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Zelda U E3 Predictions - Call it Before It Happens

Captain Karnage

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That's Monolith Soft not Nintendo (Nintendo just publishes it), it's like saying Nintendo made Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

But regardless this game is pretty freaking massive especially for action-adventure game. Definitely greatly exceeds the scope of anything done with Zelda in a very long time.

Idk why this is such a common misconception. Monolith Soft is 100% Nintendo. Nintendo owns all of the stocks completely. Monolith Soft has worked on Brawl, Skyward Sword, New Leaf, and Pikmin 3. Granted, there are two branches but it is still just as Nintendo as Splatoon or Animal Crossing.

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Idk why this is such a common misconception. Monolith Soft is 100% Nintendo. Nintendo owns all of the stocks completely. Monolith Soft has worked on Brawl, Skyward Sword, New Leaf, and Pikmin 3. Granted, there are two branches but it is still just as Nintendo as Splatoon or Animal Crossing.

Because they were not owned by Nintendo for a very very long time... I knew they were free from Bandai Namco, didn't know Nintendo bought them... What's weird is they still do stuff for Bandai Namco, that's why I thought they were a 3rd party.

Edited by Locke087
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Yeah, Monolith Software working on Nintendo titles surprised me too.

BTW Ms. Bunch, your complaints won't change the upcoming Zelda. I think your best option is to wallow in despair and replay Squidward Sword Skyward Sword instead.

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Yeah, Monolith Software working on Nintendo titles surprised me too.

BTW Ms. Bunch, your complaints won't change the upcoming Zelda. I think your best option is to wallow in despair and replay Squidward Sword Skyward Sword instead.

Your nickname isn't exactly funny. I'll just go play the most linear non-Zelda game I can find in protest. Linearity is not evil by any means.

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I'd say this is even bigger than XCX. XCX was a big, beautiful world but you couldn't interact with the environment in any meaningful way. It was fun to explore but you had to put your probes in specific places and you couldn't manipulate anything that wasn't quest related. As much as I like that game, Zelda looks a lot more malleable.

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Dear lord this bunch of complaints are annoying, and the fight between you guys, too. Care to have a cup of tea?

This isn't the full version of BotW and you're already whining about this and whatnot, they are just teasing us with a slight portion of the game. Hopefully there's more to see and experience, the game is coming next year so there's plenty to be developed and/or fixed with feedback.

And man, don't take the animal hunting seriously please.

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Dear lord this bunch of complaints are annoying, and the fight between you guys, too. Care to have a cup of tea?

This isn't the full version of BotW and you're already whining about this and whatnot, they are just teasing us with a slight portion of the game. Hopefully there's more to see and experience, the game is coming next year so there's plenty to be developed and/or fixed with feedback.

And man, don't take the animal hunting seriously please.

Am I not allowed to go against the grain with my opinion? Where was all of the complaint-shaming when Color Splash was revealed? And in fact, Color Splash had is see way less gameplay, and yet people already judged it.

As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.

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As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.

...People have been hunting animals for eons. It's how people survived. It's not like the game and developers expect you to saw off an animals' legs for kicks or something.

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Am I not allowed to go against the grain with my opinion? Where was all of the complaint-shaming when Color Splash was revealed? And in fact, Color Splash had is see way less gameplay, and yet people already judged it.

As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion. But you seem to be harping on the same thing. Nothing in this game says that you NEED to hunt animals. As for not being able to use your amiibo, I'm not sure what to tell you there.

I do think you and Zera should take that conversation somewhere else.

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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Am I not allowed to go against the grain with my opinion? Where was all of the complaint-shaming when Color Splash was revealed? And in fact, Color Splash had is see way less gameplay, and yet people already judged it.

As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.

Yes you can freely express your concerns regarding the footage and contribute to the debate peacefully, but it's not good bringing up unnecessary conflict.

