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For Gen 6 I kinda want a well rounded Generic Move for all typing

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I suppose a details with example speaks better than my essay


Rock Types had a completely innacurate Physical Movepool. The only Rock type move that have 100% Accuracy on Physical side is Smackdown at 50 BP.

The rest of the choice is Rock Slide at 75/95 which is fine but is kinda inaccurate and 75 is strictly below average, and Stone Edge which is notorious for missing

Special side of the moves doesn't look as bad with Power Gem at 80/100.... until you saw the distribution - Omastar for example lacked this move

Inspired by the uncountable amount of tournament loss and -25 ELO caused by the infamous "Stone Edge Miss" i got this ideal of giving every typing their own "Surf"

For example take Rock typing, give them 85 BP 100 ACC move with no special effect and call it a day for Special and Physical. This will give Omastar a Rock type STAB that isn't Ancient Power, and give Tyranitar a reliable Rock STAB

A type that could use simmilar treatment is Ice - not every Ice pokemon could learn Icicle Crash or Ice Punch. This change aims to give them generic Ice Physical move to go with

Dark is a lesser example, 65 BP Knock Off and 80 BP Crunch isn't wide spread, your next option is Night Slash at a modest 70 BP

Flying probably had the most specific example of them all - Dragonite is a perfect example of Flying type who have no real flying type move to make use off


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Honestly yes and not just because of me constantly missing with Stone Edge either. Gyarados could use some flying STAB besides Bounce. But wouldn't it be kind of boring with a ton of Pokemon carrying their own type of Surf, pretty much the same move?

Also I think you meant Gen 7.

Edited by VeryAngryBisharp
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I think I agree and would like to see this, but imo only 'base' types have those standard strong moves like Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Surf, Earthquake and Psychic; nowadays we have Bug Buzz, Dark Pulse/Crunch, Flash Cannon/Iron Head, Moonblast/Play Rough.

I think types like Rock, Poison and Flying do need certain care regarding new moves.

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