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There's a lot more high Res units in Fates.

Someone else who hates Sanaki? I'm finally not alone.

I think that's less to do with her character and more to do with how useful her cards are in a game of Cipher, based on the wording.

Oh no, the infection is spreading! Sanaki defense force, to me!

She's cute I guess, and surprisingly mature.
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Sanaki's honor is being insulted in my absence?!


Indeed. I think she's a well written character, and has reasons for being a brat, but still a brat. To be fair, my assessment is based on when we meet her in PoR and the chapters following. She toys with Elinicia when she had no real reason to, other than to be childish. She puts herself and her entire army/navy in danger by playing hide and seek on her boat. She doesn't do enough to redeem herself later on, in my opinion of her.

Since she's not an enemy, and I'm supposed to like her, since she on our side, that doesn't sit well with me.

She wasn't as bad in RD, and it was fun seeing Sephiran break her heart.

I think that's less to do with her character and more to do with how useful her cards are in a game of Cipher, based on the wording.She's cute I guess, and surprisingly mature.

I'm not sure if I'd call her cute. She seems to have a case of resting bitch face.

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yes, PoR's portraits were not particularly amazing so pretty much everyone but like Marcia looks absolutely standoffish

Kita's artstyle overall was okay but nothing particularly special. People say that Kozaki has same face, but Kita's women had pretty much the exact same structure

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Sanaki's honor is being insulted in my absence?!


yeah no joke, right? Sanaki is amazing. It is truly an unpopular opinion to find her annoying/bad/not good. She freaking plays everyone, including the Senate at one point. When the Senate turns on her in RD, she deems it necessary to K I C K A S S. <333

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yes, PoR's portraits were not particularly amazing so pretty much everyone but like Marcia looks absolutely standoffish

her's looked standoffish because it looked like she was touching herself all the time with her hand positioning.

i know we've all had that dirty joke about her convo of sighing really loudly and it being typed like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" with closed eyes.

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her's looked standoffish because it looked like she was touching herself all the time with her hand positioning.

i know we've all had that dirty joke about her convo of sighing really loudly and it being typed like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" with closed eyes.

Dammit, why did you say that?!

Now, I won't be able to unsee it!

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Sanaki's honor is being insulted in my absence?!



Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Thane. Your sad devotion to that popular opinion hasn't given you the credibility enough to sway our opinion, nor has it given you reason enough for us to see Sanaki as anything other than a twerp with no filter and even less power.

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could you like, not use giant meme images

not every response needs meme images

one more unpopular opinion I have though is probably that Tellius's gameplay is why I play it and that the story is nothing special outside of RD Part 1

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You ready for this?

I don't think Leon was being a jerk or especially bigoted for not initially approving of his son's cross dressing. Just because it's someone's right to dress how they want to doesn't mean people can't or won't judge them for it. If I wore a dominatrix suit everywhere I went, I wouldn't think my parents were bigoted if they told me my behavior embarrassed them. Forrest is also the son of royalty, so his reputation, as well as his father's is a pretty big deal.

I know characters exist in a separate anime world where their quirky personalities such as a penchant for murdering your servants aren't judged by society but it's weirder that people DON'T have a problem with Forrest.

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You ready for this?

I don't think Leon was being a jerk or especially bigoted for not initially approving of his son's cross dressing. Just because it's someone's right to dress how they want to doesn't mean people can't or won't judge them for it. If I wore a dominatrix suit everywhere I went, I wouldn't think my parents were bigoted if they told me my behavior embarrassed them. Forrest is also the son of royalty, so his reputation, as well as his father's is a pretty big deal.

I know characters exist in a separate anime world where their quirky personalities such as a penchant for murdering your servants aren't judged by society but it's weirder that people DON'T have a problem with Forrest.

>comparing female-oriented clothes to bdsm-wear

anyone who disapproves of Forrest's choice of clothes is bigoted

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>comparing female-oriented clothes to bdsm-wear

anyone who disapproves of Forrest's choice of clothes is bigoted

Leon isn't upset that his son doesn't play football and love chugging beer. Cross-dressing is a whole 'nother level of breaking gender-roles and would be controversial even in modern society.

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Leon isn't upset that his son doesn't play football and love chugging beer. Cross-dressing is a whole 'nother level of breaking gender-roles and would be controversial even in modern society.

Okay, but gender roles are still a concept that is mutually sexist towards men and women, and they are incredibly archaic as well.

Leo literally has issue with how his child expresses himself. While I see no issue with someone going out in skimpy clothing, that's still a different ball game. Forrest's clothes aren't even that different. He might be judged in today's society, but that doesn't make it right for him to be judged.

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>comparing female-oriented clothes to bdsm-wear

anyone who disapproves of Forrest's choice of clothes is bigoted

Seriously, please tell me you don't actually believe this. Leo has VERY justified reasons for disapproving of his son's dressing habits, and it doesn't help AT ALL that Fates lacks any real worldbuilding to the point where we have no way of truly knowing if Forrest's actions should be praised or despised, so in that scenario, I'm going to take what little I know and side with Leo. Call me a bigoted asshole if you want, hell, I probably am, but saying Leo's actions are purely because he's a bigot are just plain wrong, ESPECIALLY considering at least 2 groups of people revolt against the very royal family whose image Leo has to maintain.

