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Generic Units Only Run Advice


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I’m planning on doing a generic units only hard mode run, and I was wondering which characters are worth noting for capture. My rules are Corrin and Niles only, but they can’t support with each other and Corrin has to reclass and remove his Nohr Noble skills, making him essentially a generic as well, aside from being able to use the Yato for endgame if I end up using him as a sword class. So are there any special units I should be sure to capture? I know I’m gonna ban the two capturable bosses, because that would trivialize the point of it being a generic run, but some enemies come with really good skills. I know for sure I’m getting an archer with counter from chapter 11, and chapter 9 has some really good lancers aside from just the boss. What other enemies have skills worth noting?

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I’m planning on doing a generic units only hard mode run, and I was wondering which characters are worth noting for capture. My rules are Corrin and Niles only, but they can’t support with each other and Corrin has to reclass and remove his Nohr Noble skills, making him essentially a generic as well, aside from being able to use the Yato for endgame if I end up using him as a sword class. So are there any special units I should be sure to capture? I know I’m gonna ban the two capturable bosses, because that would trivialize the point of it being a generic run, but some enemies come with really good skills. I know for sure I’m getting an archer with counter from chapter 11, and chapter 9 has some really good lancers aside from just the boss. What other enemies have skills worth noting?

How the heck are you going to do the early game before you get any generics? Especialy chapter 7.

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Depends on the difficulty and route.

Like if you're on Conquest Lunatic, worthy of mention are Pegasus Knights for mobility, the Master Ninjas in Ch. 17 since they have Grisly Wound and Movement +1, and the "Rallymaster" (Rallybot Master of Arms) in Ch. 23.

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How the heck are you going to do the early game before you get any generics? Especialy chapter 7.

You just play the game like.normal until after chapter 10. That's when you actually have enough generics to really do the run. I might do some DLC chapters or something to make sure I can actually recruit the generics as well.

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Or have an Einherjar Niles/Orochi ready in the Logbook so that you can just go Ghostly Gold and grab the capturing Einherjar units as soon as Ch. 7 and then start catching stuff after finishing Ch. 8.

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Hummmmm! Funny how I just finished my Hard/Con generic run yesterday as well so I can give you some advices :D !
- Haitaka: Think of Oboro but with no supports or reclassing option (his growth is actually a little big higher than Oboro in some aspect). He is incredibly good and a big help for chapter 10. Even if he falls out later, he still can be used just for rally defense.
- Kumagera: dude comes with Darting Blow + Magic Counter + Certain Blow. His spd may fall out later but it can be made up with speedwing and Falcon Knight pair up fodder, which I did in my run. Other than that, He actually has decent mag so hecan use with Bolt Axe very good!

...Just realized you said no capturable unique bosses...
- Does Chapter 18's General boss count? If not, he is a big big help. Super good base and useful all around :D. Not to mention he comes with Warding Blow as well so he has no trouble killing mage. Also, he will make your life more easier in chapter 21. My favorite unit of my run :D
[spoiler=My Endgame 18's General]eKa0Zsx.jpg

- Chapter 11's Sky Knight with Bolt Naginata. If you plan to use DLC classes then you can instantly reclass her to Witch and she will get 17 MAG right away.
- Chapter 9's Quick Draw Samurai: Glass canon, but can deal good damage. Chapter 13 also had a Wyvern rider with Quick Draw, but I didn't capture him.
- Chapter 23's Inferior Rallyman: On Hard he comes with only rally STR & DEF, but that still be good enough for your group.
- Chapter 24's Falcon Knight with Pass/Aegis: Strong base and can use staff. She could help you for endgame or if you need another healer?
There are many many more, but these are all I remember right now! I hope you enjoy the run, it is super fun! I will probably do it again sometime

and I apologize for my bad English if it causes you any confusion, I'm still learning it...

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What difficulty?

Anyway, some crazy dude did a draft with Conquest generics. Here's what I remember:

- Chapter 20 features Onmyoji that have Seal (something). It's pretty helpful.

- If you're on Hard or up, Chapter 13 has a few Diviners with Malefic Aura.

- Lunge Swordmasters are on Chapter 17, IIRC (don't remember if it requires Hard)

- I think some of the wyverns have defensive skills on Chapter 13 Hard and up, but my memory is hazy. Regardless, Wyvern Lord is a really good class, especially for Chapter 19.

- Turn Corrin into a Ninja and stomp everything.

- Apothecaries can be captured on Chapter 12. They're surprisingly good, and I had a new appreciation for their item skills after the draft.

Edited by eclipse
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It's gonna be on hard mode. I'm pretty sure that was in the main post... And I am allowing reclassing/DLC classes, mainly because I'm pretty sure most generics have terrible growths.

Anyways, thanks for the advice. And I have one more question. If you promote a base class generic unit does its portrait change to reflect the new class?

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It's gonna be on hard mode. I'm pretty sure that was in the main post... And I am allowing reclassing/DLC classes, mainly because I'm pretty sure most generics have terrible growths.

Anyways, thanks for the advice. And I have one more question. If you promote a base class generic unit does its portrait change to reflect the new class?

Portrait doesn't change if you change classes.

DLC classes don't improve any on growth rates, so mainly use DLC classes if you're after certain skills or something. Generics have no character unique growths, so total growth rate for a single stat isn't going to extend anywhere above 30% (and that's for a Berserker's HP growth) and is usually like 0 to 20%.

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Portrait doesn't change if you change classes.

DLC classes don't improve any on growth rates, so mainly use DLC classes if you're after certain skills or something. Generics have no character unique growths, so total growth rate for a single stat isn't going to extend anywhere above 30% (and that's for a Berserker's HP growth) and is usually like 0 to 20%.

I thought they did get personal growths just not amazing growths?
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I thought they did get personal growths just not amazing growths?

Captured bosses get personal growths as well as unique stat cap modifiers. Actual generic units don't get personal stat cap modifiers and growths so the only growth rates they'll get are just class growth rates (so 0-30% for a given stat depending on class).

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Captured bosses get personal growths as well as unique stat cap modifiers. Actual generic units don't get personal stat cap modifiers and growths so the only growth rates they'll get are just class growth rates (so 0-30% for a given stat depending on class).

I might be misunderstanding you but generics do have more than just class growth rates. Each class of generic has growths + class growths like normal units.


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