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Super Robot Wars ∀: Deep Space IC Thread - Part 1: The Culmination

Nanami Touko

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"Fuck!" Abigail yelled as her camera feed began to display static and white noise. You think that's gonna stop me? She opened fire with her gatling, her feed stabilizing just long enough to see the hit connect. No sooner had she done that than a pair of rippers slammed into her; she fired back at what she assumed to be the source, but had no idea if she hit the new target. We'll get torn to shreds at this rate...

"Sena, Hilling, focus on the one that's closest to us; we can't let them get to the hostages yet."

Sena's shot went wide and one of their pilots decided to be a hero, stepping in front of Hilling's target and taking the attack themselves. Just great... She herself didn't fair much better, her camera feed filling with static at the perfect moment, for the other pilot anyway, and a new set of warning popped up. Terry had finally decided to be useful but he received far worse than he gave. Shit, at this rate we'll be torn to shreds...

"Sena, Hilling... You too, Terry. I don't want any of you to die here. If they push you to your machine's limits then I want you to return to the ship. And If they do shoot one of you down, I want the other two to make sure they make it back to the ship. I can hold them off for at least that long."

Sena, Hilling, and Terry will retreat if they reach 20% HP or one of them gets shot down.

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Tarquin was still aware of his injuries, he'd have to put them to the back of his mind for a little longer, just enough for him to finish the mission at hand. They'd decimated most of the enemies, they'd be able to reach the colonists. The last few Heracles were definitely not standard, their pilots were most likely more adept than the others they'd faced - their previous actions had been proof enough of it. They were also being cautious, Tarquin could tell they weren't as keen to charge in as the ones from before.

"Oni Three, currently in operational range of two targets." Tarquin announced, ensuring his rifle was ready. "Both targets lack suitable equipment to return fire from this distance, a ranged engagement would provide us with an advantage. Remaining on standby, awaiting further orders for a coordinated attack."

A civilian unit had apparently joined them, Tarquin wasn't entirely sure how they'd survived, let alone escape, but at least they seemed to have the sense to take cover. Did that person want to live so badly? They probably had their own reasons, but the risks they'd taken were enormous. There were still a lot of enemy units unaccounted for, as well as the Apotheosis commander - would they have to face them next? The Heracles had proved somewhat of a problem, his own wounds a testament to their threat level. Playing it smart was their best bet, faulty tactics could completely eliminate their advantage in numbers.


With the oil spills in front of the hangar vanquished, Bill was still no closer to identifying his newfound enemy. "Could do with a few more conchs around these parts." Bill pondered, his eyes scanning the halls for any more defilement. The crew for the most part were reasonably tidy, but there was a bad egg among them. An egg that scuffed floors, an egg that dripped oil. That was no egg that could exist within his nest of a ship.

Speaking of the crew, now the pilots were out, he had some time to do a quick tidy up. He hadn't had a chance to do a general sweep of their quarters, and it was long overdue The musical girl from earlier, Bill could swear she was in a taco commercial or something, probably needed her bins emptied - she just looked like the kind of girl who would. A man on a mission, Bill swiftly passed through the halls, arriving at the crew quarters in an almost inhuman time. It was only polite to knock on the door, even if nobody was home, it didn't mean manners went with them. Giving the door a quick tap, Bill pulled on the cuff of his rubber glove, letting it sound a satisfying snap as he released it.

"Custodial service, emptying bins like a father-in-law empties coldies." he announced, stepping through the door. His janitorial instincts could sense someone in the room, a potential source of mess was present with him. Looking over at the bed, he could see a different girl rolling around on it. Had he gotten the wrong room? Impossible, he knew the ship from top to bottom, the taco girl definitely had this room. Unless she'd had extensive surgery since he last saw her, also rather unlikely. Approaching the bed curiously, Bill peered down, wondering if one of the kitchen staff had gotten drunk and lost.

"I'll be stuffed, I thought there was a reffo in here." Bill laughed, glad it hadn't been a rat or a dingo. "You don't look like a swaggie, can't say I recognise you as one of the rellie's though."

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Final Escape

Trevor was surprised by how professional Melissa was managing to remain, even if it began to falter near the end. Still, she'd pushed the door open, as the rest of the group braced to be hit with a flurry of bullets... And as the light poured in, they found they were met with the artificial light of the colony, flooding the small fire exit. The rebels weren't there. The sounds of battle could be heard around the rim of the building, but there was nothing in front of them... Save for... "Alright, let's go, now, before the rebels make it!" Trevor pushed his way out followed by a throng of hurried scientists, engineers and civilians, all of them looking around to see where--

A massive gust of wind struck the group, as a machine flew into the area.

