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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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If you don't have anything constructive to say then please don't post. You're only adding to the hostility. No offence intended though. It's just not helping to say something like that.

Er...I kinda liked Tashi....

Anyway, I can understand that the two want to settle their differences before just 'making up'. But to both of you, (Nightmare and Swordmaster) please try to have a little less attitude in your posts.


I'm a person of the present, what can I say? I don't hold grudges.


I'm willing to make up at any moment, with anyone. It's just them that aren't able to.

And, excuse me for being one of the few people that voices their heart instead of their mind.

Yep, I told you to stop being a kid.

And from what I noticed, you rigged the tourney.

No need to deny it.

Edited by Swordmaster
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Channel operator or not, get off your high horse.

I merely state the truth, remember that.

I don't remember it quite so well, seeing as such little disputes aren't worth my time, I just recall you said similar things.

Keep in mind that I act towards you the exact same way you act towards me. Fair. I'll mirror your actions. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. If you're a jerk to me, I'm a jerk to you.

I'm not on a high horse. Flaming channel operators is strictly against the rules, but I was kind enough not to ban you.

And stating the truth? Believe me, you don't know the first thing about me. If you think you do, you're an idiot. I'm not who I seem to be.

Little disputes, eh? Who's the arrogant egotist now? Besides that, I was never a jerk to you. I joked with you a few times, but I never was serious.

As far as I know, it's mainly you and Serene who have a real bone to pick with me, I wonder why.

Is it really that hard to wonder why? I think it's pretty obvious.

I don't try to make friends or anything of the sort. If people don't like me they should avoid me or take it up with me. If I don't like people, I'll avoid them or take it up with them. You're not forced to talk to me.

Riiiight...well, I don't like you, not after you started acting like an ignorant douchebag. And I'm taking this up with you. We don't seem to be having any problems here.

- So long as you know that I was saying it in general. -

You did offer (mockingly) friendly advice, I admit that.

Mockingly? Assuming stuff, I see.

Act before thinking? How many assumptions do you make, truly, it's annoying.

It's ironic how you, the master of assumptions, is accusing me of assuming. The way you worded that sentence, it seemed like you liked to act before thinking. If anything, it's your fault for having erroneous grammar, thus making me assume things.

Like I always say. I never regret anything.

If I do something, it's always for a good reason.

I doubt your reasons are good enough, what with your flawed logic and all.

Also, stop being condescending, it's quite irritating.

Again, accusing and assuming. I was merely stating a point, not being condescending. You're just trying to find that which does not exist.

On a related side-note, I love how you ignored most of my arguments or came back with pitifully weak ones of your own. Just proves my point.

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I'm a person of the present, what can I say? I don't hold grudges.


I'm willing to make up at any moment, with anyone. It's just them that aren't able to.

And, excuse me for being one of the few people that voices their heart instead of their mind.

Yep, I told you to stop being a kid.

And from what I noticed, you rigged the tourney.

No need to deny it.

go suck on fucking maple syrup. and that was from my mind.

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@ Nightmare: I'm assuming you were too busy typing that previous post to see the other one.

Right now I think:

Swordmaster: You're acting a little too smug. Whether intentional or not, it's still comes off a little arrogant.

Nightmare: He is trying to listen to what you have to say. Even though he's being smug about it, I'd like you to calm down a little.

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swordmaster, I am a kid?? wow I didn't know that.

I rigged my tournment? i wouldn't of rigged my tournment, I worked hard to make that tournment work.

Edited by The L
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I'm not on a high horse. Flaming channel operators is strictly against the rules, but I was kind enough not to ban you.

And stating the truth? Believe me, you don't know the first thing about me. If you think you do, you're an idiot. I'm not who I seem to be.

Little disputes, eh? Who's the arrogant egotist now? Besides that, I was never a jerk to you. I joked with you a few times, but I never was serious.

Is it really that hard to wonder why? I think it's pretty obvious.

