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im going to be a millionaire


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A noble goal, but how in the world will you take care of them all?

I guess you could hire a ton of maids to take care of the ones you can't take care of yourself...

Like the rich crazy cat lady but with dogs.

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I think you would need to be a billionaire instead because good dog food is pricey and if you end up with some dogs like my German shepherd (he is a pound dog) who is really picky about what he will eat (his food has to have hot dog or some type of meat in it or he won't eat at all) you will have to buy special food for them. I am with you though if I could adopt all the dogs that need homes I would.

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With a shotgun?

Of course not, that would be completely nonsensical. That suggestion made so little sense, I'm going to have post one on a similar level but of far greater magnificence.

He'd clearly have his own army of dogs. Then he could arm them with Bullpups.

Yes, Bullpups.

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With a shotgun?

When you're sitting at the crest of your Qatari summer home that wage-slaves built, sipping a warm IPA and wondering if Nigel Farage would make a suitable UN Secretary-General, do you ever stop to think why you make such bad posts? What motivates you? After a long day going out hunting pheasants, foxes or Scousers, walking back into the terrible, gaudy red-and-gold Victorian aesthetic that passes for one of your seven homes, why is the day only complete when you sit down at your Babbage Difference Engine to post that the QOTD doesn't apply to you, to do racisms and to claim that all dogs must die on the internet? What is the point?

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I think you would need to be a billionaire instead because good dog food is pricey and if you end up with some dogs like my German shepherd (he is a pound dog) who is really picky about what he will eat (his food has to have hot dog or some type of meat in it or he won't eat at all) you will have to buy special food for them. I am with you though if I could adopt all the dogs that need homes I would.

dogs eating hot dogs

my dad is a millionaire and he wont even let me get a lizard

my dad's a multi millionaire and can beat up your dad

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the lizard escaped at one of our stores..4~5 years later it was full grown and scared someone who had wandered into the backroom

we had to call animaux control

kai dont be jelly that my avi has a better seance of fashion than you

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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