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Zelda U E3 Predictions - Call it Before It Happens

Captain Karnage

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Umm you know...you can only do that in CT if you beat the game already. Once you unlocked New Game +, you can just go straight to Lavos from the Telepod thing in the faire. On a first run, you really cant do that. In Chrono Trigger, on a first playthrough, you have a few options on how to tackle Lavos, but never from the beginning.

If this game allows you to go straight to the final boss on a first run, im finding that a bit odd. If its on subsequent playthroughs, it would make perfect sense. Go through it once, and once you did, go nuts.

Well, as DarkDestroyer pointed out, I didn't mean at the very beginning of the game. You can try to beat Lavos as early as the first arrival at The End of Time, which is around 15-20% of the game. Obviously it's impossible to beat at that point in a normal run without glitches, but it can be attempted.

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Well, as DarkDestroyer pointed out, I didn't mean at the very beginning of the game. You can try to beat Lavos as early as the first arrival at The End of Time, which is around 15-20% of the game. Obviously it's impossible to beat at that point in a normal run without glitches, but it can be attempted.

omg. I forgot all about that time bucket tbh. Like that it can be accessed that early. Its been kinda hella days since ive played. But yeah you are kinda right about that.

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Okay, so I'm starting to get a theory on TIMELINE that I just explained in a skype group but it may or may not make sense.

[spoiler=skype log about theory][12:02:57] Glaceon Mage: Anyway, I'm thinking this game is set after an ending [to The Wind Waker] where Ganondorf got his wish, the King never touched the Triforce before him.

[12:03:34] Glaceon Mage: Resulting in the ruins of the old kingdom being exposed once more.

[12:03:45] Glaceon Mage: With him in charge.

[12:04:34] Glaceon Mage: The Link and Zelda from that game were either blasted away/something happened to them to prevent them from interfering.

[12:05:29] Glaceon Mage: Ganondorf started out just doing what his Wind Waker self wanted to do, ruling over some ruins.

[12:05:45] Glaceon Mage: In other words, not much.

[12:06:19] Glaceon Mage: But we've seen the guy go crazy with Triforce power before, so that happens and he becomes Calamity Ganon.

[12:07:22] Glaceon Mage: the Link we see in this game tried to seal Calamity Ganon away, but had to enter the Hundred year sleep to do it.

[12:08:19] Glaceon Mage: So he wound up sealing Calamity Ganon in the Castle, while he himself would up sealed in the Chamber of Ressurection.

[12:09:47] Glaceon Mage: This explains the Koroks, at least, as well as the ruins and such

[12:11:28] Glaceon Mage: It also helps explain why the Master Sword is all rusty, Ganon's wish may have had a side effect of depowering it.

[12:11:43] Glaceon Mage: Okay that's all I've got.

Yeah, it makes no sense and I doubt it'll be true, but it's fun to make ridiculous theories.

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^That's a good theory. I still think it's possible that it takes place in the Hyrule that the Koroks created by planting all those seeds and such as well though, taking place MANY years after TWW and making it the most recent game in the timeline.

But both of these theories make complete sense.

Edited by Anacybele
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^That's a good theory. I still think it's possible that it takes place in the Hyrule that the Koroks created by planting all those seeds and such as well though, taking place MANY years after TWW and making it the most recent game in the timeline.

But both of these theories make complete sense.

But Ganondorf died at the end of the Wind Waker. If it's in the "Korok World", wouldn't he still be a statue under the floating landmass they made with the Master Sword in his skull? And why is the Temple of Time from Ocarina there?

Not that that completely invalidates it, the Zelda timeline is freaking bizarre, just kinda curious how that might wind up explained.

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So? Ganon's been revived before. See the Oracle games. And a new Temple of Time could've easily been built in the timeframe I'm talking about here. Also, TP is in the MM timeline, but its Temple of Time is hardly in the same place as OoT's.

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So? Ganon's been revived before. See the Oracle games. And a new Temple of Time could've easily been built in the timeframe I'm talking about here. Also, TP is in the MM timeline, but its Temple of Time is hardly in the same place as OoT's.

Just kinda wondering how they'd revive him, since he was a statue under the ocean with a sharp object in his skull and a lack of Triforce protection.

I suppose he can reincarnate, like in FSA, but there's never been any Gerudo in the Adult timeline, with them being presumably extinct aside from Ganon.

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I'm very late to this topic and didn't make any predictions, but some personal predictions I made ended up being true!

-Multiple outfits you can take on and off at your leisure.

-Multiple weapons.

-No female Link thank goodness.

-No partner.

-Voice acting.

-Ganon returns.

Basically everything they showed looked really awesome! I seriously have not been more excited for a Zelda game in a very long time. This seriously looks like it could rank up with Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, my two favorite Zelda games. Some mechanics do look a little worrying (hunger meter and heart depletion if Link is too hungry, going straight for the final boss, apparently being able to get struck by lightning), but I reserve judgement until I see the game for myself.

The opening looked very fascinating and raised many questions, I'm excited to explore the world and discover the story and all the answers to these questions!

As for where it falls in the timeline, I'm hoping it takes place after Twilight Princess (I thought there was an interview where they said it had direct ties to TP?), but I'm not getting my hopes up. It seems like it could take place after Spirit Tracks, or Zelda II. But we'll see!

I like the way Link looks and thank goodness he's still male. I think his ponytail looks kinda cool! And from the looks of things, it seems like you may not get to name him? I'm honestly okay with that, I've never really seen Link as an "avatar" and have always just named him "Link" in every game and file.

