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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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Actually, I just thought of something; you may not necessarily feel like reading through the "revised" script I posted for the opening scrawl, so I decided to isolate the parts that caught my attention the most. This does NOT include all the passages I would rewrite into active voice passages rather than passive voice ones; I'm just giving you some examples for the sake of brevity :P .

At the heart of the continent of Jugdral lies Grannvale, a kingdom founded by Saint Heim of the Twelve Crusaders.

Passive voice problem here. I'm not saying that EVERYTHING has to be Active voice, but you do want to grab the reader's attention while they're still new to this. That's why a lot of popular music starts off with a really strong stinger in the first five seconds before proceeding on with the rest of the melody.

Grannvale's Chancellor, Lord Reptor of House Freege, has long objected to the threat to his influence posed by Kurth and his advisors,
and has allied himself with the avaricious Lord Langbalt of House Dozel to form a faction opposed to Kurth’s rule over Grannvale.

Duuuude...that sentence is like, two lines long. Could you possibly find a way to split that? I personally wrote it as "Chancellor Reptor, ruler of House Freege, had long bucked at the Prince's authority. He felt that his authority had been compromised; he sought to challenge Kurth's reign through an alliance with the avaricious Lord Langbolt, ruler of House Dozel."

Darna, a town in the Yied Desert with deep ties to Grannvale, is now besieged by savage warriors from Isaach. Reports of a brutal massacre abound.
The news is met by the people of Grannvale with furious cries for retribution, and before long the kingdom declares war on Isaach. Prince Kurth leads Grannvale's charge on his father’s behalf, commanding the military might of the kingdom’s six houses.

Actually, it seems I was wrong about the "past vs. present" tense deal; your script does indeed commit itself to one tense. But there's the problem; present tense is kind of awkward to use when there's clearly a good deal of time passing between what's being described at the beginning of the text scrawl and what happens at the end.

For example: "Darna gets attacked, then Grandbell retaliates, then Verdane invades, then Sigurd bellows a war cry before riding off on his noble steed" shows very clear chronological progression; I don't see how one can use present tense throughout that WHOLE thing, can you?

Also...this is one passage where I took some creative liberties; if you want, you could check out the new version I wrote in the post above to see what I did. I dunno if it violates your standards of fidelity to the script, but I think it helps this opening come alive a bit.

At Kurth’s side as always is none other than Lord Byron, a highly decorated hero of peerless valor in his own right.

Overall awkward sentence. Passive voice, lack of commas in the first part of the sentence, and the phrase "in his own right" is redundant. I think the player will be more than willing to accept that Lord Bryon is, indeed, a pretty cool guy; why do we need to add a qualifier to that? Why can't we just end the sentence with, "he's a hero of peerless valour"?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Well, I have a problem.

I patched it successfully and can open it with SNES9x.

But after I press start in the main menu, the game always crashes at the same time.

This problem happens with version 2 + 7 of this patch.

So I have to ask what the cause of this problem could be.

I'm using a rom which has an (bad) English translation already.
If the choice of rom is the reason, then I know what to do.

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A little help please. I'm about to start the final chapter and it just dawned on me that Julia has 30 resistance. Lana and corple also have 30 Mag so will I still be able to silence/sleep her if her resistance is equal to my magic?

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A little help please. I'm about to start the final chapter and it just dawned on me that Julia has 30 resistance. Lana and corple also have 30 Mag so will I still be able to silence/sleep her if her resistance is equal to my magic?

I think if you give Lana or Corple a magic ring that should do the trick.

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Alright, more feedback for Mr. Holsety. I've been reviewing more of your Prologue script. I LOVE what you're doing with the dialogue of Sigurd and Co. By adding that bit of extra floofliness, you're helping the dialogue to feel just like the official localizations. And you're doing a good job of writing them that way too; I feel like I'm hearing people talk exactly the way they would if they were knights.

But, I think there are more opportunities to improve upon the main criticism I raised back when I was reviewing this on Dreamwidth. I believe you should go see how many words you can trim from the cutscenes. I get that you are trying to establish our main characters as "upper-classmen" with the fancy diction and all of that; but you have to remember, these guys HAVE to get going right then and there! Sigurd just said that Jungby was surrounded! Alec just said that they need to save the villages! Having them just standing around spouting reams and reams of dialogue seems absurd under those circumstances!

