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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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it was my brother and he said no.

Psht. He's a poser and a wimp then. Lol.

Go find your own porn. It's not like it takes much effort.

It's not about the porn itself, it's about how he said it was pretty much impossible that Knife was coming back, and now that he is, Serene is welching out of his bet.

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Psht. He's a poser and a wimp then. Lol.

It's not about the porn itself, it's about how he said it was pretty much impossible that Knife was coming back, and now that he is, Serene is welching out of his bet.

No Lyle, I'm just someone who will not do things he says. Like I normally do. It's called lying not being a pansy. And besides if you want it I'll get it to you tomorrow when I get incontact with a friend of mine

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Screen Name: Faiya

Real Name: Bishop-Kellee Esau-Herman Lampart. (THAT'S RIGHT.) It's not like you guys are gonna stalk me, my name is already on the interwebs XD.

Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 7th 1991

Gender: mail Male

Location: Oakton, Virginia

Favorite Game: It's impossible to narrow down.

Favorite Food: Worlds I eat everything. Probably sushi if forced to choose...

Favorite Phrase: Whatever emo love song happened to have a line that made me sad.

Favorite Band: I'm no sure... Probably "Cake" or "The Cure"

Favorite Song: It changes. I guess I'll go with "He's Going the Distance" by Cake

Favorite Book: Once again, not sure... I'll have to go with The Chocolate War, books one and two. Intense when I was younger. Or maybe Things Not Seen... I DUNNO!!!

Favorite Anime: Ranma 1/2. Been watching it since before I can remember.

Orientation: Straight.

Future Career: Computer Engineer?

Crowds or Solitude?: Crowds. Solitude makes me think, and thinking makes me sad :(

Leader of Follower?: Both. Depends on my current laziness levels...

Turn Ons?: HUGZ!!!! Kisses. Hugs. Holding hands. Cuddling. Hugs. Red hair. Long Hair or short hair, just so long as I can mess around with it. Nice boobs, not just big ones. A girl whose presence makes me happy, regardless of what we're doing. Giving love and getting it back. Waking up to see a person you love :D

Turn Offs?: Disrespectful people. Guys. Ignorance. Close-minded people*CoughcoughKIBAcoughcough*. Being hated for no intelligible reason.

Friendly?: If you're a friend of my friend, I will hug you. Heck, even if I barely know you. That tell you anything?

Relationship?: I'm currently looking for prey a girlfriend...

Favorite Candy: POCKY and Green Tea Kit-Kats

Anything Else?: I LOVE HUGS XD

YOU FRIGGIN EMO. Why am i posting this if ur sitting right infront of me playing a game? Cuz i can.

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No Lyle, I'm just someone who will not do things he says. Like I normally do. It's called lying not being a pansy. And besides if you want it I'll get it to you tomorrow when I get incontact with a friend of mine

Psht. Sugarcoat it all you want, I still call you a pansy.

And I don't really want the porn. It's not about that at all.

At the very least, you should admit that you wimped out.

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No I didn't I don't have the URL I was going to show you guys memorized and one of my friends does (don't ask)

...I'm very tempted to ask, but you said not to.



*Says nothing.*

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Anything Else?: Im overprotective of my sister

Same here...I beat up my sister's teacher for telling her to shut up.

That teacher was asking for a beating... :angry:

Actually I get pist if anyone says anything to my sis...

Edited by Luxord
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I'll just post what was in the other topic.

Online name: Toa Lord Sothe

Real name: Anthony

DoB: 10/17

Favourite FE Game: FE9

Favourite Game (other than FE): Sonic Chronicles

Favourite FE Character: Zihark

Least Favourite game: GTA series

Sports: Baseball, Gameing

Online friends: You Guys!!!

Favourite music: Any form of Rock

Favourite artist/band: FotC, The Beatles, Aerosmithe

Favourite song: The Humans Are Dead~FotC

Country: USA (Barf)

MSN/Yahoo/AIM: Nope

Hobbies: Flash, Makeing Movies, MS Paint, Writeing

Good Point: Persistent, Creative, Gutsy, Fights for his Friends

Bad Point: Persistent, Angred Easily, No manner of luck at all

Anything else?: SEXCOPTER


Favorite Food or Drink: KFC

Interests: FE, Baseball, Politics, TV, SMBZ, Star Wars Battlefront, MGS, Mario, Zelda, Fan-Fics, FFtF, Gettin' Rejected

Orientation: Straight.

Background: 1/4 Italian 1/4 Irish 1/4 Mexican 1/4 Cuban, or an American take your pick.

Religious View: I believe in God no organized Religion though.

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite TV Shows: House, The Office, Get Smart, Heroes, Law and Order, Law and Order CI, Sienfeld

Favorite Books: It changes from time to time. (Currently: Beowulf)

Favorite Movie: It changes from time to time. (Currently: Ironman)

Favorite Quotes:

You either die a Hero, or live long enough to become a villain
If my blade should find it's mark you will cease to exist, and should you cut me down I will become more powerful then you could ever imagine

Political Views: Libertarian (Lul XD)

Relationship Status: Single

Dislike: Soulja Boy, Slipknot, Health Food, Most the crap the news covers, People who diss' Fire Emblem

Your Hero or Heroes: Ironman

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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Screen Name: Doom Dragon 103 (Doom103)

Real Name: Gianni Navas

Age: 16 well 15 but in 2 weeks I'm 16 XD

Date of Birth: Nov 30th 1992

Gender: Male

Location: Miami, Florida

Favorite Game: Brawl or Fire Emblem

Favorite Food: That is a good question hmmmmmmmm, idk really I love NY strip alot medium rare lol

Favorite Phrase: "The Roman Empire didn't fall, it just tripped and hasn't gotten up yet"

Favorite Band: You know until yesterday it was Linkin Park but I downloaded Breaking Benjiman Songs and idk it's close, but the composer Korda Wada owns them both

Favorite Song: InuYasha Homade (Piano)

Favorite Book: Resident Evil I

Favorite Anime: InuYasha and Death Note

Orientation: Straight

Future Career: Idk maybe a lawyer or Civil Engineer

Crowds or Solitude?: Crowds

Leader or Follower?: Depends on the situation.

Turn Ons?: Pretty face. Pretty Smile. Captivating eyes(my biggest weakness), the fact that she disagrees with me

Turn Offs?: Drugs alcohol wont shut the hell up there are more, I don't wanna get into them.

Friendly?: what?

Relationship?: I have a girl friend her name is Andrea

Favorite Candy: Dark Chocolate, Milky Way Midnight

Anything Else?: I love home theater, tv's speakers and all that

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Screen Name: Fireman

Real Name: Jesse

Age: (ask Songbird)

Date of Birth: (figure it out yourself)

Gender: Male

Location: in my house at this place

Favorite Game: (not sure)

Favorite Food: (not sure)

Favorite Phrase: "Would you prefer a lie, or the truth?"

Favorite Band: none

Favorite Song: (depends)

Favorite Book: (not sure)

Favorite Anime: (not sure)

Orientation: straight

Future Career: some high-paying job, possibly/probably a lawyer

Crowds or Solitude?: (depends)

Leader of Follower?: (depends)

Turn Ons?: cuteness, niceness, friendliness

Turn Offs?: alcohol, drugs, off-buttons

Friendly?: Perhaps.

Relationship?: single

Favorite Candy: any kind of sweet and sour candy

Anything Else?: 10,000

Today we learned nothing about fireman lol

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She's busy with school. She's around from time to time, but not nearly as much as she was. But it's something that's hard to avoid.

Oh well that explains it I guess, I mean I haven't seen here in like forever, its kinda not the forest without her

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