For the Future Yet to Come

A black, grey and purple mech had quickly stormed onto the scene, hovering effortlessly above the building the civvies has just burst out of. Vera smirked from a window above the scene, wondering where the rebels had gotten to. "Probably taking the long way around. They'll be here in another minute or two... But I'm taking the express elevator." Her limbs were still taxed, but she didn't need to exert herself to survive this. With a hefty punch, she knocked the glass out of the window, diving through the frame and landing one story down with a heavy thud, mechanical legs cracking the pavement. Picking herself up from her knee, she stared at the scientists, shaking her first off. "Yeowch... Asphalt always seems to sting, no matter what. Guess I'll have to get that looked at... So," she started anew, eyeing the group.

"I lost to your pretty android. She did a hefty number on me, and I did one on her. But I just can't leave empty handed. So... Unless one of you thinks you've got what it takes to beat a cyborg in hand to hand, I'd like a hostage. Any volunteers?" She paused a moment; it was rhetorical. "No? I'll give you ten seconds. Otherwise, I'm grabbing someone and leaving. And if any of you make a run for it, I grab someone anyway. Time starts now." It was horribly unfair, and that definitely wasn't lost on Vera, who had started smiling.

The entire group had frozen, some stumbling over from her impact. Trevor stood speechless. W-We made it out... No, this... Why?

"Impossible, Melissa. I must do what I can to save the majority--"
Hannah had started her decent down the stairs as she heard the rumbling. Her sensors flared, that was another mech. Despite the permanent damage it would cause to her joints, she sped up her descent, running down the stairs, making it through the door as Vera finished her speech.
"The hero arrives-- but..." Hannah was visibly shaking, her scrapped arm sparking hard, steam escaping her stomach wound. She wouldn't last much longer on foot.
"Retreat, or I will be forced to continue combat. I do not believe either ofus will survive. This is your last warning."
Hannah was barely managing to speak, stutters held back only by her quick fix in the room. Vera looked at her, then the group, and aimed her hilt at them.

"I don't play by the rules, hun. If you attack me, I attack them. And before I die, I can probably take them all out. Now, I just want one. Go through your logics... And check in with your A.I. Tell me what it says you should do." Hannah paused for a second, before visibly shifting in attitude, staring between Vera and the group, double taking at the assailant.

"I, what I should-- m-my objective, is to save-- majority, A.I...?I-I must, save... What have, you...?"
Vera scoffed. "Why would they put something like that inside of a security droid? Now, let them answer. I'm sure one of them is selfless enough to comply."


Between Abby getting hailed by bullets and throwing her own attacks out, her radio sprang to life. "Boss! We're almost there! Calina said she was on her way to the carrier, and it'll be ready to leave in a minute! We couldn't get all the Legionaries, but we got all the Velites! Hold tight!"

Jess checked Nikolai's radar, but only for a moment, as fourteen new blips appeared on the edge-- not that she was going to entertain that right now. The blip that had registered on the edge was suddenly in front of them all, hovering over the buildings the scientists had been in. "Wh-Wha... That's... Nooo, nonono... E-Everyone! That's..." She didn't have to say it, they had all been there during the debrief, and Nikolai already knew. That was the lieutenant's robot... And that didn't bode well for them.


Christina jumped as the new voice spoke out at her. "Who... A janitor? Huh. I'm Christina. One of the, uh... They brought me in from the last fight. I'm allowed in others rooms as long as they-- Brant, Thorvald, or Kim-- take me there. Kim just had to leave really quickly for the mission. Didn't have time to bring me back down the hall." That was enough of an explanation.

"Anything I can help you with, janitor man? Oh, but I can't leave the room. That might make helping difficult, heheh." She'd sat up on the bed, staring at him and wondering what a janitor was doing in the personal rooms. Waste bins, maybe?

The Luna has arrived!


Objective: Reach the green area by the end of turn 5 PP!

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Makoto had stopped the mech behind the Legionary, he took a deep breath. Most of the fire was being taken by the aforementioned titan of a mech, so Makoto counted his decision a good one, hugging his mother again. "It'll be alright, Mother, we'll get you taken care of as soon as they're done here. I just... I just need to survive and then I'll tell our situation to the soldiers." He kissed the back of her head, noticing she was coming back to her senses.

"Ma... koto." Mai struggle to open her eyes, flinching and grunting as she felt the pain in her leg again. Panic almost set in, before she turned her head to see her son again. "Where... where are we?"

"We're with the ANF, mom, we're safe here." He scratched the back of her head, like a good son. "Just hold out a little longer, can you do that?" Thinking it over, Makoto felt he probably shouldn't have jumped into a full-scale battle so quickly, but his options were... probably waiting for this ANF group to settle their mission first. At least... at least I'm helping make it faster, right? He'd been too far from the shelters, so turning back would probably take longer.

