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If Nintendo turned one of the Fire Emblem Games into a Motion Picture...


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Answer all of these questions:

1. Which FE game should it be?

2, Which studio should do it?

3, Who should direct it?

4. What Creative Liberties would you be ok with?
5. Should there be a video game promotion attached?

6. What should be next if the first one is successful?

I'm thinking of how the Warcraft Movie was approached in my thinking: Recognizable to fans who know the universe but can be marketed to everyone else. In the case of Fire Emblem, it has only been widely known in the US since 2003 when Fire Emblem Blazing Sword (released as Fire Emblem for the GBA) was released. They would have to go with a game that is known to fans but like Warcraft, would bring in new fans too.

I would go with the original Fire Emblem. It would help to start with the game where it all began. Legendary Pictures is the only studio that could realistically do it as it would be a big budge film. The director could be Michael Bay (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) or Duncan Jones (Warcraft). Everyone's hair would need to be normalized but Marth's should be left blue. It can be explained in the plot by saying he wears the wig in battle instead of a helmet so everyone knows who he is on the battlefield. There could be a cross-game promotion involving Fates where you get his class + Class Skills delivered via Spotpass ala Vanguard Class.

If it does well, the next movie should be Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance + Radiant Dawn. It would be a trilogy: First movie covers all of PoR but focuses on the major plot points:

  • The movie opens with Greil getting killed by the Black Knight in their duel, which Ike witnesses. Ike vows to avenge his father and agrees to help Elincia as the new leader of the Greil Mercenaries.
  • Movie skimps through Ike meeting Cainghis, Kurthnaga and Tibarn. Their importance is clearly established.
  • The Main Plot is the Mad King's War with Ashnard but there are two secondary plots: The racism between Beorc and Laguz (setting the stage for the second movie) and Greil's past (setting the stage for the third movie).

The first movie would end with Ashnard's death and Sephrain (Lehran) foretelling Ike's role in the events of Radiant Dawn. The second movie would focus on the first half of RD:

  • The movie opens with the uprising in Daen and Michiah coming into her own as the Silver Haired Maiden. The Black Knight--long believed dead--is back and helps liberate Daein from the Begnion Empire, which seized control of the country after The Mad King's War.
  • Things shift to the civil war in Crimea. Thanks to The Greil Mercenaries, Lucia's life is saved.
  • Gallia and Phoenicis declare war on Begnion after the events of the Serenes Massacre. They spent the last few years investigating the truth using intel they got from the Greil Mercenaries. When the nobles refuse to accept responsability, war is declared (cue epic war montage).
  • The movie ends with Daein joining the fight on the side of Begnion. Due to the blood pact Michaiah unknowingly signed with a Begnion noble, she is forced to take up arms against Ike, the hero of the Mad King's war.

The movie ends with Ike and Micaiah fighting in a fort to a draw. Micaiah knows their side is in the wrong but due the the blood pact she has no choice but to lead Daein in battle against the Greil Mercenaries. The movie ends with Zelgius breaking Sephrain out of prison. The third movie would finish the story:

  • The movie would open with the previous empress of Begnion confiding in Sephrain about being one of the Branded. Lehran then tells her the story of the goddess Ashunera and the battle Altina fought against her alongside Soan and Dghensia. Then shifts Serenes Forest burning after the empress is assassinated. Unknown to even Lehran, the true heir to the throne Micaiah is missing. Her younger sister is crowned empress in her place.
  • The scene shifts to the epic fight before Ashera's Judgement. Sephrain awakens Ashera, who petrifies everyone who doesn't have Yune's protection. At this, Ike and Micaiah join forces to take on a common enemy.
  • Secrets of the past are revealed as Yune's forces travel to Begnion. Kurthnaga and Ina travel separately to Goldoa and are shocked to find their people are all missing.
  • Sanaki realizes while traveling with Micaiah she's her older sister and the true heir to Begnion.
  • Ike doesn't find out the Black Knight's identity until he meets him in person.
  • When Sephrain is confronted, his true identity is also revealed. Ranulf doesn't randomly spoil it like in the game.
  • The Dragon King reveals to the Heroes of Tellius he was the one who rewrote history on purpose to avoid the very situation they were now in.
  • As the group confronts Ashera, Yune tells Ike once she's struck down, the two will become one again.

