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Zelda U E3 Predictions - Call it Before It Happens

Captain Karnage

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Here they are Ana:

[spoiler=Link (Archer)]link-archer.png

[spoiler=Link (Rider)]link-rider.png


I heard that they were not the final form of the product and that customers can actually bend and arrange the Guardian's legs at will.

Edit: i had the Wind Waker feels with so many references: for instance, the dekus or whatever they are called, the orcs/pigs with spears and the jelly dudes in the floor.

Edited by Quintessence
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hate to be a downer to those of you that like the gamepad but it looks like the NX will not be coming with a tablet controller,

or it just be the demo

but I think it's the gamepad that hurt the Wii U the most

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I will admit, I have not played much Zelda. I have only played through Ocarina of Time and the Adventure of Link. But from what I'm seeing at this game, it is looking very impressive to me. It looks a bit Elder Scrolls-ish, but that seems to be working in its favor in my opinion. After seeing the trailer and a few hours into the gameplay, I can honestly say I am quite excited for this game

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I honestly don't mind spoilers and have a habit of seeking them out.


I think they gave just the right amount of story bits. We can speculate a lot from the little we were shown, and that is pretty fun!

Also, for those who want a little summary of the known story:

One hundred years ago, Ganon showed up (I dunno if it was explained how). He destroyed a lot, the kingdom is currently in shambles, including the Temple of Time near where Link begins his journey. However, he was sealed away in Hyrule Castle, leading to a shaky peacetime while people hoped he wouldn't break free. He seems to be on the verge of doing so now...

Not far from the Temple of Time, an amnesiac teen wakes up in nothing but a pair of boxers, being told he is the desperately needed light. He finds the Shiekah Slate, a strange bit of old technology, not far from the pool of water he awoke in. Leaving the mysterious Cave of Resurrection, Link spots an old man, and inquires about what's happening. The man explains that they are in the Kingdom of Hyrule, and that a nearby Temple (The Temple of Time) used to be the site of many sacred rituals and ceremonies. After exploring a little, Link hears a voice telling him to go to a place. As it turns out, the place was a "Shiekah Station" (I didn't catch any official name), that summoned forth the Tower of Resurrection. After decending from the Tower that spontaneously sprouted beneath him, Link meets the Old Man again, who explains the Kingdom's state of disrepair, and asks if Link intends to go to the Castle. Link nods, and the man tells him he won't be able to escape the isolated plateau without a parasail. He asks Link to retrieve treasures from the shrines on the Plateau, saying he'll give the parasail in return. In these shrines, Link meets monks, who explain they were gifted sight by Hylia to aide the one who would defeat Ganon. After obtaining the sail, Link leaps from the plateau, heading to places unknown...

Tell me if I missed anything.

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I don't think anything's been said about Fi not returning, so I'm still hopeful.

[spoiler=End of Skyward Sword]I hate to bring this up, but didn't Fi explicitly say that when the protagonist returns the Master Sword that she'll fall into perpetual slumber? This essentially means she can't return unless they decide to ignore this detail. But hey, if you like partner characters you right about them never saying there wouldn't be one.

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Ooh, looks like Wolf Link follows the new Link around and helps him out in battle maybe?

Yeah, basically. Summon TP Link!

He also hunts out food for you. Doesn't even eat it himself!

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Wow, TP Link the loyal hunting dog! lol

TP Link is the embodiment of loyal animal companions!

He even had that loyalty trait somewhat present in his own game, actually. He was pretty devoted to his village.

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TP Link is the embodiment of loyal animal companions!

He even had that loyalty trait somewhat present in his own game, actually. He was pretty devoted to his village.

Yeah, and he had to be loyal to Midna too. :P

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Ooh, looks like Wolf Link follows the new Link around and helps him out in battle maybe?

This is honestly the best use of an amiibo I've seen, at least in my opinion. Glad I own this particular amiibo. Can't wait to try it out!

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Meet my little friend...


Are you forgetting this? https://youtu.be/7qAjK7wd5QE?t=13m

Spirit Tracks isn't co-op, the same player controls both Link and Zelda and it can be a bit stiff at times... and it's only in certain sections.

The sky didn't feel as barren because every place that was on the overworld was either interesting or a speed booster. Compare and contrast every other 3D Zelda (except Wind Waker) which had fuckloads of boring ground.

[spoiler=End of Skyward Sword]I hate to bring this up, but didn't Fi explicitly say that when the protagonist returns the Master Sword that she'll fall into perpetual slumber? This essentially means she can't return unless they decide to ignore this detail. But hey, if you like partner characters you right about them never saying there wouldn't be one.

Most people tend to ignore this, so I kind of forgot. I know HW isn't canon but it still confuses me.