"What... what about your father?" His mother spoke, and a chill ran through the teen's spine. He had no idea. Truth be told, he knew very little about his father's work, aside that he did research for the ANF. It was never a 'take your kid to work' relationship.

They should have a separate shelter for people like him, right? He should be okay... He worked out some logic in his mind to calm the nerves, patting his mom's shoulder. "It's dad. He always knows what he's doing, he's probably safer than the both of us." Makoto chuckled, knowing that he was probably right --if only for how ridiculous their situation was. Mai could only look at the guard trooper's main screen silently to calm herself.


"I volunteer."

Out of the group, one man stepped forward between the back and forth of the Apotheosis Lieutenant and the security android, his words unexpected to most. At first glance, the man was one of the better-off scientists if his lab coat meant anything, but otherwise rather... unassuming, one of those people that really wouldn't stand out in a crowd. He adjusted his glasses before addressing the situation again, his stone-cold expression emphasizing his serious tone.

"If all you want is a hostage, then there is no reason to put the group in further danger. Take me and be done with it, 'Vera'." Other scientists could make out the tone and presence to be Dr. Watanabe, head scientist in beam technology R&D for the ANF. "You've outwitted our security droid, and you're putting my peers on the spot, but I'm certain you'd prefer a live hostage than a group of dead researchers. Am I correct?" Those that worked with the man knew that strict, pressuring tone to be a trademark for the scientist, and were hesitant to speak out, as much as his status would put his worth above theirs.

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He'd spoken too soon, their battle had only just begun. He'd barely seen it enter, it was more of a blur than anything else, but a menacing unit had joined the field. Was this the Apotheosis lieutenant that they'd been briefed on, Vera? It wasn't like anything he'd ever seen before, he couldn't even tell what it was based off of, let alone the model. Its sheer speed, and the bold position it'd taken - it was like the pilot knew that they had a massive edge over them. Black and Purple... Nikolai had mentioned Vera's machine to him before. He'd warned them about engaging with it, and if it was enough to scare Nikolai, he didn't want to know what it was capable of.

"This is Oni Three. Unidentified enemy unit has been spotted." Tarquin radioed in, hoping that command could shed some light on their mysterious foe. "Unit is not recognises as a standard model, description... it fits with Vera's unit description."

Tarquin swallowed, Vera had appeared almost instantly, could they even keep up with something that fast?

"Nikolai? Is that Vera?" Tarquin asked, part of him hoping Nikolai would say no. "You told me that she was dangerous... I think I can see why."


Bill still didn't have a clue who this woman was, but she seemed to be nice enough. Anybody who was polite enough to stay where they were told couldn't be too bad. It helped that she just gave off good vibes in general, the enemy would never offer to help a janitor!

"Don't you worry there, I'm sure the diggers will be back soon, probably easier if you're not on a walkabout." he replied, giving his feather duster a twirl. "Just gonna give this place a quick dust, don't worry about helping an ocker like me, just relax and enjoy a bickie or two. I'll only be a couple of minutes, then I'll be out of your hair like a limey on a sunny day. If there's anything grotty or manky that needs sorting, just call Bill and I'll be there in a jiffy."

He still didn't understand how she'd ended up in there, was the Taco girl giving her piano lessons too? Bill had never really been very music, perhaps it would be worth seeing if she offered lessons?

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Nikolai let out a choked laugh. Honestly, this day had gone from Shitty to Shittier to Shitfuck really fast. His face twisted into a tight smile as he realised exactly who had shown up to join the party.

"Da," he said wryly, "That would be her. She's probably not very happy to see us. Stay safe."

He furrowed his brows, turning to Jess.

"So, what do you think about dying then, Cap." He said solemnly, his mouth was dry and if there was anything life had taught him, it was that situations like this one ended rather bleakly, "Is not much chance of surviving, but we can go out with big bang, ja?"

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"Oh... looks like the big bugger in charge has shown up!"

A mighty opponent! The mech's mechanical heart beat faster in time with her own, and she checked her ammunition readouts. She resisted the urge to crash her metal fists together in a gesture of challenge. She had to give points for the dramatic entrance, as well.

"Alright lads, so how are we slaying this dragon?"

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"Hmm..." Dwight maintained his quiet, but took mental notes. This was Jess's first serious step out of line he'd observed, and no doubt she acted despite knowing this. "To potentially jeopardize the mission with such an action like that... whether or not it works, that it is a violation of many, many codes. Though I understand the pressure of the situation, such action is rather unacceptable."

On the other hand, Tristan's command was a standout performance. "Ensign Calvin, I must say I'm very impressed with your leadership qualities," he spoke much louder than previously. "I hadn't seen you take command yet, but you do seem exceptionally capable for your rank." Dwight opted not to say anything at the furious XO- at her state of mind, he didn't think he had much to add that could really help.