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I'm absolutely offended that Link can hunt in this game and has to eat, but when I play this game, I'll play vegetarian. I wouldn't be caught dead doing something so disgusting as hunting innocent animals in nature.

Oh, those poor sweet innocent deer who sometimes eat small birds live (my suggestion, believe me and don't look on youtube if you have an aversion to violence against animals, in the first video I found you could see the bird fluttering its wings as it tried to escape).

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Oh, those poor sweet innocent deer who sometimes eat small birds live (my suggestion, believe me and don't look on youtube if you have an aversion to violence against animals, in the first video I found you could see the bird fluttering its wings as it tried to escape).

That's also a horrible thing to do. I didn't even know that deer weren't herbivores.

Still, what about the buffalo from the trailer? Or the butterfly that the woman playing said she shot? Or the poor pigeon with the cursor over its head?

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Still, what about the buffalo from the trailer? Or the butterfly that the woman playing said she shot? Or the poor pigeon with the cursor over its head?

You could just, you know. Not hunt, and only gather fruits and vegetables. I'm pretty sure they said that hunting could be avoided, if you so chose.

What about all the poor monsters? They only seem to attack you if you get close to you anyway.

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Ms. Bunch, you said you'd do a vegetarian run, correct? That's a great idea. Show that game you don't need meat!

Also, I don't think Wolf Link will attack creatures unless you make him do so.

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All of this is funny since this is a Fire Emblem forum, a series where tons of horses are sent to war against their will and killed by the dozen.

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Because they were not owned by Nintendo for a very very long time... I knew they were free from Bandai Namco, didn't know Nintendo bought them... What's weird is they still do stuff for Bandai Namco, that's why I thought they were a 3rd party.

They only things for Bamco they've developed since being bought by Nintendo are the Project X Zone games, which are 3DS exclusives (with the second one having a couple Nintendo guest characters).

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Honestly, hunting food is something humans have done for ages. There was a time before animals were domesticated as livestock.

You don't like it? Fine, do a veggie run. But don't say it shouldn't be in the game...

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Dear lord this bunch of complaints are annoying, and the fight between you guys, too. Care to have a cup of tea?

I'd love a cup

Honestly, hunting food is something humans have done for ages. There was a time before animals were domesticated as livestock.

You don't like it? Fine, do a veggie run. But don't say it shouldn't be in the game...

Personally I think domesticated animals have it rougher in some cases.

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I'd love a cup

Personally I think domesticated animals have it rougher in some cases.

Really depends on what they're domesticated for, to an extent. Harry, who's sitting next to me, gets free food, protection, birdies to watch and hands to pet him. He has the life, basically. Livestock get similar protection and food provided, at the cost of being killed by their owners at some point...
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...People have been hunting animals for eons. It's how people survived. It's not like the game and developers expect you to saw off an animals' legs for kicks or something.

This. Not to mention that we're hardly the only animals ourselves that hunt/eat meat. What about big cats, birds of prey, bears, canines, etc. Are they so horrible too?

I'd just ignore Bunch and his silly complaints at this point.

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Really depends on what they're domesticated for, to an extent. Harry, who's sitting next to me, gets free food, protection, birdies to watch and hands to pet him. He has the life, basically. Livestock get similar protection and food provided, at the cost of being killed by their owners at some point...

Alright, pets have it pretty good. I was more thinking of the livestock, who are essentially bred to be tasty. Sure, they get food and protection, but.... they're not treated very well.

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This. Not to mention that we're hardly the only animals ourselves that hunt/eat meat. What about big cats, birds of prey, bears, canines, etc. Are they so horrible too?

I'd just ignore Bunch and his silly complaints at this point.

Yes, ignore anyone with an even slightly different opinion than you. That's a good philosophy to have in life.

I mean, Sticker Star's hatedom does the exact same thing but with people like me who actually like the game.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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It's not because of your opinion, it's how you're presenting it. I feel like you're being very childish about it, instead of discussing things in a rational manner you go more "I hate it so it sucks"

No one likes that.

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