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nohr is the stupidest route


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ike's biceps

hes a real man

ike's calves are proll bigger than bitch ass corrin's biceps

hes been skipping arm day for years

hes been skipping everything day for years

I'd let him put me in a leglock tbh

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Okay, so? Nohr's story sucks, big whoop. Thanks for the insightful conclusion that has been said over and over and over again since Fates came out. As if we needed another person complaining about this. It's not like this is what most Fates posting devolves into.

Edited by Konnor97
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nah but these topics going "nohr's story sucks" are so last week

we obviously need to be more creative

Yeah, find something new to complain about, or at least something that hasn't been repeatedly complained about recently, like how Warriors don't exist anymore.

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Yeah, find something new to complain about, or at least something that hasn't been repeatedly complained about recently, like how Warriors don't exist anymore.

just because something was already said doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to say it

it would be fucking stupid if just because people already said a thing a lot, i can't say it even if i want to

it's not like it's hurting you to see a thing more than once

plus this is fftf so why give a shit

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Okay, so? Nohr's story sucks, big whoop. Thanks for the insightful conclusion that has been said over and over and over again since Fates came out. As if we needed another person complaining about this. It's not like this is what most Fates posting devolves into.

if you ignore the bad things about a game, it becomes good

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i just got around to reading the story actually, played a few chapters of hoshido a few months back but school got in the way. i legit thought we could be evil in nohr.

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