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All things told, hearing Lt. Kim's basis for her belief in him provided Thorvald with a little more added reassurance, keeping his mood on an upward trend. It was well grounded, founded his lengthy record prior to joining their squad, though undoubtedly the performance so far within their limited recent engagements also weighed in. While many in the squad were rather on the fresh-recruit side of the spectrum, Elaine had mentioned having some prior experience, and Thorvald would be surprised if none of the others had a story or two to share. That might prove a good team-building exercise in the future, but it would have to be done carefully so as not to isolate anybody. It was food for thought at the least.

His chaff had landed, doing its intended work, although not as many of his allies could capitalize off the moment of weakness it had produced as he might have liked; the enemy commander shrugged off the effects of the countermeasures admirably, and in record time. Her fighting form and parameters were certainly no joke, as even while disabled she'd landed a hit on him. While it hadn't been nearly so potent as the one her subordinate had railed him with, it was no small potatoes either. It was easy to see why she was in charge, though the mystery Apotheosis lieutenant was still MIA and a fully informed comparison would have to wait. Still, with the shadowy group allegedly just playing a supporting role in this sordid affair, even if she outskilled the rebel, deferring to her lead and remaining in the background was a perfectly plausible course of action.

Speaking of the devil, Jess had radioed in about an incoming bogey, perhaps that was her? When he checked to confirm the reading, it certainly wasn't just a glitch in the system but whether or not it was their mystery Vera was still to be determined. If there was one thing to commend the captain for about her current situation, it was the fact that she provided a person (with experience, Juria didn't really count) available for full-time monitoring of all the secondary systems to catch things like that for them, and that she was actually diligently executing those responsibilities. Small comfort, compared to having put herself in a potential hostage situation, but something was better than nothing at least.

"I'm seeing it too, Svartalf One, keep monitoring it and update the situation as it develops while we focus on the immediate threats, over," he'd sent back. He'd barely finished speaking when the police bot requested permission to engage, then impulsively followed up on his idea without waiting for the green light. Thorvald sighed a little, this behavior wasn't wholly unexpected, given his previous interactions. The fact that the Phalanx had even been in the zone of engagement to begin with, the fact that it hadn't taken the care package he'd tried to offload, then beat a safe, though roundabout, escape to a shelter: those signs and more all pointed to the pilot being a bit of headstrong one, burning with hot blood, likely young, and feeling invincible. For now there wasn't anything to be done about it. The man was clearly skilled and they could use the help, plus he wasn't liable to mess up their formation... given that they weren't really operating with one, rather flying more by the seat of their pants and taking the chips as they fell.

"Permission granted," Thorvald offered retroactively, and somewhat resignedly. "We'll be integrating you into our plans moving forward, do try to keep up, but above all stay safe. If you take anything more than a graze," he stressed the words, "Fall back immediately, though. I'm not having your death on my conscience if I can help it; that bot isn't meant for this sort of work."

Thorvald briefly scanned the enemy channel that had been made available to them from the tuner the engineers had rigged up, but like expected, the frequency they'd gotten from the Prioxis wasn't compatible with whatever line the Heracles were using. In fact, the response was entirely dark, he wasn't even picking up stray squawks from the patrols still on the outside. That was unfortunate, he would have given a lot to learn what was being said, what with their three Heracles teams all having gone down, and the commanders being forced to hold down the fort while they waited for the repurposed ANFs to arrive and hopefully reinforce their position. If there had been any chatter regarding that incoming blip Jess had called their attention too, that would have also proven an incredibly juicy morsel of information as well. Sadly, though, it seemed that in the end much of the effort they'd expended in the previous mission had been for naught.

Perhaps a broadcast though? While the Prioxis couldn't understand the Heracles, the Heracles could understand the Prioxis, that's what they'd been told, right? Was now a good time to demand their surrender, to promise them a fair trial, implore them to consider laying down their weapons rather than trusting to their comrades' arrival or their ability to properly time an ejection? If he went through with that, the jig would certainly be up, and they couldn't expect to use it again in the future, as the rebels would certainly hop ship to something else. But would there even be a later for the rebels at this point? Thorvald bit his lip as he pondered the proper play.

His concentration was interrupted by the arrival of the black and purple custom, sweeping onto the field at an incredible velocity before taking a holding position above the building that was their target point. It was odd that it would keep to the rear, but it couldn't be discounted any longer. The abundant folly of that had been drilled into them during Christina's cross-examination. Whatever it was up to currently, there were no guarantees of how long it would wait without acting, nor what exactly its motives were. For now, they needed someone dedicated to watching it, so they could maintain some level of safety while the rest of them continued to take out rebels. That was the sensible plan, and everybody should be on board with--"Alright lads, so how are we slaying this dragon?" suddenly crackled across the comms, the distinctive lilt to the voice giving away its owner.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Thorvald broadcast back. "Ixnay on the dragon slay. Oni Leader, I need you keeping eyes on that, make sure it doesn't so much as blink without letting us know it's gearing into motion for something. The rest of us, we've got a fair bit of work still lined up for us, but if we swing this right hopefully it'll go snappy. Peace Officer, Ares 2, you follow my lead, the rest of you fall in behind Oni 1. We can get this done."