After the war, it's revealed Soren was actually Ashnard's son and the true heir to Daein's throne. Soren declines Micaiah's offer to take the throne saying she's better suited for the task. Sanaki interjects saying she was hoping he'd accept so she could ask her sister to take her place as the true empress of Begnion. Lehran interjects, saying some rules are meant to be broken. It was a lesson he learned watching her grow and especially after meeting Ike.

It would be a massive undertaking if this trilogy happened but it would look awesome in my book. As you can see, I clearly gave this some thought. LOL.

...Finally: I apologize if this topic has been done to death.

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Probably one of the earlier games, as they're like the only ones short enough to fit into a two to three hour film without major condensing. I'd personally go with Shadow Dragon.

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Nah, not a movie. Also, don't adapt Tellius. Adapt Akaneia. The latter doesn't have the story development it deserves and a show would do wonders for giving more nuance to the setting and story.

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I said movie, not show. The right studio could make Tellius work. I also think there is enough material in the source games to make a decient trilogy. It would be a fantasy epic and each film would be at least two, maybe three hours long. Studios these days like to max out at 250 mins including the credits. A straight to DVD/Blu-Ray release would be a viable Plan B.

...All the rest would be Anime at the least or live-action 45 to 60 minute series. Fates would have 3 different stories more than likely if they don't go with just Revelations. Sacred Stones would split the story as well.

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Like the others have said a show fits fire emblem better. Most viable reason for this is just because of the huge cast of character the game contains. Making a movie would just force the directors to cut some characters off. But just to answer all your questions.

1. Which FE game should it be? Idk I feel while Awakening would be the most possible choice but I do think PoR would just make a better story even though characters will be cut off or have minimal screen time with a rushed story.

2, Which studio should do it? Well tbf I doubt nintendo would do it live-action considering they aim to animate their franchise films and most likely be "anime" I would feel Production I.G or Madhouse might feel like the best choices (Plz no A-1 Pictures).

3, Who should direct it? Either Nintendo themselves or Ei Aoki for his direction to the Fantastic anime Fate/Zero.

4. What Creative Liberties would you be ok with? Well cutting off side-quest characters like Donnel will no doubt be present. Some will hate it some will be ok with it. Considering it would be their only choice I'll be okay even though they can avoid this by doing a series.
5. Should there be a video game promotion attached? A remastered version of a game say PoR would be pretty good just look how well the new Ratchet & Clank performed.

6. What should be next if the first one is successful? Doing another franchise they can't milk FE forever lmao.

I'm pretty sure everyone would shit on FE if it was live-action

Prime Example:

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Tellius is generally agreed to be the best story in the series, so of course this one should be a movie/anime series! I'd love to see my favorite mercenary hero kick some ass in TV episodes. <3

And whoever makes it, I hope they give him a better ending than RD did, perhaps involved with a certain Crimean princess/queen we all know and love, romantic or not.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, Archanea needs to stay away from the garbage that is Awakening's story...

Oh yeah, and if I had to pick who would make this Tellius movie, it'd be Disney, no brainer. PoR in particular has some elements that would fit right into the Disney world, imo. A young hero going to the aid of the beautiful princess and fighting for her and all. And I know they tend to be aimed at kids, but I doubt Disney would water the movie down to be more kid-friendly since they've done stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean (which is just creepyass stuff, imo. o.o) and the live action Inspector Gadget movie (it has murder and such). They have plenty of experience with medieval fantasy too, even down to dragons and magic.

And on top of all this, Disney and Nintendo seem to have a friendly enough relationship given that the former has been releasing games on Nintendo consoles for years, and Disney Art Academy was just released for the 3DS (it was also advertised in the most recent Nintendo Direct).

I actually plan to draw Ike and Elincia in a Disney style to show how this could look.

Edited by Anacybele
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im biased and say Elibe. But realistically, i think Akaneia being more iconic for the series would be the best bet. Show us a very fleshed out but fun movie version of Marth's adventures.

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I don't think FE is fit for the cinema, but if they were to make a film the only options are Archanea, Awakening, and Fates.

Uh, there are other FE games besides those, you know.

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I am speaking from a practical sense of course, I have played every game in the series.

Yet, if the only most popular and well-known and best-selling FE games were always taken into account, I doubt we would've ever seen Ike or Roy in Smash.

