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Anyone else playing Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow from the eShop?


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I kind of bought all of them. *ahem* I was too hyped about them and couldn't help myself. But so far I've played Red the most, and started with the good old trusty tortoise, Squirtle. Last I left off was east of Vermillion City.

My team so far:

Mankey 16

Fearow 20

Kadabra 19

Wartortle 21

Oddish 19

Back on ORAS I'm usually quite the perfectionist breeder, but this time around I've just been lazy and enjoyed myself with whatever pokemon I found cute and ran with it. It's much more enjoyable like this sometimes I feel. ^^ Can't wait to have my Blastoise.~ Good luck and have fun on your playthroughs guys!

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On a separate tangent while I'm still training my Pokemon before Surge (I've been very busy with work lately, due to a lot of people being completely unreliable, namely the people that are supposed to come in before the time I'm scheduled to clock out, leaving me to have to stay late, and one of the only three night shift people available seemingly just quitting or getting fired, as he hasn't shown up multiple times now leaving me with having to take more night shifts), I've found out that there are a few Pokemon that are surprisingly difficult to train. For example, Geodude. It may have impressive defense, but with Tackle and Rock Slide as the only moves it can gain experience with up until and even for a while after it evolves, it has a hard time on occasion taking out some Pokemon (Especially my luck with Rock Slide. I swear, that move has like, 35% accuracy, not 65%). Another is Venonat, since it's just so weak and it has a hard time taking hits.

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Dai, that's a reason I always wait until I beat the main story to collect more Pokemon for the dex. This way I can just bring them to the route with the highest level Pokemon, switch 'em out once the battle starts, and watch them roll in the exp and levels as I use my main team to beat the wild Pokemon. At least until the higher levels, that is. But after that, I can just use the Pokemon I'm trying to level up in the battles instead and they still get an alright dose of exp.

I have 40 kinds of Pokemon in Yellow now, btw. Gonna level up a Psyduck to evolution next. And I think I can get the Exp. All now, now that I think about it!

Edited by Anacybele
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I have 40 kinds of Pokemon in Yellow now, btw. Gonna level up a Psyduck to evolution next. And I think I can get the Exp. All now, now that I think about it!

Too bad the Exp. All kinda sucks. It completely splits up the exp among the party, so if you had 6 pokemon and you gained 600 exp, all pokemon would gain 100. It's alright if you have 1 strong pokemon and 1-5 weak ones, but eh. It replaces switch training though if you only have 2 pokemon.

Edited by Konnor97
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Unfortunately, I'm a madman and I have a bit of a ridiculous method to how I play games at least, how I play RPGs. Basically, I have a compulsive NEED to get all that I possibly can within the limits of the game as early as possible.

It's why i find myself unable to beat Final Fantasy VIII. I try to get all the magic and tools that I can get before fighting Ifrit. Namely, I try to set myself up to get 300 copies of Flare immediately after fighting Ifrit, and getting Save the Queen.

I'd just rather not have to worry about raising all of these suckers later.

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Too bad the Exp. All kinda sucks. It completely splits up the exp among the party, so if you had 6 pokemon and you gained 600 exp, all pokemon would gain 100. It's alright if you have 1 strong pokemon and 1-5 weak ones, but eh. It replaces switch training though if you only have 2 pokemon.

Oh, yeah, that does kind of suck. I figured that's how it would work though, sort of.

Unfortunately, I'm a madman and I have a bit of a ridiculous method to how I play games at least, how I play RPGs. Basically, I have a compulsive NEED to get all that I possibly can within the limits of the game as early as possible.

It's why i find myself unable to beat Final Fantasy VIII. I try to get all the magic and tools that I can get before fighting Ifrit. Namely, I try to set myself up to get 300 copies of Flare immediately after fighting Ifrit, and getting Save the Queen.

I'd just rather not have to worry about raising all of these suckers later.

Heh, I see. Don't worry, I tend to be like that with Zelda. :P

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Too bad the Exp. All kinda sucks. It completely splits up the exp among the party, so if you had 6 pokemon and you gained 600 exp, all pokemon would gain 100. It's alright if you have 1 strong pokemon and 1-5 weak ones, but eh. It replaces switch training though if you only have 2 pokemon.

