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why dont people use deodorant?


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i don't know when the precise drop-off point was but it is basically unwatchable in t. y. o. o. l. 2016. maybe people should realise this and stop quoting it out of context t b h

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i love lucy is boring af come on guys

also op the authority to contact would be the closest cre (coordinator for residential education). they are our (ra) supervisors and have jurisdiction across campus. well, we do too, so you may want to contact one of the res assistants you can get a hold of and then have them contact the cre

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i actually didnt get the chance to kick this

I don't leave the house and just naturally have less body odor than average

based on what? you're opinion?

also thanks phoenix now to see if i have something like that here

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Wait wait wait but

at what'o clock are you there that the commuter lounge is actually empty???

Every time I drop by there to buy caffeine before class it's full as fuck

programmers don't get enough sleep as is leave us alone

Edited by Thor Odinson
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i love lucy is boring af come on guys

also op the authority to contact would be the closest cre (coordinator for residential education). they are our (ra) supervisors and have jurisdiction across campus. well, we do too, so you may want to contact one of the res assistants you can get a hold of and then have them contact the cre

I don't particularly like I Love Lucy. In fact it's because I'm slightly put off by it that I praised it highly. The point was to come up with something mediocre from the 50s to praise highly.

EDIT-If the atomic bomb or H bomb had been from the 50s I woulda done one of those.

EDIT2-Oops, the H bomb actually was the early 50s, I thought it was the very late 40s. Ya, the h bomb was the last great achievement of civilization. We actually destroyed ourselves with it and we're really just specters now who don't realize we're dead.

Edited by Togami Byakuga
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First the smell in gym classes (at least from my experience) is permanent from years of stank no amounts of deodorant on every person there will ever fix that, go into one of those changing rooms when no one's there it still stinks.

Personally I think the major causes is laziness, why bother if you don't care what people think. Either that or forgetfulness I know I sometimes forget to put it (this is rare but it's happened before). Though I have the memory of a small squirrel and there is literally nothing in life I haven't forgotten before, up to and including my own age.

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in freshman year of college i sometimes had to sit next to this dude in math class who had BO strong enough to give me an actual headache

it was impressive, to say the least

i questioned his life choices to some extent

Edited by Specta
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in freshman year of college i sometimes had to sit next to this dude in math class who had BO strong enough to give me an actual headache

it was impressive, to say the least

i questioned his life choices to some extent

yo same i had this guy in my math recitation who had the dankest BO and hed carry weed with him so it fused into his BO and it smelled weird af.

but biologically speaking we evolved hair in areas where we have excess sweat glands to retain the stench because pheromones and shit and maybe we're just not fit for the wild and these savages are

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lumi im here rn

the troll is here. hes right by the coffee machine sitting at the bench directly in front of the machine that dispenses snacks and theres this poor girl thats nearby him

and then the fucking guy in the op showed up.

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lumi im here rn

the troll is here. hes right by the coffee machine sitting at the bench directly in front of the machine that dispenses snacks and theres this poor girl thats nearby him

and then the fucking guy in the op showed up.


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