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The stunning lack of Mario remakes/remasters


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We got four Zelda remakes, a Star Fox remake, heck, even a Xenoblade remake! (Or remaster. You call 'em what you want, but I'll stick with "remake" cause it's easier for me :P).

Yet, Nintendo has done almost nothing with it's leading series' earlier games for the current generation. Now we get new games, which is all well and good, I'm not complaining about that. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm simply wondering why Nintendo hasn't chosen any older Mario games to remake. I'm sure lots of people would like an HD version of Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine (case in point, that SM64HD fan-remake they took down.). Or maybe even a 3D remake like OoT for Super Mario 64, or a "New" make-over for Super Mario Brothers 3! And, no, I don't mean added content like SM64DS, but a complete make-over for the original game. (Though, I'm curious to see how amiibo could work...or not. They don't need it.)

I love Mario games to death, it's my absolute favorite series! But it seems like Nintendo's been neglecting it lately. He gets great new games, sure! But I also want to see a "new" old game, too. A new way to experience the older games I love.

What do you guys think? What Mario game would you guys like to see completely remade? My votes are definitely Mario 64 and SMB3.

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You know, honestly I don't see a reason why they don't remake Mario games, at least the 3D ones. They did make 64 DS but that's about it. The graphics of Mario games from Sunshine onward were so good for their systems that I have doubt they can be improved much, I might buy a bundle of Sunshine and the two galaxies with an HD reskin, but I don't think I'd buy any of the games HD on their own.

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Well 64 had a remaster on the DS and there's the collection on on Wii which have the first three games remastered( and those were nes games remastered onto Snes.) I guess Nintendo is really picky on what games they want to give a HD treatment.

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I know they had remakes/remasters on the DS and Wii, but I mainly mean the current systems. The Wii U and 3DS.

Who knows, though. They may announce some at E3 this year!

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Meh, you can sell a Mario game with dated graphics by brand name alone. Why bother remastering them when throwing the vanilla version on the eshop is MUCH quicker and less expensive to do. But that's just from a business perspective I guess. A remake of an old Mario game with Nintendo's gorgeous music (aka someone at nintendo got reeeealy obsessed with jazz recently) and everything would be cool. It probably wouldn't even have to be a $60 release.

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Super Mario Sunshine HD would be nice to see. That or a sequel. Although, with it originally using analog controls(it being pressure sensative, which affected how you did some actions like spraying water in place or spraying while moving), unless the New gamecube controllers for Smash are used, they would have to re-work how some of the mechanics work.

I'd still love to see it though!

...but to be honest though, I've kinda been wanting another game like M64 and Sunshine in terms of exploration, level progression, and structure. Galaxy is great and all(and does kinda share some of the game structures like M64 and Sunshine), but I kinda miss how these games handled levels. It was a bit simpler, but they were pretty good(...well, except that dang pachinko machine in Sunshine...)!

...Hopefully I'm making sense and not being confusing(and if I am, sorry).

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Super Mario Sunshine HD would be nice to see. That or a sequel. Although, with it originally using analog controls(it being pressure sensative, which affected how you did some actions like spraying water in place or spraying while moving), unless the New gamecube controllers for Smash are used, they would have to re-work how some of the mechanics work.

I'd still love to see it though!

...but to be honest though, I've kinda been wanting another game like M64 and Sunshine in terms of exploration, level progression, and structure. Galaxy is great and all(and does kinda share some of the game structures like M64 and Sunshine), but I kinda miss how these games handled levels. It was a bit simpler, but they were pretty good(...well, except that dang pachinko machine in Sunshine...)!

...Hopefully I'm making sense and not being confusing(and if I am, sorry).

A Sunshine sequel would be very cool, considering it's the only "isolated" 3D Mario game in the series. (Mario 64 has it's DS remake, 2 Galaxies, and the 3D Land/World titles).

I would love a new 3D Mario made like that as well. Galaxy 2 kinda ruined it, I think. It was good and the levels were great, but the lack of a "hub world" kinda ruined it for me. And my Galaxy 1 disk is broken, so I'm stuck with Galaxy 2.

