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Kaga views on Fire emblem Fates and Awakening

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A lot of people talking about underaged slave girls, and incest and trying to compare it to face rubbing is silly. The former plays an important role in the plot. Slavery and pedophilia are real issues in the world. Genealogy was about forbidden love. Arvis and Diadora didn't fall in love because they knew they were related. They were put together also because of the plot involving bloodlines.

Skinship is just pandering to the lowest common denominator. The examples above are real world problems. Going to people's homes to rub their face is not. All of the things above have serious consequences, and the story even frowns upon them. None of them are painted as good things.

Edited by Illiterate Scholar
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A lot of people talking about underaged slave girls, and incest and trying to compare it to face rubbing is silly. The former plays an important role in the plot. Slavery and pedophilia are real issues in the world. Genealogy was about forbidden love. Arvis and Diadora didn't fall in love because they knew they were related. They were put together also because of the plot involving bloodlines.

Skinship is just pandering to the lowest common denominator. The examples above are real world problems. Going to people's homes to rub their face is not. All of the things above have serious consequences, and the story even frowns upon them. None of them are painted as good things.

if you're attempting to credibly argue, don't call people "lowest common denominator." Nothing in this world makes me angrier than that. It's like when people call other people trashy or slut; that makes my blood boil.

Sure, I'll identify as lowest common denominator though. I enjoyed skinshipping. Just because it's not a "real problem" does not mean that it's bad. I play games to escape from reality, not to see even more atrocities. That's why I primarily play harmless, safe games like Animal Crossing, The Sims, or Cooking Mama.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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I wonder what his reaction to skinship was the first time he saw it?

Probably similar to what the co-president of Naughty Dog had to say on the Crash Bandicoot series:

"It's a little bit like watching your daughter do porn."

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Speaking of which, did he ever approve of the fan translation of Vestaria Saga?

I'm not sure, but I don't think he'd be against it from what little I know of him haha.

This is interesting. Is it possible for English fans to get an chance to interview him?

I'm actually not sure... I only know little things I've heard ^^; sorry if I seemed to know more than I did. He's a pretty private man though from what little I do know, I mean a recently revealed interview from the early 90's is like the only photo we have had of him ever for instance.

Edited by Jedi
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if you're attempting to credibly argue, don't call people "lowest common denominator." Nothing in this world makes me angrier than that. It's like when people call other people trashy or slut; that makes my blood boil.

Calling a part of a demographic the "Lowest Common Denominator" is nowhere close to the implications of whore and slut, because the latter is about society's bullshit stigma against promiscuity and the former is about how the quality of writing/design falters because of otaku pandering such as skinship.

I mean, you shouldn't be the one to talk about credible arguments when the point before this one contradicted itself.

The localization is the only thing that really matters. I cannot speak Japanese, so I am not going to try to cross-compare with a language I don't even understand.

The localization made Corrin a very well-rounded character that the Japanese version failed to do. By that merit, I much prefer the name Corrin to Kamui. Kamui sounds generic.

no his point was that the way the localization handles things is irrelevant to his point because the localization doesn't change enough details to change his point

The second point contradicts the first right? You can't read or speak Japanese, yet you still compare the two localizations based on word of mouth... despite refusing to acknowledge the Japanese version.

Sure, I'll identify as lowest common denominator though. I enjoyed skinshipping. Just because it's not a "real problem" does not mean that it's bad. I play games to escape from reality, not to see even more atrocities. That's why I primarily play harmless, safe games like Animal Crossing, The Sims, or Cooking Mama.

So what point are you making here? Someone is saying that his original ideas are more fucked up than skinship so "Kaga wouldn't care," except that the point was that it's an apples and oranges comparison. What you said here is largely irrelevant.

EDIT: my friend put it well

[13:55:27] <Doak> its like comparing harem anime to game of thrones

Edited by Lord Raven
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I would imagine his feelings are mixed. I'm sure he's partly pleased that the series is successful, but I imagine that he's also partly resentful that FE is a success while his career is dead.

It is? Well that sad, maybe he can talk IS into hiring him back.
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That bridge is burned way beyond repair.

From what I've heard from the 90's interview thread, he had some disagreements during Paper Mario's production and left IS on his own.

It probably wasn't pretty because IS don't even mention his name during interviews. They talk about him, but never say his name.

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Leaving wasn't the big deal, it was going and making a FE clone which led to a nasty court battle. Add that Enterbrain cut their ties with him after Berwick Saga bombed, nobody has any reason to work with him these days.

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It's a shame that FE never made it to home console (or a shame it was put there depending on your POV), I think Berwick Saga would be way better received on the PSP.

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It's a shame that FE never made it to home console (or a shame it was put there depending on your POV), I think Berwick Saga would be way better received on the PSP.

It would probably do fairly decent on Steam.

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I know people here hold Kaga in high regard, but you have to admit that he made some extremely poor game design choices, especially in 4 and 5(aka Staff Emblem). Like how the fuck am I supposed know that Lex can get a Brave Axe if you move him to a certain part of the map? And Thracia 776 at times felt like a contest between you and the enemy to see who could throw the most bullshit at the other.

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I know people here hold Kaga in high regard, but you have to admit that he made some extremely poor game design choices, especially in 4 and 5(aka Staff Emblem). Like how the fuck am I supposed know that Lex can get a Brave Axe if you move him to a certain part of the map? And Thracia 776 at times felt like a contest between you and the enemy to see who could throw the most bullshit at the other.