Riiiight...well, I don't like you, not after you started acting like an ignorant douchebag. And I'm taking this up with you. We don't seem to be having any problems here.

Mockingly? Assuming stuff, I see.

It's ironic how you, the master of assumptions, is accusing me of assuming. The way you worded that sentence, it seemed like you liked to act before thinking. If anything, it's your fault for having erroneous grammar, thus making me assume things.

I doubt your reasons are good enough, what with your flawed logic and all.

Again, accusing and assuming. I was merely stating a point, not being condescending. You're just trying to find that which does not exist.

On a related side-note, I love how you ignored most of my arguments or came back with pitifully weak ones of your own. Just proves my point.

So, having disrespectful channel operators is right? How sad.

By the sounds of you second little comment, it seems like you have a major complex going on. How amusing (inside joke).

Just to summarize your little argument. It goes either way. There must be some assumption on the net.

I apologize if I assumed wrong, oh well.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that you really like making insulting remarks, hidden in your words. Who's the one who's flaming now?


I love arguments, they're quite fun half the time. They're like mini, personal debates.

L, wait to be discriminating. How fun.

Really, Serene, you don't have a bone to pick with me?

Oh, L, excuse me for being the one who didn't mind you so much during that time.

Edited by Swordmaster
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So, having disrespectful channel operators is right? How sad.

By the sounds of you second little comment, it seems like you have a major complex going on. How amusing (inside joke).

Just to summarize your little argument. It goes either way. There must be some assumption on the net.

I apologize if I assumed wrong, oh well.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that you really like making insulting remarks, hidden in your words. Who's the one who's flaming now?


I love arguments, they're quite fun half the time. They're like mini, personal debates.

L, wait to be discriminating. How fun.

Really, Serene, you don't have a bone to pick with me?

Well until you said that anyways

Listen here, your new, get over it, or shut up. I don't like bitchy people as much as anyone else

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Hey look Vincent is reading this talk more swordmaster.

I noticed, thank you very much.

Serene, what do you mean? I'm not that new? (Compared to other new members.)

And how the heck am I being bitchy? I'm not the one who's made a huge deal over this topic and most things in general.

Usually, I'm pretty easy going if you haven't noticed.

Edited by Swordmaster
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Again you're assuming...

Your post made little sense, anyway, so I won't be wasting my time on it, since you don't even seem to read what I say. You're just further proving my point(s), but I'm sure you're fine with that.

But tell me: why did you suddenly start acting hostile towards me the other day?

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Swordmaster, please acting all smug. It's quite irritating and will only add to the flames.

The L: I didn't see any post that explained that you would stop flaming. Please stop. It's not helping.

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Swordmaster, please acting all smug. It's quite irritating and will only add to the flames.

The L: I didn't see any post that explained that you would stop flaming. Please stop. It's not helping.

Lyle, I am sorry but no I will not he called me a kid and that pissed me off!

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I noticed, thank you very much.

Serene, what do you mean? I'm not that new? (Compared to other new members.)

And how the heck am I being bitchy? I'm not the one who's made a huge deal over this topic and most things in general.

Usually, I'm pretty easy going if you haven't noticed.

Sounds like someone is being an ass as we speak.

*spits water on computer screen laughing at the bold*

Sorry but I couldn't help that one. EASYGOING? No way.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news. Meredith was hit by a car. It happened this morning in the parking lot. I took her to the hospital, the doctors tried to save her life. They did the best that they could. ...And she is going to be okay. I was able to be on the scene so quickly... because I was in the car that hit her.

Guess what. I have faults. What are they? Oh I don't know. I sing in the shower? Sometimes I volunteer too much time? Occasionally, I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, wait - don't sue me. That's the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.

I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious. Myth: Three Americans die every year from rabies. Fact: Four Americans die every year die from rabies. So that is why I have decided to sponsor the first annual Hanz J. Weasel's Serenes Forest Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For The Cure.

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