Thorvald to 13,11, Gunlance Hilling

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"Don't be a fool." said Melissa as she looked at the hero. "She is bluffing. She can attack Hannah and, likely, lose and have us escape, attack us and die to Hannah, or she can go back to her boss empty-handed and face his wrath. The one against the wall here seems to be her and not us. Besides, she can't uphold her threat if she does attack us. We're too many for her to catch all at once. She wants a hostage so that she can go back to her boss without reporting a complete failure and still being able to walk back."

Melissa tapped her wrench in her hand. "And without having to report that her entire plan got thwarted by a heavily damaged security mech and a salary-slave mechanic with a wrench. So, here is what I propose in return. Per company guidelines and policies it is required to report disruptive employee's who put others in hazards way. If this woman sent in her soldiers first to weaken Hannah before claiming the victory for herself that would look very bad."

She tapped her wrench in her hand again as she thought as best she could. She didn't actually know if this woman could do what she claimed and still survive, but if she was willing to try and bargain for a hostage she likely at least thought she couldn't. The big issue here was what could actually be done to stop her. Hannah aside their side's power topped out at 'wrench' while that woman had things like weapons. Weapons are very good at hurting people. If Vera attacked and Melissa landed a one-in-a-million block with the wrench, caught it a one-in-a-million spot in-between the prongs, twisted it and got a one-in-a-billion lucky shot she *might* shatter the blade, but 1 to the 21'st power didn't seem like good betting odds. It would be more likely Vera would trip and break her own neck in the attack. It was a bluff to, hopefully, counter another bluff.

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Out With a Bang

"Wha-- No!!" Maybe that was how they did it where Nikolai was from, but here? Not a chance! "I brought you out here to keep Tarquin safe! If you ram your butt into her and blow up, what happens if it does nothing? We're dead, and Tarquin is down one friend." She hesitated to lay into him further, but as smelly and dysfunctional as he was, their most socially awkward squaddie had made a friend, and Jess was loathe to let him kill himself after all of this. "Don't do it for me, just... Do it for him. Keep yourself alive so he can stay happy... I can't say I understand it, but he really does like you. Maybe he relates to how you've been treated. He hasn't told us anything-- so no going out with any bangs! We'll high tail it out of here if we have to. Bring the Riese around to the main docking entrance... Something, other than tossing our lives away."

She blushed after her little speech, realizing how impromptu it had been, and... How cheesy it had been, too. "Sorry! Sorry, okay, just... No dying! If you can help it, none of us die... And that's final. Captain's orders." She turned on her comms after Thorvald had addressed Talog, giving the crew a similar warning. "We're not here to fight Apotheosis. We're here to save the colony from the rebels. I'll cede command if Eriksson or Doyle orders attacks against that bot, but... No one is to throw away their life just to see what that thing can do." It seemed to be ignoring them either way, landing behind the building and kneeling over. Is Vera not inside it, right now? Then it's... Either someone else, or remote controlled.


"It'd be pretty bad if I went for a 'walkabout' right now. I'm supposed to be confined to my room... Or my escorts rooms, as Kim forgot to bring me back to mine before the fight. Or maybe she wanted me here when she got back? Whichever." She hadn't thought about it, and this bed had nicer sheets than her loaner did. "Bill, okay. So you're like, the janitor? How many does the ship have. I don't think I saw any coming through the halls... Unless it's only you. Which... That'd be amazing, really. Heheh." One janitor for a ship this big, maybe it made him some sort of dirt telekinetic. He could always tell where a mess was!

"I'll holler, though I don't think I really need anything right now... I'd love to take a break from the rooms and check out the ship, but... After. I think if I went on a walk with the janitor as my escort, the captain would get mad at us both. But you can talk to me about anything, if you want. I'm a good listener."


Vera put her arm down, Hannah trying to edge closer to the group of civvies. "How selfless. You'll do. Even just one of you is better than failure, especially if you're willing. But..." She walked over to him, ignoring the wrench girl's warning for now. No one else tried to stop her. They'd seen her survive a hail of bullets without any damage, and while Hannah had been damaged before, with how damaged she was now, scared stiff was not enough to describe the terror Vera instilled in them. Without hesitation, she slugged her metal fist into his gut, knocking the air out of him, his consciousness going with it. She gave a quick glance to everyone else, slinging him over her shoulder. "I can't have you awake in the cockpit. No matter how compliant you may be, if you tried something in that small space while I was flying, it wouldn't go over well. And I'd rather not kill my only hostage."