It seems like a very small thing, but when you're dealing with a script as wordy as FE4's, this is a very important skill to have. To demonstrate my point further, I have again presented a script with my revisions, alongside yours:


And again, if you're too busy to read that, I'll post some highlights:

No, milady. We might not stand a chance, but every last one of us will give our lives to protect you, right to the very end.

Midir: No, milady. We live to guard you in ALL your paths; if one leads to mortal peril, then so be it.

Noish: Perish the thought, milord! I was born a knight, and I will gladly risk dying a knight's death in your name. To allow our lord to die alone in battle would be an unspeakable disgrace. We shall be by your side, every step of the way. Alec, I trust that you're of the same mind?

Noish: Milord; I am a knight! I will gladly fight and die in your name! Allowing our lord to perish alone would be an unspeakable sin. We shall be by your side, every step of the way! Alec, are we agreed?

Alec: Yeah, of course! But there's more than just Jungby at stake. We've got to stop by the nearby villages first. Those thugs'll try to beat us to them, and they'll loot, massacre and burn them all down if they do. We've gotta get there first, and lend the locals a hand in locking the villages down and fortifying their defenses.

Alec: YEAH we are! But hey, the villages need help too. Those thugs'll loot, massacre, and burn everything alive if they beat us to 'em. We've gotta help them fortify their defenses!

Noish: Milord, what of the defence of Chalphy itself in our absence? Leaving the castle unattended is risky. Should the enemy slip past us, an unguarded castle will fall easily and spell us a swift end.

Noish: Milord, what of Chalphy itself? Should the enemy slip past us and take it in our absence, our deaths will be all but assured.

Gandolf: Kehehe...You! Not bad for being all on your lonesome, but I've had enough of your struggling!

Gandolf: Kehehe...Hey! You did good for bein' on your own. Now hurry up and die!

Starting to see what I mean, Mr. Holsety? Hopefully this helps. And again, I love the style you're going for :D !

Edited by FionordeQuester
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So, I've got something to ask. And before I do, I just want to take a moment and say that this is honestly one of the best translation patches I've ever seen! Congratulations to everyone who's helped this become a reality.

So, this isn't quite related to beta testing, but I figured this would be the best place to ask.

I've been looking into making a private FE4 hack with this translation applied instead of the old one.
I used this table file from the old translation that seemed to have brought up the weapon and character names in my chosen hex editor, but when I change them, the changes do not reflect in-game. I presume there's a different method in place now for item and character names. How would one go about this, or is this information that won't be available yet, if at all?

Edited by TheMemeMaster
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I've swapped the patch with the Ghanef one I had on a previous game just to watch the epilogue (it worked well); and I've noticed that even though Larcei was the heir to Isaac at the end of the epilogue with the map, the text used the pronoun "his" at some point "and others by his side...". (I noticed that in other place of that segment the pronoun "their" is used so I assume it was just forgotten in this one).

Edited by salinea
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To my understanding, the singular they isn't ever "wrong" unless the person does not want it used. I think this situation has the possibility of a male or female character to take that place, so if so that just makes it a little easier, not having to replace a whole other word.

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If you have a save right before finishing him off with Alec (or you can at least remember the order you attacked him with people), repeat that on an unpatched game and see what happens.

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Noticed some questionable text: If you attempt to promote a player with no future promotion, Oyfay an gen 1 says "youve already changed class. You can't do so again. Please be on your way", or Levin in gen 2 says "you can not change class more than once. Leave." Problem is, they also also say this when you attempt to promote dancers, who can never promote. (no idea if oyfay says this for diadora, who also can't promote. I dont have a chapter 1-2 save file to check).

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this goof was also present in the Japanese version.

It probably is. The old translators appear to have noticed this problem, and fixed it by making the text only reference the fact that you can't promote with out including specifics as to why not (or at least thats what i remember. I would have to reapply the old translation to check). That solution in itself is confusing though, because it resulted in many people thinking that Diadora COULD promote.

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Alright Holsety, more feedback is coming soon. I was GOING to write a tangent about how you needed to drop the cockney accents from Gandolf and co. (they had really heavy cockney accents in his original script on dreamwidth)...

But it looks like you already did that. Cool! So, guess all I can do is ask: what would you think of Gandalf saying this?


Instead of what he says now, which is this:


IMO, "Grannvale worms" sounds a little too eloquent for a thug like Gandolf. The guy has a more crass feel to him in the original script, so I'm thinking lines like that should be replaced by something a little more irreverant. And besides, I thought it was funny :P .

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