No game is perfect, and some of Kaga's ideas have lived on into the modern day games can you deny that? The weapon triangle and whole 2nd generation thing for instance, which still hasn't been done as well as it has in FE4 yet.

Edited by Jedi
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I know people here hold Kaga in high regard, but you have to admit that he made some extremely poor game design choices, especially in 4 and 5(aka Staff Emblem). Like how the fuck am I supposed know that Lex can get a Brave Axe if you move him to a certain part of the map? And Thracia 776 at times felt like a contest between you and the enemy to see who could throw the most bullshit at the other.

I'm not going to justify this practice, but 90s games were full of stuff like this. You gotta take some of his stuff with some sort of context. Part of the appreciate with Kaga is also how TRS and BWS were; BWS was a beast all on its own (and FE14 borrows quite a bit from BWS) but TRS was filled with some really insane shit (some of which made its way into FE14, the Witch class coming into FE14 by way of DLC).

FE5 wasn't really just staff emblem, but FE5 took a lot of risks and people are pretty happy with some and not so happy with others. I'd also like to point out that FE3-6 were very, very distinctive games, more distinct than the hop from FE7-10 and FE11/12 (which were pretty similar to FE3). FE13 was a slight change from the FE8 formula with a lot of RPG elements, and FE14 is distinctive due to the map design, but FE7-10 weren't much different and even recycled old ideas.

The Skill system in FE4/5 wasn't back in until FE9.

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I do have a question though. Do you think Kaga actually cares about what happens to Fire Emblem now?

The weapon triangle and whole 2nd generation thing for instance, which still hasn't been done as well as it has in FE4 yet.

Wait. Are you staying the second generation hasn't been done as well and other games? Or second generation AND weapon triangle?

Because if you're including weapon triangle, I'd say it's the most unbalanced in FE4 due to weapon weight.

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Yeah, a system is not going to be perfect when it's first there. But the Kaga team came up with the idea, and it's been a staple in FE ever since. The ultimate thing that people end up saying against Kaga is that the early games had a lot of imbalances - but remember Dual Guard/Attack/Pair Up in FE13? Because that was probably about as bad.

Second generation, plot wise was done the best in FE4. Implementation wise, I liked it in FE14 (but not the plot justification) and in FE13 is poor, but I prefer they go back to the way they did it in FE4 if they ever do it again.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Isn't he like 66 years old now? I'd imagine he doesn't care too much.

He also put incest, child killings, etc, in his games because it portrayed the world, not to just have some "fucked up shit."

Edited by Tryhard
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Isn't he like 66 years old now? I'd imagine he doesn't care too much.

He also put incest, child killings, etc, in his games because it portrayed the world, not to just have some "fucked up shit."

Well the Gundam creator hates new gundam series... I think, and he hate Otaku. So you never know.

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I really don't think Kaga is 66, that would make him even older than Miyamoto who started working at NCL in the seventies. I imagine he's in his late forties, early fifties at most.

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Well the Gundam creator hates new gundam series... I think, and he hate Otaku. So you never know.

I think he didn't like 0083 because he felt like it glorified war, and he didn't mind the 90s AUs either (hence Turn-A Gundam) but he hasn't really said anything about SEED/GSD/00/AGE/Unicorn. There's a fake interview floating around where he does shit on them, though, but it's a fake interview. (EDIT: in said fake interview he praises 00 but hates the movie, though I can't imagine Tomino really disliking 00 all that much outside of the movie because it did what G-Reco tried to do but did it a lot better)

I do remember hearing that he didnt like Fukuda at all, but again Tomino didn't burn bridges with Sunrise at all. You know he made another Gundam anime two years ago right?

Edited by Lord Raven
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I'm not going to justify this practice, but 90s games were full of stuff like this. You gotta take some of his stuff with some sort of context. Part of the appreciate with Kaga is also how TRS and BWS were; BWS was a beast all on its own (and FE14 borrows quite a bit from BWS) but TRS was filled with some really insane shit (some of which made its way into FE14, the Witch class coming into FE14 by way of DLC).

Witches are from Gaiden, actually.

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Wait. Are you staying the second generation hasn't been done as well and other games? Or second generation AND weapon triangle?

Because if you're including weapon triangle, I'd say it's the most unbalanced in FE4 due to weapon weight.

I'm just saying the 2nd generation, while gameplay wise it kinda works in fe13 and 14. The reasoning behind both are really weak.

Weapon triangle has obviously improved.

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I think he didn't like 0083 because he felt like it glorified war, and he didn't mind the 90s AUs either (hence Turn-A Gundam) but he hasn't really said anything about SEED/GSD/00/AGE/Unicorn. There's a fake interview floating around where he does shit on them, though, but it's a fake interview. (EDIT: in said fake interview he praises 00 but hates the movie, though I can't imagine Tomino really disliking 00 all that much outside of the movie because it did what G-Reco tried to do but did it a lot better)

I do remember hearing that he didnt like Fukuda at all, but again Tomino didn't burn bridges with Sunrise at all. You know he made another Gundam anime two years ago right?

Only know about G-Reco and it was terrible. What the other series he made

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He made Mobile Suit Gundam/Zeta/ZZ/Char's Counterattack/Victory/Turn-A Gundam/G-reco. EDIT: Also, F91.

EDIT: The first four were in the 80s, F91 was 1991, Victory was around 1995, Turn-A was around 98, G-reco was 2014.

He even directed the Zeta compilation movies in the mid-2000s. What Kaga and IS did and what Tomino/Sunrise did are night and day.

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