Hannah had stood still near the rest of them, fidgeting, trying to make a move, but finding herself unable to make the move that she wanted to.

"I... I-I must, save the majority, of who, I can... If one is sacrificed for the, rest, then...

That was her program's logic, and she was clearly struggling with it. It made sense to her internals that if Dr. Watanabe was taken, the rest of the group would be left alone, and that would preserve the most human life in the ordeal. As much as Melissa was trying to call Vera on a bluff, the android hadn't moved to back it. There was only a fourty six point two percent chance that she would be able to stop Vera before any real lasting damage was done to the scientists, including killing them. That was unacceptable odds. This, however, had a one hundred percent success rate, currently, with the only variable able to lower of ruin that chance being Melissa. Still...

"But, I... Can't, let you take Dr. Watanabe..." Her personality coding shone through again, a certain desperation mixed in with her slowly evolving tone of voice.

As damaged as she was, distraught with an internal logic error, she put herself in between Vera and her robot. The lieutenant smiled, but sighed. "You're going to be fun, really. But I need to get out of here before those ANF soldiers figure out what's going on, here. You, civilian," she started, turning her steely gaze back at Melissa. "If you want to make your move and call my bluff, then do it. Because your android seems to be malfunctioning, and isn't up to the task. You wanna swing that wrench, find out what happens if you do? I'll give you one free shot." This was going to be Melissa's only chance, if she even decided to take it. But, before she could swing, Vera's transceiver sprung to life, a small bud in her ear. The Luna landed as a voice came through.

"Sis, get inside already. We don't need you showing off when we're already cutting it close. The ANF have noticed the Luna, and while they haven't made any direct motions towards it, they probably will soon."

"Give me a few seconds, Initiate Maxwell. And don't call me that on mission. We've been over this." Her expression soured, but she stood ready to take Melissa's attack, if she wished to throw it. Hannah's own motions had been a bluff, as her side sparked again, causing her to fall to one knee.

"Looks like you really are the only one left, civilian. Don't get too defeated, Hannah. If you had the augments I had, I'd be dead. We'll say I cheated."


Tristan was distracted for a moment by Dwight's praise, but quickly nodded, going back to monitoring his screen. "I've served on two previous Kraken model ships, sir, the Zeus and the Icarus. The captain of the Zeus was deemed unfit to continue service at a point during a battle against a rebel faction, and I was forced to take over while the XO and the Navigator took care of him. It was not easy, but it was a necessary experience... And why I'm so upset with Ms. Gefalscht's actions, right now. Whether or not it succeeds, it was an overt risk... I hope, if by some miracle she is not disbarred, that she learns well from this. I hope she's already learned, really... I don't think the majority of her crew would be happy with this decision."

Taking Orders

Terry seriously hated this. To get so severely beaten back by these ANF pilots, without so much as taking one of them along with them. "Are they seriously all aces? They have to be... At least we were given that much respect." Little did he know. But it didn't matter, as Abby spoke over their comms again, issuing the last thing he wanted to hear. "Tch... Fine. I'll make sure Sena and Hilling get out fine, even if it kills me. This thing isn't going to last much longer, anyway." His Heracles had been shot, hard, and he had no time to initiate repairs. He'd have to retreat to their freighter if he wanted a chance at coming back at all.

Charging In

Thorvald pushes his boosters to the limit and strikes hard at Hilling!

Target: Hilling

Final Hit: 89
Final Crit: 10
Roll: 58,20
no crit
Final Damage: 68
Thorvald gains +30 EXP

Hilling counters with their Buckler, zero hesitation!
Final Hit: 94
Final Crit: 20
Roll: 9,91
no crit
Final Damage: 59
"We will, Abby, but don't give up yet! These things tear easy! Just hit them hard!
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[i'll probably add some flavour here later I just have zero spoons right now]

"Cool so I guess we don't die." Nikolai said, rolling his eyes at the cheesy speech and filing the kamikaze approach into the back of his mind as a last resort contingency plan. "because power of friendship or some bullshit like that."

Jess casts Strike, Niko casts Alert and then proceeds to (11,12) to shoot Abby with the ol' shotgun with prerevolver support from Makoto Naegi

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Jess frowned at him as he rolled his eyes-- it wasn't that bad! Seriously... Still, she'd noticed there were a few things she could do to help his aim, pressing some buttons and switches while he lined up the shot, ensuring precision from the Legionary. Dodging was all going to be on him, though.


