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Your Favorite/Least Favorite Class Revamp and Designs?!

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To be honest I absolutely adore the sorcerer designs! I have been all over those designs since the word go. I don't really like the normal design for the fighters but I do like the Berserkers .... still trying to figure out how their battle thong can become underwear when you strip them .... how ....

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To be honest I absolutely adore the sorcerer designs! I have been all over those designs since the word go. I don't really like the normal design for the fighters but I do like the Berserkers .... still trying to figure out how their battle thong can become underwear when you strip them .... how ....

They fold up the legs of the boxers, and the battle thong holds them in place

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Heroes, although I miss the jacket Hero from FE7 or just the GBA Heroes pretty much. Still look awesome in Fates though.

Male Paladins look cool too. Witch, Maid, Falcoknights, Kinshi Knights, Dark Knights, Bow Knights, are some of my favorites. (and I don't usually like the mounted units) Nohr Noble and Hoshido Noble would be some of my favorite classes if they just wore shoes.

Generals I still don't like although they are waaaayyyy better than in Awakening. They need to go back to GBA or better yet Tellius generals. Spearmasters need to lose that long ass hat, I still prefer the Halberdier. The Swordmasters dual-wielding animation looks dumb to me, besides that they're fine. I hate Sorcerers and Onmyojis design. Any unmentioned class is meh at best.

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Favorite Designs:

-The Nohr Prince(ss)/Nohr Noble

-The Mercenary/Hero

-The Dark Mage/Sorcerer

-The Wyvern Knight/Malig Knight (particularly the generic with the badass helmet)

-The Swordmaster

-Arthur's Fighter design

-The Dread Fighter

-The Ninja/Master Ninja

-The Berserker

Least Favorite:

-The Spear Master (I miss Tellius Halberdier/Sentinel design)

-The Apothecary/Merchant (I hate the generic portrait)


-Everything else I didn't mention

Conclusion: I miss the Tellius designs and want them back in some way, shape or form. But mostly for the Halderdier line. And ditch the Apothocary/Merchant.

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I love the new mercenary design, and, by extension, the new Hero design.

On the Hoshido side of things the archers/snipers look really cool, and I really like the oni savage design, especially for females. It's a good example of how showing skin on fighting classes doesn't have to look awkward, it can be done well.

My least favorite has to be female cavaliers, as the thong completely ruins Sophie's design for me. Diviners are quite ugly as well, the butt-crack on Orochi isn't even particularly sexy, it's just weird. Like the fantasy equivalent of plumbers who refuse to wear belts.

In general I'm not a huge fan of the games obsession with exposed thighs. Trousers exist, and women can wear them too! Obviously not every class has to, but the mounted classes in particular really should have them.

Edited by EJ107
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-Master Ninja

-Great Master/Priestess

-Wolfskin/Wolfssegener (Human form)






-Kitsune/Nine-Tails (Both forms)

-Nohr Noble

-The Nohr Siblings' custom outfits

I'm neutral with everything else.

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  • 3 months later...

I absolutely LOVE the brand new mercenary and hero looks! The sweater and the shield looks amazing. I also do love the pegasus knight and falcon knight's new outfits. I love that new dress on the pegasus knight and the bamboo armor on the falcon knight and the cape is also amazing. (Also it reminds me of the capes that seraph knights wore in radiant dawn. :Lilina:

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- Wyvern Riders in Fates. I like the design of the generic enemy versions, the helmets for all three classes are cool, though I esp like the base class version.

- Great Knights in Fates. HUGE improvement over their design in Awakening, and the helmet is actually quite rad.

- Spearfighters/Spearmasters. I liked these classes in other games like the Tellius series, but the Japanese flavor is a nice spin on it.

- Dark Knights, both games. Really cool spin on the mounted mage knight class. I slightly prefer the helmets from Awakening, but both are good tbh.

Least Favorite:

- Dark mages, both games. Not a fan of the skimpy shaman look for either gender, personally. There were elements of the Sorcs in both games that I DID like particularly the cool raven-feather cloaks, but I definitely have more of a preference for the heavily-cloaked shamans/druids of the GBA games.

- Knights, both games. The weird hood thing is dumb. Thank goodness they look a bit better in Fates, but the generic enemy knights still have it and it's dumb.

- Great Knights in Awakening. That helmet... hahahaha...

- Dat Ass. Any class that has the ladies' butts hangin' out; I would exempt the Fighter since that one has dudes' butts hangin' out too, but frankly that one looks horrible haha. There's no reason for battle panties, especially when most of these classes are MOUNTED ONES.

Edited by BANRYU
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Hmm, my favourites would have to be:

- The Female Heros. There's something about it which I just love, it's not revealing, but they have a small skirt thingy instead and it's super cute (Kinda reminds me of Erza Scarlet for some reason). Plus the animations are sassy, lol

- The Maids. Again, a female design which isn't too revealing, but it still looks so awesome.

- I've always loved the look of Spear Fighters.

- Blacksmiths, of all things. Hate the generic enemy ones though.

Least favourites would be:

- Falcon Knights, really overdone and ugly, imo.

- All of the stripper classes (except Berserker cuz I feel that they look really cool)

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Least favorite are the ninjas. They got rid of those fucking Narutard forehead protectors from the swordmasters last game and gave it to them. Those things weren't ever real headgear, nor are they practical. I can't take them seriously when they look like weeaboos.

I suppose I should be thankful they don't run with their hands behind them in their animations.

Edited by Qilin
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Favorite designs:

-Priestess. It looks so nice, honestly. I love how they look in this game.

-Female Kitsune. So a female Kitune's base model is Selkie's default clothing, and I really like her default clothing, so this gets on the list.

-Ninja/Master Ninja. I like Ninjas in general, and I really like how they look in this game. :p

Favorite Revamps:

-Outlaw/Adventurer. I love the idea of them using Bows this time around instead of Swords. It made me want to use them more, actually.

Least Favorite with a passion:

Diviner/Onmyoji: Just. No. Sage was so much better. (Even if it didn't fit the Hoshido theme)

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Favorite new class designs:



Malig Knight

Songstress (I had to, Azura is gorgeous!)

Hoshido Noble (despite the female ass window you can barely see)

Male Nohr Noble (we'll get to female)

Maid/Butler (as gimmicky as they are they do look nice)


Wolfskin (both furrries' huge improvement from Awakening's Taguel especially for females)

Spear Fighter/Master


Kinshi Knight

Favorite revamps:


Male Paladin (such nice armor, shame the female version couldn't keep the pants)

Swordmaster (I've always loved Swordmasters and they don't look too much different this time around so)

Dark Falcon

Wyvern Lord

Male Dark Knight (same as Paladin)

Least favorite new class designs:

Basara (way too over the top)

Female Nohr Noble (it's a one-piece with armor...so ugly...)

Least favorite revamps:

Wyvern Rider (would be great except generic design has very unflattering unnecessary triangle of skin showing; promotion makes things better)

Dark Mage

Fighter (just, where are their clothes????)

Female Cavalier/Paladin (how do you ride a horse with a bare ass???)

Female Knight/General (more ass window)

Female Bow Knight (boob window)

Female Troubadour (it's Maribelle's (awesome) outfit with more skin it looks so unflattering how dare they)

Female Great Knight (male isn't too much better but female has thigh windows so it takes the cake)

I see a pattern here...IntSys really needs to treat the females better. And show less skin.

Edited by twistedxgrace
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