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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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we go downtown just to look for a fucking import store and it was an a fucking back alley and for some reason, they are open only from 3pm-6pm on mondays-thursdays. oh btw masu was with me the whole entire time, and this place was near a construction site with no people anywhere at all, this place just screams death everywhere. I decided to be mean and go inside my car and look my friend and masu outside and was tempted to leave for a while but I decided not to since he owes me money still, what would you guys do in a situation like this

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Anyone who says the N word is a douche.

Anyone and everyone I don't care if your White, Black, Mexican, Chinese or the most mixed man alive anyone who says it is a douche.


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It must be, if in California you can't publically insult Bush.

So what?

Sorry, I don't see the connection. I read that as "Africans did a lot of good, therefore I am offended by the N word."

Yeah, they shouldn't care. The government is not here to tell people what they can and can't say.

Well you said yourself we can't insult the government.

You'd be OK with a society of uneducated people?

Black people use the word daily! It means "Ignorant, unneeded" WTH!!! Why are you OK with that!?

Yet they do...

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Well you said yourself we can't insult the government.
You'd be OK with a society of uneducated people?
No, but that doesn't change my oninion on the N word.
Black people use the word daily! It means "Ignorant, unneeded" WTH!!! Why are you OK with that!?
In other contexts, it means "dude, friend, brother." Why are you not OK with that?
Yet they do...
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Well you said yourself we can't insult the government.

You'd be OK with a society of uneducated people?

Black people use the word daily! It means "Ignorant, unneeded" WTH!!! Why are you OK with that!?

Yet they do...

Lern 2 let language evolve. :P

Words change. Besides, words themselves don't really hold any special meaning. It's the context of their use, how they are used, and the intentions behind them that make all the difference. You want me to start spewing examples? YokaiKnight has it down pretty well. People should be able to say what they want. Of course, this means that I can say what I want about what they say/

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Till things died down and Till we all stop acting like this is the end of the world, I will not be posting but I will post in Fftf. It pretty bad when half the Forest yells at you for nothing, I am not trying to "get in bed with the administrators or mods I am just saying what I think and sometimes it is the same as Them. I never should of asked Jyosua to came back Because all we have done is fight. I be around to answer Pm but I will be hidden. Good day. Sorry for trying to help.

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There are two things you can do:

Put moleskin around it and make sure it doesn't get anymore irritated (what I was taught as the right thing).

Rip/poke it open and drain it (what I do).

Ugh!!! Ewie!!! That's what they did in his surgery! Dx

Oh, after an infection? Use Neosporin, or whatever the medicine is called, and squeeze the infection out.

Hm... ok... I could try that... Though since our singer is grounded for the rest of the month, we won't be doing much for a while... unless I got drum tabs... Which I think I might do. I just severely hope I won't have anything like Aaron! =D

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