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Hey, the Master Sword was supposed to "sleep forever" at the end of ALttP too. But then ALBW happened. Developers have gone against established canon before. xP

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Twilight princess had cannons, and you used them with a cannonball and a bomb. I hope Zelda: Breath of Fresh Air has some creative item usage too.

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I wish Zelda didn't have a canon

Twilight princess had cannons, and you used them with a cannonball and a bomb. I hope Zelda: Breath of Fresh Air has some creative item usage too.

Canon =/= cannons

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Zelda plays pretty loose with canon anyways. There are some events which are obviously placed but it's best to think of each game as its own "legend", with facts embellished as part of some retelling of stories with similar elements. There will be the obvious nods but the games are full of retcons and retellings so the canon is just a loose framework to play the games into a timeline.

Also the more I watched of this game from Treehouse, the more I wanted to play it. The first trailer is good. But watching the game being played live is really selling it. This is really above and beyond the scope of anything Nintendo has ever done before since the transition from 2D to 3D.

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I searched a bit and saw some articles saying that while there wasn't any dungeon footage, there was a bit of video of a mini-dungeon (shrines). Does anyone have any video links with some footage of that? I skimmed a few videos but didn't seem to see any indoor stuff...not that a videogame dungeon/minidungeon has to be partially or entirely indoors.

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The early shrines look very easy to ease you into some of the new rune powers. These are like the mini challenges scattered around LBW but your rewarded in new powers, though it seems they can be done in almost any order? And apparently there are 100+ of these IN ADDITION TO proper dungeons. They've avoided showing off dungeons/towns, probably because it has something to do with the story.

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Zelda plays pretty loose with canon anyways. There are some events which are obviously placed but it's best to think of each game as its own "legend", with facts embellished as part of some retelling of stories with similar elements. There will be the obvious nods but the games are full of retcons and retellings so the canon is just a loose framework to play the games into a timeline.

Also the more I watched of this game from Treehouse, the more I wanted to play it. The first trailer is good. But watching the game being played live is really selling it. This is really above and beyond the scope of anything Nintendo has ever done before since the transition from 2D to 3D.

Are you sure about that?

@Tryhard, I for one can't stand WRPGs so I do not want those mechanics. I also hate it when games try something new because I want what I expect and not something insane and radical. I always wanted a Zelda as close to Skyward Sword as possible.

The lack of a partner is really upsetting. I'm sure Ganon the Old Man is the substitute, but it makes me so mad. I loved Navi. I loved Fi. I liked Midna, Tatl, and the KoRL. I wanted another partner. This game should still have an optional giant tutorial and I want the ability to turn on a Navi type reminder and puzzle helper. If there's no Sheikah Stone/partner substitute I will absolutely look up the solution to every single puzzle out of spite. I want my hand held, and if there's no option I will be angry.

I'm absolutely offended that Link can hunt in this game and has to eat, but when I play this game, I'll play vegetarian. I wouldn't be caught dead doing something so disgusting as hunting innocent animals in nature.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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I think she means in terms of the Legend of Zelda series. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if this game winds up somehow larger than XCX.

But will there be as much to do? The plateau seems like Bokoblin Land and absolutely nothing else. There's also not yet a NLA equivalent, which was my favorite place in Xenoblade X.

In actuality, this game takes all of the problems I had going from Xenoblade to Xenoblade X and multiplies them expontentially. Both BotW and X are super open world, and I feel that everything suffers because of it. However, X had NLA which I loved exploring more than any other area, so my fingers are crossed for anything half as good as NLA.

In general, settlements are my favorite places in every game. Skyloft, Frontier Village, NLA, etc. I don't like exploring nearly as much as like chilling and talking to NPCs in a town.

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But will there be as much to do? The plateau seems like Bokoblin Land and absolutely nothing else. There's also not yet a NLA equivalent, which was my favorite place in Xenoblade X.

In actuality, this game takes all of the problems I had going from Xenoblade to Xenoblade X and multiplies them expontentially. Both BotW and X are super open world, and I feel that everything suffers because of it. However, X had NLA which I loved exploring more than any other area, so my fingers are crossed for anything half as good as NLA.

In general, settlements are my favorite places in every game. Skyloft, Frontier Village, NLA, etc. I don't like exploring nearly as much as like chilling and talking to NPCs in a town.

You literally just saw the beginning portion of the games field, there is over 100 shrines on top of standard Zelda temples, on top of all kinds of hidden treasures thoughout the land. Trust me there'll be plenty to do.

That's Monolith Soft not Nintendo (Nintendo just publishes it), it's like saying Nintendo made Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

But regardless this game is pretty freaking massive especially for action-adventure game. Definitely greatly exceeds the scope of anything done with Zelda in a very long time.

Edited by Locke087
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