Target: Abby

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 45
Roll: 31,32
Final Damage: 43
Final Crit Damage: 69
Nikolai gains +70 EXP, +2 Will
Abby misses due to Alert!
Nikolai gains +2 Will
Makoto supports!
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 29
Roll: 43,55
No crit
Final Damage: 15!
Makoto gains +2 Will!
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The custom models were tough, but they were wearing them down, and it wouldn't take long for them to start knocking them down. If only it had remained that simple, the custom mech of the Apotheosis Lieutenant that they had been warned about appearing on radar, moving into the field and landing on the road to the East of their target complex after hovering for a short time... it wasn't taking combat actions, she felt someone inside but they felt nothing like a pilot to be feared, flustered, worried, not at all like had been described. A co-pilot perhaps...?

What she did feel, however, was the spike of emotion and anxiety in the area, from multiple sources. In hindsight, it made a lot of sense. The transmissions from the security droid and the civilian to Brant, a sudden approach of an extreme combat force... this Vera had been accosting the scientist that had been holed up in the complex, and after disengaging from the security bot, had flanked the escaping colony civilians, approaching them on the far side of the complex, mech in tow. The emotions were flaring from that area, one exuding massive confidence, that had to be the pilot, if only she could get a visual...

"Pattern of unidentify machine, strange. Believe co-pilot only, get visual area. Will not engage." Seung-Min announced on her comms, before moving her Velite forward, sending her rippers off towards the original rebel lead... using her senses to evade any incoming retaliation so she could get far enough around the building for line of sight...

There it was. Damn it there it was and she was too late. Everyone was too close together and the obvious standout for this 'Vera' had a hostage... if she had been quicker she could have razed the pave of the road with her laser rifle and disintegrated her on the spot. Leveling her sights at the scene regardless, Seung-Min opened several private channels, to speak directly to Brant, Thorvald, and Jessica... she needed judgment and leadership, and this couldn't get to the wrong people...

"Visual confirm target. Lieutenant on foot, threaten scientist from complex, unconscious hostage. Custom mech manned, not pilot... have line to take shot. Order?"

Kim activates Sense, moves to 15,12, and attacks Abby with TK Rippers

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Kim puts her best reactions to the test!

Target: Abby

Final hit: 100!
Final Crit: 30
Roll: 7,18
Final Damage: 69
Final Crit Damage: 110
Kim gains +60 EXP
Abby misses due to sense!

Shot in Sight

A call came into Nikolai's mech over a private line, from Kim, and as much as that worried her, she had to answer it. And the call did not inspire anything but worry and fear in her. "Sh-She has someone? Oh, no, please..." What was worse than the scientists being killed? Them being taken. Though, that was probably what Apotheosis had wanted in the first place, even if they killed the rest.

But taking a shot? "N-No! I... Or at least, I don't..." Orders had been to defeat the rebels over saving the scientists, so was it the right choice to make? Jess didn't want to say, and was glad she'd abdicated control to the squad leaders right now. She quieted down, letting them speak, not wanting to have to order the civilians deaths once again.

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"Roger!" Makoto replied, and quickly turned the comms off again, priming his aim to fire at the heavily customized Heracles. He'd been aware to not take chances, the odds weren't in his favor at all.

"Who was that?" His mother quickly question, though she still had her eyes staring the Phalanx's main screen.

"A captain, I think. ANF people. They're going to keep us safe." He reassured, "Trust me on this, mom. I won't fail!"

Makoto casts Invincible, moves to 14,13, fires at Hilling with the revolver!

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Makoto strikes true, as his ammo dwindles!

Target: Hilling

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 33
Roll: 1,45
no crit
Final Damage: 14
Makoto gains +2 will
"Annoying pest...!"
Hilling drives his stakes at Makoto!
Final Hit: 66
Final Crit: 22
Roll: 58,92
no crit
Final Damage: 110!
Invincible activates!
Final Damage: 15!
Makoto survives! He gains 2 will!
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Low on Time

"Five seconds," Vera retorted, clearly not going to play the waiting game if this civvy wasn't going to do anything. She had better things to do than humor her for any longer than that. The Luna bent over, the cockpit decompressing, as it slid open. A young pilot, short, lilac hair blowing in the gentle breeze the colony produced, stared down with a worried face at Vera. "Sis! Come on! One of them just got really close!"

"Tch... Don't--" Vera had turned around to yell at her apparent brother, eyes catching the Velite that had come around the corner of the building. "Scratch your five seconds, civvy. You had your shot. Move, Initiate Maxwell!" The pilot inside the Luna stared confused for half a second, before diving back into the cockpit. "Thank you low gravity..." Vera mumbled, legs bending for a second, getting ready to take off to her cockpit.

Hannah could do nothing but watch, as her limbs tried to move, losing power the longer she waited. Re-route subsystems, find excess power-- power charge too small, can't re-route, repair parameters unable to fix current damage to limbs and body to capable levels. Re-route systems from previously fixed voice parameters? Loading... Please wait...