That's not actually how it works. It distributes half of the exp among the pokemon that saw battle, and the other half among your whole party.

So any that didn't get switched in would get 50 exp. Even with 2 pokemon, it gives you half as much exp as switching.

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That's not actually how it works. It distributes half of the exp among the pokemon that saw battle, and the other half among your whole party.

So any that didn't get switched in would get 50 exp. Even with 2 pokemon, it gives you half as much exp as switching.

Oh. That's even worse.

Wait, I thought that's how it was in Gen 6.

Edited by Konnor97
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It's not dissimilar, Gen 1 just doesn't "multiply" the total experience gained.

Gen 6 gives 100% to the fighter and 50% to the others. Gen 1 gives 58% to the fighter and 8% to the others.

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It's not dissimilar, Gen 1 just doesn't "multiply" the total experience gained.

Gen 6 gives 100% to the fighter and 50% to the others. Gen 1 gives 58% to the fighter and 8% to the others.

Oh. So it is worse than what I thought.

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Yeah, it's definitely worse, especially since you can stack the effects of the Exp. Share, Lucky Egg, and traded Pokemon in gen 6. A traded Pokemon holding a Lucky Egg with Exp. Share on will get a fuckton of exp whether it battles or not.

Edited by Anacybele
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I guess that's referring to the Seel you get as an in-game trade, that's easy to powerlevel.

Though it's far from the most broken exploit out there.

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Did I say Rock Slide? I meant Rock Throw. Shit's bad, man.

Also, it's nice having three games that I can mess around with TMs in.

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Oh yeah, I haven't played Yellow since I got Disney Art Academy. lol I've been kind of addicted to the latter. :P But I'll get back to Yellow eventually. I still want to have more Pokemon in my PC so I've got them ready for transfer to Sun later this year.

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Still got a long way to go, and I'm not quite done training yet, but I've got all of this at two badges and just before Lt. Surge. I'm pretty proud of myself.

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Overpowered Dewgong?

Trade Seal + X Accuracy + horn Drill

Granted yeah its far from the most OP thing on in game of RBY. Theres Alakazam, Nidoking, Zapdos(can be caught pretty early) and Hypno too.

That said some things that is good on competitive actually isn't that good in-game due to TM alvailability and ease of catching. Tauros and Exeguttor is probably the best example, arguably the 2 best pokemon in the game, excluding Mewtwo and Mew, but Eggy requires Body Slam TM and Psychic TM to get a working movepool, and Tauros is Safari Zone only and one of the rarest mon in there

Dodrio is better than Tauros in game, and it can get Tri Attack, freeing Body Slam for other mon to take, which is cool since for most mon, Body Slam is their best move

Edited by JSND
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>Be me, reading up on some moves whilst planning out his Pokemon Yellow teams.

>Working on Hitmonlee.

>Sees High Jump Kick, and clicks on its Gen I effects.

>Sees that it only does ONE HIT POINT of damage to the user if High Jump Kick misses/fails.


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Double-Edge is a quarter damage. I think the other recoil moves are generally around that area. I can understand a quarter of health-but just ONE hit point? That is disgusting. Both Jump Kick and High Jump Kick "punish" you with a single hit point for failure.

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And yet fighting types are still terrible in the meta due to psychic being OP. Hitmonlee is alright for ingame use though, HJK is the best fighting move in the game. Just bear in mind it's only 85BP and not 120 like in later games.

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Yeah normal might be THE best type in RBY(Psychic being good actually is a disadvantage in some ways since its one of the most resisted typing), but Starmie, Exeguttor, and Alakazam still exists and they shits on Fighting type(

fighting types also did not have an amazing movepool, which is something that Normal types on the high end had on top of stab on Body Slam(second best move in the game) and Hyper Beam

but then again RBY metagame is literally just Tauros vs Tauros. I've been watching several replays of RBY and its hilarious how much different team layout still ended up into Tauros vs Tauros. there was a game where one player manage to 4-1 his opponent, and said opponent wins the game because Tauros OHKO 3 mon, and wins 2 speed tie against the other Tauros for a 2HKO

Even GSC with broken Snorlax isn't that bad

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