I'm very interested in how all the towns and NPCs are going to play out. It seems reminiscent of Zelda II. I wonder what kinds of things you can do in the towns and with the NPCs, besides selling stuff for money. And as for the old man, I think he's just a callback to the old man from the first Zelda game.

And speaking of callbacks...I wonder if Impa will play a role? If I recall correctly, isn't she the one who sent you on your quest in the first game? Could it be possible that it's her voice at the beginning? I know her voice is generally deeper, but still. Hmm...

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As for where it falls in the timeline, I'm hoping it takes place after Twilight Princess (I thought there was an interview where they said it had direct ties to TP?), but I'm not getting my hopes up. It seems like it could take place after Spirit Tracks, or Zelda II. But we'll see!

Only known connection to TP is TP Link the loyal animal companion. For some reason, Scanning a Wolf Link amiibo will summon up Wolf Link to help fight and hunt.

I like the way Link looks and thank goodness he's still male. I think his ponytail looks kinda cool! And from the looks of things, it seems like you may not get to name him? I'm honestly okay with that, I've never really seen Link as an "avatar" and have always just named him "Link" in every game and file.

Due to the inclusion of Voice Acting, it seems Link is unnamable, like Zelda I and FSA.

I'm very interested in how all the towns and NPCs are going to play out. It seems reminiscent of Zelda II. I wonder what kinds of things you can do in the towns and with the NPCs, besides selling stuff for money. And as for the old man, I think he's just a callback to the old man from the first Zelda game.

And speaking of callbacks...I wonder if Impa will play a role? If I recall correctly, isn't she the one who sent you on your quest in the first game? Could it be possible that it's her voice at the beginning? I know her voice is generally deeper, but still. Hmm...

Only in the manual does Impa show up in LoZ, the game itself basically says "go". The manual explains Impa grabbed Link off the side of the road and told him to rescue the princess.

Considering Hyrule Historia reveals Link was 10 in that game, it's awful odd that she did that, but whatever.

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You know I got to thinking what if this game is has multiple endings depending on how much you completed. That would be a cool incentive to actually complete all the temples. Maybe facing Gannon without whatever MacGuffins the temples give you would result in the bad ending. I think it would be cool, but even without it this game is going be at epic.

Edited by Locke087
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You know I got to thinking what if this game is has multiple endings depending on how much you completed. That would be a cool incentive to actually complete all the temples. Maybe facing Gannon without whatever MacGuffins the temples give you would result in the bad ending. I think it would be cool, but even without it this game is going be at epic.

I'd be surprised if this wasn't true actually. Things would probably be different depending on whether you're using magic swords to beat Ganon, after all.

After fixing it, though.

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Glaceon Mage, I feel like your theory makes a lot of sense.... but if they're going back to the roots of Zelda, I personally feel like it would make the most sense to put it in the Downfall timeline.

But that would make it very difficult to explain the Koroks.

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Glaceon Mage, I feel like your theory makes a lot of sense.... but if they're going back to the roots of Zelda, I personally feel like it would make the most sense to put it in the Downfall timeline.

But that would make it very difficult to explain the Koroks.

Yeah, I don't fully believe my theory myself, haha. The game could plausibly be placed after the events of Zelda II, this is actually the most logical spot for it.

But it's fun to think of other places it could go, haha.

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Another video! You can defeat Stalchildren with the skull of other Stalchildren!

This so brutal...And I love it!

This is one the first things I will do in the game.

Edited by Water Mage
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Oh cool, the Fire Rod! Neat, I like that thing.

Only known connection to TP is TP Link the loyal animal companion. For some reason, Scanning a Wolf Link amiibo will summon up Wolf Link to help fight and hunt.

Ah...I did hear about that, maybe that's what I'm thinking of. I hope there's more, though. I'd really like another game in TP's timeline, I feel like it's way too bare. I mean, the last game we got in that timeline was TP! But like I said, I'm not getting my hopes up...it seems like it's pointing towards one of the other timelines.

Only in the manual does Impa show up in LoZ, the game itself basically says "go". The manual explains Impa grabbed Link off the side of the road and told him to rescue the princess.

Considering Hyrule Historia reveals Link was 10 in that game, it's awful odd that she did that, but whatever.

Isn't that how most games back then told their story, though? Didn't older games generally have their stories in the manual, while the games themselves just threw you right into it? Eh, either way, I'm still curious as to whether or not Impa plays any kind of role. I hope she does!

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Oh cool, the Fire Rod! Neat, I like that thing.

Ah...I did hear about that, maybe that's what I'm thinking of. I hope there's more, though. I'd really like another game in TP's timeline, I feel like it's way too bare. I mean, the last game we got in that timeline was TP! But like I said, I'm not getting my hopes up...it seems like it's pointing towards one of the other timelines.

Isn't that how most games back then told their story, though? Didn't older games generally have their stories in the manual, while the games themselves just threw you right into it? Eh, either way, I'm still curious as to whether or not Impa plays any kind of role. I hope she does!

Right now, it's most likely in the Decline timeline. Just the ruins in general give a "you know LoZ/AoL did die eventually" vibe.

But yeah, basically.

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The Fire Rod is back. With fire physics. It's more than enough to warm my heart !

If Ganon was a true Demon Lord, he would use it instead of this lousy Triforce.

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You know, I think that voice made a mistake in waking Link up.

She was hoped that he would save Hyrule.

But rather she woke up a psycho who loves to burn everything while wandering around half-naked.

Are we saving Hyrule or destroying it?

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