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Cross-dressing is generally frowned upon by many members of modern society. Especially male-female.

Like, you don't see males walking about in poofy dresses very often for a reason. Though my dad said I would be able to wear poofy dresses if I was male when I asked, he also lacks any sons...

I don't blame Leo at all either, though dresses/pretty clothing are for women is more of a recent aspect of society iirc. Males wore poofy and fancy clothes of a slightly different type in middle aged Europe.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Okay, but gender roles are still a concept that is mutually sexist towards men and women, and they are incredibly archaic as well.

Leo literally has issue with how his child expresses himself. While I see no issue with someone going out in skimpy clothing, that's still a different ball game. Forrest's clothes aren't even that different. He might be judged in today's society, but that doesn't make it right for him to be judged.

It's all personal expression, whether that means something as provocative as fetish apparel or something as 'mundane' as a dude wearing a skirt. Each society and person is going to have their own values but we'd be lying if we insisted we were tolerant of all behavior. If I wore a bright neon-suit to a funeral "THIS is how I mourn!" would not be accepted. Hell, in my work-place, even visible tattoos and brightly dyed hair are considered faux-pas.

ESPECIALLY considering at least 2 groups of people revolt against the very royal family whose image Leo has to maintain.

I know you didn't mean this, but I had a giggle at imagining Cheve and the Ice Tribe revolting because they don't like the way Forrest dresses.

Stop cross-dressing tyranny!

Edited by NekoKnight
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NekoKnight, I understand the point you're trying to make with the comparison, but one's casual attire and how one dresses to a formal occasion are two very different things. Forrest's outfit is, as far as I can tell, casual attire or at least clothing that's not dictated by the expectations of any particular occasion. It's understandable that Leo, as someone who grew up in a world that likely has gender roles and standards very much like our own, would react less than positively to Forrest's choice of dress, but that doesn't mean that the reaction was good or justified. It's completely natural to be put off by something that's unfamiliar to you, or that you've been taught to have an aversion to, and I don't think Leo is a horrible person for it, but I do think that using gender as a basis for any sort of expectations of other people is something that we as a species need to set aside and move past, because it really does far more harm than good.

Also, the difference between BDSM gear and how Forrest dresses is that BDSM gear would be inappropriate for anybody to wear in public, regardless of their gender. It is intrinsically overtly sexual in nature, and not to mention very frequently so revealing as to be grounds for a public indecency charge. What Forrest wears, on the other hand, are regular, if somewhat fancy, clothes that would be perfectly acceptable for a woman to wear as she went about her day, but because Forrest is a guy, apparently it's suddenly unacceptable for him to wear perfectly normal and tasteful casual wear just because it's "for girls".

A good example of how arbitrary these things are that immediately comes to mind for me are kilts. The difference between a kilt and a skirt is mostly a semantic one. I'm sure you could come up with a list of minutiae that distinguish kilts from skirts, but the fact remains that they are both single-piece tube-shaped cloth garments worn around the hips to cover up the pelvic and upper leg regions. Certainly, the patterns on them, the type of fabric used, etc. may often differ, and kilts are wraparound while skirts are generally made in the circular shape to begin with, but conceptually, they're essentially the same garment, with the only differences between the garments themselves being negligible. I'm sure you could find a number of other examples of garments or other fashion or self-presentation choices that many societies would consider intrinsically-feminine that are considered gender-neutral or even masculine in their native cultures (or vice-versa!). A lot of the clothes we view as "masculine" or "feminine", we only view that way because that's how our culture uses them, and that's how we're raised to look at them.

anyone who disapproves of Forrest's choice of clothes is bigoted

I understand where you're coming from, and I agree about it being a very harmful and unsavory attitude, but it's important to understand that jumping right into attacking somebody is the quickest way to completely shut down their willingness to actually listen to what you have to say, whether you're actually right or not be damned.
Venting your feelings and frustrations is all well and good, but it's in your own best interests to keep your venting separate from the points you try to make to other people. At least, if it's important to you that you're actually being successful at changing people's minds about things. This isn't a matter of tone policing or respectability politics, it's just human psychology.
Edited by Topaz Light
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NekoKnight, I believe it's better if you put it this way:

"I can understand why Leo didn't approve of Forrest, but that doesn't mean that Leo's treatment of Forrest was right." Or something like that?

Personally, my opinion on this is the same as Topaz Light's.

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As much as I can agree with the points stated, I think you guys are looking a bit too deep into the Forrest clothing issue. Leo wanted a son that conformed to a pretty normal masculine ideal, Forrest didn't do that so there was an issue. Leo also wasn't really there to guide Forrest into wearing manlier clothes since time shenanigans in the Deeprealms and being probably the most absent father of the lot so that didn't help. Adjusting that easily isn't really something people do so it's pretty surprising how quickly he warmed up to the idea but I can see how this situation could take place.

I guess that's my unpopular opinion.

That said the faceless need pants or something, they truly have BDSM gear passing for... attire?