So, whether it's an HD or 3D remake of a Mario game or one in the vein of Mario 64 or Sunshine, I'd be happy either way. :)

Edited by Power Master
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Mario games tend to age less than any other Nintendo IP; maybe it's the timeless art style, the simple and polished mechanics, or both. The only Mario game that needed a remake is Super Mario 64, and they did that for the DS. However, controlling Mario with a D-pad in that was a pain. I think Nintendo should fix this by bringing it to the 3DS, continuing the line of "64 3D" titles.

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1,2,4,smw, and Yoshi's island has GBA ports, and the first wii had a physical compilation disc with 1,lost levels, 3, smw.

As far as outright remaking them. I really doubt doki doki panic HD will happen. I feel like the new games draw more from lostlevels/smb3 than 1986, since the trademark ability to get height off of enemies after stomping is there, and the Koopalings are plastered everywhere as mini-bosses.

A Super Mario World remake would be interesting, but the minimalistic graphics in it were the point! I don't really see how Nintendo could do it after the spectacle of its other Mario games, especially if it invoked comparison to indies. Yoshi's new island no the first DS is a thing... I don't really like it compared to the GBA version, which to its credit, added 6 new levels. would you consider GBA super Mario 3 a remaster if the E-card levels came stock with it?

The Wii U and 3DS push the Super Mario 3D land, New Super Mario Bros harder, but still have emulators for the classic games via virtual console (other than Yoshi's island) but including Mario Land (daisy's origin), 6 golden coins, etc.

As far as Sunshine goes: I feel like it started what Galaxy 1 and 2 finished.

Mario 64 is the true exploration Mario, since you enter a level, and no matter which star you pick, at least 6 are loaded in, and the only stars you specifically need to pick on level entry to access are the ones with assets (racing koopa, submarine, some bosses).

In sunshine, There is usually only 1 star loaded, a handful of levels load 2, and a single level loads 3. When you pick a level, you CAN explore, but you are heavily encouraged to perform "runs" that get you into to the current sprite. And then Galaxy takes this to its logical extreme.

In my mind I think of this as a Rayman 2 / Billy Hatcher approach, and it's STILL fun, especially in the case of Galaxy, which is designed around the idea. Sunshine is the worst 3d Mario because while the shines are based around Runs, the levels are still based on 64's exploration design.

To sunshine's credit, Mario is a joy to control due to how responsive he is, the hydro pack, etc, and the levels are colorful, but most of them aren't very good for gameplay other than the bonus stages. If Sunshine was remade, it should definitely properly pick a camp of banjo/mario64 exploration or galaxy "run" based gameplay. Otherwise the fluid gameplay will be wasted due to lack of a good game to go with it.

Galaxy 1-2 HD for NX could work fine. Maybe if they made Luigi mode in Galaxy really crazy and experimental, and made G2 harder. I don't think 3DS could quite manage an HD version of them. Well it has the power, but the height/width of the camera would drive me nuts on handheld. I don't really have complaints about the Galaxies or an urgent need to replay them.

Sunshine just deserves a huge, labor intensive overhaul , might as well call it a sequel or New Sunshine since if it was given a simple treatment it would deserve FAR lower scores than it originally got.

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Sunshine is the worst 3d Mario because while the shines are based around Runs, the levels are still based on 64's exploration design.

Literally the only difference between Sunshine and 64 is that the episodes no longer overlap. You can play the episodes linearly like you could in 64, or you can explore for blue coins. In fact, Sunshine arguably rewards exploration even more than 64 because of the blue coins. However, most of Sunshine's problems come from the horrendous implementation of blue coins. (I 100%ed Sunshine.)

Edited by Zera
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I'd love to see Sunshine HD and Galaxy HD. The games really deserve that, although at least the visual design makes them still playable to this day and age without an HD coat of paint. In Sunshine's case, it's becoming increasingly hard to track down and people's opinions are beginning to turn more positive towards it than before. Was it perfect? Hell no. But it was unique and as someone older I feel like I'm more emotionally equipped to deal with some of the more brutal challenges that game had to offer.

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The Wii U does have mario 4 advance with all the e reader levels added for free!

I got that. Best $8 ever! When you're playing an update of a port of a remaster, you KNOW it's gonna be good.

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I got that. Best $8 ever! When you're playing an update of a port of a remaster, you KNOW it's gonna be good.

Somehow I was much worse at the wii u ver than the gba ver. The gba ver I beat without a game over. The wii u one I got several game overs.

Haven't beaten all the e shop levels yet.

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