I'm not saying Awakening/Fates/Archanea isn't likely. It is pretty likely given the current track record of FE representation in media. But I wouldn't completely discount the idea of a Tellius or Elibe or even Magvel related movie/anime if one were to happen.

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If tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars are going to be invested in a film (or series of films),they will make sure to pick something that get them the highest ROI. That's why their options are limited to heavy hitters like Archanea, Awakening, and Fates. If we want to discuss these types of scenarios we should at least strive to be realistic about them.

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Tellius is generally agreed to be the best story in the series, so of course this one should be a movie/anime series! I'd love to see my favorite mercenary hero kick some ass in TV episodes. <3

And whoever makes it, I hope they give him a better ending than RD did, perhaps involved with a certain Crimean princess/queen we all know and love, romantic or not.

I'd say there are much more important changes to be had, like fixing the BK reveal, making Ashnard present more, fixing the writing surrounding the Dawn Brigade, making Elincia's character arc more prominent, etc.

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I think FE is more suited to an anime series or mini-series as opposed to a movie, but I could see a movie based on FE1/11 happening, its simple enough and doesn't have all that many plot points so you could have some creative liberties and see how people like it.

Edited by Jedi
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From a practical standpoint it would have to be either Shadow Dragon or Mystery of the Emblem - they're the only two that are simple enough to be able to be condensed into an hour and a half to two hour movie, and even Mystery might be stretching it.

As for live action vs. animation... we'll have answers once the Warcraft film comes out, lol. If that's well done then I think FE could work out as live action... I'd honestly be a bit concerned about a full length 3D animated film due to the sheer amount of assets and characters that would have to be made. If this was to be real they'd have to cut down the cast of any game considerably since otherwise it wouldn't be a realistic project at all. Of course since this is like a dream world I'd love a full 3D animated movie in the style of Fates's cutscenes.

I think the newer games would be better suited as anime/TV shows, since they're more character driven. I'd hate to see key characters get shafted because there's not enough screentime (and a show might let some of the minor ones shine, too).

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I'd say there are much more important changes to be had, like fixing the BK reveal, making Ashnard present more, fixing the writing surrounding the Dawn Brigade, making Elincia's character arc more prominent, etc.

Nah, aside from the DB part, I think all those things were just fine as they are. But to each their own and all.

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Nah, aside from the DB part, I think all those things were just fine as they are. But to each their own and all.

Okay, you seriously consider the BK reveal to be fine? There are so many great ways you can reveal that, free of the limitations of games. For example, while I can't take credit for the idea, how about having Ranulf tell Ike but not the audience? That way the audience can be kept in suspense.

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Yeah, because while the BK reveal was seemingly sudden and out of nowhere, it makes complete sense and there isn't really any other reasonable way to pull it off.

Think about it: Ranulf figured Zelgius out because he had confronted the BK in PoR and then Zelgius in RD. Ranulf is a cat laguz, he had to have been able to match the scents and movements/fighting style. It wouldn't have made sense for that not to happen given how smart Ranulf is. And then Ranulf is one of Ike's best pals. I can't at all see him keeping something like this a secret from Ike. Ranulf is nicer than that. He could tell him off screen, but then I feel like the tower scene would've been less emotional for Ike and Zelgius.

It might not seem like it at first, but the BK reveal made sense in the story context and was pretty cleverly done.

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Yeah, because while the BK reveal was seemingly sudden and out of nowhere, it makes complete sense and there isn't really any other reasonable way to pull it off.

Think about it: Ranulf figured Zelgius out because he had confronted the BK in PoR and then Zelgius in RD. Ranulf is a cat laguz, he had to have been able to match the scents and movements/fighting style. It wouldn't have made sense for that not to happen given how smart Ranulf is. And then Ranulf is one of Ike's best pals. I can't at all see him keeping something like this a secret from Ike. Ranulf is nicer than that. He could tell him off screen, but then I feel like the tower scene would've been less emotional for Ike and Zelgius.

It might not seem like it at first, but the BK reveal made sense in the story context and was pretty cleverly done.

Then don't have Ranulf find out at all. Or at least have it be done in a way that can be shown not told. It might be more emotional for Ike and Zelgius if they had any screen time together that wasn't professional in some way. Having Zelgius be more of a character in POR would go a long way towards giving the reveal more of an emotional impact.
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