Edited by Raguna
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NekoKnight, I believe it's better if you put it this way:

"I can understand why Leo didn't approve of Forrest, but that doesn't mean that Leo's treatment of Forrest was right." Or something like that?

Personally, my opinion on this is the same as Topaz Light's.

Hm, not quite. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to have certain expectations of your children. I'm not saying I'd disown a child for not matching up to my expectations, but cross-dressing would be a pretty distressing passion, I think. Again, each culture and individual has their own values, so I won't tell anyone that they should agree with my views.

My point of contention with the general view is that people are projecting modern, liberal values onto the personal relationships of people living in what is presumably a more traditional society. It's reasonable, especially for Leo, to have high expectations of how his son behaves considering they are royalty and have an image to maintain.

That said the faceless need pants or something, they truly have BDSM gear passing for... attire?

Stop slut-shaming the Faceless. They don't dress that way for YOU.

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Hm, not quite. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to have certain expectations of your children. I'm not saying I'd disown a child for not matching up to my expectations, but cross-dressing would be a pretty distressing passion, I think. Again, each culture and individual has their own values, so I won't tell anyone that they should agree with my views.

My point of contention with the general view is that people are projecting modern, liberal values onto the personal relationships of people living in what is presumably a more traditional society. It's reasonable, especially for Leo, to have high expectations of how his son behaves considering they are royalty and have an image to maintain.

It isn't necessarily wrong to have certain types of expectations for your children, but it is wrong to treat your children as though you own them, or as though they're otherwise some sort of extension of yourself. I don't know about you, but I would say that forcing or pressuring your child to conform to standard gender roles and expectations is an abuse of your power as a parent. Your child should be free to express themself and be themself, so long as it's not hurting anyone. Parents being vocally-disapproving of harmless habits or traits their children may have does damage the self-esteem of the kids, as well as their trust in the parent in question. It also teaches them the same prejudice you hold that causes you to disapprove of the thing you're discouraging. It's demonstrably not a good way to treat your kids, no matter what your values are.

I think you're misassessing the situation just a teensy bit. I don't really think anybody's saying that it's not understandable or that it doesn't make sense for Leo to react the way he does; they're saying that however understandable it may be, it doesn't make that an okay way to react. For example, witch hunts and burning people at the stake without even any sort of fair trial used to be a totally socially-acceptable practice. Nowadays, of course, we realize that this was an absolutely abominable thing to do, much less condone as normal or even commendable behavior. Now, I'm not saying that murdering people in cruel and unusual ways in cold blood is remotely equivalent to simply vocally objecting to somebody's choice of clothing, but the general principle is that bad or harmful behavior is not somehow less bad or harmful when it takes place in a society that condones or encourages it.

This is also insinuating that "crossdressing", for lack of a better shorthand term, is in any way poor or negative behavior. It isn't harming anyone, it isn't intrinsically disrespectful to those one interacts with, and any issues people take with it are squarely in the court of the person doing the issue-taking, so to speak. To say otherwise would be the same as objecting to somebody else loving Mexican restaurants just because you personally don't like them. You're free to not like them and not eat at them, but when you start telling or pressuring others to do the same, whether directly or passively, then you start stepping out of line.

And of course, you're also making the classic mistake of assuming that a world that's technologically- and (tenuously) aesthetically-based on the real-world medieval era would necessarily have to be the same in all of its social attitudes, as well. It's a fantasy setting that doesn't at all have to adhere to the way the real world was at the equivalent point in its development. For example, Corrin, Niles, and Rhajat can form same-gender romantic relationships that are presumably not in secret and not be executed or ostracized for it, which in itself is a sign that Fates' world has at least a somewhat more progressive social climate than ours did at the equivalent point in time.

Edited by Topaz Light
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I don't really like how the parent-child relationships were handled in Fates, and think all the parents are horrible people for abandoning their children in the Babyrealms.

Regarding Leo and Forrest, I don't fault Leo too much for his initial disgust with how his son acts. He's only known his son for like a week, so he hasn't really had a chance to have it sink in, as it he likely would have seen his son gradually grow into the young adult he is. Coupled with the idea of family honor, since royal lives are very public, so pretty much anything a prince does will undergo scrutiny. Being born a royal gives the kids a certain degree of responsibility, and cross dressing may imply a sort of foppish dandyism that might make people believe he isn't taking his royal duties seriously. Not fair perhaps, but it's often been a charge leveled against unsavory rulers, like Caligula.

That being said, I do think Leo should let Forrest be his own man. I let my son, Leo (he was named that before Fates came out), play however he likes and don't try to make him feel bad, if he plays with girl toys. He definitely favors playing with his cars, but he also likes playing with the old dolls at his grandma's, and he likes playing dress up. (Which mostly involves him trying to put on my clothes when I'm doing laundry or him putting his feet in my shoes and trying to walk around.)

Figured I might as well state it: I've seen very few people view Wolt as their favorite Fire Emblem character.

He gets overshadowed by other characters, adorable as he is.

I like Wolt and his mom, both. Although I've seen very people have strong feelings one way or another towards Wolt, so I'm not sure if that's an unpopular opinion, or just neutrally uncommon.

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