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[Sub-Thread] Everyone Is Music Mafia


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We will move any non-important post for the Everyone Is Music Mafia thread in here. You can write /in, or ask legitimate questions on the regular thread.

However, music posting for special stuff in your Role PM will be moved here lol.

General discussion and shitposting will also be moved here.

I greatly encourage the posting of music and discussion of music in here too. Announcements will also be placed here.

I believe that's all, however, I need to add these obligatory items if you don't check the regular thread very often.

Link to Game:


Everyone Is Music Mafia Skype Group: https://join.skype.com/BuxLM8o9zHd4

Important Dates:

2nd Voting phase Ends: May 13th at 8:59:59 PM PST

All Role PMs distributed: May 25th

Sign-ups close: May 19th at 8:59:59 PM PST (exceptions can be made)

Alias list released: May 30th

Game Start: June 1st

Link to latest announcement:


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Not quite.Even the mafia subforum has post quality standards.

which tbh i don't really understand because it should be up to the host in these games to decide what amount of silliness is acceptable

stuff against the ToS obviously should be regulated, but I don't really understand otherwise

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which tbh i don't really understand because it should be up to the host in these games to decide what amount of silliness is acceptable

stuff against the ToS obviously should be regulated, but I don't really understand otherwise

Shitting up threads makes it a pain in the ass to read. See: Toonami Mafia.

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Aren't you glad I'm not asking you to mod it? :P:

Hey, I can appreciate not being a mod from this!

Also, need more sh*t posting

Starting with, place your bets on how many fftf regulars can be hooked into sh*t posting here!

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especially because the one time i did mod it a bunch of mafia guys got really mad at me

Edited by Integrity
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especially because the one time i did mod it a bunch of mafia guys got really mad at me

in their defense, you said something totally uncalled for! (luckily I wasn't in the game)

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saying he would shut down the entire mafia thread was not, IMO

I've done that before, and sometimes, it is necessary. If things get out of hand, you're free to PM your post to the host or something.

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