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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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The girl is stealing the "guy"'s ice cream.

Now i cant tell if the blue haired one is a guy or not...........

Dont tell me....YOU HAVENT WATCH "MACROSS FRONTIER"??????????? :o OMG!!!!

btw, the blue one is a guy althought he called "hime"(princess).......

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Snow_Storm, you're sad because I voted you

You /know/ you're way more suspicious than Will

I mean, why would I hae voted my own mafia buddy off? Your logic makes no sense. I mean, TLS wasn't invilved in Bianchi's death when I thouhgt he was..


you guys i think snow's more suspicious than Will olololol

but then again who knows

Edited by Bizz
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Matt: So one day I was going about my usual business like having sex with hot bisexual supermodels who vaguely resemble movie stars when TLS came up to me and he was all like "Dude what are you doing" So I was like "What the fuck does it look like I'm doing, I'm having sex with hot bisexual supermodels" and he was like "I can see that but why are you haveing sex with hot bisexual supermodels on my lawn" then Gatrie came up and he was all like "Tea, Crumpets, Twat, Macould, Cheerio" and I was all like "Dude you are so british" and he was like "Well your so American" and then TLS was like "would you guys get off my lawn" well my first instinct was to stab him but I'm an American before I'm a Puerto Rican so I decided to take vote on it, Sothe said no, I said yes and Gat didn't really give half a flying fuck, which is a REALLY morbid image if you put your mind to it, So I decided to keep going and then TLS was like "I'm calling the cops" then I reverted to my original plan at which point TLS was like "Jesus, where did you get a knife" and I was like "Shut up you little...what the fuck is that a helmet" then TLS was all like "That's best left up to your imagination" then I was like "I will fucking cut you" then Gat was like guys we shouldn't be fighting we should bemakeing a super awesome Trinity, then I was like "Cool" at which point I cut TLS, then Gat was like "YOU FUKING IDIOT" then I was like "STFU" and then I hit him with my EMP even though I didn't even know they had those here, and he was all like "Ow" so then after picking them up from the hospital and six hours of them beating me with their very hospitalistsic apparel, Gat was all like "So do you wanna do that Trinity thing now" And I was all like "yeah you make the damn topic" Then space vikings with laser cocks came out of fucking nowhere, and TLS was all like "WE MUST FIGHT TO SAVE HUMANITY" and then Gat was all "Fuck that" then Gat went to Englend which is where people go to escape Space Vikings, then I blew em' all up with my EMP and then The Viking leader who actually kind of looked like Bill Cosby was like "RAR" Then I was like "There will be no Space Vikinging on my watch" then he was like "Did you just add that word to the english language" then I was like "Yeah fuck you" then I shot him in the balls with my Spartan laser and he exploded into a hundred pieces and the force knocked me into a huge pile of lesbians who some times go straight for massive orgies, and they were like "You saved us from the space vikings" and I was like "FUCK YEAH"

TLS: Wait dude, I don't mind you telling the story but could I have three to four Lesbians?

Matt: YOU CAN HAVE...Two lesbians.

Gatrie: Can I have some?

Matt: You can have four.

TLS: Why does he get more lesbians then me?

Matt: I've known him longer.

Gat: Yeah suck on that.

Matt: And that is how I defeated the Midget god-

TLS: I thought you said it was Space Viking-

Matt: Shut up, So that is how I saved Humanity and was named the greatest thing alive with the biggest Penis ever in the world, the end. And THAT your honor is why we had to defile your 17 -Year old daughter.

Judge: Three Years minimum.

Matt: FUCK!!!!

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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