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Feldmarschall Rommel on: Alcohol

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When I was 2-3, my parents had to be careful at not leaving beers on the table because I would take them and try to drink it.

The first time I drank a whole beer I was 15. (On christmas day) (The legal age here is 18)


I like beer but I somewhat dislike red wine.

Also I don't drink very much, only around christmas/new year and a part of summer. (End of June to beginning of July)

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I'm almost 25 in a few days, and I absolutely hate drinking. My friend once tricked me into drinking apple cider, and I thought I was drinking apple juice instead. The liquid burned the heck out of my mouth and throat. I don't want to imagine what that does to my stomach.

The only drink I kinda liked was Voda mixed with Red Bull, though I read a while ago that it can actually be a dangerous mixture? It's not like I drank it in the past few years, but I'll definitely not touch it anymore now.

But I'm also advised not to drink alcohol due to my stomach issues. But even if I didn't have that, I still wouldn't drink alcohol. I'd also rather spend my money on something more... lasting.

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I started drinking in college like most kids do, and quickly learned my taste and tolerance levels. I cannot stand cheap alcohol of any kind--hence why I don't drink nearly like I used to. The college atmosphere certainly didn't help matters, because I happened to be good friends with the people who threw the best parties at my school (orientation leaders, acapella groups, and theatre majors). I was quite the drinker, especially sophomore and junior years, when I was much heavier--I could handle more alcohol. Nowadays since I don't party like I used to my alcohol consumption has lessened significantly... to the point I get drunk a lot easier.

Luckily, though, I rarely get sick, and I've had about two hangovers in my life.

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My first drink was champagne and I didn't like the taste of it at first. Well, I didn't like the taste of a lot of alcohol at first. I'm 25 now and I do drink on occasion. I enjoy mixed fruity drinks with rum and/or tequila and sweet wines. I despise vodka, for it tastes like some disgusting cleaning agent (not that I ever drank cleaner in the first place). I also find dry wine repulsive. With alcohol, you have to acquire a taste for it before starting to like it, especially with the stronger liqueurs. Though I can't see myself ever liking vodka or dry wine.

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So, yesterday, I turned 21 (anyone who happens to check the birthdays would know this). I live in the US, which means I was able to have my first taste of alcohol... and I hated it. My older sister said I would get used to it, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't see myself really doing it that much. I know there are a lot of people around my age group on SF, so I want to know, What was your first drink like, what was it, and how often do you drink? Mine was a honey beer and a taste of chocolate liqueur and vodka mix, with the former being rather bitter, and the latter starting off tasting like too dark dark chocolate and liquid Nyquil that burned my throat(that still hurts, mind you.)

My very first taste of beer was when I was around 8-10. My father just gave me a tiny taste after he dipped his finger in the beer. It was bitter and turned me off of alcohol up until I was 18. At 18 my friend had recently broken up with his GF of 6 years and bought 2 shots of whiskey while I was in the bathroom (Ontario's drinking age is 19). I ended up drinking one of the shots. It felt like heartburn and I could still feel it like 2 hours later so I called it eternal heartburn. He ordered another 2 shots and that was how that first drinking day ended.

Nowadays I just drink a beer pretty much daily with the same friend. the daily beer started last year. Before that I used to drink almost every Friday night with friends. We pretty much got hammered and would finish a big bottle of Rum or Whiskey.

EDIT: forgot to mention, beer was a taste I acquired pretty much last year. My friend (same friend who gave me the shots) came back after a year of living in Germany so he just started drinking beer a lot, and since I lived with him and basically can't say no to alcohol (I don't over do it atleast ... :newyears:) I started drinking beer (Pretty much Heineken for the most part). Eventually we moved to cheaper beers (like Sleeman) because its expensive and a beer a day is great.

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First drink was a sip of Japanese sake in New Years with my family in Tokyo, age 16. Tasted too bitter didn't like it. Second was a bottle of beer at my schoolmates birthday party in Adelaide, 18...let's say that it was an acquired tasted. Third drinks and so on: a glass of wine for weekly formal dinner at my old residential college at the University of Melbourne: much better, and became a fan for wine. Trouble is, anything more than a glassful, and I start to have hiccups. Now I am 29, not married yet, and still enjoying my weekly glass of wine or champagne every Sunday.

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A lot of alcoholic drinks can be an acquired taste. I mostly drink beer and wine, and I don't touch hard liquor. When it comes to drinks, it really depends on the occasion or food for what tastes good. I'll have a beer with my dinner because it complements the taste of a lot of food and takes the edge off the day. After a day of manual labor, a hard lemonade really hits the spot. At parties, I like to drink champagne or other kinds of wine.

OP should only drink what they are comfortable with. I only drank lightly during my teen years and even now I don't drink heavily except for the odd social occasion.

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