Hannah froze on the ground as similar whirs and gear sounds came from her body, going silent and motionless for a time.

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So the lieutenant of Apotheosis finally showed up. This was Elaine's chance. Perhaps she could finally figure out what happened that fateful day on Colony 2. She could finally prove to everyone that she was indeed the hero that she deserved to be recognized as! She could finally stop hiding everything!

And then there were enemies in the way. Enemies who had endangered the lives of dozens of people for their so-called freedom. Enemies who had put themselves before others like the selfish pigs that they were! Enemies that pissed Elaine off. ...Enemies that distracted Elaine from how much of a hypocrite she really was.

Elaine sniper rifle on Hilling.

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Elaine wants in, but her shots are better out!

Target: Hilling

Final Hit: 69
Final Crit: 18
Roll: 16,80
no crit
Final Damage: 73
Hilling is taken down by the skin of his teeth!
"Guhh... Abby, they tear easy, but they hit too hard. 
Too many... I'm sorry. Terry!" he barked over the horn, 
"cover me while Sena gets us out of here!"
Hilling, Sena and Terry retreat!
Elaine gains +250 EXP, +10 PP, +6 Will!
The group gains +2500 credits!
Hilling drops his Dual Sensor!

Map updated!

Objective remains!


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Tarquin watched as Hilling's unit took Elaine's attack, the shot passing through it and doing enough damage to shut it down. Better aim could have probably taken the pilot out with it, but at least she hadn't missed. The fact that the other rebels had fled didn't really bother him, shooting them down wasn't their main objective - making them leave the colony was good enough. Vera's mech hadn't made any hostile movements, perhaps she was occupied with something else? They would deal with her when they had to, there was no point sacrificing their objective to take a few pot shots.

Abby was a completely different matter though, she was still an active target. It wouldn't be an easy shot, but he was more than safe at his current distance.

Tarquin attacks Abby with his Sniper Rifle


Bill stopped for a moment, how many other custodians were there? He was supposedly the head of the department, but other than during the morning briefings, he never really saw any of them. It was an art of the trade though, getting in the way of the crew didn't really help anyone. It was one thing to stop for a chat, but he certainly didn't want the crew tripping over him!

"I think there are a good dozen of us or so, we're all over the ship like swaggies, doing shifts and all that. Can't win the cup with just your goalie!" Bill replied, wondering if he'd forgotten about anyone. There were the automatic floor sweepers - but there was much more to being a janitor than simply cleaning floors. "The Captain would probably break my mop over her knee and make me live in the dunny if I tried something like that. I'd prefer to keep my uniform, wouldn't want to be left in my grundies!"

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The kid fired at the enemy with his sniper rifle, and Talog prepared her mighty gunlance.

"Shoulda been using alance to slay a dragon..." she murmured to herself, but she was grinning. This would do.

A swift manevour, and then a thrust!

Tal to 11-11, gunlance Abby

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Tarquin opens fire!

Tarquin attacks!
Target: Heracles Custom (Abigail)
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Final Hit: 81
Final Crit: 19
Roll: 78, 84
No Crit.
Abigail chooses to defend!
Damage: 53

Tarquin gains + 60 EXP, + 3 Will!
Whew, that was a close hit!

Talog prefers to take it to close quarters!

Talog attacks!
Target: Heracles Custom (Abigail)
Weapon: Impact Gunlance
Final Hit: 89
Final Crit: 3
Roll: 64, 57
No Crit.
Damage: 66 

Abigail counters!
Weapon: Plasma Buckler
Final Hit: 97
Final Crit: 32
Roll: 70, 69
No Crit.
Damage: 62

Talog gains + 60 EXP, + 3 Will!
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And then the robot Nikolai identified as belonging to Vera arrived. Astin gripped the controls tightly, their knuckles turning white. This was it. And then Tal was on the radio, asking if they could take down the dragon. Astin was about to leap onto the comms telling her to stand down, but her own squad leader was ahead of them. Good. That wasn't something Astin could let any of the team do. The lioness was too dangerous. That much they knew. They could sense. They realized they had started to sweat and their hands were cramping from the tight grip. Releasing the controls for a second, Astin took a deep breath and then another. They needed to go. To fight. Calm. They spotted Ares-1 dealing a solid blow to the weakned mech of the last remaining rebel. There. Get to where the signal was coming from and attack on the way. That was the best thing to do. Plus it put them in between Vera and most of the others. That way at least they would have to go around Astin to get a good shot at her. Hopefully they'd be able to keep them from doing that if it came to that. Astin needed to keep those they cared about safe.

Astin uses Gain! Astin to 14-10, chakram Abby

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