

Ren for male Hoshidan

Adele for female Nohrian

Madoka for female Hoshidan

It would be ironic if Madoka could be a Witch.

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It would be ironic if Madoka could be a Witch.

The funny thing is, she can be one when the Witch DLC comes out Ninjas are everywhere

Edited by Braixen
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. . .but to post a video-only is spam, so I'll continue with the rest of the answers.

I'm amused that both Stella and Astrid are in the game, as they both refer to the same unit. . .or how Wolf was changed to Ludwig. My favorites, though, are the guys in my current generic draft run - Mitsuru, Masahiko, Jin, Kenshi, Saburo, Elmar, Otto, and Theobald. RIP Daisuke, had to kill you off to get Jin.

I'm glad they changed the Hoshido names. . .the ones we got are a bit more recognizable! The original names feel super-archaic or something.

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She can if you give her the Witch's Mark.

I need to make this a thing. I didn't know you could change the prisoners' classes.

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I need to make this a thing. I didn't know you could change the prisoners' classes.

The only prisoner that can't reclass is Candace. At all. All the other prisoners can use DLC reclass items and the Heart Seal (if promoted to switch to an alt promotion of their base or going back to a DLC class) and of course, the Master Seal if promoting from base.

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Now that I've read all of the names I get the feeling that whoever named the Japanese prisoners just took random German words.... seriously half of those "names" are german words for animals or just stuff like locations.

e.g. Sachsen... I laughed so hard because of this! Sachsen is a region in Germany (you could say it's right around the corner) and it just seems so random :D

Likewise there are: Fels (rock/boulder), Drache (dragon), Graf (count), Elbe (a river in Germany), Bremse(gadfly), Hexe (witch) and my favourite of all! Semmel which means roll.

It would be an understatement to say that I'm slightly amused.

Moreover I like that the last 8 einherjar are named after the deadlords.

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Now that I've read all of the names I get the feeling that whoever named the Japanese prisoners just took random German words.... seriously half of those "names" are german words for animals or just stuff like locations.

e.g. Sachsen... I laughed so hard because of this! Sachsen is a region in Germany (you could say it's right around the corner) and it just seems so random :D

Likewise there are: Fels (rock/boulder), Drache (dragon), Graf (count), Elbe (a river in Germany), Bremse(gadfly), Hexe (witch) and my favourite of all! Semmel which means roll.

It would be an understatement to say that I'm slightly amused.

Moreover I like that the last 8 einherjar are named after the deadlords.

It's kinda funny to me since I know a guy in another forum who named his Corn just that.

And this is where I'd post my generic unit names... had I successfully captured any.

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Where can I capture Adele and Madoka?

Adele is a Nohrian female name, meaning that you'd want to be capturing Troubadours (which only appear in certain story battles like Revelation Ch. 17), Strategists, or Maids.

Madoka is a Hoshidan female name, meaning that you'd want to be capturing Shrine Maidens (which only appear in certain story battles like those that take place in Mokushu), Priestesses (if there are any), Sky Knights, Falcon Knights, or Kinshi Knights.

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*sees Daisuke on the list*

Well shoot. My male avatar's name is Daisuke. I'm doomed.


But my favorite name on the girl's Hoshidan names is Haru. Because Cure Flora.

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